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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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I also ordered 3 bottles of New. Anyone else go New crazy?

I tried to find the review thread but no luck.


I just got one from the trade board right before Mara announced the re-brew! I'm still not sure if I'm loving it enough to keep it though - something in it goes a little weird on me.

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Well, I decided to go ahead and do the first part my my monster order because I was afraid that a couple of things would sell out and I waited a little too long in one case .... no more Summer Belle! (dashes away a tear) Ah, well. Lots of of other goodies to keep me going and samplers will be here TOMORROW!

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So, after alot of internal debate and balancing of the budget, I finally put in my order for May tonight. This will probably be my last order of "new scents" for a while, as I really want to catch up on my wish-list and MAYBE finally do a PE. I ordered Egg 2014 by itself a while ago, but thankfully it hasn't shipped yet, so they can combine it with my current order. So to add to it I got the two PE's I reserved, Pinky Sweet and Fluffy Bunny, plus a last-minute "I NEED THIS" bottle of Love Eternal. I also got a sample of Totem: Chick, and a couple more samples of the NR's as my forum freebies. Now the real waiting begins - stalking my email for the shipping notice!

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My next order will include :stars155:


Totem: Bunny - a fluffeh bunny is a staple! As well, I NEED this remembrancer potion. Per the description, "...reminding us not to dawdle when it comes to realizing our true potential..."


Totem: Kangaroo - omw(ord), those eyes on the kangaroo. Those. Eyes.!!! I gotta have this.


Totem: Lamb - I know nothing of PEs and could not begin to formulate one on my best day. Blessings abound as I don't need to because the lil' lamb is allllll me :-) love, love, love the ingredients. Cannot wait to see how they play out to the senses. Sniff-sniff!!


Totem: Panda - Open Windows is a winner of a phero in my book! Between that and the yin-yang balance the cuddly panda represents...well, not much left to say.



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OK. My sniffer is broken (flu) and everything only just arrived, so all must sit for at least a day or 2 to be certain, but likely FBs could be;


Monkey (that one seems really fruity not on me...it's when it's on me that will be the trick in a day or 2...)


EGG 2014

Chick (such a surprise! Sweeter than I expected - can't wait to test properly!)

Goat (Holy Moly! I hope it's as agreeable when I test it properly...this one could be hoard worthy...)


Of course, flu or not, I had to try them all :lol: because I'm incapable of waiting - like - EVER! There were quite a few that seem really nice and, of course, - all are unique. All of them are wonderful - travel shock or no - broken sniffer or no - even if they don't all have my name specifically on them ^_^ And my reserved goodies from the PEs. I'm so excited I dare SQUEEEEEEEAL! :w00t: Can't wait to start reading reviews - and writing them - pleeeeease let me be well speedily!

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I just placed my birthday order! Here goes:




Perfect Match


Trial Vials


Eye of the Moggie

Kitten Heels

Kangaroo w/ MLH

Lamb w/ PP
Panda w/ OW

Bat w/ LFN

Beaver w/ SWS


I am really looking forward to them all but I'm perhaps most excited about Topper, MRF, and Kitten Heels.

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And sorry about the flu, that sucks!


Thanks :) It's the worst - they're IN MY HANDS and I can't smell them...they make me sneeze when I try....because, of course, I keep trying! :lol:


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Thanks :) It's the worst - they're IN MY HANDS and I can't smell them...they make me sneeze when I try....because, of course, I keep trying! :lol:


Awww, NuTrix, that is the WORST! Take good care of yourself and feel better!

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Thanks, I'm trying! I'm waiting on more reviews but I'm optimistic...at least I can smell something :)

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I just had to order another bottle of Flying Potion for my sweet neighbor. Every time I wear it around her, she can't stop saying how much she loves it. Since she is like another Mother to me, I thought this would be a great Mother's Day present for her.

That's super sweet..

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OK. I still have lots of testing to do for all these totems but I did go ahead and place an order.

FBs of:

Totem Bunny and Goat, EGG 2014 and Lindee's Pinky Sweet & Lina's Fluffy Bunny


Totem Bunny was a surprise like - probably love - and if I regret only getting 1 bottle I will remedy that with a future order if the bunny hasn't hopped away.


I'm curious, because of reviews, to try the Totem Bear out on hubby. Would anyone like to offer their thoughts on any other Totems that may do well on a man? He's more open to trying things now and I don't mind asking him to be "Totem Guinea Pig" :lol:

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Sweet! Thank you! Ok, so far I've got, Bear, Wolf, Lion and Beaver...setting them aside for him now...hehehe....

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I ordered trial samples of Wolf, Panda, Lamb and Beaver as well as OCCO White, Pink and Blue, some Cougar Potion perfume spray and some Un Cougar P and today I got 2 of the last bottles of X Appeal, also got some from the Trading Post and ordered FB's of PEs Pinky Sweet and Flora Royal. I have also probably thoroughly driven everyone nutz in the process (thanks Halo/Mara/BV).


Looking forward to trying out Open Windows in the Panda, SWS in Beaver and PP in Lamb and experimenting with layering the OCCOS under Cougar and others.

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Panda Panda Panda, FBs.

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Panda Panda Panda, FBs.


Lol does that mean three bottles, or are you just being really emphatic? Somebody really likes the panda! I'm waiting to see reviews and figure out which ones will be flying off the shelves - it seems like there are usually one or two that get gone fast.

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Lol does that mean three bottles, or are you just being really emphatic? Somebody really likes the panda! I'm waiting to see reviews and figure out which ones will be flying off the shelves - it seems like there are usually one or two that get gone fast.


Somebody LOVES some Panda! It's three FBs! :Emoticons04235:

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(So it's good, yes?) :perfume::in-love: :chimp84:


Ohhhh, yesss!!! :love:

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You don't need a bottle of Vermilion. But then again... on the other hand...


I placed my order April 28 and the suspense is killing me. I live in Canada so I don't get a shipping notice - I just have to sit around and wonder when it's going to come. This is my first order and I can't wait. Commercial perfumes pretty much always make me sneeze so I was conservative and only ordered sample sizes (except for a phero). But still, I can't wait!


I ordered:




Upstairs Downstairs



and SWS


And then after almost a couple of weeks I discovered Artfire. LOL. I couldn't take it anymore, so I ordered:


Shut up and get a Job (because, seriously, I'm a single Mum, I NEED a permanent job and all I ever get are contracts)

and River Song


Those of course were FBs but they sounded SOOOOO pretty and there was nothing in there I am obviously allergic to.


I already know what I need to get in my next order but I'm forcing myself to stop hyperventilating and calm down until my current orders arrive and I have time to sample everything.




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Ooh, nice order! I like River Song and Upstairs Downstairs. I have a couple of the others in samples but I need to try them again.

What are you planning on getting next time? :)

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Well, I'm thinking of getting La Femme Mystere. And then of course, I'd need something to cover it with - or to boost with it. Not sure if any of the samples above would work for it, so I might try 221B.


And then there is BB2. You know, I could use a good night's sleep. I live in a townhouse and when I'm trying to go to bed the occasional noise from the place next door makes me jump because I think it's coming from my place and someone has broken in. I hate it. You see, before I left my ex I lived in a detached house for five or six years so I'm still adjusting. And then there's just the stress. Wondering when I'm going to get a job. Wondering how my divorce mediation will go. How much of my settlement will I have to part with in order to get primary custody of DD3 - who after 8 months of shared custody STILL asks me how come she can't stay with me all the time or whether I will come with her to Daddy's house. Wondering whether my toddler will wake me up an 2 AM again. Sigh.

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Seriously considering two bottles of Totem: Wolf. The only thing holding me back are the sheer number of bottles I already have. There has got to be a good reason that is no reason not to get them, lol.

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Seriously considering two bottles of Totem: Wolf. The only thing holding me back are the sheer number of bottles I already have. There has got to be a good reason that is no reason not to get them, lol.


Ahahaha! I can relate. I just ordered 3 bottles of a rebrew of Mark's Tonka Tobacum (one virgin bottle, one boosted with Wanted Man and one boosted with Charisma.) Decided to play with more of the pheros again. :Emoticons10311:

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I just ordered 3 bottles of a rebrew of Mark's Tonka Tobacum (one virgin bottle, one boosted with Wanted Man and one boosted with Charisma.) Decided to play with more of the pheros again. :Emoticons10311:


Niiiiice! Pheromones are fun indeed!

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Argh, I just can't decide yet. I'm getting new, hot n humid, and probably all of May and bunny. But that could change, I need twenty minutes solid concentration time to figure it out! Not as simple as it may sound ATM!

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Panic order!!! Kitten Nip, New & La Syl.

oops, almost forgot.. " Shut Up and Get A Job". But I think I need it as a spray..

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Panic order!!! Kitten Nip, New & La Syl.

oops, almost forgot.. " Shut Up and Get A Job". But I think I need it as a spray..


Hey girl -- where you gonna find that Kitten Nip?!? I looked last night (and just now) - all GONE :surprised: beside myself for missing out. One bottle of La Syl left as of this minute...

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