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Honeyed Love Potion w/Gotcha!


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I got mine today and me likey, since my "phero" experiences lately are a bit off, I prob shouldn't wear this to work...huh ?

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Hey liz! I wore this one to work today. I didn't have any over the top hits but I applied at 10:30am and it's now10pm and it's all sweet vanilla honey and I can't stop huffing my arm, lol. It seems safe for work. Makes people chatty and girls become your bff, it's so cute. I love it! I think you could give it a whirl :)

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Hey liz! I wore this one to work today. I didn't have any over the top hits but I applied at 10:30am and it's now10pm and it's all sweet vanilla honey and I can't stop huffing my arm, lol. It seems safe for work. Makes people chatty and girls become your bff, it's so cute. I love it! I think you could give it a whirl :)

I DID !! THX NuTrix ^_^

I wore some on my wrists, I was "babbling like a brook"...HAH !!

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Well, 6 hours later and I"m getting a bunch of Apricot, maybe a smattering of honey and something sharp under all that (amber?) only the amber isn't amping like it normally does which is nice. I wish I'd get more patchouli. Family says I smell like a candle which is the response I get with 98% of the LP's I wear :-/ But I am liking this so far. Not bowled over, but I will wear more liberally tomorrow. The apricot is a warm juicy compote on my skin and the fragrance does meld nicely instead of blaring loudly on top of my skin. The jury is still out though.

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Wearing this today.. I really like it! Smells just like the description - LP Original with extra apricot and honey. The honey is perfect, not slutty, just sweet. The apricot makes it more fruity and I think it will definitely be a Spring favorite!

I'm kind of isolated at work, but I will try and walk around to see if I get any Gotcha! hits..

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Oh Yeah! Don't fear the honey you guys!!!! It is a sweet spring honey for sure! If you gambled on a FB I don't think you will be disappointed.


Oh I smell lots of LP original...beautiful upbeat (not smutty) honey and juicy apricot. Like Calii said...hard not to over slather this one but I know it will get stronger as it ages (not that I can wait for that...want to slather NOW). Glad there is plenty left for everyone...I think everyone will be clamoring for this!!!!

And of course Gotcha is my new favorite phero so...love.

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Aww loving this- especially since I love Gotcha... The honey is neither dirty/smutty or pale. It's right in the middle. It really sweetens up the LP Original without taking over. You definitly still smell that LP base with just a touch of sweet syrupy honey. This is a winner. Glad I went FB.

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I love this honey note in it in the vial! As the others said, this is exactly as described, LP Original with extra apricot and honey. The apricot is so lush and juicy in this. I'm going to have see how this wears. While my skin hates dirty honey, I might be having my second honey issue: going waxy. It's hovering just on that line.

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LP O never worked for me - I found that the verbena was too harsh. LP Black I like, but I have to use it sparingly because patchouli and I don't get along well. LP Red and I have the same problem I have with LP O; a little too perfumey, a little too much verbena for my liking. Honeyed Love Potion is actually quite different to those (to my nose). I don't normally like fruity scents, but I've recently been craving apricot and peach scents - Honeyed Love Potion very much satisfied this! It starts out as a very ripe, very juicy, very cool apricot. Not an apricot that's picked from the tree and still warm from the sun, but an apricot that is cool and fresh. The honey note does soften the verbena, but I am still not sold on the dry down.


Still, if you like the base notes from the Love Potions, you're probably going to enjoy this!

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I like this one and the Honey is as others have described right there in the middle, not to intense and it does not make me stinky... I love that I can wear this but my dumb chemistry is morphing this and eating it up and it fades so quickly.... I will test this again in a few days to see if I get a different response.... I do love how light it is

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I just ordered a bottle of this. LP original spiked with honey and more apricot just sounds like a dream come true for me. Super excited!


Xev, was wondering where you were. I thought of you when i sampled this one.


PS I've peppered your "youth hacks" with a few questions...

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Whoa. How do I describe this on me?


honey, honey, honey, honey, honey


Seriously. I'm afraid that's all I'm getting. If I put my nose right up to my skin, I sort of get the apricot, but it's faint compared to how overwhelming the honey is on me.


I was hoping I'd like another perfume with Gotcha! in it... but this is a bit too much honey for me. Maybe it's weird close to TOM skin chemistry, so I'll try it again in a week or two.

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After resting a couple days from when I first got this in the mail... it's not *all* honey anymore. (why is it like that, where perfumes smell really different a few days after "resting" from being in the mail??) It's still a bit too sweetly honeyed for me though. I think I have a preference for the original LP formula w/o the extra honey.

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(why is it like that, where perfumes smell really different a few days after "resting" from being in the mail??)

It's what they call "travel shock."

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This reminds me of LP Og- but with more apricot and a bit more honey. Thank GOD it's not honey overload on me. It's actually pretty sexy. Now that I got the scent out of the way., let's talk about Gotcha. I know why it's called Gotcha. It's called Gotcha because that's what I felt like BF was saying to me every five seconds he had to come over and touch, kiss, touch, kiss, touch, kiss, hug, admire, touch, kiss. me. This was after we boned too. I was like DUUUUDE leave me alone, I gave up the nana, what's up? Let me do nothing in peace, can't you see I'm BUSY? Then it hit me. GOTCHA! He was like a puppy! Just like a cute muscly sexy annoying puppy. I had to giggle. I'm really digging this one.

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Well a package is subject to movement and temperature changes in transit, so I can see how it would be different after travelling to being in a static environment.


Back to the smellies...for me, this is pretty much classic Love Potion with a deep honey undertone and as such is gorgeous! But the apricot is really strong in the original on me so maybe that's why I find them so similar.

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Oh yes, to comment on the scent AND Gotcha! I wore this on Saturday afternoon as a bunch of friends were getting together to watch the superbowl. I'm not really a sports fan, but I like hanging out with my friends and didn't want to be a recluse so I joined in. (And this is where I say my friends to hang out with are a bunch of boys, from about 24yrs old and up to about my age, usually about 4-5 of them - all ubernerds who sit around to play video games and board games)


As usual, lol, I'm also of the ubernerd variety, not a romantic prospect (as most of them are interested only in 2D girls - NONE of them were swayed by Beyonce, they were all in the realm of "meh" reactions and/or making commentary on costumes, etc), plus I am not interested in any of them as more than friends (because I know them all too well). So the Honeyed LP plus Gotcha! Didn't have any romantic/attraction vibe for me, more like we were all friendly and joking around and my quips seemed witty.

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This is like cougar potion for me. I wore this to Medieval times and got this look :love-you:

It was unreal. This never happens to me. Young men, even when I was younger never ever ever look at me this way. I mean my BF is my age well actually a few months younger, and ex was a few months older, so to get DIHL from a boy ten years older than me with his young wife next to him was pretty funny. I also wore this to the mall and when I was leaving, a twenty something stopped and looked at me, and kept walking, as I was leaving I saw him going back to get something from his car, shirt untucked, hair a bit messed up, and with a cigarette!!! LOL.

I also noticed at Medieval Times that our knight would look at me and throw roses at everyone around me. He never gave one to me but would stare intently like he was playing hard to get or something. Even BF noticed and was like, you're the most gorgeous girl here and that lady over there has gotten three and you haven't. What's his problem? I told BF. " I don't need his flowers, I hope he DIES" He did actually die. He was slayed by the red and yellow knight, and I was a bit happy inside, even though my nephew was really rooting for him. Totally getting a FB of this.

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Can anyone PLEASE explain what a man means when he tells you something "smells Christmasy"???


Hubby says I smell Christmasy. I ask if that's a good or bad thing???...answers "not a bad thing" so does that mean not a good thing??? So I ask, is it too strong a Christmasy smell???..."no." he answers....just no.


Ok, I can't explain what your husband means, or really define the "christmassy notes" BUT....I COMPLETELY get what he means! I don't know what it is, but there is something warm and christmassy about this scent. It doesn't have any particular christmas spice notes that stand out, that I can put my finger on (like Garland & Lace etc), but there is something spicy, warm and comforting in the background of this perfume that just makes me think about christmas. It's a happy, warm & snuggly christmas feel with a bit of a naughty twist.


Now....to the actual scent review & what I think about this scent (other than the undefinable christmas note). I was gobsmacked when I finally decided to try this one. I initially just put it aside because I can't do honey scents. EEEEVVVVER! Honey always go horribly rank play dooh on me.For some odd reason this one doesn't, and I have no idea why, because it's not like the honey in this is just a subtle note in the background of the key notes...this is a pure honey scent with a few top notes added to it.


Funnily enough, I get no play dooh with this one at all. Not even a hint. I get a lush honey scent with a wee touch of fruit on top initially, sitting on a warm musky base. The warmness to the base is a bit like "caramelly-amber", but it's not a foody or sweet caramel. The warm amber/caramel combined with the musk to me is what gives this the naughty & sexy undertones to the scent. The honey note/s is a "true to life" honey note on me. It to me smells like honey in a jar that has been left a bit too long in the kitchen cubboard and crystalized a bit. It's lush honey with a sugary crunch on top. The fruity notes (I'm guessing this is the apricot?) are "non-specific" juicy fruity notes that I only really notice initially in the wet phase, but on dry down they mellow to the background and almost disappear completely.


I am actually tempted to try get ahold of a full bottle of this one. Will have to see what Mr Scrumptious thinks about it ;)

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I was nervous about this one as honey's sometimes don't smell that great on me, but this one is more mellow than I expected. To make things even better about this, it has Gotcha! which is my new favorite phero. So stoked about this one, definitely need a full bottle!!

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Thanks Rosebud :) He did say it reminded him of a Christmas shop that his parents used to take him to when he was a boy... memories of Christmasy things and smells and candies...at least they are good memories :D

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I tried this on knowing that I wasn't going to be able to wear it. Patch amps on me to a sickening degree. But I still wanted to smell it on skin. So pretty. Juicy apricot and smooth honey over the LP base. Wish patch didn't hate me because this is gorgeous.

I have a sample coming. I wanted to go full bottle, but some honeys go to a funky, kind of musky scent reminiscent of celery on my skin. I hope this one works because I really enjoy collecting the Love Potion variants.

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Someone once said--I think it was Tyvey re: LP Red, maybe--that it took a couple of wearings for her skin to "get" the fragrance before it started to smell good. I think that is the case with this. My first wearing, it did the waxy thing honeys sometimes do on me. My second wearing last night, there was less waxiness and more fruitiness. I'm hoping i'm over the hump because this smells really good in the vial and i want it to smell really good on me.

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This one does the waxy thing on me, too. It starts off full honey & fruit, and then an hour and a half later it goes a bit waxy, (that's a good descriptor, actually). Though this is the week of The Dot, so I'll have to try it again later in the month.


I wonder, is this the same type of honey that was in Torrid Sorcery? 'Cause the waxy smell is the same as I got with that one. But with TS, it was like that from the start.


I really like the way this one starts off though, so I may play with it a little more, maybe layer it with LP O or Phero Girl...

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