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Tickle Tickle

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Like the others said, the lavender is quite medicinal first on. My eyes watered a bit!! But underneath it, you could smell the rich creaminess of the butter and vanilla, almost like a custard. About half an hour in, the lavender died down. I know this is probably the point others talked about where they started loving it. However, not for me. There are some lavenders that just don't work on me. Like Purple Puff. couldn't do it. This reminds me of that one in that aspect.


OMG BB ME TOO! This made my eyes water! It reminded me of Vics vapor rub because it has the same effect on me.

After a while the berries did emerge and they were sweet where as before the lav was all I could smell. It still was a bit to strong for me, so I washed it off. I think this one really has to age before the other notes emerge. I am going to give it some time.

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Damn,I get no medicinal or sharpness...am I the only one that gets a Fuzzy Wuzzy-ish vibe out of this ??? Ok I do have Aja on nearby,maybe that is changing it,it smells quite yummy,and if I did not have a few bottles of FW ,would get one :say09752: ...Calii likes Gotcha...likes Gotcha & Aja even more :say88:

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There were no berries in FW,but I thought I got the same Lavender Vanilla...ok just checked and still has that soft sweetness,to me


...and eeeyikes has FW aged well !!!!!! :w00t:

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Straight out of the bottle I do too. I haven't tried it on my skin though, but I'm hoping since I can smell the berries already it'll be soft and yummy.


Same here!! This reminds me of Fuzzy Wuzzy, and it's not medicinal, but it's SOMEthing. My un-Gotcha spray sample from last year doesn't smell like this so it must be something wtih the scented Gotcha blends?

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It get a slightly harsh what I could describe as "medicinal" scent on my skin too. I believe it's the berries, one or both I don't know. This is what some berries do to me.

I can smell some vanilla deliciousness underneath though so I am patiently waiting.


ETA If you think that's bad you should smell what my chem does to some milk and butter accords.. imagine an old used nursing bra forgotten in the back of your closet for a couple of months.


Here , I am just waiting for this to settle and age up a bit. If it is the berries, my experience has shown me that they will mellow and hopefully behave with a little time.

Edited by StacyK
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So glad I decided to get the sampler so I could try this! It does have a medicinal aspect when wet and in vial. But once I put it on it's a whole different story. It's The Good Witch, or possibly Body Paint, meets Fuzzy Wuzzy on me. I love The Good Witch and Body Paint. Fuzzy Wuzzy was ok, but not really spectacular on me. I traded what I had. But this brings the best of all of them to the party! Ripe berries dipped in creamy vanilla with a smidgen of amber to deepen the scent. Swoon.... :love-you:

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OK. I hate to even say it, but first app is a distinct vick's vapor rub type smell. Is that the medicinal that some of you are describing?


What was worse was, yesterday, it stayed for quite some time before chilling out. Today, however, it is behaving quite differently. The vick's smell backed off within 10 minutes of dry down and the berries were noticeably sweet and I DO believe THIS is the intended outcome of the perfume!


This is NOT like Fuzzy Wuzzy with the brown sugar, sugar and caramel that made it, to my nose, a thick and gooey confection. The berries in Tickle Tickle are sweet and give this a lightness that is definitely different than FW. Maybe some perfumes take longer to get over travel shock than others? This one is actually quite nice and if it survives until January - I may have to get a bottle....

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NuTrix, I think Vicks is a great definition of the smell. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but that is a good one. Interesting thing I just wanted to add though is that you might try shaking the jeebies out of the bottle. I generally try to shake everything a little bit, especially if I haven't worn it in a while. I tried giving this a good shaking - like the type of shaking I would love to give my ex-husband, and believe it or not, the medicinal smell went down tremendously. I can now smell a bakery type goodness and the berries that others mentioned but which I just couldn't get. See if that might help a little. I was about ready to say I need to add this one to my trade list but I think I'm going to wait a bit now.

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^^^Agreed! I think it's more difficult to shake a vial - not as much room in there to move around - but the extra day to settle out seemed to make a world of difference! I don't believe I gave it a fair "shake" lol - in every sense of the word, when I first tried it. Vick's rub is a horrid scent memory for me - petroleum - bleck! I totally got the berries and cake that others were raving about and the petroleum smell left so quickly this last time it was just a relief!lol! It didn't come back either. So if all I have to do is get past the first 10 minutes, then the rest of the delicious dry down is totally worth it! I've been wanting something with Gotcha! in it so if this survives to January I will order a bottle :)

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I've come to enjoy the camphor, strange as that sounds.

Halo your avi is sooo awesome! I love that Thanksgiving kitty :)


You guys are giving me hope in Tickle! I'm letting it settle so I hope when I retry - that it's a bottle I love!

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This ended up smelling quite medicinal on me too. :( Not just camphorous, though, but like a cough drop.

The same thing happened with ATO Amethyst and Purple Puff; lavender is very tricky with my skin chemistry, it doesn't take much to make it go sour.

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I am getting the medicinal quality of Tickle Tickle as well. While wet, it wore a bit sharply on me, and now after drydown, the overall scent feels deeper and I'm getting a powdery quality that's underlying everything. Purple Puff and Angela's Purple Pastry do the same thing to me. In fact, Tickle Tickle reminds me a lot of both, but moreso of the latter. It's like a deeper richer Purple Pastry to me.


For me, Fuzzy Wuzzy beats everything though. I think I'm a light lavender person.

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I was very intrigued with this one; in the vial and first on wet I totally got the Vicks Vapo-Rub effect others have alluded to. Oddly, that set off this huge nostalgic wave of memories of being a little girl and being sick and associating that smell with being lovingly cared for... so it's not necessarily dealbreaker! As it dries down, I get more of the berries and sweetness coming out. And now I am getting a Smuckers berry jam vibe, which is ALSO casting me into a huge seventies childhood flashback. I am not at all sure I can picture anyone else taking great pleasure in my smelling like these things, but I am finding the scent more and more compelling despite myself--if supplies last, I might be tempted to get a bottle for night-time use.


I am not sure about Gotcha. I don't feel I'm getting much in the way of self-effects; it seems to be one that I don't respond to overtly. Might need to try it in a scent I'm inclined to leave the house in! :-)

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Blackcat - I have never had selfies from Gotcha! BUT it has ALWAYS been incredibly obvious when it hits someone else :lol: Maybe you're the same way? This is a fantastically fun phero to wear around others - I admit - I find a great deal of entertainment in that alone...I want to love this scent - and I have time to keep testing the sample. I only wish that the memories first evoked were as pleasant as those you have <_< Maybe I can try to rethink it that way? Surely vick's was never intended to ACTUALLY be a torture? :huh::D

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I have great memories of Vicks too, Maria applying it on my body like it was SPF 100. She wold heat a rag, those hospital white ones that I think people use to soak up blood- she would heat that and then put Vicks on that. Bitch loved to cook that menth on that rag over the fire then she would come and put it on our chests. I wonder what she really does for a living. She used to cook that shiz with a spoon too. Anyhow I loved her for it because it worked like a charm then she would tuck us in and give us kisses and make the sign on the cross on our foreheads with greased up fingers and she would pray to the four corners of the winds until daybreak. So I actually do not mind it that much, I use it now as an adult and it always makes me smile because I drench my son and BF in it when they are sick, except I don't pray I say.. hurry up and get better so you both can go back to adoring me and feeding me cupcakes.. :bday1032:


I'm going to hold on to this one and see what it does. Maybe I'll shake it or cook it on a spoon and see what happens.

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Blackcat - I have never had selfies from Gotcha! BUT it has ALWAYS been incredibly obvious when it hits someone else :lol: Maybe you're the same way? This is a fantastically fun phero to wear around others - I admit - I find a great deal of entertainment in that alone...I want to love this scent - and I have time to keep testing the sample. I only wish that the memories first evoked were as pleasant as those you have <_< Maybe I can try to rethink it that way? Surely vick's was never intended to ACTUALLY be a torture? :huh::D


NuTrix, I was totally shocked by how happy that scent memory made me... initially when I opened the vial I thought Oh, no, WTF is this? And then suddenly I was six years old and surrounded by stuffed animals and once the jam came out I also thought I smelled a piece of Roman Meal bread being toasted....


I have a sample of Gotcha on its own coming and I really want to test it out now that you've told me your experience! I just need the semester to end; I feel like the only pheros I can ethically wear around students are Balm Bomb and Swimming with the Sharks.... :Emoticons04263:

Maybe on a day when I'm not treating my customers to Garland and Lace at my retail job though, I can throw on some Gotcha and see what happens (rubs hands together and cackles).

I have great memories of Vicks too, Maria applying it on my body like it was SPF 100. She wold heat a rag, those hospital white ones that I think people use to soak up blood- she would heat that and then put Vicks on that. Bitch loved to cook that menth on that rag over the fire then she would come and put it on our chests. I wonder what she really does for a living. She used to cook that shiz with a spoon too. Anyhow I loved her for it because it worked like a charm then she would tuck us in and give us kisses and make the sign on the cross on our foreheads with greased up fingers and she would pray to the four corners of the winds until daybreak. So I actually do not mind it that much, I use it now as an adult and it always makes me smile because I drench my son and BF in it when they are sick, except I don't pray I say.. hurry up and get better so you both can go back to adoring me and feeding me cupcakes.. :bday1032:


I'm going to hold on to this one and see what it does. Maybe I'll shake it or cook it on a spoon and see what happens.

You should TOTALLY do that! And come back and tell us everything because I love your writing, you crack me up!

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I have great memories of Vicks too, Maria applying it on my body like it was SPF 100. She wold heat a rag, those hospital white ones that I think people use to soak up blood- she would heat that and then put Vicks on that.


Ohmygosh! I'm absolutely CERTAIN that heating it would have changed the entire experience....imagine...shivering, hot, cold, miserable...someone peels away the blanket you're shivering under, lifts your top and smears stinky COLD jelly all over your chest and then puts your top back down onto the gooey mess...ack - and - GROSS :wacko: The way YOU describe it actually sounds therapeutic all heated and warm and even soothing...


Blackcat, I think you'll like this socially and would def say wear to work for retail :^^:

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I have great memories of Vicks too, Maria applying it on my body like it was SPF 100. She wold heat a rag, those hospital white ones that I think people use to soak up blood- she would heat that and then put Vicks on that. Bitch loved to cook that menth on that rag over the fire then she would come and put it on our chests. I wonder what she really does for a living. She used to cook that shiz with a spoon too. Anyhow I loved her for it because it worked like a charm then she would tuck us in and give us kisses and make the sign on the cross on our foreheads with greased up fingers and she would pray to the four corners of the winds until daybreak. So I actually do not mind it that much, I use it now as an adult and it always makes me smile because I drench my son and BF in it when they are sick, except I don't pray I say.. hurry up and get better so you both can go back to adoring me and feeding me cupcakes.. :bday1032:


I'm going to hold on to this one and see what it does. Maybe I'll shake it or cook it on a spoon and see what happens.



I used to complain and say I was congested so my mom would bring my fix. I loved it warmed up!!

Edited by StacyK
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Yum, this is delicious!


Nothing sharp or medicinal about it on my skin, fortunately; I tend to turn lavender into something really sweet generally (which is sometimes a pity, because I do like the fresh aspect of lavender too).


The first few moments it is almost too sweet and briefly it threatens to make me slightly nauseous. But then it calms down and it's just lovely and sweet and warm.


I was very careful with the amount because the first time I tried UnGotcha! it made me extremely dizzy, but I've tried this one in a (to me) 'normal' perfume amount twice now (which is probably modest compared to most people; I prefer not to smell my own perfume consciously all the time, I'd rather catch a whiff now and again) and I was fine, fortunely.


And for the first time I noticed the effect of Gotcha! on others!

It was great; several people were very enthousiastic about seeing me again, it was like I was so much more close to them than I'd normally expect to be.

Sort of an instant-best-friend effect.

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*applauds* yeah platypus-- another discoverer of less is more! :D some including me find that to be the case with gotcha, lfm and pp...


*highfive* Yay, fellow lightweight! :D


It's funny, because with alcohol I can drink most anyone under the table... ;)


I tried La Sylphide with LFM in a tiny amount a few days ago, and that seemed to go well; haven't posted my thoughts on that one yet because I want to try again (I like it, but I can't quite put into words exactly how the scent works on me).


And hey, it makes us cheap dates, phero-wise! ;)


Edit: Ah, I am a Disgruntled House Elf now!

It's fun to see the different 'grades' show up - never thought I'd feel kin to Dobby!

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Lol isn't it interesting that lesser amounts for ourselves (us lightweights) also means better fx on others? You wouldn't think that would necessarily be the case. Seems to suggest the importance of congruence - how OUR reaction to the phero impacts others' reactions to it in turn.

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I'm starting to think of it as a symphonie orchestra (or a band, perhaps - but one with a lot of different instruments) where the scent, the pheros, our own personalities and moods (and probably our natural hormones and pheros as well) can create wonderful music if it all comes together.



But if one instrument is WAY louder than the rest, or out of tune, it just doesn't add up to something that is pleasant to listen to - or that is even recognizable as music. ;)


So, you know, it's like learning how to play half a dozen instruments (and singing too)!

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*rubs hands*

Whereas I am considering picking up a second bottle in January! ;)


(this isn't one of the ones that sold out already, is it?)


I bought 5 of this month's scents in FB unsniffed and I think only one of them doesn't really work on me (in that it's ok, but the sample would have been enough).


Tickle Tickle is definitely one of the ones that works for me - I am so relieved I did not let my earlier dizzy experience of Gotcha! scare me away!

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It isn't sold out yet. Last I looked ( yesterday) there were still 19 in the cart. I am waiting patiently for my sample to see if it goes medicinal on my skin or if I will get a nice lavender smell. I really want a Lavender scent.


That's good to know, thank you!

(for some reason I have been unable to make that put-loads-in-the-cart trick work)


I hope you love it!

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I have Firefox for a browser if that makes any difference. I pick the add to cart option, then at the cart you change the quantity to a large number and then hit check out.Just increasing the quantity won't tell you....... It will tell you how many remain after you hit check out then cancel the check out. Not sure if there are issues with other browsers.

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I'm still working with this one since I still get more medicine smell than I wish. So, in my experimentation, today I am trying this with a bit of noco spicy brown sugar and BBM. Together, it definitely brings the medicine to a way-in-the-back simmer. Spicy brown sugar: not the best layer here. BBM as usual though seems to be a good addition.


Something has to give... just not sure yet whether its me or Tickle Tickle.

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well if vanilla isn't giving the medicinal smell the beat down do you have something lavender or amber heavy that you could layer with it? Perhaps Upstairs Downstairs or Amber Amour?


how do you think this one would layer with pumpkin since some of the pumpkin ones I know off-hand have both vanilla and lavender, e.g. Carolyn's man nip?

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I'm heading that direction next. I have some Acts of Violets that I'm thinking of mixing. At the moment, an interesting combo seems to be Cauldron Cake with this (funny you mentioned pumpkin). On first mixing, I thought nah.. but then after it began to dry down, it's smelling pretty good AND the medicine is pretty non existent. I'm thinking Acts of Violets is a good next attempt!

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Now I'm wondering how coconut and lavender would work together.....hmmmm. Must try this.

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MissHazel, do you have LV's Sweet Little Pussycat? I loved your idea of coconut and I just smooshed some together. This is probably the best concoction yet!

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