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New Releases for SPRING 2014 ~ April/May

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Looks great! Can't wait!!

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Hey! LalaDinky! Where you been? :D

ETA I love these labels so much, I keep coming back to gawk at them! Damn! I just... I love them!

Hey Eggers! I had to back away for a little while after the sales last year to allow my funds to recuperate...that meant no temptation from raving forum reviews, too :P


And these labels are so friggin adorable! Again...BAT!


(but no snakes? hehe)

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Invi do you like Flying Foxes too? My kids just discovered them and we are in love.

Halo, I'm not sure how old your kids are (sorry) and if they'd find it too juvenile for them, but there is children's picture book (really beautiful illustrations) about a flying fox. It's called Stellaluna. I loved it as a child... and I still do!

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Halo, I'm not sure how old your kids are (sorry) and if they'd find it too juvenile for them, but there is children's picture book (really beautiful illustrations) about a flying fox. It's called Stellaluna. I loved it as a child... and I still do!



Oh I love Stellaluna, I have it in a collection anthology of children's stories, I used to read it to my son.


That is a nice story.

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Guest cutie.pie

Mara has shown me notes for some of these. They are amazing. More than just cute baby animal pictures. They all have ingredients chosen to match their totem qualities. Magickal!

Can't wait! :Emoticons04235:


Are any of these phero'd?



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Invi do you like Flying Foxes too? My kids just discovered them and we are in love.


You have no idea, I love those things to death. I love all bats. They're misunderstood but highly useful and clever, just like me. ;)

And IMHO no one is ever too old for Stellaluna. Freakin' adorable.

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Mara's awesomeness never ceases to amaze me. Truly. The woman is an American Treasure. Kind of like Yellowstone but even more Magical. :witch02738:

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There are several that are phero'd but I am not telling which ones yet.



You'll find out more when they are ready to be released! We need a few more days, folks, thanks for being patient.


Thanks for the update on the times!

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There are several that are phero'd but I am not telling which ones yet.



You'll find out more when they are ready to be released! We need a few more days, folks, thanks for being patient.


I can only imagine that Totem: Beaver must be one...

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Oh I love Stellaluna, I have it in a collection anthology of children's stories, I used to read it to my son.






That is a nice story.




You have no idea, I love those things to death. I love all bats. They're misunderstood but highly useful and clever, just like me. ;)

And IMHO no one is ever too old for Stellaluna. Freakin' adorable.


I also love Verdi, by the same author. It's about a baby python, speaking of misunderstood!




Mara, thank you for these. I've had rubbish news and looking forward to these NRs, seeing the sweet labels again, it all brings light into a dark day. You are one of the few with the magical ability to bottle happiness!

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Hmm, doesn't seem likely with this month's theme but I'd love to see a new scent with Topper...


ETA: Just looked at the labels again and Doe totally screams Est to me:)


I can totally see Topper in this month's theme ... and with who else, but none other than the King of the Jungle!




Beaver=focus potion?


I chuckled with this one. My first thought with Beaver wasn't Focus Potion, but more along the naughty lines of cops. :Emoticons0424:

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I love, love, love that you added goats! Funny story... my aunt & uncle raise dairy goats. My uncle has had goats since I was a teen, but he used to only have one or two of them then, & they were ORNERY! His goat named Diablo used to get in another uncle of mine's truck (that he had converted to a push button start) & start the dang truck! Anyway, when I was 18 he had another ornery goat named Easter that I used to keep at bay with a water gun because Easter would head butt the ever loving daylights out of you, if you weren't vigilant. My uncle decided to get some goats for milking & Easter's behavior completely changed. You see goats are smart & they're social creatures; if they don't have any of their own kind around to communicate with, they get bored & resort to messing with you to alleviate said boredom ;)

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I chuckled with this one. My first thought with Beaver wasn't Focus Potion, but more along the naughty lines of cops. :Emoticons0424:

LOL, it's the actual symbolism as opposed to the slang. ;)

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LOL, it's the actual symbolism as opposed to the slang. ;)



So, beaver = beaver tail = big paddle = DOMINANCE phero! OK, I see how this works now! :666:

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I chuckled with this one. My first thought with Beaver wasn't Focus Potion, but more along the naughty lines of cops.


I did not feel I could say that - at least not first - but now that you mentioned it haha! :D

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I did not feel I could say that - at least not first - but now that you mentioned it haha! :D


Admittedly, I did hesitate, but this is a fun-spirited group and I thought it would be taken with good humor.





So, beaver = beaver tail = big paddle = DOMINANCE phero! OK, I see how this works now! :666:

Cracking me up, Ducky!

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AAAAAA!!! It's THAT TIME again!!! These are GREAT. I must have Bat...being Batsy and all! I love bats too. Stellaluna is a wonderful book. YAY BATS. I love it when they skim my head by my front door light as they hunt moths. And they look so cool when they skim our windows doing the same thing. I saw a bat empty my biggest kitchen window of moths in something like two minutes or less. :2701:



P.S. I'd go for a Totem: Raven too. :)

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MARA GET SOME GOATS!!! I think you'd LOVE them!


John, she is a treasure indeed. We should erect a statue to Mara that features her with all her kitties... :blow-kiss::banana058: :banana058: :banana058: ...and a few goats.


*ducks and runs*

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I did not feel I could say that - at least not first - but now that you mentioned it haha! :D




Admittedly, I did hesitate, but this is a fun-spirited group and I thought it would be taken with good humor.



LOL - it is just because I am a guy on an almost all female board - LV is living proof you ladies can say just about anything here haha!! :lol:

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Totem: Bear



If the label is any indication... this Mama Bear NR needs "Mother's LIttle Helper" indeed. Her straight on look is strangely familiar to me... "How the hell did I get in this situation..." Sometimes I think I understand why some animals eat their young.

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As promised, more info on these potions....


This is how the sets are being packaged, and which pheros are included in each scent.



  1. BAT - Phero Enhanced w/ La Femme Noire
  2. BEAR
  3. BEAVER - Phero Enhanced w/ Swimming with Sharks
  4. BUNNY
  5. CHICK
  6. DEER
  8. DUCK
  9. EGG 2014
  11. GOAT - Enhanced w/ EoW Copulins



  1. HORSE
  2. KANGAROO - Phero Enhanced w/ Mother's Little Helper
  3. LAMB - Phero Enhanced w/ Popularity Potion
  4. LION (unisex scent)
  6. PANDA - Phero Enhanced w/ Open Windows
  8. SEAL
  9. TIGER
  10. WOLF (unisex scent)

We are trying to have these up and ready to order by Sunday night.


I brewed over 35 potions this month including the PE's, so we've had a lot to fill and label and design and program and scribe, so we all appreciate your kind patience. Thanks Loved Ones! xoxoxox

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