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Popularity Potion

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  • 2 months later...

OMG. i was wearing un-PP yesterday wandering around downtown in a beach town. sooo many hits - but most notable - two women in their mid-40s walked past me, stopped, did a triple-take, and one of them goes "oh my god... you look like... who is it?? oh my god nicole kidman in practical magic!!!" :lol: :lol:


i so do not, but i'll take it! :D

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OMG. i was wearing un-PP yesterday wandering around downtown in a beach town. sooo many hits - but most notable - two women in their mid-40s walked past me, stopped, did a triple-take, and one of them goes "oh my god... you look like... who is it?? oh my god nicole kidman in practical magic!!!" :lol: :lol:


Whoa! PP delivered in literally giving you a "movie star-esque' charisma! :D That's awesome to hear. PP is a good one! I'm not usually one for attention, but PP helps a reserved girl like me not get lost in the background. It also makes me feel more at ease with myself as well.

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  • 1 month later...

Took PP out for a spin today and one of my co-workers (who is generally kind of obnoxious) was actually pleasant today. Thankfully. Another male co-worker who mostly keeps to himself initiated conversation with me a couple of times throughout the day. This is big for him because he usually only speaks when spoken to, then puts on headphones and tunes everyone out. People were also more touchy today. I helped two customers locate the items they were looking for and both of them put their hands on my shoulder and thanked me.


And my last customer of the day literally talked to me for half an hour. This may not have had anything to do with the popularity potion because he talked the entire time about conspiracy theories and when he pulled his money out of a clear plastic bag to pay, every single bill was wadded up and smelled like fish.


So there you have it.

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  • 2 months later...

Freaking love this stuff! Finally found my sweet spot for the UN PP I have in alcohol.


I wore two sprays of PP and had dinner at a restaurant with the family for my sister's birthday. The waitresses there know my sister and I, but have NEVER NEVER complimented us. When I introduced my mom and dad the two waitresses started gushing, "Ohhh that's your father? He's so handsome! That's why you girls turned on so beautiful *fawn*fawn*fawn*"


The lady gave us extra of our favorite side dishes without us having to ask. She refilled all the side dishes that went empty and asked if we wanted more of this and that. This NEVERRR happens, we usually have to ask. The owner even gave us drinks and tea on the house since we haven't been in, in awhile. WTF? The restaurant was fairly busy too and whenever that happens the service tends to slack a bit, but not this time.


I seriously felt like some kind of celeb being waited on hand and foot.


Not sure if it's such a good idea to wear PP to a restaurant when you're on a budget. I couldn't help but tip verrryyyyy generously.

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PP is really a success. When I read the reviews, there are so many hits, and I can't help but chime in and say again how useful and helpful this phero blend is. Especially for those people who are more quiet by nature, this phero helps to get noticed and it has some pulling effect, strangers come and start friendly chatting. This happened to me many times. It's something like an ego booster, makes the wearer feel a bit like a 'VIP'. :oscar-red-carpet-1:

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Yes! VIP, describes it perfectly. I read somewhere (think it might be in this thread) that PP is comparable to mx135. With mx135 people just seemed dazzled and in awe, but they didn't necessarily go out of their way to accommodate you. PP seems to dazzle people AND put them to action.

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Well, when a fan ranks my personal "presence" in with the likes of Jerry Pournelle, Larry Niven, Timothy Zahn, etc. I have to wonder how much of it is PP, LOL! (Yes, this really happened in the fan's blog after the weekend's convention.)

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  • 7 months later...

I've got this in FB in oil coming ... can't wait to try it!


Had a weird reaction with a friend the last time I wore this (it was my cherished last bit of Darling Catalina too - wasted IMO in hind sight) when she turned snobby and condescending (I tend to attract people that are condescending or am too sensitive or both).


Can't wait to drive this "makes me so happy" phero around the town now that I will have lots!

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I've got this in FB in oil coming ... can't wait to try it!


Had a weird reaction with a friend the last time I wore this (it was my cherished last bit of Darling Catalina too - wasted IMO in hind sight) when she turned snobby and condescending (I tend to attract people that are condescending or am too sensitive or both).


Can't wait to drive this "makes me so happy" phero around the town now that I will have lots!


I like to wear Leather around condescending women. I know it doesn't work for everyone in this sitch but Leather really makes women nicer to me. And I am not really a Leather gal generally.

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This one hasn't seen love for a while so I wore it yesterday with Body Paint for a cover. People just REALLY like this phero. I didn't wear any extra cops (SO rare for me) so it was all PP on its own....and the delectable scent of BP of course. It's consistent for me. People want to impress me, get my input, hear what I have to say and listen like what I have to say will rock their world. *chuckles* Co-workers are eager to share things with me...hubby compliments me on how beautiful and sexy I am - and w/o extra cops! And, really, who doesn't like a good grope and fondle from their SO? (at least while they're getting along that is...) He saw me off to work (he's still home healing up from surgery) and when I came home from work he was preparing dinner for me! That's 2 nights in a row! (I had on BANG! the day before *snickers*) Yeah, this one should definitely get more love than it does...it's just that LP has SO MANY great blends..I just have to rotate them better I guess..I love this place! :D

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First time wearing this today (that wasn't already in an LP like Darling Catalina) and I am really aggressive!! Either I'm just in a bitchy mood or over did it. Mr C irritable with me as per usual so it could be either one! HA


Wish I could rush home and shower then switch to PM ... :-(



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Probably right!! Bitch switch - funny!!


Okay, cleavage to naval, a little on the back of the neck and a bit (too much) on each forearm is my "quick hide - here she comes" point Lol


One of the reasons I bought PP is because its been said that when I walk into a room "everyone" tenses up and I make people uncomfortable. That screwed up comment is actually what led to my researching phero's in the first place.


I wish I was keeping a journal ... One day.

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You might have too much on. PP has none in it and that can make some women bitchy. I call it flipping my bitch switch.


I remember you saying that about none before. I didn't even remember PP having none in it. *scribbles note to self* Thanks halo!

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anone = friendliness type vibe and enone = dominance/alpha type vibe...or something close along those lines? No bitch switch then at least?

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One of the reasons I bought PP is because its been said that when I walk into a room "everyone" tenses up and I make people uncomfortable.


....Perhaps some Treasured Hearts? There's something in the description that says it makes others feel less intimidated in the wearer's presence, I believe.
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Probably right!! Bitch switch - funny!!


Okay, cleavage to naval, a little on the back of the neck and a bit (too much) on each forearm is my "quick hide - here she comes" point Lol


One of the reasons I bought PP is because its been said that when I walk into a room "everyone" tenses up and I make people uncomfortable. That screwed up comment is actually what led to my researching phero's in the first place.


I wish I was keeping a journal ... One day.


This was UN scented PP, right? Then I think you definitely had too much on. From cleavage to navel, back of neck & forearms - that's an awful lot of pheromone. The UN scented ones are about 3 times as strong as the scented ones. You could probably try a few inches (like, 2- 5 inches) on your torso. Start small and work up to where you notice some good effects. PP in particular is a blend that a lot of people here find "less is more". I kinda wonder if you weren't heading into OD territory? I've yet to OD on pheros myself, but that might be what you were experiencing that day.


Like SpriteLeigh suggested, Treasured Hearts might be one to try to counter the intimidation factor. Open Windows is another.

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Oh I think I was DEF. in the OD territory with the UN-PP that day! Mr. C went from happy snuggles and kisses which will linger the next day to, well, it looked like he was trying too hard to still be touchy feely but it didn't feel right kind of look on his face and I, well, I wanted to reach through the computer and kill people. That, and it made me feel anxious. No Bueno. Me being anxious means aggression will follow because I feel off.


I ADORE Treasured Hearts in the Wax melts ... FB will follow. :-)


I do look forward to finding my sweet spot with PP though as it was the best phero for helping with my depression! With Popularity Potion on, I could care LESS about ... anything! Just a happy and confident person.


I appreciate the input from everyone.



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It's not our fault they decided to make all the words ridiculously similar...and stupid to pronounce..... :P

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It's not our fault they decided to make all the words ridiculously similar...and stupid to pronounce..... :P


Haha! So true!


I've only tried PP in Darling Catalina, and I haven't notice anything different...BUT I honestly haven't worn it enough to give it a fair shake. My problem is that I'm a home body, so I don't tend to wear pheros unless I'm going out for a few hours or more. Oh yeah, and ummm, I hate being the center of attention, so maybe that has something to do with it.

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People just REALLY like this phero. I didn't wear any extra cops (SO rare for me) so it was all PP on its own....and the delectable scent of BP of course. It's consistent for me. People want to impress me, get my input, hear what I have to say and listen like what I have to say will rock their world. *chuckles* Co-workers are eager to share things with me...hubby compliments me on how beautiful and sexy I am - and w/o extra cops!


This is why I love it so much and I usually use some cops under it. Besides SWS boosted scents, I usually keep a bottle of UN PP & SS4W in my office for emergency situations.

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The verbals from hubby are enough for me to love this one forever, lol. Usually his love communication is more Tarzan/Jane - smack a$$, grope boob, maul neck... :D That he would tell me I look beautiful or compliment my hair (not that I mind the pulling it part) or clothes...he even knows what color my eyes are when I wear this....priceless! :lol::P

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On Easter weekend, I used Popularity Potion (covered with yummy Lick of Cream) for going to my Step-Sister's House. My Step Sister always invites me to all the functions; however, she never speaks to me much or if I initiate conversation with her, she finds something better to do. Well, I have to say, Easter was so awesome this year!! My Step Sister never stopped talking to me!! You would have thought we grew up together and that we were best friends. Then, her Brother-In-Law gave me the best neck massage and was incredibly chatty with me. My Step Father said, "Wow, you sure are popular with my Family this year!" Yep, Popular is the right word. I'm so hooked on this now!

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Popularity Potion has always been a favorite of mine as well, with incredible hits ranging from extra perks at the supermarket or restaurants to $150 gift certificates at the salon I use. Little kids become instantly enamoured and adults become extremely friendly! It's so much fun to wear!

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GREAT post CC! Those are some of my favorite kind! Do you have oil or spray and how much did you wear? :) I have it in spray and haven't gone higher than 4 at a clip but I'd be curious to know how much oil others use too :D

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Before I receive my x1 spray, I will run the roller ball lightly on my hair 3-4 times which is about 6 inches in total.


When using both oil & beta, its 1-2 sprays and oil on torso.


I have finished a bottle in oil and will be cracking open a bottle in silicone soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rockin it Halo...too funny,I chose to wear Darling Catalina & Darling Clementine today!...not going anywhere, but just cause I've not worn it in awhile and looooooooooove the scents...oh my my,had forgotten the upbeat the self-effects!!! and I smell like Cake,orange frosted rich pound Cake !!! :jumpforjoy:

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Oh yeah, and ummm, I hate being the center of attention, so maybe that has something to do with it.

I'm like this as well; I enjoy one-on-one attention but otherwise I always get extremely uncomfortable under even positive scrutiny. What I like about PP is what it does for me in terms of being more outgoing when I feel the situation requires it, and then others responding postively to my mood and demeanor.

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