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Love Potion: Red


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this took a few wearings before I started liking it. I find that I can wear a dab of it in summer too. And for whatever reason, men just love it! (Women, too, actually.) But cinnamon and vanilla are two scents that are known aphrodisiacs to men. So wear it and trust that it will work! Good luck!!

Eh, I wear it even in summer time. You can't tie sexy to a season, lol. Besides, cinnamon buns are always acceptable, eh?

ETA: I've gotten hits from men & women when wearing this. There is one woman (25), in particular, who is strongly attracted to this perfume. It's really unnerving, to be truthful, & she is a really attractive 25 yr.old. She intimidates me, lol.

Edited by Beccah
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Oh! Oh! Oh! I wore this today because everyone was yapping about it.


My oldest client ever came in...I mean she is well into her 80's...she says she is in perfect health just old...which means...she's pretty sick and tired of everything! She has got a very dry sense of humor and we just laugh and have acblast when she comes in. We make fun of her sons families and I can't tell you how funny it gets.


Anyway...on her way out she turns and says "what perfume are you wearing!! It is so beautiful!" I was completely taken aback because rarely does anyone comment on my perfume at work. So i tell her it is Love Potion Red and her eyes got as big as saucers and she said..."Oh please spritz some on me!" I explained that it was a roll on and went back to the room to get it out of my purse and rolled it right on her neck out in the waiting room. Oh she was so pleased!!!!!

I actually couldn't believe that i had thrown it in my purse this morning since I never have to reapply LP Red. If I choose it for the day I am pretty committed to it. Must have been a reason that I unwittingly brought it with me to make my client happy.


I helped her into her car and as she drove off i just started laughing...I wanted to yell after her..."Wait Babs!!! That perfume comes with a warning!!!!"

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There is one woman (25), in particular, who is strongly attracted to this perfume. It's really unnerving, to be truthful, & she is a really attractive 25 yr.old. She intimidates me, lol.

Now if a female that age was hitting on me, my perception would flip from "intimidating" to "arousing" in a nanosecond. :666:

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Great post MissD! I just need to hold out until the new releases to make my order....why is waiting sooo hard? It's not like RED is GGG but I still want what I want now, now, now :lol: Yours and Beccah's posts are encouraging because some of the reviews mention other women not always being keen on LP RED...er, maybe not the kind of liking you were looking for Beccah :D , but they were both positive reactions!

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Great post MissD! I just need to hold out until the new releases to make my order....why is waiting sooo hard? It's not like RED is GGG but I still want what I want now, now, now :lol: Yours and Beccah's posts are encouraging because some of the reviews mention other women not always being keen on LP RED...er, maybe not the kind of liking you were looking for Beccah :D , but they were both positive reactions!

Thanks Nutrix! I have gotten the most compliments on LP Red probably than any other perfume and I think mostly from women. I know a lady I used to work with at another salon just SWOONED when I walked in absolutely slathered in it!!

I feel the same about LP Original though. I haven't retried it in the last couple of years because I don't remember being blown away by it but I bet you anything I will love it now. I need to just get a bottle and be done with it.

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Thanks Nutrix! I have gotten the most compliments on LP Red probably than any other perfume and I think mostly from women. I know a lady I used to work with at another salon just SWOONED when I walked in absolutely slathered in it!!


:blink::lol: Men AND women swooning...I wouldn't mind seeing that!


I feel the same about LP Original though. I haven't retried it in the last couple of years because I don't remember being blown away by it but I bet you anything I will love it now. I need to just get a bottle and be done with it.


:D LP original is VERY nice...another one I liked but didn't get the fb. Maybe I need to go back...now that I'm not as feverish about everything...and look at some of the things I've put on the back burner to plow ahead past? There are just so many delectables to choose from....

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  • 2 weeks later...



:D LP original is VERY nice...another one I liked but didn't get the fb. Maybe I need to go back...now that I'm not as feverish about everything...and look at some of the things I've put on the back burner to plow ahead past? There are just so many delectables to choose from....


Me too! My first LP O sample vial broke before I fully tested it out and I requested one as a forum sample which I have tested fully once or twice only. Have always wanted to get a fb but never got down to it.

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I ROCKED this scent tonight during dinner. I wore LPR w/BANG! Spray 2x and the entire 2nd floor dining area lit up (disbursement helped by ceiling fans going). A couple kept asking me where to find the perfume and the waitress actually tried to sit in my booth...ummm awkward, but WTH..it's cool.


NOTE: NEWBIE learns a lesson. I actually wore less! This may seem like a "so what" comment, but you have to know me...I'm a pretty over the top, more is a.w.e.s.o.m.e, slather is the new wearing style type of gal. My advice, if you don't believe "less is more", try it!


:bow: Mara I will NEVER more is a.w.e.s.o.m.e. again.


DANG!!!! I ROCKED THIS TONIGHT. I feel so good! :D I do feel guilty and should have shared LP information, but then evvvveryone would start wearing it and I wouldn't be special anymore.

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You will ALWAYS be special! :love: But I know exactly what you mean, It's like a not so secret scented weapon :666:

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I ROCKED this scent tonight during dinner. I wore LPR w/BANG! Spray 2x and the entire 2nd floor dining area lit up (disbursement helped by ceiling fans going). A couple kept asking me where to find the perfume and the waitress actually tried to sit in my booth...ummm awkward, but WTH..it's cool.


NOTE: NEWBIE learns a lesson. I actually wore less! This may seem like a "so what" comment, but you have to know me...I'm a pretty over the top, more is a.w.e.s.o.m.e, slather is the new wearing style type of gal. My advice, if you don't believe "less is more", try it!


:bow: Mara I will NEVER more is a.w.e.s.o.m.e. again.


DANG!!!! I ROCKED THIS TONIGHT. I feel so good! :D I do feel guilty and should have shared LP information, but then evvvveryone would start wearing it and I wouldn't be special anymore.

Nice review!! I just ordered LP Red with BANG!, I can't wait to get it now :)

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er my gerrrrd!!


The fb I ordered just came today!!


I got a taste of this originally in those little freebie sample gifts, and it grabbed me IMMEDIATELY! Seriously, I burned through that mini vial in less than 2 days...


I put some on my wrists to remind myself how much I luuuuuurve this stuff! It's just incredible... Then I remembered that I had ordered samples as well, so I spent the next few minutes with alcohol wipes trying to get this scent off. Hehehe!


After trying the samples of LP original, LP Black, Honeyed LP, and LP Spring Eq 2011, I can still safely say that this one is my absolute favorite.


this potion is supposed to be an attractant, right? Could it be that I'm getting the effects of that and lusting after LP Red as well???


I dunno....in any case, I probably don't need to go over the actual scent, since there's 8 pages worth of that already...


Final verdict: definitely an all 8 thumbs up!

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After trying the samples of LP original, LP Black, Honeyed LP, and LP Spring Eq 2011


Final verdict: definitely an all 8 thumbs up!

:lol: Love the "8 thumbs up! This one is the best?! Better that Original, Honeyed & SE 2011? (3 of my favs) I cannot WAIT for this to get here...(the order I made with the trial vial could come today, but I think that may be too optimistic - the fb maybe before the end of next week???) What were/are the most prominent notes that you get? Cinnamon? Vanilla? plain ol' sexaaay?
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I get cinnamon smoooothed into vanilla. Frankly, I don't get this perfume. On me, it smells like delish food, so meltingly yummy, how can it be ubersexey - LOL!! It's like a comforting dessert. To my nose it smells"safer" than ones like OCCO or Sugared Honey which smell, to me, like The night of Total Abandon. But I'm heading the warnings and not wearing it to the Shop & Save. Not yet, anyway... I'll forget and toddle in with it on and wonder why I trailing a string of shoppers with happy smiles on their faces, LOL!

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:lol: Love the "8 thumbs up! This one is the best?! Better that Original, Honeyed & SE 2011? (3 of my favs) I cannot WAIT for this to get here...(the order I made with the trial vial could come today, but I think that may be too optimistic - the fb maybe before the end of next week???) What were/are the most prominent notes that you get? Cinnamon? Vanilla? plain ol' sexaaay?


Depends on if you like cinnamon!

But really, it's not overwhelmingly cinnamon. It's really creamy... like an eggless custartd with cinnamon sprinkled on top. The jetlag makes it smell slightly burnt in an aromatic way, but even that mellowed out after letting it rest for a day. I'm not getting any patchouli out of this, but there's a depth to it that is in no way bitter or dark...


As edible as it almost smells, it still makes me think sexaaaay....in fact, Red is really the perfect color for it.


If anybody has seen the movie adaptation of Rent, this makes me think of Maureen in her red dress during the dance in Tango Maureen.

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chickadee - I like cinnamon & vanilla and I'm curious what it'll do with my chemistry. It'll be better to have a trail of smiling shoppers after you than an angry mob...you'll be fine :D


lalaD -NO WAY! LOL! For anyone who wants to check out "the dance" - just type in "Tango Maureen" on youtube and it'll come right up!


What an excellent reference! :lol: Mmmmm, eggless custard with sprinkled cinnamon on top :w00t: I SO want it to be a creamy delight on my skin!


Thanks for the feedback ladies! :love:

Edited by NuTrix
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Whoa, LP Red and BANG! :w00t: might have to try that!!

I Had a bottle boosted with Cougar and it was perfection! ...sweet reviews all :)

ummm probably no secret that LP Red with OCCO Red is one of my total fav combos ;)

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ummm probably no secret that LP Red with OCCO Red is one of my total fav combos ;)

It's your fault I'm waiting on these 2! :D I was only going to get LP RED, then I saw the OCCO Red layering with RED and I knew if I was going to order RED I needed the OCCO too. I want to thank you for enabling me in such a delightful manner :lol:
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It's your fault I'm waiting on these 2! :D I was only going to get LP RED, then I saw the OCCO Red layering with RED and I knew if I was going to order RED I needed the OCCO too. I want to thank you for enabling me in such a delightful manner :lol:

Hee ...you are welcome ... and so is Mr Nutrix...heh :001_302:

seriously though,the final dry down of this,like hours after application is the most amazing sweet smokey sexy scent...ever !!! And to think the very first time I tried LP Red,I did not care for it much!! :w00t: :w00t:

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Hee ...you are welcome ... and so is Mr Nutrix...heh :001_302:

seriously though,the final dry down of this,like hours after application is the most amazing sweet smokey sexy scent...ever !!! And to think the very first time I tried LP Red,I did not care for it much!! :w00t: :w00t:

I thought the same thing of Sex and Violins. It wouldn't be the first LP that I tried and thought, "hmm, not so sure", only to come back days (or sometimes weeks later) and ask myself WHAT I was thinking and how fantastic something was/is. Oh and, yes, I will be sure to give you proper credit when Mr Nutrix shows his approval :lol:
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LP Red is my new favourite. I finally ordered a fb a little while ago, and whoo-mama! am I ever glad that I did! I've been wearing it an awful lot since I got it, sometimes pairing it with OCCO Red, sometimes with other pheros, and it's always a win. It just makes me feel fantastic! In terms of scent, it's creamy and cinnamon-y, with a little hint of - yes, it's true - bubble gum. I don't know why, but it has a bit of a bubble gum scent to it. I thought it was just my nose goofin' on me, but I asked BF to tell me what it smelled like to him, and he also said it smelled a little bit like cinnamon gum. This is not a bad thing in my world. I always have cinnamon gum, and to smell outwardly like my kisses taste is kind of fun! :D It's like this bottle came pre-loaded with a scent memory!

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Ok Eggers. I don't know if it's the power of suggestion or what, but I'm snuffling at this vial and (in the vial at least) I TOTALLY get the bubblegum thing you're talking about but I don't understand WHY I smell it :lol:









I do not see bubblegum anywhere in there...nor do I care at the moment, lol. Can't wait to wear this one...I am SO going to be kicking myself for NOT getting this sooner...I think I can tell that already :001_tt2:

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Nope! Your not crazy :)


Wore this today for the first time, and while I smelled the BBGum in the vial, I didn't get anything like that on my skin :huh: It actually wore quite light on me (and I slathered!) but I can clearly smell it even now 10 hours later. When I received my first LP sampler containing LP RED Lace I did not, then, slather...I have since found very few things I wear "just a dab of" :lol: SO I slathered this on this morning and was surprised how light it seemed and thought, "oh no! This is going to disappear on me!" But it did not disappear and I caught myself several times today thinking, "Hmm, what smells so good?" Only to find it was me!


Yes. It's true. I. Am. Kicking. Myself.


This is seriously yummy. So glad it's permanent....will be taking advantage of THAT fo sho :heart: Everything is so well blended - I get sweet, spicy, rich, goodness. I can pick out the notes if I think about it but DAYUM, RED is just good stuff!

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Absolutely in love with this. I posted back in 2009 that this was turning into molasses and cinammon spice on me--I wonder if that was a sample or the bottle I got? I was mega ultra stressed out then which might have contributed!


I got a more fruity LP: Red, which I absolutely ADORE. The bright notes of fruit is so beautiful against the cinnamon, and I just feel transported. Sweet, spicy, rich with understated vanilla and a kick of patchouli--yet fresh from the fruit. Mhmm. It's an airier fragrance and the scent blooms, rising just above my body heat. I adore it. I've been slathering myself in this scent all day and I just can't get enough of it!


I keep coming back to write about this one because the scent and my perceptions of it change with time. <3 Obsessed!

Edited by cinderfallen
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I'm thinking I need to pull out my LP Red tomorrow. It's funny, I usually wear a different scent every day. But when I wear LP Red, I fall in love all over again and usually wear it for multiple days in a row. It just seems to be congruent with every un-phero I have and match whatever mood I may be in. Sexy, perky, party, cozy, heart-to-heart, creative...whatever, it matches them all.

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Wore LP RED with LP OCCO Red on Saturday out with hubby. Well. He seems to be fond of RED or it could be the cops in the OCCO Buuuut either way it's RED after s fashion, isn't it? Was looking forward to being off this weekend with him but unfortunately work is MAD so out the window with that idea *sigh* I'm DIEING to see if his reaction to Red will stay consistent :D

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  • 5 weeks later...

just got my sample of this two days ago. very candy-cinnamon sweet in the bottle, with the sugars and a hint of patchouli making an appearance. i used one swipe of the wand smeared onto the backs of both wrists as a starting point. cinnamon remained the high note on initial wearing...and two hours later it's settled down to a powdery-yet-creamy sweetness (vanilla and sugars, i'm thinking? and i don't seem to be getting much amber at all...) with the softest cinnamon bite on top. totally lovely!

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Okay - stupid question you guys - would this scent pair decently well with a social phero? Like Cougar, Lumina or Popularity Potion?


Oh hell yes!

I always wear Red as a social "going out" scent and wear it with Flying Potion (alpha nol) or Lace...I've probably worn it with every phero really. I think Calii used to have one boosted with Cougar. It is really perfect with anything. I wear it out with LAM Pink Amber too.

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Oh hell yes!

I always wear Red as a social "going out" scent and wear it with Flying Potion (alpha nol) or Lace...I've probably worn it with every phero really. I think Calii used to have one boosted with Cougar. It is really perfect with anything. I wear it out with LAM Pink Amber too.


Oh, awesome, thanks! I didn't know if it could be more social, or if it was a scent for the more sensual pheros like bang!, etc.

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  • 1 month later...

I first tried LP: Red in something like 2008, and I'm pretty sure it's been subtly changed between batches since thing. I've recently become a convert to OCCO Red and Red Lace, but I'm still scared of the apricot in LP: Red - it's just at my limits in Red Lace. Could anyone give me some idea of how strong the apricot is in the more recent LP: Red batches are? Thanks very much :D

Edited by Celrynnya
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LP Red doesn't have any apricot in it as far as I know. I always get a cinnamon vanilla incensey sort of fragrance from it.


I've been wanting to try the OCCO Red and read that one does include it. Since I haven't tried either yet, I've wondered myself how much it changes the scent with apricot added compared to just LP Red.

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It took me a bit of time to warm up to LP Red but once I did it was love, love, love.... I only like wearing this on days that I want a heavier fragrance on me. I get the apricot, and thankfully it know plays nice on my skin and then the cinnamon... This one make me feel so sexy when I wear it.

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It took me a bit of time to warm up to LP Red but once I did it was love, love, love.... I only like wearing this on days that I want a heavier fragrance on me. I get the apricot, and thankfully it know plays nice on my skin and then the cinnamon... This one make me feel so sexy when I wear it.


Is it a scent in LP Red that reminds you of apricot? I've never gotten that when I wear it but I know sometimes a note in a fragrance can come across as something different. I know others have mentioned that in different threads. I was just wondering because all the description mentions for it is vanilla, amber, patchouli, cinnamon, dark sugars, woods and resins. That was part of the reason I hadn't gotten the OCCO yet because I was afraid the apricot might change the LP a lot but everyone says it's just as great.

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Is it a scent in LP Red that reminds you of apricot? I've never gotten that when I wear it but I know sometimes a note in a fragrance can come across as something different. I know others have mentioned that in different threads. I was just wondering because all the description mentions for it is vanilla, amber, patchouli, cinnamon, dark sugars, woods and resins. That was part of the reason I hadn't gotten the OCCO yet because I was afraid the apricot might change the LP a lot but everyone says it's just as great.

Its weird because I know that Apricot is not in here yet for some reason it blooms on me when I wear this... my skin chemistry is so weird

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I'm with ya on that DD! Jouir De apparently is stinkville on most. If I wait long enough... it turns into the most awesome scent ever on me but Frambuesa y Coco... I just can't get it to like me like it does everyone else! LOL

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This is one of my favorite LPs. Not as overwhelmingly sweet as the original, not as dark as the black, still enough punch to be aggressively sensual.



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