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BAM! Please review ALL "flavors" in this thread

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the coochy-head smell is not a good thing!

Yeah although you can eventually get anything out of your hair with Prell (for example), it's just not something we recommend doing.


EWEEEE! :lol: Duly noted! :D

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  • 1 month later...

I am LOVING the BAM brown sugar. I think the cops smell good in it! I got my bottle from a trade and I think it may have been a couple years old. It smells DIVINE! I am thinking of ordering a bottle just to age it. LOL This one has to really dry down on me even more than my OCCO black. And little goes a long way, so I supplement it or boost it through out the day with NOCCO Brown sugar. I mentioned this on another thread but I pair BAM with a bit of Perfect Match or Open Windows. Just a smidge though. Didn't realize that both BAM and PM had Beta-nol in them, but when I wore just a hint of each my husband really responded to that. Very attentive.

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(had to delete this post because stupid me posted about the wrong scent in the wrong place)

Edited by Just Ducky
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Heya,RAQ,if you see this...does NOCCO Brown smell anything like MRF 2 <with BI> :huh:


Not as strong. I'd say NOCCO smells more like LP Red, only not as complex. MRF has that tobacco smell to me (I know there isn't any in it). I suppose you could put MRF and NOOCO BS in the same family but the NOCCO is more simple straight forward B. sugar smell and MRF has the amber and Honey notes. With NOCCO it's straight Brown Sugar to me. I like to use it to amp my LP RED or OCCO black or even MRF. It's a good booster without being too strong or competing with my resiny scents. Have you tried it Calii?

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  • 1 month later...

I have BAM in Spicy Brown Sugar. I haven't experimented too much with BAM, but I'm liking this scent. It would be easy to layer with other LPs. By itself it reminds me of cinnamon toast or brown sugar maple Pop Tarts.

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Oooo! Thanks hearts! Sounds delicious! I just ordered LAM and BAM! in Spicy Brown Sugar and now I can't WAIT for it to arrive! YUM! I'll have to wait at least until the end of the week.....

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  • 2 months later...

I'm testing the BAM cracked rose that I got in a trade. I wish it was pink amber :(


This one comes across as SO rose as to be almost soapy, like little decorative soaps you sometimes see in little old ladies' guest bathrooms :)


Sadly, not for me. Guess I'll have to get my BAM fixins' elsewhere.

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Honey sugar vanilla flavor-- I wore some the other day and everyone was super helpful and solicitous and I got that "wary watching" thing from some people. I was in a weird mood (crabby, feeling self conscious) so I think the phero wasn't matching my demeanor & people weren't sure what to do with me.


This is the ONLY LPMP officially scented phero (ie, pre-scented by LP as opposed to my own requested boosts or homemade combos) that takes more than ten seconds to not be stinky- the bnol I guess? everything else preloaded, even stuff with sexpoinage and bang, - I lollipop, smear with wrists, wait literally ten seconds (if that) and get dressed and no problems. This one, I had to wait about five minutes. :D

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...everything else preloaded, even stuff with sexpoinage and bang, - I lollipop, smear with wrists, wait literally ten seconds (if that) and get dressed and no problems. This one, I had to wait about five minutes. :D


That's exactly my method, too. Lollipop, smoosh, fan myself a bit to speed along the "air-drying", and then get dressed. Since our house

has essentially become the Centre for Wayward Musicians, (read: the boys don't bloody-well knock anymore, when they come over), I just don't have ten or twenty minutes to hang around naked while this stuff dries down, before some bass-weilding boy comes crashing through my front door. I've never had a problem with The Stinkies. Not from pheros. Not from scented cops. Nuthin'.

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I've only tried the BAM in spicy brown sugar and it was soo stinky on me that I had to layer it with something else...lol

Did not get any hits with this one sadly...I think perhaps I put on too much, though I only dabbed a little on my wrists soo...

Edited by j5382001
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huh. I wonder if part of the reason I found it unpleasant was that. After a couple hours the soap went away and it was just straight rose. Better but still not my style.

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I somehow never made it back here to review the Spicy Brown Sugar :( I'm not sure how that happened! I wear a lot f foodie scents so this one is GREAT for layering....Hungry Heart, Egg, Santa's little helper....I actually DO like it on it's own and I will pair it with the same flavor of LAM! :)

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I have BAM in the Orchid Rose scent and when I put it on I only use a 2 inch strip on each wrist and that amount is plenty to last on my the whole day... To tame it down I use AVV with it to get some vanilla in there... I like th OR scent but find that I don't grabe for this one too often as it does have that smell factor going, but I do tend to get results and hits whenever I wear it....

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I have BAM in the Orchid Rose scent and when I put it on I only use a 2 inch strip on each wrist and that amount is plenty to last on my the whole day... To tame it down I use AVV with it to get some vanilla in there... I like th OR scent but find that I don't grabe for this one too often as it does have that smell factor going, but I do tend to get results and hits whenever I wear it....

Great tip!

Glad it worked well for you.

I think I have yet to find something that works.

Otherwise I will just continue to be my cheerful self and keep testing. =)

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  • 6 months later...

I've tried BAM in the Sandalwood & resins flavour a couple of times now, and I am liking it more and more!

No effects on others that I have noticed, but I kind of have a shortage of people (men) to try this out on, unfortunately.


But it makes me feel very content and relaxed, sort of loose-limbed and heavy in a nice way.

If I were a cat, I would be purring.


The Sandalwood & Resins variation is really very lightly scented: I can smell the cops in it quite strongly for at least 15 minutes or so.

Afterwards the Sandalwood takes over and makes it a very soft, gentle, almost dry, woody smell with just a tiny hint of sweetness from the cops - without that minute touch, it could really be a men's scent.


Because it feels so near-masculin to me it almost feels odd to wear it myself, but it pairs beautifully with all kinds of other scents (like it was intented to do, of course).


I do think I might like the vanilla variant of Bam a little bit better than this one, but I have only tried that one out once, so I'm waiting a bit with deciding.

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I love the Sandalwood and Resins and the Vanilla/Honey one best.....they are both so versatile and can be used in so many ways!

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  • 5 months later...

Since the last time I posted, I have been able to test BAM around an old flame I'm sort of still / again interested in.


I'm pretty sure it's the B-nol in it (it's had the same effect in Sexology etc) but it works great for us.

Not huge amounts of sexual tension, and I'm actually glad about that at the moment; instead, we both seem to feel completely at ease, relaxed and happy and comfortable.


Which is saying something, since we both tend to feel uncomfortable and shy by default....


It's like we've known each other for years and years, a lovely mellow and happy mood.

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  • 9 months later...

This is possibly my first negative review since joining 7 months ago.


I am no stranger to copulins, both from LPMP and outside sources. I've read plenty of times how other members comment that they 'smell the cops' on drydown, and I was always like "huh, how interesting" because although I can detect pheromones rather easily in lesser quality products from other companies, I've never detected them in any of LPMP's products. Until yesterday. I tried BAM! in sandalwood from a smaple vial and it was an instant recoil for me. Even on drydown, after 30 minutes, I can smell what can only be the cops. While this is an interesting experience, I am saddened I cannot wear this by itself. I LOVE me some sandalwood.


The other problem is that the smell of copulins just doesn't make sense to my brain with the masculine sandalwood. It's possible that I've been able to detect cops previously, but since they were mixed with sweeter/foodie ingredients, I was able to 'organize' that in my brain into some category : sexy female cupcake scent, sexy vanilla cream scent, sexy tropical scent....but my brain just goes 'wrong wrong wrong' with this combination. Which is funny because I am having such a positive experience with the "Love is Love with Girl/Girl" which has both masculine and feminine ingredients.


The only way I can see myself wearing this is if I want to add some cops to one of my incense-like scents, such as Majmua Sultana. I'm guessing I would have more luck with the other BAM! scent combos.

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This is possibly my first negative review since joining 7 months ago.


I am no stranger to copulins, both from LPMP and outside sources. I've read plenty of times how other members comment that they 'smell the cops' on drydown, and I was always like "huh, how interesting" because although I can detect pheromones rather easily in lesser quality products from other companies, I've never detected them in any of LPMP's products. Until yesterday. I tried BAM! in sandalwood from a smaple vial and it was an instant recoil for me. Even on drydown, after 30 minutes, I can smell what can only be the cops. While this is an interesting experience, I am saddened I cannot wear this by itself. I LOVE me some sandalwood.


The other problem is that the smell of copulins just doesn't make sense to my brain with the masculine sandalwood. It's possible that I've been able to detect cops previously, but since they were mixed with sweeter/foodie ingredients, I was able to 'organize' that in my brain into some category : sexy female cupcake scent, sexy vanilla cream scent, sexy tropical scent....but my brain just goes 'wrong wrong wrong' with this combination. Which is funny because I am having such a positive experience with the "Love is Love with Girl/Girl" which has both masculine and feminine ingredients.


The only way I can see myself wearing this is if I want to add some cops to one of my incense-like scents, such as Majmua Sultana. I'm guessing I would have more luck with the other BAM! scent combos.

Hi Andro, I've only tried BAM in the original honey/ vanilla and my skin turned the honey into a baby powder scent, so I can't comment too much on how that scent would work for you.


LP has BAM in GGG in Buttercream Peach listed. I haven't tested BAM much but ADORE the Buttercream Peach scent (I have it in LAM with 2 backups). It was spikey peach at first on me, then tamed itself nicely into a bright light sweet peach, but not too bright.


Hard to describe. But I've posted a TON about my love for LAM Buttercream Peach, so I'll stop here now. :) Anyhow, maybe that flavor would work better for you? I don't smell cops at all with that scent and I think LAM has same amount of cops as BAM.

Edited by Beach Goddess
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BAM has more cops than LAM. I asked this question ages ago.


I have LAM Sandalwood, which I like. It is sheer to me, maybe the lightest of the Lam/Bam scents.

If the cop scent bothers you, then the sandalwood might not be for you.

The heavier sweeter scents like the BCP or Briwn Sugar may give you more coverage. But remember these are all listed

as "lightly scented."


My favorite BAM is the Orig vanilla. Something about that phero scent combo is so very congruent. Maybe it's that fluffy vanilla and the B'nol .. I love that one.

I have the BAM BCP too it's really nice,

Edited by StacyK
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Thanks you two.


So BAM has more cops than LAM. Where does OCCO fit in with that ?


StacyK, I friggin adore the OCCO White and so I think I will try BAM vanilla like you recommended. Of all the experiementation I've done, I have little experience with a cops/ b'nol combo. Sounds intense.

Edited by androstenol
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Thanks you two.


So BAM has more cops than LAM. Where does OCCO fit in with that ?


StacyK, I friggin adore the OCCO White and so I think I will try BAM vanilla like you recommended. Of all the experiementation I've done, I have little experience with a cops/ b'nol combo. Sounds intense.

Occos have the most cops (so yes, more than Bam).

BAM Orig is so great. You'll have some bleed thru at first so you'll need some dry down time before dressing. But, after dry down it's really a lovely, super sexy scent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I need to move my BAM away from the sides of my phero shelf, and put it front and centre. I always forget about it because where it sits is just out of my line of vision.


I've been trying to make a concerted effort to wear more bonding and sexual pheros at home, when I'm around BF. And better yet, sexual bonding pheros. So I'm wearing this today, because it fits all my criteria for home-worn blends, and he's suddenly very affectionate - huggy and kissy and chatty. But chatty in a good way, not his annoying, prattling, make-Eggers-tune-out way. It seems to be making me feel a little softer toward him, too, which feels so nice, since lately I've been very agitated and irritated with him and around him. I have no patience with him lately. But today is the first time in ages and ages that I actually feel bummed that he has to go jam tonight.


I need to wear this more often.

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Eggers, that is awesome :Emoticons04235:

Just so happens I got my latest order in today and I ordered BAM! in Buttercream Peach like Beach Goddess and StacyK recommended. Silly me !! I kept getting hung up on the buttercream part and my brain didn't clue into the peach part. This is sweet light fruity juicy goodness !!! Yummieeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Can't wait to see how the b-nol affects hubby (and myself). As my nick suggests, the 'nols are my favorite pheromones, but I have never experimented with cops and straight b-nol (without the a-nol like in TMI) before. Keep us updated, this interests me lots !

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Will do! Have fun experimenting with your hubby! Buttercream Peach is amazing! ;)


I tend to wear LAM more often than I do BAM, because of the happy feels I get from it - the effects are so lighthearted and fun. BAM makes me feel happy too, but in a different way. If I had to make an analogy between the two, I'd say LAM is a sweet, flirty, non-committal woman who's just out to have a good time, while BAM is a woman on the verge of falling in love. It feels more serious, but still snuggly. I like it a lot. And I'm serious: I'm moving it to the front of my damned shelf! :lol:

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Eggers, that is awesome :Emoticons04235:

Just so happens I got my latest order in today and I ordered BAM! in Buttercream Peach like Beach Goddess and StacyK recommended. Silly me !! I kept getting hung up on the buttercream part and my brain didn't clue into the peach part. This is sweet light fruity juicy goodness !!! Yummieeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Can't wait to see how the b-nol affects hubby (and myself). As my nick suggests, the 'nols are my favorite pheromones, but I have never experimented with cops and straight b-nol (without the a-nol like in TMI) before. Keep us updated, this interests me lots !

andro -- so glad it's working for you! Isn't it just the most unexpected wonderful scent? BCP was one of my 1st LP scents (phero'd), and I had no idea what to expect from any of the notes. Your descrip is spot on!! I hope BCP flavor comes back in both LAM and BAM.


Will do! Have fun experimenting with your hubby! Buttercream Peach is amazing! ;)


I tend to wear LAM more often than I do BAM, because of the happy feels I get from it - the effects are so lighthearted and fun. BAM makes me feel happy too, but in a different way. If I had to make an analogy between the two, I'd say LAM is a sweet, flirty, non-committal woman who's just out to have a good time, while BAM is a woman on the verge of falling in love. It feels more serious, but still snuggly. I like it a lot. And I'm serious: I'm moving it to the front of my damned shelf! :lol:

Eggers - that's good info. I tried BAM a bit but was afraid of the b-nol I think. Will have to try again. And silly me, I didn't get this in the UN during pheromas - wtheck?? :) Now I'm going to have to figure out a way to try this soon. Good to know the difference in how they feel to wearer and others.

Edited by Beach Goddess
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Will do! Have fun experimenting with your hubby! Buttercream Peach is amazing! ;)


I tend to wear LAM more often than I do BAM, because of the happy feels I get from it - the effects are so lighthearted and fun. BAM makes me feel happy too, but in a different way. If I had to make an analogy between the two, I'd say LAM is a sweet, flirty, non-committal woman who's just out to have a good time, while BAM is a woman on the verge of falling in love. It feels more serious, but still snuggly. I like it a lot. And I'm serious: I'm moving it to the front of my damned shelf! :lol:

Yep! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wore 4 swipes of the BAM! Original (vanilla & Honey) trial vial and although it's not my favorite scent, it certainly did its job :purr: It's a lot like SLF to me, more so than Horny even !

Edited by androstenol
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  • 11 months later...

I am not sure if i am in the right thread - if no, please navigate me. But I got NoCo in BCP. And I don't like it. It is very .. forward, and peachy and not creamy. My head hurts from it. Do you think if I add cops, it would get better? I just get a feeling that something is missing there..

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  • 3 weeks later...

After trying a trial of BAM Original, which worked very nicely on me, I ordered one of Pink Amber. It's like a soft whispery version of Love Potion: Pink, and I was surprised by how light it is, especially compared to how the Original is very present on me. But that's not a criticism--I like that it can sneak up on people before BAMming them ;)

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  • 1 year later...


Just had my first go with BAM, in a bottle I received from Bruiseviolet yesterday. I've been journaling and keeping track of pheros and effects, so just wrote "happy ending w/ BAM" on the page and swiped my elbow crooks and put some between my boobs. (If I'm putting on cops and not naked a just put a drop there since there's no skin on clothing, just skin on skin there. )


My plan was to lay down next to my napping boyfriend and let it dry, and then initiate some cuddles and see what happened. I was just about to close my laptop when his eyes snapped open and he said "come here." And that was that. Long before it had a chance to dry down. So, yeah. Now, it could just be a coincidence, he's not exactly hard to arouse, but he's now asleep again and it was only 30 seconds after application that he demanded my attention. If it was the pheros, than this stuff is pure gold.


Update, less than a hour later...


I just want to be clear, my man is NOT a boob man. Which is kind of a shame for him, as my cups runneth over. But he woke up maybe 15 minutes later and was sticking his fingers down my "neck-boob," (as my daughter once called my cleavage,) and trying to get more. This was the place I had put the BAM to begin with. He then got up and went to kitchen and came back and said "okay, how about now? I made you some coffee." I just shoo'd him off, but I did take the coffee. He was getting in shower to get ready for work and then came back to do a little dance for me. I asked him what he was doing, he said "I'm doing my happy dance. You just cheered me up."

Um, thanks LP. I think he washed all the dishes in the sink, too.

Edited by Eastwood22
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  • 6 months later...

Funny thing about having to wear a moonboot - no matter what you do it smells!  And NOT in the lovely fragrant way that LP perfumes do either.  Yesterday I had to go to the physio and I decided to put a drop of BAM on my foot.  My foot smelled wonderful afterwards and the physiotherapist seemed to be in a very good mood.  

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I can't comment on much, right now since I've only just got the Pherotine of this and added some to a couple perfumes I got today (running experiments and stuff).


Anyway, all I can say is that I love how it smells - and that's just the Pherotine! I actually thought I'd accidentally put DHEAS into something I meant to put this in and was pleased to find that it couldn't have been the case. I sniffed before and smelled pure sweetness, once it was done, I sniffed the DHEAS and remembered that it smells completely neutral to me, like water or air, sniffed the BAM again and was assured (I had a system where after I put my drops in, I'd close the pherotine so as to not spill (I have super shaky hands and have always been super clumsy), then put it in the back of my other pherotines while I put the label on my new bottle). 


I wore something with LAM today, so I'm thinking I'll take one of my new BAM scents out, tomorrow, since I'll be running errands, again, so I can see what I think (I've read through some of the LAM/BAM thread where people talk about their preference for one or the other. Though, I did also do a BLAM with one, I may try that one next week). 


I'm insanely thankful for the pherotines. 

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2 hours ago, SugarKitten said:

I can't comment on much, right now since I've only just got the Pherotine of this and added some to a couple perfumes I got today (running experiments and stuff).


Anyway, all I can say is that I love how it smells - and that's just the Pherotine! I actually thought I'd accidentally put DHEAS into something I meant to put this in and was pleased to find that it couldn't have been the case. I sniffed before and smelled pure sweetness, once it was done, I sniffed the DHEAS and remembered that it smells completely neutral to me, like water or air, sniffed the BAM again and was assured (I had a system where after I put my drops in, I'd close the pherotine so as to not spill (I have super shaky hands and have always been super clumsy), then put it in the back of my other pherotines while I put the label on my new bottle). 


I wore something with LAM today, so I'm thinking I'll take one of my new BAM scents out, tomorrow, since I'll be running errands, again, so I can see what I think (I've read through some of the LAM/BAM thread where people talk about their preference for one or the other. Though, I did also do a BLAM with one, I may try that one next week). 


I'm insanely thankful for the pherotines. 

See, I thought that I was losing my mind because my pherotine of UN Cougar smells really good & sweet to me, & I was like, what ?? 

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