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OCCO - Please review ALL "flavors" in THIS thread

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My next one will be BLUE , I'm not into the cinnamon of RED , and it seems like PINK and WHITE bleed the cops through more readily . Plus I love baby powdery scents . I completely adore SLF and really really like GOLD , but I think BLUE might be easier as a daytime scent for a stand-lone.

Edited by fluffygirl12
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So far I looove red! It's like buttered maple cinnamon! It reminds me of a a cinnabon! White didn't cut it for me. It didn't wow me. I mean I get that it's a staple, like white cotton sheets. But to me thread count is important - and Occo White was like hospital sheets.. boring, bland, and just kinda there. Maybe I need to come up with a genius OCCO PE that has creamy vanilla, white chocolate and more white chocolate and marshmallow with butter and sugar..

Occo Pink is very girly and I appreciate the pink sugaryness that it throws. I still have not tested my blue completely out yet.

I really want an OCCO CHERRY ORANGE CRUSH type of occo. I liked the orange in Dolly's hot and sticky but the pineapple and honey did something weird that I couldn't ignore.

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They are similar but to me the apricot in OCCO Red is more prominent than in LP Red. It's like a lighter brighter version of the other.

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...Maybe I need to come up with a genius OCCO PE that has creamy vanilla, white chocolate and more white chocolate and marshmallow with butter and sugar...

...I really want an OCCO CHERRY ORANGE CRUSH type of occo.


Yes please! :)

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.... a genius OCCO PE that has creamy vanilla, white chocolate and more white chocolate and marshmallow with butter and sugar....

... an OCCO CHERRY ORANGE CRUSH type of occo....

Yes please! :)

I'd like to second that one please!! =)


I would like to add my agreement that both of these sound like absolutely delicious scents! Of course, I am one of those people to whom cops smell *pleasant*.... All of the OCCOs smell so good to my nose!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just received my samples of Occo BLUE , and I am completely in love ! I can smell copss for about a minute after application , but the BLUE scent is so subtle , clean and elegant , I will definitely wear this on its own . This is also scent that will go well with any other perfume since its not prominent or distracting. I don't like heavy scents . but rather the non-sweet , non foodie scents and this one is perfect !

Edited by fluffygirl12
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I am one of those people to whom cops smell *pleasant*.... All of the OCCOs smell so good to my nose!

I've always thought cops add to the sweetness of the OCCO. It seems to make White, Pink and Red more sugary. :love:
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Maybe I need to come up with a genius OCCO PE that has creamy vanilla, white chocolate and more white chocolate and marshmallow with butter and sugar..


I really want an OCCO CHERRY ORANGE CRUSH type of occo.

Wow yes on both of these...


I just received my samples of Occo BLUE , and I am completely in love ! I can smell copss for about a minute after application , but the BLUE scent is so subtle , clean and elegant , I will definitely wear this on its own . This is also scent that will go well with any other perfume since its not prominent or distracting. I don't like heavy scents . but rather the non-sweet , non foodie scents and this one is perfect !

Love Blue!!! I wore it to bed last night with Treasure of Silver. Occo Blue is perfect on its own though too. To me it is such a comfort scent. Something about the oakmoss. It's perfect all year round. I wish I had it on now...I think I'll wash what I have on off and get into this right now.

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I tried my sample of OCCO SLF when I first started with LPMP back in January, I think. I didn't particularly care for it as it was heavily syrupy and honey in my mind.

Now that I've had to rely on my bottle of Jouir De for my coplins, and got Occo SLF and a bottle of EOW in trade, Occo SLF is not as heavy handed as Jouir De and so

my senses have been re-calibrated.


I know my boyfriend will still hate it, but this is a lot lighter and less "cat-pee," so even though I know that's going to be his complaint, it's not as bad as Jouir De. I just have

to see if it's as effective as Jouir De is.


I do want to say that I was really unsure about Soie et Forrure (Silk & Fur) because it initially came across as too flowery and grown-up. However, with OCCO SLF, I think this

is one "grown-up" combo I could stand to grow into. But I need to figure out a way to get Silk and Fur to stick around longer-- SLF doesn't have that issue! :)

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I have a bottle of OCCO SLF coming and after reading about this in a few of the earlier comments I was just wondering: do you need to let the bottles "steep" or can you begin using them right away? It seems like some have had better thoughts after letting it sit for awhile and I was just wondering if that is preference, cops or no cops.

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Storm,I am in the let steep camp :) and always try several times,at least!! ...I still shudder at how close I came to not trying LP Red/OCCO Red again :w00t: Oh and I didn't even like OCCO White at first either,hmmm,or any of the honeys come to think about it...yikes :lol:

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They are similar but to me the apricot in OCCO Red is more prominent than in LP Red. It's like a lighter brighter version of the other.


I like LP red a lot, but I figured I didn't need OCCO Red. Wrong! More apricot sounds wonderful :)


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There's some that did nothing for me right off the bat, like BALLS!

I find that sometimes there's a little difference for bottles just arrived in the mail

from trades (and thus have aged) and letting them hang out a bit and maybe let my nose

get used to them and appreciate them more.


however, for those fresh off the line like BALLS! I definitely noticed a difference after it had aged for several months.

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There's some that did nothing for me right off the bat, like BALLS!

I find that sometimes there's a little difference for bottles just arrived in the mail

from trades (and thus have aged) and letting them hang out a bit and maybe let my nose

get used to them and appreciate them more.


however, for those fresh off the line like BALLS! I definitely noticed a difference after it had aged for several months.

Storm,I am in the let steep camp :) and always try several times,at least!! ...I still shudder at how close I came to not trying LP Red/OCCO Red again :w00t: Oh and I didn't even like OCCO White at first either,hmmm,or any of the honeys come to think about it...yikes :lol:


So it seems like at least some of them do get better with age. I had to laugh though because my first thought was "I should have some left in several months?". I'm lucky because the LP Red was awesome as soon as I opened the cap and I can only imagine how much better it could be if it actually lasted months but I may try out the OCCO SLF and its a little much at first I may let it sit awhile and see if my thoughts change. Good to know!!

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Not that you'd necessarily be that patient.... :)


But it's also nice to know that some bottles that one would get on the trade pages or from Mara if it's been awhile since the debut have aged. However I think it was Halo (perhaps not,.unsure) who said she prefered one particular perfume when it was new, and when it had aged she liked it but not.nearly as much.


I think there's something to be said for smelling a newly arrived perfume and researching the notes again as if perhaps one may, by learning more of someone or item we are a bit iffy on, come to build a foundation on which to start appreciating it.


I am not sure if Vampire Bait had travel shock or of, after reading everything on it that I could, I could appreciate the separate parts through the power of suggestion and, behold! suddenly vampire bait had a new fan whereas before I had actually listed it on my trade page.


that being all well and good, sometimes you're going to hate or extremely dislike a bottle and there will be no changing that.







ha ha ha, you didn't not expect a corrollary? Here's the but:


but then you run into something so foul as Jouir De AND find out it WORKS that you wind up wearing something aesthetically unpleasant yet fuctionally badass.

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I had to laugh though because my first thought was "I should have some left in several months?".


Well if you become a typical LP addict you will gather thousands of samples and eventually have approximately 50-100 bottles of various scents and will not go through each scent so quickly so yes you should "have some left after several months..."...er...decades...!

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but then you run into something so foul as Jouir De AND find out it WORKS that you wind up wearing something aesthetically unpleasant yet fuctionally badass.

OUCH. Ya cut me deep MissHazel...Deep. :cry::P
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more for you, right? :D


actually, it doesn't seem to keep people from trying it :)

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So it seems like at least some of them do get better with age. I had to laugh though because my first thought was "I should have some left in several months?". I'm lucky because the LP Red was awesome as soon as I opened the cap and I can only imagine how much better it could be if it actually lasted months but I may try out the OCCO SLF and its a little much at first I may let it sit awhile and see if my thoughts change. Good to know!!

The permanent line up probably has more time to age before we receive it as the Mistress of Potions brews those batches on power days, as the need arises. Permanent would be LP Original, Black, Red, etc..

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...and OCCO SLF has already aged at least a year, so it's going to smell somewhat different now than it did when it was released.

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Thank you for all the great info on this blend. It brings to mind a different question though: After reading your post Luna65, I went back and noticed that this is a limited edition and you mentioned it being released a year ago. How long do limited editions stay around for? And if I end up really liking the OCCO SLF, should I stock up now while I can? I like the idea that it has aged and therefore is what it will be but I would be sad to think I found something good and then I run out forever more. :Emoticons08045:

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How long do limited editions stay around for? And if I end up really liking the OCCO SLF, should I stock up now while I can?

Until they sell out, and yes, if you think you need more than one bottle then you should hoard if you can.

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Until they sell out, and yes, if you think you need more than one bottle then you should hoard if you can.


:yeahthat: !!!!!!!!!!!!

...regrets,I've had a few :lol:

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I just ordered SLF! Now the waiting begins....Waiting for the NRs to be released....feverishly ordering at last...then waiting for the order to arrive...It's a vicious cycle :lol: I can't wait to compare to JD. I'm thinking without the orchid in it, it's going to seem COMPLETELY different.....

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I just put them both on to compare:

OCCO SLF is more sweet and a bit fruity off the bat applied to skin and still wet. Ripe fruit bordering into over-ripe, very juicy.

I don't know why I never noticed this but Jouir De, by comparison, almost seems a bit metallic. There's still a bit of that powdery old lady bits thing going on, but then I smell a bit of the orchid which while I don't really know what orchid smell like-- I guess this would be it because my brain thinks "coconut" (it's not, it's just my brain thinking "tropical" and reaching for the thing it can recognize from tropical smells.)


As it's drying OCCO SLF kind of has a honey cider wine thing going on. Still fruity, but less in terms of almost-to-the-point-of-rotting fruit and more normal fruit with a bit of zing-- it kind of has a cherry smell at the moment? honey cider wine with cherry?


Jouir De is transforming and still has a very "flat" smell to me--stale would be a good adjective, but what's changing now is that there's something in the background and becoming a bit stronger that smells like conventional perfume. Overall it's definitely still not conventional perfume, but the back-end of it smells like that. I can see how mothballs might have come about because sitting here smelling this over and over again when normally I try to not smell this at all until it dries down and I cover it, it does have a stale, old-ladies-items have not been touched and they've sat around in a closed up space for a very long time but body odor and very strong perfume along with that staleness are the strongest sensory messages. It's very...palpable, like funky stale closed up humid air (my house isn't humid at all so that's why palpable works in this little air cloud.


in comparison, the SLF is like juicy fruit bubblegum now and pretty much soaked in (though of course may morph later.) Now that I'm huffing, it's sometimes juicy fruit bubblegum and sometimes a jolly rancher-- like watermelon or apple?


Wow, I did NOT get any of this at all when I first tested OCCO SLF. I think my nose is trying to keep me away from Jouir De by practically painting a yellow brick road to the SLF and making it turn all fruity glittery. I'm going to have to retest OCCO SLF all by itself later on to make sure that there isn't some weird manipulation going on to emphasize the whole "stay away from Jouir De" message.)


Clearly, something strange is going on as except for honey none of the other ingredients for OCCO SLF indicate what I'm smelling:



HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment.

AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.

MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.

CIVET ~ Musk derived from civet cats, now illegal except in synthetic form. Considered a strong aphrodisiac, has an intense, animal, 'sexual' aroma.

Essence of Woman (EoW) Copulins ~ Strong and immediate sexual attraction.

Edited by MissHazel
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MissHazel, thank you for giving your impressions. From the description, it sounded interesting but I wouldn't have expected the notes you picked up. Now I'm even more excited to try it!!! I hope it smells the same on me when it arrives!! And thanks to all that have imparted the wisdom of hoarding as necessary. I will plan on doing that as necessary - especially with the long shelf life they appear to have. :D

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I've said before that initially I was not a fan of SLF but I think after I experimented with a trade bottle of jouir de and found that cops worked and what to do versus what not to do, SLF is a lot easier to handle for my specific chemistry.


However, if I did not have a bottle of EOW and of OCCO SLF there is no way I would let go of my jouir de. Read the review thread for it and you'll likely want to dare yourself to wear it too.


I was very interested to compare them side by side. OCCO SLF came across as bright and zingy and whatever honey was in it seemed like a very fruity honey. Also, by comparing them I could finally smell the orchid and I also counted myself lucky to add two more adjectives to the smelling experience of metallic and stale. Which makes it sound like I hate Jouir De (more for Nutrix) but my nose is dumb so I'm happy to have new smell experiences whwre I have to pick out new notes so I felt like I was learning today.


Just make sure it dries down and have a cover just in case.

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OH! I'm SO excited! I want to do what you have, MissHazel! ^_^ Initially when I first got Jouir De the Orchid and musks were the most in my face to me...the orchid I think because I can amp florals and the musks in it were completely new to me and I couldn't associate them with anything I'd ever smelled before. I LOVE the honeys in it, drippy and delicious, and the vanilla and amber make it rich and my skin turns this into a foodie delight. It's CRAZY and very WEIRD, especially after reading so many other reviews that sound like they're talking about a completely different product! :huh: On me this is a thick, clinging, honeyed, sexy musk. A real testament to the quirkiness of chemistry :heart: I'm wondering if the SLF's honey will be as drippingly gooey, thick and delicious, just without the orchid???

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I'm going to have to get a bottle of OCCO Blue. I had gifted a bottle to a friend and she poured me a small sample. Though I love the versatility of OCCO White, I loooove how Blue smells. The BF told me I smelled like a cupcake. :blink:


I can't place my finger on the scent, it's sweet and soft but not CUPCAKE sweet. It's a clean sweet scent that I've learned to love.

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Looks like from the drop down box on the web page it's oil or spray, (which will be an alcohol base), no mention of silicone. The sprays are usually great for diffusion in cooler weather and may burn off to quickly depending on how warm it is. I've not had any problems, myself, with diffusion or longevity using oils. I have several products in silicone/alcohol and the LP oils always outlast them. That's my 2c :)

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And, I have read the cautionary notes that stronger copulin formulations (and the OCCOs are definitely heavy on the cops) are easier to use in roll-on form versus a spray. The caution has been to take care that the cops do not accidentally get into your hair or clothes, leaving you with cheese-head or an "unwashed" smell.

Edited by Chaionlife
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Hi Everyone,

I have a question

Can you get the OCCOs in the silicone roll on?

Is that better than just the oil?

It is starting to get warmer here and I want the best diffusion.





The reason there is no mention of the silicone option for the OCCO line is because the silicone base in an option only for unscented pheros, not phero scents. With the OCCO line (and other phero-enhanced scents, the "base" is the perfume, which is oil (or alcohol, if requested)).


Bear in mind that, even in oil, diffusion WILL happen, especially if the weather is getting warmer. Oils are very good in the summer because they don't burn off as quickly (when it "burns off", that means it is gone and you must re-apply). And, you really don't want a strong sex signal flying across the room and smacking someone upside the head.....I prefer to wear my "sex blends" close to my body so that only the ones who get into my personal space will be affected.




And, I have read the cautionary notes that stronger copulin formulations (and the OCCOs are definitely heavy on the cops) are easier to use in roll-on form versus a spray. The caution has been to take care that the cops do not accidentally get into your hair or clothes, leaving you with cheese-head or an "unwashed" smell.



Yeah, "coochy-head" is NOT an attractive thing......

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