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Happy Ending

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I don't smell the cops in this one, which is a relief off the bat, but that's far from being the only beauty of Happy Ending. It's like a delicious gooey, buttery (must be the type of vanilla--definitely one of those cakey ones), spicy confection with some smooth grounding oak in the background and a touch of musk warming it up further. Thankfully I don't get any rose geranium; I get a dash of rose but nothing dry or overwhelming, just a couple candied rose petals on top of the cake. I can't wait to try it out on a guy of choice, but for now I think the real happy ending in this one is that it has no calories. :D

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It does have a nice smell in the vial,& I can detect the cops. I'm leary of trying this one on, as more of an androstenal type :D

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I tried this one, but with trepidation. The notes all seemed like they were right for me, but BAM and I don't seem to get along. I have tried 3 different BAM's and they all smell bad to me.


Well Happy Ending did too...for the first couple of hours it was faint perfume with BAM slapping it around. Then eventually I did notice that the phero smell died down and I was left with a very commercial-perfume type base drydown.


Didn't work out for me. I accuse the combo of beta-androstenol and copulins of being anti-Pony.

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I love the smell of this, upon first application I know I want to pick up another bottle, trying it out on a gent will be a true test but really know I love the scent. It is really sweet and sort of powdery, a slight honeyed rose with a cake batter appeal. Am in love with myself, smelling this!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about this one, I guess I was afraid it might be too floral on me. In actuality this smells like Phero Girl but not quite the same. I really don't get the floral aspects at all. I imagine it to be the scent of the cake the Princess and her Consort shared on their wedding night...and then other things.

*dreamy sigh*

(I was thinking of an actual story for this...maybe someday I'll be able to share it.)


So I think this one will be Quince-approved, as he's already very fond of BAM in a foody blend.

Edited by luna65
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  • 2 weeks later...

This is lovely, sweet and lightly musky, I can't smell the cops or B-nol after drydown. I'm still trying to track down what gave me a headache last night - it could have been Naughty Minx, something with A-nol or B-nol. Based on my reaction to Happy Ending, I don't think it's the B-nol.


adding: I had some interesting self-effects from this one, I felt relaxed, kind of giddy, even. Must investigate further!

Edited by perfumesniffer
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I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about this one, I guess I was afraid it might be too floral on me. In actuality this smells like Phero Girl but not quite the same. I really don't get the floral aspects at all. I imagine it to be the scent of the cake the Princess and her Consort shared on their wedding night...and then other things.

*dreamy sigh*

(I was thinking of an actual story for this...maybe someday I'll be able to share it.)


So I think one will be Quince-approved, as he's already very fond of BAM in a foody blend.



Quince-approved (LOL) :lol: I nearly choked on my rasberries at that one. The only thing going thru my mind was "Quim tested, Quince approved."

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  • 3 weeks later...

I thought this was lovely. I just barely caught the cops in the beginning & it just dried down beautifully. I don;t know who posted that it smells like a commercial scent, but it does. Just a very high end one.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Oh my, this is so luxurious. I just received my sample today and L-O-V-E it!!! The first half hour upon application I thought differently though, it was super sour and I was about to wash it off. Then it morphed into a beautiful soft and sensual fragrance. I just fell in love. A bottle is in my future for sure, but for now I will save this one for special times with my man to see the phero effects.

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Oh my, this is so luxurious. I just received my sample today and L-O-V-E it!!! The first half hour upon application I thought differently though, it was super sour and I was about to wash it off. Then it morphed into a beautiful soft and sensual fragrance. I just fell in love. A bottle is in my future for sure, but for now I will save this one for special times with my man to see the phero effects.


That is the lesson to be learned about these scents.....they morph over time.....don't make snap judgements! I have several that are just "meh" when wet, but are glorious after dry down!!

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I didn't like this at first, but after it dries down it is a nice vanilla scent. I didn't notice any effects from the beta androstenol but the copulins worked! Well I'm not sure, I paired this with Eternal Chain so I don't know what did what. I don't see my bf often so I was too impatient to test one at a time. :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

Edited by bruiseviolet
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  • 1 month later...

A big "awwww" is all I have to say. My bebez was so sweet last night. I actually forgot that I had this on until this morning. When I woke up I was thinking about everything that happened and was like "DUH, Happy Endings"! So last night my guy sat me on his lap and asked how I was doing with some issues that I have going on. Then later he asked how I was feeling about him, it caught me very off guard, I actually thought he was about to tell me something bad but I went with it and he ended up just talking a bit about us and how we are doing. CRAZY. Then during more intimate times he was holding my hands and seemed to not be in any hurry to "get there". He seemed to be taking it all in which was a very nice change of pace. Before that he even gave me a back rub without asking him to. WTH do you guys put in that BAM, clearly this is a very special mix that I won't be without. I'll be saving this for times where we need some extra intimacy and closeness in our relationship.

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Very,very nice Honeybee :) You found something special that works for you and your guy !! And BAM can be added to most any scent you love too,oooo the possibilities :)


Thank you Calii. You're right, BAM is pretty special and I'm thankful I tried it. I was having a lot of fun with some of the other pheros (A-nol, MRF, cops, ect) but since the other night with BAM I have a deeper respect for them now, they really can work wonders when used in the right time and place.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought after all this time I knew what cops smelled like. Apparently I didn't. WHOOOOF that is some stanky-ass cheese!


It settled down in about 10 minutes though. I now get a very bakery rose scent, similar to Rosebud Cupcake but less sweet and more floral. I get no spices or oak at any point, very strange.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was going to say this smells like stinking cheese!!!! But after about 20-30 mins...


I get musk :banana038: Which l LOVE and hmm... subtle cakey rose? OOOOO Me likey :banana026::):banana011:



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  • 6 months later...

Mmm, this is really nice ! Once the phero smell dies down, it leaves behind a lovely vanilla scent. It's soft and creamy, but with a bit of an edge, thanks to a hint of spice and florals.


I wore a dab of Happy Ending to a Bastille Day party yesterday, where an acquaintance of mine was volunteering at the door. Now, this guy is anything but a flirt, so everyone's jaw dropped (including mine!) when he greeted me with a "Hi beautiful! How's it going beautiful?", then proceeded to hug me, and finally commented with great enthusiasm, "and besides, you smell GOOD!" :goldfish5:

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Nooooo!!!!!! *cries*


I transported my perfume collection from one house to another and this one didn't make it! :( I opened my bag to find everything covered in oil and smelling faintly of cops and flowers. I went through everything fearful of what I had lost... and it was this one :( I haven't even had a chance to really test it yet beyond smelling it. *cries* Must be more careful with how I transport my LPs in the future...


So my experience this evening has been a bizarre one. I had to wash off every bottle (and so now a bunch of my labels look soaked and horrible :() and clean out the bag, and in the process I inhaled a serious overdose of fumes. I became really lightheaded and felt stoned. I haven't ever tried recreational drugs so I don't know what it should feel like, but I imagined this was how it would feel. I felt really dizzy and whenever I moved my head the world spun. I was swaying as I walked, like I was drunk. Yet I felt really alert - over alert - overstimulated. I could feel my eyes were opened wider than normal and I was moving faster than normal, like my mind was working faster than my body. I felt pretty nauseous and desperately wanted to regain control of my body and feel better, the feeling was horrible and a bit scary. It is 4 degrees here, but I went outside wearing just PJs and spent a good ten minutes breathing in the fresh air before I began to feel better, and only then noticed how freaking cold I was!


Some serious emotional side-effects here too. I posted on The Bitching Post, and suddenly ended up teary. Normally I don't just kind of cry just like that, I will be depressed about something for a while before I reach the point of tears on it. This was just instant, like, oh that sucks, BAM there are the tears (excuse the pun). No walls, no mental barriers to break through to reach the emotional vulnerability, I was just suddenly bawling. And it was gone just as quick, although that may be because my flatmate (new flatmate, and a good one this time I hope!) got home just then. I wiped up the tears before she got in the door and within those thirty seconds before she reached me I was completely cleaned up and looking normal. We've just spent the last few hours chatting, and I hope she didn't notice but I've been shaky the whole way through and talking faster than normal. I didn't want her to leave, I was desperate to talk to someone. She tried to go to bed a few times and I kept making more conversation, which she was ok about, and pretty chatty back, although she did eventually have to go as it is getting close to 1AM and we both have work early.


Now that I think about it, before she got here I was talking and talking to the cat, almost like I just wanted to hear my voice and put my thoughts and feelings and any random thing going through my head to the world.


Still shaking and wide-eyed and not sure I can go to sleep yet. The shaking almost feels like an emotional kind, not just like too much caffeine shaking, but like I'm overexcited. Feeling the world is an overwhelming place and everything is either too exciting or too scary. Sorry if this post is all over the place, I guess I am still under the effect of the overdose!

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  • 5 years later...

Whoops! I smell smutty. After my shower, I put on Odalisque w/ Bang, which I should've left alone, because it's already perfect, but I didn't want my man to feel pressured to ravish me the second he walked in the door after a 12 hr work day and a long drive. So I put Kittenish over it, because it blends nice but lightens it up. Kittenish is clean and powdery on me. But I'm tired, and I decided more pumpkin would be good, and grabbed Happy Ending. So somehow, trying not to smell like I was preparing for sex made me smell like I already had sex.

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Whoops! I smell smutty. After my shower, I put on Odalisque w/ Bang, which I should've left alone, because it's already perfect, but I didn't want my man to feel pressured to ravish me the second he walked in the door after a 12 hr work day and a long drive. So I put Kittenish over it, because it blends nice but lightens it up. Kittenish is clean and powdery on me. But I'm tired, and I decided more pumpkin would be good, and grabbed Happy Ending. So somehow, trying not to smell like I was preparing for sex made me smell like I already had sex.

That's Happy Ending. That's exacty what it smells like. Lol :D
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