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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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Well Shen Tao is a very popular peach scent, although I don't love it everyone I let sniff my vial did and doesn't Backstage Pass have peach in it? Now that one I may be mistaken on but I know Shen Tao for sure.


eta: yeah BP has peach, peony, vanilla, musk, honey...it is very nice.

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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DD... Sorry, not peach... Pesach. The Hebrew name for the Jewish holiday of Passover. This past year I started wearing Chametz (bready) scents throughout Pesach/Passover as kind of a joke (inspired in part by Luna's theme-based weeks) and my girls thought the idea was a hoot. So, this upcoming Pesach/Passover I'm going to give them their own Chametz scent :) And, it's a lovely thing to be able to do so from the sales bin :)


Hmm, I'll have to ponder what my favorite peach scent is and get back to you. Anyone else, feel free to chime in with suggestions!

What a lovely idea, the nanny that I had for my kids for 14 years and my dear friend Ida I Jewish and I'm always looking for something unique to give her for the holidays. At 63, she is still a hoot and I'm now an official member of her book club at the Jewish Community Center. She is always asking me what I'm wearing when I see her once a week to take her grocery shopping and she now has 5 LP bottles in her collection. Thanks again for sharing this great idea.

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Kittenish is my all-time favorite peach scent. But I'm also partial to Hotter Than Hell, Shelly B's Spring Fling and Empress of Persica.

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Eggers, good for you!!! I wish I had some restraint. :( I have my list and a good portion were over there so maybe I won't be as bad a girl as I think I will be!!! However, I have to say that Tyvey's impassioned thoughts of Sea Find did make me add that to the list and I certainly wasn't alone!! If she keeps going, Mara may have it sold out soon!! LOL


That's what prompted me to get it, too. I was attempting to avoid the bin!

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And Tyvey's efforts carried the day -- Sea Find is sold out!

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And see, I was just going to say that this place could be a great mother's matchmaker site. You can get to know some ladies within the age bracket of your choosing AND know that your LP collection can grow exponentially because you will have a partner in crime!!

Stormey, Your a hoot

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I have a whopload of lovely tradesies coming.

From the sale I'm getting Double O, and I WANT MAYBERRY...in a spray..but it MAY BE sold out! :(

Second choice is Sneaky Clean spray, and Babe in the Woods as my freebie! :)

From the clearance bin, Risen and Lost.Highway,though I might need to wait on those till next paycheck. I gotta keep it real with the finances here...sucks,but c'est la vie!

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Cheese did you look at AF Mayberry's still there. I have what is about a small sniffie worth I can put in your box.. don't know if the timing will be good but I'll do it.


It is the best blueberry Ive ever had.


7 left on AF

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Okay I just put All Hallows eve on reserve from the sale, I'm trying to decise what I really want since my budget is non-existent this month. I've always wanted Lap of Luxury so I'll prob grab that... STILL on the fence with another $10 bottle (Prophetic Pie). Kind of tempted to grab something with Treasured hearts.... OR a spell potion. @_@ Argh, I can't decide.

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Okay I just put All Hallows eve on reserve from the sale, I'm trying to decise what I really want since my budget is non-existent this month. I've always wanted Lap of Luxury so I'll prob grab that... STILL on the fence with another $10 bottle (Prophetic Pie). Kind of tempted to grab something with Treasured hearts.... OR a spell potion. @_@ Argh, I can't decide.


I've got Lap of Luxury and I think that you will like it. It's a really nice light scent!!


As for me, all I can say is "What DIDN"T I buy?" LOL And you know what, I don't feel bad.

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Kittenish is my all-time favorite peach scent. But I'm also partial to Hotter Than Hell, Shelly B's Spring Fling and Empress of Persica.

Ida is coming to my house on Saturday for dinner, but bless her heart she knows my cooking skills are zero to none, so she gave me the shopping list and I will be rewarded with an amazing dinner and great company and then we will be off to a birthday party for a mutual friend of ours....I told her she can smell all of my samples and I will buy her some bottles for Hanukkah this year...

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Ohhhh, sweet order

Oh boy am I excited or what!! I have been holding off on the HH and ST in the hopes they would be in the sale...never thought Autumn '11 would be and THAT has been on my list FOREVAH...I can't wait for my sister to see Sveet Tooth. She is a total foody and loves vampires so she will love her birthday present in September!!

I also remembered too late that I had meant to get a new Occo Red though. But really...can enough be enough already? Sheesh. I am such a spoiled LP Ho.

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I ordered seconds of stuff: (more) Bedeviled, (more) Brother Brimstone, (more) Cry Havoc, (more) Charisma, (more) Sand Box, (more) Sands of the Nile, (more) Teddy Man, and (more) Wanted Man. And then a bottle of Thane from the $10.00 bin, with Ruisseau, Salute, Shade, Home Run, Eternal Sunshine & Lion Heart as my freebies.

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I ordered seconds of stuff: (more) Bedeviled, (more) Brother Brimstone, (more) Cry Havoc, (more) Charisma, (more) Sand Box, (more) Sands of the Nile, (more) Teddy Man, and (more) Wanted Man. And then a bottle of Thane from the $10.00 bin, with Ruisseau, Salute, Shade, Home Run, Eternal Sunshine & Lion Heart as my freebies.

I know I doubled up on Cops n Robbers

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No I wasn't commenting to anyone in particular, I know it's all in fun. None of us would actually trade our sons for perfume, lol.

Luna, I knew you were not commenting to anyone in particular, I just did not want all the new folks to think I was a perv... LOL

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Hmmm, upon reflection, I think I'm gonna change it up.

I neeeeeeed the Mayberry.Blueberries are my thang. And I'm dyin to try Vintage Musk, which is also on Artfire.

I've been really WANTING Double O, but seeing how she's new,and the sale will run through 2 of my paychecks, I think I'm gonna get the first two,and save her for later. Otherwise, I'll be in danger of missing out!

Still keeping Babe in the Woods as my freebie, though Lala Gulaba has my attention for next time!

The reviews for that one sound AMAZING,and I know if Liz likes it,odds are I will too!

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Are there a lot of others waiting to drop the bin and sale bomb until NRs come out? I feel I've been exercising and unusual amount of restraint trying to hold out....but then I keep shopping too..... :D

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Are there a lot of others waiting to drop the bin and sale bomb until NRs come out? I feel I've been exercising and unusual amount of restraint trying to hold out....but then I keep shopping too..... :D

I'm reserving what I want so it does sell out and I'm hopeful the NR's will be released prior to my 7 days running out.
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I'm reserving what I want so it does sell out and I'm hopeful the NR's will be released prior to my 7 days running out.

I, too, am watching that 7-day countdown. So, to help myself just feel comfortable with that deadline, I'm thinking I will do what I usually do. .. order the NR full sampler set even before the NRs are announced, so I can meet the 7 day deadline, finalize my order, and avoid having to incur multiple PayPal vendor fees :)

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We won't need to hand over our firstborns, will we?



Nice control!!!



Hmmm.... My first born is a single 30-year old male whose mommy taught him manners... So, might be I could arrange for a sizable number of FBs in exchange for him.... He's kind of a good one.... Anyone interested in a trade?




:smiley-laughing024: You know, when you put it like that, it doesn't seem like a bad thing at all!!!



Dang, if he was a bit older, I would grab him in a heartbeat....


LMAO - I missed this entire sub-thread somehow!!

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Oh my! This made me think about my youngest son's experience in California last week. He's 18... In walks this smoking hot gorgeous Asian woman in her late thirties... With a smoking hot Australian accent... And he is ENTHRALLED but struggling with this attraction (because of her age). And she's obviously smitten with him. I was laughing so much about this! Watched it go on all morning then, at lunch, when she's purring and cooing at him and practically in his lap... Seriously, he's very attractive and intelligent and mature, I can see why she's into him... but he speaks to me in Hebrew, calling me mom... And THE LOOK on her face is priceless! Turns out some of her best friends are Jewish, so she says "That's your mom?". Man, does the direction of the convo shift then!


Later that evening he says something about how hot she was... And then says something about how now he gets how his friends feel around me... LOL!


Oh my! This made me think about my youngest son's experience in California last week. He's 18... In walks this smoking hot gorgeous Asian woman in her late thirties... With a smoking hot Australian accent... And he is ENTHRALLED but struggling with this attraction (because of her age). And she's obviously smitten with him. I was laughing so much about this! Watched it go on all morning then, at lunch, when she's purring and cooing at him and practically in his lap... Seriously, he's very attractive and intelligent and mature, I can see why she's into him... but he speaks to me in Hebrew, calling me mom... And THE LOOK on her face is priceless! Turns out some of her best friends are Jewish, so she says "That's your mom?". Man, does the direction of the convo shift then!




Haha - it is always funny when someone speaks a language unexpectedly. Around here, I surprise people when they realize I speak Spanish.


When I was home one summer while in college, I dropped my mom off at one of her "ladies gatherings" - this one was a bunch of the wives of my dad's work colleagues getting together for some kind of benefit event. When I picked my mom up at it's conclusion she kept looking at me with an odd expression. I thought I was late or maybe I had missed a hint she wanted help at the event and was upset with me. Finally I asked her what was wrong. She said that after I had helped her take some donated stuff for the benefit in from the car and left, one of the very young wives (just past college herself) asked who I was. Mom told her I was her son home from college. She said the wife replied "If I was single, I would jump his bones." My poor mom was .... ummm, somewhat consternated with that comment for a couple days. For the most part, I took it to be a "modern" compliment but considering I had recently fended off an unhappily married woman who was just a few years older than me, I gave it all a wide berth just to be safe.

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I ordered seconds of stuff: (more) Bedeviled, (more) Brother Brimstone, (more) Cry Havoc, (more) Charisma, (more) Sand Box, (more) Sands of the Nile, (more) Teddy Man, and (more) Wanted Man. And then a bottle of Thane from the $10.00 bin, with Ruisseau, Salute, Shade, Home Run, Eternal Sunshine & Lion Heart as my freebies.

Oooh, you got a whole bunch of goodies...


I'm still deciding on my order, but so far I've reserved Lady Frost & Sea Find from the $10 bin, and Adrienne's Tangy Ylang for my freebie. I'm waiting for the NRs and the PEs to come out before I finalize my order...

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Luna, I knew you were not commenting to anyone in particular, I just did not want all the new folks to think I was a perv... LOL

Ah okay; see I know that's what people think of me...but it's all true! ;)

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Oooh, you got a whole bunch of goodies...


I'm still deciding on my order, but so far I've reserved Lady Frost & Sea Find from the $10 bin, and Adrienne's Tangy Ylang for my freebie. I'm waiting for the NRs and the PEs to come out before I finalize my order...

Hee Hee Did Tyvey sell the Sea Find or what. I'm so excited to try this out. Like Haunted Hallows I might have passed it by had it not been mentioned. Thanks Tyvey & Mara :)

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Hee Hee Did Tyvey sell the Sea Find or what. I'm so excited to try this out. Like Haunted Hallows I might have passed it by had it not been mentioned. Thanks Tyvey & Mara :)

Dude, I know! I was totally planning on skipping the $10 bin, lol

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Dude, I know! I was totally planning on skipping the $10 bin, lol

Yea.. really. :) ok I'll just grab 2, 4, 10. ah well it is a good deal. I consoled myself with some Xmas shopping to I was productive.. that's it!


MAIEA, I know.. hoping they are up this weekend. I don't know how Mara is doing this sale, brewing ect.. I hope she has some super house elves.

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Luna, I knew you were not commenting to anyone in particular, I just did not want all the new folks to think I was a perv... LOL



well, if you think about it like a charity auction, if I were single I'd totally be willing to trade bottles for dates (or a date) with a cute vetted guy.

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