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Darling Catalina

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Trying this out today at work. Super sweet, creamy orange cake in the beginning. As it settles, I'm getting more pink sugary goodness.

Darling Clementine was a little too cakey for me, I think this one is way better on me. So far, it's a hit!

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Hi girls! I've been wondering if Darling Catalina would like me better than Darling Clementine?


I've been testing Darling Clementine lately, and decided to give it a last chance last night...I applied it on my wrists, in the hopes of liking it this time, but my olfactory memory betrays me and doesn't allow my nose to go beyond Fruit loops...I really, reaaally wanted to like Darling Clementine, but the only improvement I got last night was a bit more citrus sweetness...


I know many of you have great noses, and are able to detect the differences among both potions...for example pink sugar seems to be a major note in Darling Catalina, according to some of your reviews....do you think I will like Darling Catalina?


Both potions have notes I adore, I just don't get why it isn't working and I 'm hoping that the prominent pink sugar note will work better with my skin chemistry....it made pumpkin work for me in SF, so maybe Darling Catalina will like me too??

Edited by Gabylicious
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Hah,well I have no nose,yet,still,probably ever...all I know is what I like and I like this...try a sample :)

Fruit Loops are for kids,silly rabbit :lol: <hoping you have seen that> have fun with it,the self-effects alone are worth it :P

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Hah,well I have no nose,yet,still,probably ever...all I know is what I like and I like this...try a sample :)

Fruit Loops are for kids,silly rabbit :lol: <hoping you have seen that> have fun with it,the self-effects alone are worth it :P


Thank you for your reply dearest Calii! Yes, I do remember that phrase, I love my cereal, jeje... I will definitely get a sample, Lady V loves anything pink sugary and I read her pink nose loves the pinkness in Darling Catalina...Besitos, Calii!

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Whoops...in my haste to get my order in I forgot to order this sample...sorry Gaby, I will be of no help to you! :Emoticons04269:


Oh, don't worry Missdarlyn! You are sooo sweet, thank you anyways! I will get a sample and report back with a comparison...besos!


PS...Sorry for not multiquoting, but this computer didn't let me..

Edited by Gabylicious
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Okay Tried Darling Catalina today. Similar to DC but without the orange of course. Still frosting and cake. Went on very vanilla-ish but smelled like a bakery scent. I had to really slather this one though to smell it on me. The good news is that it didn't go plastic. The bad news is that it faded after a very short time. Like 3 hours. I shall try again and really slather because I like this one a lot. DC disappeared on me too and left a plastic smell behind. So at least I'm on the right track. Maybe I'll try layering it with Rosie's Wedding cake and walk around like a living bakery.

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Awful lotta Libras around this joint!!


Count me in the Libra count too!


Trying this again today, more orangey than last time I think, bit like some orange biscuits I had once, those crescent moon ones with the tiny choc chips, although it doesn't smell chocolatey.

Edited by cinnamonmel
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Count me in the Libra count too!


Trying this again today, more orangey than last time I think, bit like some orange biscuits I had once, those crescent moon ones with the tiny choc chips, although it doesn't smell chocolatey.


Oh Yeah!!! Another Libra to add to the Libra train!


Gabby- this one has a lot more pink for me than Clementine did. I forgot to add a bottle to my latest order, because I do want one for sure, there is more pinky sugars and frosting in this one that Clementine. It totally sparkles more for me.

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When I first apply this I smell yummy dense cake with orange notes then it quickly dries down to sweet pink sugary nommyness...

wish the cake notes would last longer on me.


It is amazing though!..Just means I have to reapply it more often, and huff away!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know you ladies are all comparing this with Darling Clementine, but I am doing a side-by-side comparison between Darling Catalina and Kitten Nip, as I expected they would smell somewhat similar. I found Kitten Nip has a note in it I don't like - I can't put my finger on what it is, but it's kind of in the aftersmell, something a bit chemical-y, similar to whatever the scent I didn't like in Tabby was. Darling Catalina smells a lot like Kitten Nip to me, but without this note. It is just all sweet, pink, cupcakey, sugary goodness. It reminds me of cookies and cream ice cream. Really digging this smell. I'll report on phero effects once I've had a chance to test it out on others!

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So I finally did it, I finally got around to wearing v.1 of this, i.e. Darling Clementine! Back story: We went to pool today. I've been using the Australian Gold sunscreen which smells very orange-y. Didn't have any LPs on, then we decided to go eat & I didn't want to be "naked". This one complemented my Australian Gold sunscreen perfectly. I have to say, I never saw what the big deal was about this scent, but now I understand. It is delicious, bright, baked goods :) I'm not really that into smelling like cake, but I will be holding on to both of my Darling Clementine/Catalina samps to wear with my Australian Gold sunscreen.

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Here's my official review :D I wasn't sure whether to put this here or in PP, so please move it if it needs to be moved.


Review on Love Potion’s “Darling Catalina” and “Popularity Potion”


I’m reviewing both of these in the same post because Darling Catalina contains the Popularity Potion phero blend, and I’ve pretty much been wearing them together anyway. I have Darling Catalina in oil form so I’ve been using a dab of that on my wrists, neck, cleavage, behind ears, or any combination of the four, and unscented Popularity Potion in 60/40 alcohol/oil spray, so a spray of that to my hair, or spraying it into the air and walking through it.


Pheromone ingredients: The Popularity Potion phero blend consists of alpha androstenol, androstanone, estratetraenol, THDOC, 17-phenyl-androstenol, and epiandrosterone sulphate. I’ve got a handle by now on these first three ingredients, but I’ve got no clue about the last three.


Price: Normally $5 for 1.5ml trial vial or $29.95 for full 10ml bottle for Darling Catalina, but Mara was kind enough to throw in a trial vial free with my last order :D The PP phero blend alone in oil is $39.95, but can be made into a spray for only $5 more ($44.95), which is pretty good when you consider to make any of the perfume-phero blends into a spray is usually $15 more (goes from $29.95 to $44.95)


Presentation: PP was one of the first ones I got in spray form. The glass bottle is standard, attractive enough and stacks easily with other glass bottles as it is rectangular in shape. Label is one of the more uninteresting ones out there. Darling Catalina label is gorgeous though, as are all the Bohemian Cats hehe :) I believe it is actually Mara’s avatar at the moment, so I think of her every time I look at it!


Smell: I haven’t detected any smell in PP, although I’ve read some people saying they can smell it. All I get is a slight alcohol smell on first application, which quickly disappears. I usually cover UN sprays with another fragrance anyway, just in case it does start to smell. Darling Catalina is a different story, I love the foodiness of this. In a side by side comparison with this and Kitten Nip, I like this one a lot better. It smells more “genuine” to me, no chemically, fake smell. It is sweet, cookies and cream, cupcakey, sugary yumminess. It feels a bit “warm” to me, like something I would wear on a cold night, somehow I prefer cooler scents for warm weather or activities where I get warm like dancing.


Results: This definitely lives up to its name. For me it has the same kind of feel as Super Sexy for Women, but with the sexiness toned down a bit. I just feel more important when wearing this. People seem to want to talk to me, ask me to dance more, seem to enjoy their conversations with me more, and don’t seem to want me to leave; but it’s all in a respectful rather than a pushy way.


C2 was strange on this, he seemed to be acting like I was a goddess and he wasn’t worthy of my attention. Now given he is the one who broke it off with me, this behaviour struck me as a little odd. He kept thanking me for dancing with him, kept acting as though I would be doing him a big favour if I could find the time for just one more dance, and when it was time to leave he didn’t seem to want me to go and was very specific about confirming when he would see me next, in a way that seemed to be saying something that I just couldn’t put my finger on. I was trying to analyse it or find the right words to describe it, and all I could manage was that it seemed almost like he was embarrassed in my presence, in a kind of hero worship way? Maybe someone can understand what I’m trying to say here and word it a bit better!


Another dancer, who seems to be a very genuine, decent guy in his fifties (I’ll call him Neil), and a lady probably in her forties, who I’ll call Ellen, ended up in a very weird conversation with me. I was wearing a short-ish skirt, but with dark pantyhose underneath, so I didn’t think the look was too inappropriate because I was basically well covered up. But when I sat down after a dance Neil touched my leg, where the skirt ended – not in a sleazy way, just a drawing attention to it kind of way – and when I looked at him questioningly he commented on the skirt’s length. It was hard to ascertain if he was saying it as a good or bad thing, but after a weird conversation with him and Ellen I got the impression that they had been talking about it while I was dancing, and that they thought it was inappropriately short, but that boy did I have the legs for it!! Anyway, the conversation was just weird because it was all about pantyhose and stockings and underwear and all kinds of innuendo ended up being thrown around. Neil himself looked really surprised and out of his depth at the conversation, although he was obviously really enjoying it. Even though all this was kind of sexual, it never seemed to go anywhere sleazy, and even the admiration of my legs was done in a nice, not an inappropriate way. So I am still taking this pheromone as basically not very sexual.


I had a nasty experience with this last night due to Roger the inappropriate dancer, and I’ve written about that elsewhere, but won’t repost it here as I don’t think it was because of the PP – I am pretty sure it was either the cops I was still inadvertently wearing from the day before, or his scent memory of me wearing Extracurricular Proclivities. So, putting him aside and looking at the behaviour of everyone else that night, here’s my analysis. The setting was the opening of a new dance club, and the instructors, who I knew from my old club, were obviously trying to woo everyone and encourage them to come back. I was one of the most experienced dancers there, and so obviously they would be keen to keep me coming back, so I’m taking the treatment I received in light of this and open to the possibility that it really wasn’t the phero blend at all.


Basically they treated me like I was royalty, and like they would do anything I wanted. When I mentioned Roger’s inappropriate behaviour I was assured steps would be taken and the style of the class would change and so on and so on, and I felt like I could have asked for anything I wanted and would have been assured of it (although somehow I didn’t feel that they would necessarily do it, but they sure were keen to say it). One instructor sought me out as soon as the class was finished, and stood talking to me for a while right in the middle of the dance floor about how good I was and what great technique I had, and as people tried to dance around us I kind of had to lead us off the floor and he just followed, still talking at me! He then wanted a couple of dances, and later in the evening I heard him talking to someone else, and breaking off the conversation with, “Excuse me, I’m going to go grab another dance with Synergist now”! We were on an old and rather crappy floor and I complained that spinning on this floor hurt my ankles, and again it was lean over backwards to try to accommodate me – promises that next week the floor would be polished, and the floor would be getting extended soon, and so on – even an apology from him for asking me to dance in the first place! I should explain that this dance instructor was very snooty previously, basically never danced with anyone but his partner at the old club and never even paid me any attention at all until I became good. Even now, it’s kind of seen as an honour to be asked to dance by him, as he is very selective and gives off the impression that he doesn’t like to waste his time with newbies. Still, I’m not quick to take his behaviour towards me as indication of his liking me or even responding to the pheromones – most likely his niceness towards me has a perfect correlation with my level of dancing expertise.


Sorry for the waffly review. One of these days I will learn the art of succinctness ;)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Posted a short story about my night wearing this in my PT journal, but I think it belongs here as well. This stuff is crazy!


Synergist's Adventures in Hicksville


Today's Episode: Dancing Queen


In the week I have been in this new town, the thing I have missed the most, after my friends and workmates, is my dancing. Back on the Coast I was a superkeen dancer, going to two to three lessons a week plus dance parties most weekends - it was a huge part of my life. Cut off from this, I began to feel I would go crazy if I couldn't dance.


Dr Google told me the local RSL holds "social dancing" on Sundays and Tuesdays at 6PM. What does that mean exactly? Well, I had no idea really. The only dancing I have ever done is modern jive, which is not at all the traditional style - a lot of freeform, very loose and easy footwork, very much something you put your own personality into. Sexy, modern, stylish. Full of dips, leans, crouches, spins, and sometimes a hell of a workout. That is my idea of "social dancing". But what is social dancing like in Hicksville?


Being a single female in a new town, I didn't want to wear anything that might get me into trouble, so I played it safe with two sprays of Popularity Potion into my hair and a few swipes of Darling Catalina (which also contains Popularity Potion) to my wrist and neck. I hadn't had a shower in three days, and I had been working in the field in the freezing cold, lugging around heavy branches and sawing up logs. I smoothed down my hair as best as I could, hoped no one would notice the windburn/frostburn all over my face, tried to cover up my chapped lips with some moisturiser.


I turned up just before 6PM and found the auditorium. Hmmm.... no one there yet. I check with the receptionist again - yep, definitely got the right place. The sight of the dance floor is actually exciting to me. I don't care what I do on it, as long as I get to dance on it! I amuse myself with a few spins and twirls.


Time drags on. At 7PM, I am getting really bored. A man probably 20 years my senior, bald and overweight, arrives and we strike up conversation as we wait. It is his first night at the dance class as well, though he's a local.


Within about two minutes of talking, he asks me outright, "Are you single?". I take him to mean it in a dancing context and reply that I am - as in, I didn't bring a partner. I say I hope that's ok - thinking, I'm not sure if this is a couples-only dance, will it matter that I didn't bring a guy with me? But his response - "Oh, that's great! Me too!" - has me mentally cursing myself. Oh, he DID mean it that way. *facepalm*


The man, let's call him Len, takes me out to the bar and buys me a drink. We wander over to the pokies and I sit down at one that I feel is lucky. A few spins later and he is by my side, panicked. "Where did you go?? I turned around for a second and you were gone! I put $10 in a machine and you weren't even there! I had to get the money back out and come and find you!" LOL, clingy much? I laugh at him and he puts the money in my machine. We chat and take turns spinning.


Within five minutes of meeting me he is telling me all about his 15 year relationship that just ended, and how ready he is - really really ready, hint hint - to be in another relationship again. I try to drop hints of my own - I'm not ready to be in a relationship just yet, I move around a lot, I've just got here and I'm trying to sort out my life - but he has a counterpoint to each of them. Oh, the best thing you can do is get back on the horse love. I'm not tied down anywhere, I'll move to wherever the lady wants me to go. You need to just get in there and give somebody a go.


Now, this all sounds very sweet, but remember this man is old enough to be my dad, and not to be unkind but he was also grossly overweight, bald, nearly a foot shorter than me, burped loudly and constantly, and would NOT stop talking about himself - or his ex wife. Not to mention my seedy-ometer was in overdrive.


Len tried a few times that night to get me drunk, constantly tried to put drinks into my hand or told me to drink the one I had quicker, or even told me outright that I should get drunk tonight. I had one drink only, and flatly refused the rest. More on how that went later...


So, eventually the dance class starts, a full two hours later than it was supposed to. I couldn't be more relieved to see other people there. What a sweet group they were. They went out of their way to make me feel welcome, all the men wanted to dance with me, half the ladies did too (I danced the male part), I had someone sitting beside me wanting to chat to me all night, and I felt like the belle of the ball. They were also all over 50, and at least a few of them were in their seventies or eighties.


So what is dancing like in Hicksville? Well, suffice to say, one guy suggested I should try line dancing next, as he thought I might find it more interesting and upbeat and more "to my style". Yeah.....


There was one particularly sweet old lady, who I think must literally be the nicest woman in the world. I'll call her Hannah. I told her all about how I was new in town and still finding my feet and she wrote down the names and details of some activities and groups she knew of that she thought I might enjoy. She gave me her number and said anytime I felt lonely to give her a call and go have a cup of coffee with her - she said she is a full-time carer to her ill mother so was often at home with not much to do anyway. I danced half a dozen songs with her and showed her my modern style, and she picked it up really well.


The old men were so funny and flirty. One of them asked me to dance with the words, "I'd love nothing more than to have a dance with a beautiful young lady like yourself". Where is chivalry in young men these days anyway?? I think I need to date one of these old chaps next!


Len disappeared for most of the class and reappeared towards the end of the night, completely smashed and with another truckie friend of his who I will call Toothless, since he was missing most of his teeth. Toothless congratulated Len on "getting her!" when he was introduced to me(!). I was like... what? Apparently the pair of them had quite a story-telling session while they were downing the drinks! Len had a few drunken dances with me, where I basically held him up and tried to get my toes out of the way. When I sat down the two of them sat either side of me, practically squishing me in with their closeness. Toothless even commented, "We're not really giving you enough space there!", to which Len replied "No such thing! The closer the better!" and proceeded to scooch in even closer. They watched my every move and shamelessly vied with each other to hold my attention in conversation, cutting each other off and trying to outdo the other in a way that was extremely comical.


Eventually the dancing finished and there was talk of going for drinks. I said I should head off, and Toothless and Len immediately volunteered to walk me to my car. I was 99% sure they were harmless, but I was a lone female with two strange guys and wasn't too sure how wise it was to enter the dark parking lot with them in tow. So I said instead that maybe I would stay for a drink, but nothing alcoholic. Toothless raced off to get me a "squash". Turns out it had Bundy in it as well... whoops, how on earth did that happen? ;) I abandoned my "non-alcoholic" drink when Toothless ran off again for some other reason, and discreetly asked Hannah to escort me to my car. Len began to follow us, but seemed to lose interest when he saw Hannah was with me too, which actually made me a little nervous - what had he been planning?


Outside Hannah said some more kind words to me, gave me a hug and told me to call her anytime, and I ran to my car in the pelting rain.


Welcome to Hicksville...

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  • 3 weeks later...

This one puts a huge smile on my face every time. Darling Catalina smells like the most delicious orange frosted warm vanilla cake I could ever dream of and Popularity Potion makes me feel fun, energetic and outgoing. The orange tends to fade throughout the day so sometimes I refresh with Melted Dreams so that I feel like a walking party and smell like cake and ice cream. Darling Catalina will definitely be a full bottle purchase.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been wearing this one at work frequently. I start out wearing Lap of Luxury (SWS) in the morning, which creates respect & cooperation between me & my co-workers.


Half way through my working day, after Lap of Luxury has died down, I then apply Darling Catalina. This phero scent immediately smoothes out any kinks, that may have cropped up by then. This is the perfect phero-combo, because DC has a softer, more gentle & friendly vibe to it. Seems to put me & everyone around in a happier mood. The customers & my co-workers pretty much go along with whatever I initiate at that point, works out great as the working day slows & comes to an end.


The smell to this potion is heavenly. I keep it in my makeup bag & whenever I open it the fragrance wafts out... mmmmm! I will never tire of this scent. It's like I just opened a can of buttery frosting & smeared it all over myself. It's the best sugar-high, without the calories & sugar crash after. The smell alone raises my energy instantly, to a higher, happier place.


I recommend this potion for any work situation. If your workplace is a bit hostile, start out with Lap of Luxury, & then ease into Darling Catalina in the latter part of the day. Of course DC could work in any social situation, since it quickly elevates everyone's mood.

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I've been wearing this one at work frequently. I start out wearing Lap of Luxury (SWS) in the morning, which creates respect & cooperation between me & my co-workers.


Half way through my working day, after Lap of Luxury has died down, I then apply Darling Catalina. This phero scent immediately smoothes out any kinks, that may have cropped up by then. This is the perfect phero-combo, because DC has a softer, more gentle & friendly vibe to it. Seems to put me & everyone around in a happier mood. The customers & my co-workers pretty much go along with whatever I initiate at that point, works out great as the working day slows & comes to an end.


The smell to this potion is heavenly. I keep it in my makeup bag & whenever I open it the fragrance wafts out... mmmmm! I will never tire of this scent. It's like I just opened a can of buttery frosting & smeared it all over myself. It's the best sugar-high, without the calories & sugar crash after. The smell alone raises my energy instantly, to a higher, happier place.


I recommend this potion for any work situation. If your workplace is a bit hostile, start out with Lap of Luxury, & then ease into Darling Catalina in the latter part of the day. Of course DC could work in any social situation, since it quickly elevates everyone's mood.


I have been using my Lap of Luxury (SWS) out and about but I thought I would wear it today to work after sharing the positive reviews from you both in this thread and the Lap of Luxury (SWS) thread....thanks

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I tried this out tonight, a large get-together of a bunch of people I volunteered with for an event this past summer. I decided DC with PP might be a good idea to get out there and socialize....


Maybe I was a bit too over-eager and applied WAY more of this than I should have but I felt kind of invisible. Hmm. I need to try again with the application scaled back.


That said the scent is a bit sweet for me. I am glad though that on dry-down the vanilla and clementine comes out, and the sweetness dies off.

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I have been in a sweet phase recently and this one is perfect for me. Sometimes sweet sugary scents are beautiful at first, but then can get too sweet for me. I never get that ughhh, it's too sweet feeling at all from Darling Catalina. This one is lightly cupcakey with a hint of orange that blends well with other scents I may be wearing.


The first time I wore it I had put a very small amount on and I ended up going to the grocery store. Every aisle I went down I had people giving me that DIHL look. I also had several people want to talk to me, almost like they were trying to think of a way to get closer to me. I was getting a little self conscious until I remembered that I had put this on. I am plotting another order and this one is definitely going on the list. Until then I am guarding my sample like it is liquid gold.

Edited by greenergal
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I'm a little bit stumped. I have yet to find that "sweet spot" with this (the PP), first time I think I overloaded.. and the second and third times I didn't notice people reacting any differently, so I'm guessing I may not have put enough on. It's a little bit like..."why can't I get this right? Or why can't I get this to work?"

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Sometimes, with the social pheros, I find I get better reactions when I use them on my arms, hands and neck, (sometimes in my hair, too), than when I apply on my torso. I'm referring to oils here. I don't have a lot of experience with the phero sprays yet - I'm working on it. ;)

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This one puts a huge smile on my face every time. Darling Catalina smells like the most delicious orange frosted warm vanilla cake I could ever dream of and Popularity Potion makes me feel fun, energetic and outgoing.


THIS...verbatim! ...add some cream :D


...if you have not tried this in awhile,it is aging beautifully,sooo rich & nom nom nom delicious :icecream:


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I like this a wee bit better than Darling Clementine. In Darling C the orange hit my sinuses in sour way when I first applied, and gave me a slight headache, almost like I'd gotten orange juice up there! But I don't get that with Darling Catalina for some reason, which is just fine by me, because otherwise, I love this scent. It does seem a little "pink-er", too. And the vanilla feels... IDK, more robust, maybe?


Anyway, I'm going out to meet a bunch of friends for a birthday celebration after I finish work tonight, and I plan to wear this. I'm thinking of pairing it with a dab or two of an Occo, but I can't decide between Occo White or Occo Pink. Any suggestions? I'm leaning toward White...

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I would go with White,more cakey,mmmm cake :cat692:

...ya know I have a bottle of D Clem put away,think I will get it out and see how it has aged,last I remember it smelled the same,to me,but seems like I do not have good scentabilities compared to most :lol:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

The initial sensation that I have with this scent I imagine to be very similar to me plunging my hand into a bowl of frosting because it takes everything I have in me not to lick my arm and hours later, I am still smelling pretty tasty!


I had originally picked something else for work but I've been told how UN-popular I am there - and for my own sanity thought to try this first. After my morning turned sour in the office today I grabbed my purse, went to the bathroom like I was sneaking a drug (its how I felt with Mr C watching me), and put some on the back of my hands so that I could smell yummy and get the instant happy feeling this gives me. Mr C's mood had also taken a turn or so I feared (he had been exposed to me earlier in the morning when I was wearing a blend with OW so I will never know what kept him from going ballistic) and while he was never quite the same he did perk up considerably. I even walked up to one of our staff and sweetly insisted he tell me if the new perfume smells like a cupcake so he'd get phero'd. My bad I know but he resents me (and the reason I have SWS) and this w/PP makes him smile at me (even from a distance). He perked up after having been in a bit of trouble which was important to get through the day.


This potion makes me love me. It makes me happy. I could care less what other people think of me when I wear this and that is sooooo not me. We are somewhat well known where we live and well, Mr C (congeniality) is hard to stand next to most days without both being invisible and/or feeling invisible and ending up with a grumpy look on my face ... anxiety disorder (stress more than social) aside!


At the end of the day yesterday I excused myself before sitting for a late lunch at a place filled with people we knew and put a little on before making the rounds to say hello to everyone before finding our table and for the first time in almost forever, it felt like people really were happy to see me and if they weren't, I was so happy I didn't care! This is significant because I am NOT a happy person and my face shows my emotions. I had SUCH a good day yesterday!! I never have good days and while it has been getting me through work days I hadn't worn this in a true social environment yet. WINNER because it makes me feel like one!


It's going to be hard not to buy this in a full bottle when I order a full bottle of Unisexy w/PM ... plus I don't know how I will live without the wax melts ...


Edited because I can't spell.

Edited by livinlavidacabo
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  • 3 weeks later...

So I love the scent. Total hostess orange cupcake with extra pinkness.

I think I might have ODed tho? Work today. And people have been STARING. Not usual DIHL though. Like serious double takes and stop where they are and staring. No smiling or anything. It's so ridiculously obvious too. I feel like I'm the display animal at the zoo. Even my friend today was like WTF after one man stood next to his wife, staring ag me looking all glazed over. This PP is EXTREME! I think I sprayed too much.. I just love this scent sooo much tho :/

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I cannot begin to explain the depth of depression I now feel this morning when I am finally able to sit down to order, and this is GGG.


People have come up to me to tell me I smell good and it of course made me feel good and it was funny because I barely put any on ... and now I'll never smell like this again. :hearts04276:

Edited by livinlavidacabo
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I cannot begin to explain the depth of depression I now feel this morning when I am finally able to sit down to order, and this is GGG.


People have come up to me to tell me I smell good and it of course made me feel good and it was funny because I barely put any on ... and now I'll never smell like this again. :hearts04276:


oh no!! I wonder if there is any on the trade thread?

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It smells so yummy I can't tell what made me happier - Darling Catalina or the Popularity Potion so I've come up with the simplest of solutions - order the PP-UN, then order a few samples of yummy deliciousness and see if I can't find a good substitute :-)


All I had to do to cheer up to find a positive solution, was to dab a little of it on and I was instantly cheered up. Now if Mara ever makes this again, I might end up needing a gallon in virgin LOL

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I wore my sample of this this weekend, super-duper cake & frosting goodness, and headed to the laundromat. Of course I was rockin' it in my laundry day swag, holey sweatsuit and pony tail, no makeup, but damn, I smell GOOD!


So I'm just hanging out, reading a mag, when I get a tap on the shoulder from a senior lady wanting to know how many minutes you get on the dryers for 25 cents. I tell her, she gives me a great big smile, and thanks me profusely. Not five minutes later, a guy comes over and wants to know which compartment is the fabric softener and which is the soap dispenser on the washing machine. So I go over and show him, he's just got this wide-eyed look, like I'm some kind of laundry guru, um, hello? I don't work here! Then ANOTHER gentleman comes over and wants to know the difference in cost between the larger and smaller dryers. As I start telling him (there are signs posted all over near the dryers, by the way) I notice I've now got a group of about four people listening with rapt attention and nodding to each other, WTH?! Too funny, I LMAO all the way home.


Arrggh, livinlavidacabo, I also snoozed on getting this one when I got my sample, I was so obsessed with Cougar Potion at the time. Plus, at first, I thought this was waaaayyy too sweet for my tastes, but tastes will change, as I'm finding out with my expanding collection of LP's. Funny, that I never got PP in the pheromas sale in November, don't know why? I hope Mara will come out with a PP phero-enhanced fragrance soon in the future, but until then, I think I will order an UN of PP soon! :)

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