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Do you feel like your life has changed after discovering pheromones?

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Well, my daily life has changed in that my search for pheros is what led me to this shop and forum. I've met so many wonderful friends on this forum and I enjoy interacting with them daily. Not being cheesy; this is truly the biggest impact! :Hug_emoticon:


I think people are interesting beings (in another life, I think I would have been a psychologist or sociologist) so seeing how pheros affect them--and me!-- is something that I enjoy. But I guess my answer really depends on your definition of change. I think of pheros more as "enhancers." I don't think they will create something that isn't already there. So they haven't created more of a social life or a more successful career than I already have or generated interest from men who already weren't intrigued. But if I'm going through a rough time with a friend, some pheros have helped open the lines of communication so that we can correct the problem. I'm a fairly confident person, and some pheros amplify that. So yeah, they've enhanced my life but I don't think I've seen any dramatic changes in course because of them. Hope this makes sense!

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Darwinia, you may want to take into consideration that LPMP is not just about pheromones. We only started adding pheros to our perfumes in 2007, but have been brewing SCENTS that create what are considered pheromonal responses for over 25 years. I add lab created pheromones to fragrances that compliment the intent of the perfumes, but also offer numerous perfumes without any pheros that will give you reactions akin to those of pheromones...for example, honey, vanilla and cinnamon have been identified as creating pheromonal responses. LP Original and LP Red are excellent examples of scents that inspire specific reactions with no pheromones. And yes, I have been told uncountable times that my perfume/potions have changed people's romantic relationships, work status, and self esteem for the better. If you broaden your focus to include the response of the scents in conjunction with the response of the pheros, you're going to give yourself a more complete picture and a better rate of success.

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To second that, I would have to say that my life has changed since discovering LPMP. I don't wear pheromones on a daily, or even weekly basis, but I do wear my LPs. I find the reactions that I get from people (and self effects), when wearing something like LP Original, are solid enough without the pheromones. Don't get me wrong, you will have to pry my pheromone collection from my cold, de...well you know, but I don't rely on them in the way that I rely on my Love Potions. I am definitely a more positive person now that I wear such lovingly crafted scents. I could never say before that I will sit with my perfumes surrounding me if I'm having a bad day to turn it around. I've never put a vanilla scent on & actually experienced a viable aromatherapeutic benefit before I started wearing LPs. The benefits of wearing scents touted for their therapeutic effects are actually tangible with LP products, because LP uses real ingredients, not synthetic aldehydes. So in this way, having access to affordable & good smelling aromatherapy has changed my life :)

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I came here looking specifically for pheromones to enhance my relationship, which I felt had lost some of its luster, and to help me boost my flagging confidence. I've only been using these pheromones for just over two months, but yes, I feel I've accomplished both of my goals, and plan to continue my phero use because I feel it is such an effective (and fun) tool. The changes I've experienced are subtle, and gentle, but definitely tangible, and incredibly exciting. So yes, in a very short period of time, my life has changed somewhat. It's my life, but better.


Having been an aromatherapy user for at least the last ten years, I also consider myself extremely fortunate to have found such incredible perfumes that work better than any aromatherapy mixes I've made myself, (save 2, which had such wicked effects that if I could afford the ingredients today, I would still make and use regularly). I think we're incredibly fortunate to have access to such wonderful scents. And like Beccah, if I've had a bad day, I'll often haul out my box of perfumes and samples and start sniffing away because they really do cheer me. They have a fantastically uplifting effect all of their own. And I hope Mara continues to make them for a long, long time, because frankly, I've spent 39 years of my life without LPs, and I think that was plenty. I don't want to be without them. I love smelling this good! :lol:

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My life has been enhanced since finding the magick that is LPMP :) the scents,the pheros, this forum of amazing people I call friends :hearts09793:




You know, sometimes things happen, and we don't exactly know why, but my life has transformed since finding LPMP. I've turned my health around, through my own determination and hard work, and I think the love and support I receive here, along with the joy of the scents and pheros, was (and continues to be) a huge element.

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And yes, I have been told uncountable times that my perfume/potions have changed people's romantic relationships, work status, and self esteem for the better.

Yes they do. :wub:


Do you feel more alive? More happy? Looking forward to things more?

Now that is definitely giving pheromones too much credit.

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Yup. What youse guys said. LP has changed my life in ways I never expected. I'd always been looking to 'connect' with a fragrance maker...never had. Here, I've found unique perfumes I'd never imagined existed...and feel cannot be matched elsewhere. The pheros are a plus (now that I have a guy who is receptive to them!) The social ones are a good addition to my arsenal as a typically shy person. The board? I can't say how much LP Board members have meant to me over the years. :)

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:yeahthat: :yeahthat: and... :yeahthat: to all of the above.


I remember the first time I smelled Marigold and Amaranth! It made me so instantly HAPPY just from the magickal ingredients I thought there were pheremones in it!


The smellies the pheros and this board all have changed my life for the HAPPY!!

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For me, the short answer is not really. The longer answer is yes, but it has to do with what I call the "lucky rabbit's foot effect". If you feel like you have a secret weapon, you'll have more confidence. For me, a fabulous perfume (pheros or not) is a bit like wearing a fabulous bra - I feel better, more poised, and prettier, even if no one but me knows what's different. It's more about being happy with how you are presenting yourself, rather than suddenly everything in your life changing. Yes, pheromones do have an effect that I've noticed, but nothing life changing.

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Life didn't exactly change because I discovered the great scents and pheros at LPMP. They made a difference. A huge difference. I discovered scents which I have not come across and scents which I didn't think will work or I'll like. Now, I have many scents to choose from. I can make a PE (yes, I have to get to that) and even a private custom (this will be really difficult given where I live). This forum is fantastic. My VGFs are here to hear me out, give me advices and I get a different perspective of things, etc.

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Like so many things, life is what you make of it. There is no one thing that will "make" you happy. You choose how you will react to everything. That said... if wearing a pheromone will make you feel more in control of situations, that will come across in your behavior. The phero can enhance people's reactions to you, and self-effects can enhance your mood.

I think for most of here, it's not just the pheros that do this for us, it's the perfumes as well. Mara crafts all of her creations with intent, and it truly does make a difference.

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I've only been here a short while and while my life hasn't been made different, it has been much more enhanced and interesting. It is like eating oatmeal w/o any flavor and then finding that adding a new flavor wakes it up and makes it so wonderful you want to try out more combinations to see what new tastes you can experience. The other analogy that comes to mind is that there have been situations that have been akin to a locked door and the right LPMP has been the key to help it click open. I want to keep trying the new flavors and to find out what doors I can unlock. Mara's work is incredible and I'm going to be here for a long time to come.

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I've only been here a short while and while my life hasn't been made different, it has been much more enhanced and interesting. It is like eating oatmeal w/o any flavor and then finding that adding a new flavor wakes it up and makes it so wonderful you want to try out more combinations to see what new tastes you can experience. The other analogy that comes to mind is that there have been situations that have been akin to a locked door and the right LPMP has been the key to help it click open. I want to keep trying the new flavors and to find out what doors I can unlock. Mara's work is incredible and I'm going to be here for a long time to come.


Those are fabulous analogies!

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I have been using pheros for many MANY years....long before a friend recommended LPMP. When I came here, LPMP had only started to deal in pheros, in fact.


I do LOVE my pheros. However, I have found that the scents here DO get reactions on their own. And, the scents here also do something else....at least in my experience. The scents here seem to AMPLIFY the phero effect. Turns up the volume, so to speak. Not only because they are crafted with INTENT, but also because they make people want to get closer and smell you.



I want to answer something you said in another thread though. You said that you don't like Pink Sugar, yet you are going to wear it as a cover for EoW. That is all fine and good. However, if you are wearing a scent that you do not like, you will not be projecting an image of someone who is happy, approachable, or self-confident. If I wear a scent that I don't like, I become self-conscious about it, wondering if it smells bad to everybody else, and thus do not want to get to close to people because they may think I stink. Understand? You should wear a scent that speaks to you. I mean, I often choose scents that my man likes, BUT it has to be something that I like too. I would never wear something for him that I think is obnoxious just because he likes it. Love him, but won't subject myself to that.



Now, about pheros.....I love them, yes. Are they fun to play with? Hell yeah! Do I enjoy the testing and the tweaking and watching and noting the responses? Yes, I really do. Do they make me feel more alive or happy? Well, I don't really think so. I would like to think that I am happy in general, and pheros just add an exciting element to everyday situations.


I will agree with the other ladies that THIS COMMUNITY here has definitely improved my life.....on this board I have a group of people who accept me the way I am, let me rant, scream,or cry on a bad day or squeal with joy on a good day.....we share part of ourselves on this board that we may nt share elsewhere. It is about more than just pheros and scents. It is about life, friendship, companionship, and LOVE.

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I haven't had much experience with message boards and I think I am one of the 50 people who don't have FB, but this community is truly a caring one IMO. Dolly I loved your post.


HUGS to you!!!

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  • 2 months later...

I actually remember the DATE I discovered this site, it was that significant to me. I felt alive with all the possibility I saw and thrilled at the concept of pheromones. I just knew I was onto something special. That sounds really corny but it actually is true.


Helps that it was the same date my kittens were born, so I remember the date because of that, lol.


Pheromones and scents HAVE changed my life, even in this short time. For the first time ever I really began to look at what other people were doing and how I interacted with others. I felt like I could take some control over how people treated me, through how I projected myself and how I allowed them to treat me. It has given rise to so much thought and self-discovery. I have already improved my skills at understanding people and their behaviours tenfold.


Pheromone and perfume discovery also came at a time when, for me, I first discovered make-up, girly clothes and beauty products. I'm 25, but have lived most of my life scorning these things as "girly", being in a very male dominated world both growing up and in my work life. Discovering this whole other side of life has been amazing to me. I still haven't had a chance to share much of this new side of myself with any of the people I know in real life, because they are so used to me being a certain way, and it has been a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine indulging in these things and I just want to keep it that way for a bit longer. But participation on this forum has given me an outlet for this and helped me feel that I have other like-minded people to share these interests with.

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Pheromones and scents HAVE changed my life, even in this short time. For the first time ever I really began to look at what other people were doing and how I interacted with others. I felt like I could take some control over how people treated me, through how I projected myself and how I allowed them to treat me. It has given rise to so much thought and self-discovery. I have already improved my skills at understanding people and their behaviours tenfold.



Yup. It may seem odd, but once I started watching the behavior of others and tweaking my own in the name of congruence, it's amazing how things started to change. I could wear a phero'd product and get no hits with a sourpuss on, but the slightest smile and it was like flipping a switch. Hit after hit after hit. And it got to where - even if I was truly in a foul mood - just pretending I wasn't, smiling anyway, the response that would get from others would turn my entire day around. I don't rely on pheromones, but man is it fun to flip that switch and see what it can do if you work it. My confidence has improved, my attitude has improved, and what once felt forced (being chipper) now comes pretty naturally. With or without the pheromones.


Pheromones ASIDE, I've found at least three scents here that I don't picture myself ever doing without and they're all un-phero'd. This is coming from a formerly ungirly girl, also. Others have complimented the fragrances, and it has sparked an interest in becoming more feminine for me. This means spending more time on my hair, putting on makeup, and wearing more feminine clothes.


I went home last week and after talking with my dad for awhile, he stopped and he said to me "You should dress like that all the time." I said "Like what?" and he said "Like a girl." lol He said I wore too many t-shirts and hoodies. He might have a point.

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i don't think my life has changed so much as have being enhanced. i find somedays it gives me that extra boost that i needed or that comforting feeling. i would recommend it to anyone who might want that extra oomph. However it did get me to expand my horizons a bit. If i can experiment with my scent,what else can i play with? kind of thought pattern.

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Yup, of course it did change! A year ago my Bf went through a rough patch and his sexual drive was on the floor, I searched on the internet and found the pherotruth forum and there it was...Love Potion! Once I clicked on the LP link, I was hooked...Cops really boosted our sex life, and I discovered I'm a big time Responder to pheros, so my phero path is more focused on myself now but I still do enjoy effects on others. I came in for the pheros but totally fell for Mara's scents, pheroed or unpheroed, and they too have brought so much happiness to my life. :rolleyes:

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I think pheromones have changed my life in a way that I feel more confident when I wear a phero blend, especially when I combine it with a good scent such as the LP perfumes. People around me would be effected by the phero itself and also by the way I am effected by the phero (self effect). What I mean is, when we feel good, we smile more and we spread the happy mood to others.

So, I can say that pheros and LP's have made my life much nicer. :abfx:

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Hmmm... Well, I am only just getting going. I still have to do my intro post, so much of htis won't make a lot of sense, but on the day my first (and as yet only) order showed up, my life DID change! And it had started to whisper of change when I found the LPMP site, which in and of itself, with its artwork and delicious descriptives is a lift in any down moment.


And then....the scents! I told Mara that I was so grateful--when I opened those bottles--so many including the sniffees, and each one was like a gem in a splendorous box wrapped and placed for me beneath the Christmas tree. I was truly overwhelmed with their craft, and with what I believe is the feeling of love and well-wishings that go into their creation. Talking with Mara gave me hope in a very dire situation, and in general, I feel as if I was in a dark room, and now there is a Christmas tree with all manner of lights and decorations on it in there with me. Somedays the room is less dark than others, but in general, my room in this life has been a curious prison that has challenged me to the core with imperatives of evolution and endurance.


I have worked and worked and worked my ass off at my life and healing, under extreme physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, and social duress for the last 25 years, and the discovery of LPMP to me feels like a harbor in a tempest. A really great-smelling harbor.


Prior to LPMP, this year I had been working with essential oils with great love and enjoyment, feeling much more connected to the natural world through them and enjoying the creativity of amateur perfuming. But the heights of concocted essences achieved here, the love behind them, and the community that has grown in their splendid wake have enlarged my sense of relief and inspiration rising up from the sensual world of scent.


Oh yes, and my boyfriend has now hugged me twice before leaving for work for the first time in over a year, and last night he jumped on my bed, said "i like your room" and had me cuddle and spoon with him to watch mountain biking instructional videos (romantic, right? ;) ). It's not exactly raging hot sex, but it is such a huge step forward out of many years of pain that it is almost a jaw-dropping bodice ripper for me. More on me and my romantic tale when I finally get around to that intro....


So, yes, in short order, my life is already changed. For the better.


Gratitude to LPMP and you all!


ps. I don't really know you forum members yet, but in having begun to read your posts, I feel as if I almost do know some of you. I loved Dolly's conclusion above: "life, friendship, companionship, and LOVE" Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

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i don't think my life has changed so much as have being enhanced.

This is how I see it overall. My life has changed in some ways thanks to Mara and her products and this community, but that's seperate from the use of pheromones, which have enhanced my life but not changed it.

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ps. @ Katz--I read your signature, and truly, going outside and plopping down on the grass and feeling the ground, watching clouds in the sky and bees nuzzling flowers stops all the ick tout de suite. and....i know part of why we feel better this way (especially if we are in physical contact with the ground) is that EMF's bother us much less, and we have all the many other benefits of "earthing"! http://www.earthinginstitute.net/ becoming a barefooter has seriously shifted my Lyme symptom profile. A stupid-simple miracle!


oh yes, and cleaner air, and the nervous system pleasing presence of natural sounds, etc.


outdoors, nature = HAPPY

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  • 3 months later...

Yes, my life has changed. If change means growth and self improvement or awareness?


I have truly not come across a fragrance company that I so thoroughly fell in love with and I know I'm a lifer for the life of the company, lol. The scents are so varied and so delectable and nothing like anything I've encountered before. Not one thing from here thus far has left me or my husband reeling from perfume induced headaches. If THAT were the only thing...it would be enough, but as you all know, the talent here is UNBELIEVABLE!


I never thought of how scent could effect people before because I mostly stayed away from perfume precisely because of the afore mentioned headaches. It wasn't until I threw pheromones into the mix that I began paying closer attention to the reactions of others. And it was discovering LP's perfumes that brought appreciation to the power that a really excellent perfume blend can have!


I've always been the happy, silly, encourager, negotiator, optimistic realist in my environments :blink::lol: but I had never thought about how that impacted others around me. I had never seriously considered how focusing those behaviors could improve the dynamic of my team/s. I knew it did on some level of my psyche but until I started experimenting with pheromones and LP's philosophy of intent, I would have never thought to attempt to use my character to impact my atmosphere and that of those around me- ever. This has made me more aware and in tune to the people around me, their individualism, their emotions, the things that are important to them, their experiences, their needs...you get the idea. :^^:


With LP, not only is this the best experience my nose has EVER had, LP scents effect me on a heart and soul level as well. Mind, body, spirit. I chose my scent for a purpose...even if it's just for my own pure pleasure...I physically huff that delectable scent and know I smell fantastic and my soul sighs, "Mmmmm" or "Yum!" or "Aaahhhh" I know I am totally leaving a trail of goodness in my wake where ever I go no matter what I'm wearing! Who wouldn't feel great knowing that?


This is ALL new for me and I'm loving ALL of it! :)

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Pheromone and perfume discovery also came at a time when, for me, I first discovered make-up, girly clothes and beauty products. I'm 25, but have lived most of my life scorning these things as "girly", being in a very male dominated world both growing up and in my work life.


This reads like me! (Except I'll be 35 in a month-ish). I'm completely non-girly. I still find it hard to be girly. But the perfume addiction is certainly girly. lol. As for pheromones, I'm still getting my feet wet so I can't make hard and fast comments about the effect they have on my life... except for SWS. I like knowing there's "tools" I can use to get what I want to get done. So I think I'm in line with most people when I say I think pheromones are tools you can use, but you have to meet things half way to get what you want.


Ack, and of course this forum. Everyone on it is so nice. So welcoming and kind. I have a lot of gratitude to all of you.

Edited by maiea
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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont think My life has changed because of using pheros..mabey I dont use enough or I use to much.Or I haven't experimented enough to know if I get hits either.

I do know though that LPMP perfumes make me happy and I cant go a day without using them.

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