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Stalk Talk!


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I wonder if Mara will offer a try them all sampler pack?


Hmmm...let's see...last year there was some sort of deal if you got 10 sample pheros because I remember making and remaking my list to get the 10. Could it have been $15 a piece and $10 if you got 10? Could be different this year though. Whatever it is ,boy is it worth it to invest in the ones you haven't got the chance to try before you go full bottle.


I got my whole stash of new phero samples right after I met HG last year and I think that might contribute to the fact that he thinks I am a little sketchy. I mean, think about it. The guy never knew me prior to my phero use and for an entire year I have been experimenting with all this on him. Could be bad. Not too long ago he mentioned "I still can't figure you out." And I really wonder if it is all this phero abuse.


eta: of course I mean $10 a piece if you got 10. $100 for 10. Ok. Just making sure no confusion there. Don't want Mara and John to have a heart attack.

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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Seems to me the un pheros are rarely discontinued and when they are she gives plenty of notice ahead of time. I think it is usually something that is not selling as well that gets discontinued except for IW I think was some sort of trial basis with the company (?).

New pheros seem to be introduced throughout the year, not just in November...so you never know, something new might me coming...or not. Seems to me that Un Lumina was introduced in Sept last year because we had it for AHE in Oct.


Now if you are talking about all new phero enhanced scents being introduced next month then...YES we will have ten new ones of those!!! :)


Time to spend some MONEY!!!!!!

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Thanks for all of that great info , MissD. Ok I put on Compromising Positions this morning at 4am and here I sit in my office at 11am and I’m Horney as hell.. So whatever Phero is in this guy I’m buying the sample size of in November to see if it straight up works the same with other fragrances as well.

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So whatever Phero is in this guy I’m buying the sample size of in November to see if it straight up works the same with other fragrances as well.

Sexpionage definitely works, whatever it's in.


I think it is usually something that is not selling as well that gets discontinued except for IW I think was some sort of trial basis with the company (?).

No that's not what happened with IW, it just didn't sell well so when it was finally all gone Mara just decided not to have any more made.


Now if you are talking about all new phero enhanced scents being introduced next month then...YES we will have ten new ones of those!!! :)

Some of them will likely be returning scents.

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Sexpionage definitely works, whatever it's in.



No that's not what happened with IW, it just didn't sell well so when it was finally all gone Mara just decided not to have any more made.



Some of them will likely be returning scents.



LA FLEUR WITH LACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Some of them will likely be returning scents.

Hmmmm,hmmmm some more :P ...ooooh favorite scents and/or GGG's ...with pheromones


Red Leather ... :smiley-sex010: blue/whip


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Pheromone-enhanced scents from the past which can be rebrewed...that's all I'm sayin.' :P


Okay, trying to figure out the modifiers here. Do you mean that specifically scents that were originally in the past released as pheromone-enhanced might be re-released (still as pheromone-enhanced). Or might this mean that a scent from the past (that was not phero-enhanced) might be re-released but with pheros?

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Okay, trying to figure out the modifiers here. Do you mean that specifically scents that were originally in the past released as pheromone-enhanced might be re-released (still as pheromone-enhanced). Or might this mean that a scent from the past (that was not phero-enhanced) might be re-released but with pheros?

The former.

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The former.






So...da Luna Chick is toying with us

...again...da Luna Chick is ebil :001_302:

Da Luna Chick is ebil AND omniscient. Works for me! :666::vampire::ph34r:


Hey........Allumette...? CFM...? Dolce Far Niente? PURPLE PUFF! RAINBOW FALLS!!! TANTRIC BUTTERFLLLLYYYYYY!!!!!!

*whew* Sorry. Got carried away in the archives... B)


ETA: I really need to make *this* month's order before I stalk for November...but oh what the hell!!!!!!! :ph34r:



Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I want to play too ..... Let me guess:


Super for Women with SS4W

Synchronicity for women with BANG!

Flying Potion or Elevation Potion ?? with A-Nol

Captivation ?? (what's it called) with LAM &

Something with Est and maybe some DHEAs???


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Synchronicity for women with BANG!

Can I just say that if Synchronicity did come back, it's a unisex fragrance and therefore would likely have Perfect Match or TMI in it instead.

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