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Double O


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Certainly a "pink cake" scent, but on me the patch comes out quite strong. My skin is magically super-ampy for anything citrus, floral or bitter (patchouli and vetiver, specifically), however. I can see how the patchouli acts to ground and 'fix' the scent so that it doesn't burn off too fast, but my skin works better with amber as a base. It's a nice, bright pink scent if that's your thing, though! Don't be scared off by my patchouli reaction - it's actually really well balanced with the patchouli tempering the pink berries to stop it from being far too foodie.

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I'm getting a bottle of this boosted. In honor of Seven I should get Dominance but I'm leaning to Heart and Soul. :purr:

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my skin is picky about pink scents. I can do Levitation fine, and Musk in the Pixie Dust. Not Merry. Not Pink Musk. And I need to try this again, but the first time didn't do so well, either... Flat and plasticky.

Hey Molls! Have you re-tried this? I can't Pink Musk too.

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So glad I got a bottle of Double O! Not only is the label gorgeous, and a happy addition to my collection of beautifully labelled perfumes, the scent is lovely! It's very pink on me, and while I can feel the heaviness of the patchouli weighing the pinkness down, there's no actual grassy patchouli smell. It's just an interesting anchor for the other notes, and seems to uphold all the girly pink without letting it become too sweet. Not that I mind anything becoming too sweet in the least. I love this scent! And I can always do with MOAR PINK! Bring it on, Double O! :D

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My notes for Double O: Grown up Pink Sugar type scent. This is surprisingly sophisticated due to the amber & patchouli notes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the vial this one smells sweeter than I expected. I see all the posts about pink scents and I guess I was thinking it would be more caramel vanilla amber but it wasn't an unpleasant surprise be any means...wonder how this will wear on me...so many perfumes...so little skin! :D

Edited: 08/28/2013


I thought this one was going to be really sweet - and it is candy like at first - but within an hour it becomes very "grown up" :)

It's still slightly sweet but mostly amber. It's a sweet amber and there's just that hint of something else that has to be the patch in the background. I thought this was going to be a cutesie fragrance but it's really quite surprisingly sultry....VERY nice indeed! :love-you:



Edited by NuTrix
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Between the pink cake and the gorgeous label, I was hoping I would adore this one, but I think I'm getting the same patch complication others have described. The foodie part of the scent is mostly pink sugar--it's closer to candy than cake for me. I've tried it several times now, and every time it goes on very sweet and smooth, but at about 15 minutes something happens which I can only describe as the scent roughening. My nose doesn't register it as patchouli, but the sweet foody aspect suddenly goes sharp and crumply inside my nose. The longer I wear it the less sweet it smells and the more I get something .... hm, not plasticky, not earthy, but sharp and flat. So apparently my skin doesn't like this one. Ah, well!

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  • 6 months later...

Wow, that is sweet. Holy moly, that is SWEET. Straight-up cotton candy sweet, in an actual little girl way. Yeah. It’s not that I don’t like it, I do, but I can’t see myself wearing this very much. Smelling like a can of pink frosting might just be too much for me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If you have not tried this lately,you really should,it has aged into a spectacular scent,at least on me :purr: ...a very rich and distinct pink.Several people have complimented me on it,all strangers! It is over on Artfire now,I got another bottle as backup to the backups :lol: ...a little goes along way too,it is strong and lingers around you,I turn my head,catch a whiff...and Smile

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I've so wanted to try but thought it was sold out. Got a sniffie but haven't been able to test. Do you know if it's sold out or just GGG?


Not that I can buy now anyway - having loaded up more than I should have at sale. Guess I'll be trolling swap pages for the next month or so. :say19:

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ElizabethOSP has some up for trade Beach Goddess. This stuff is really yummy and I love the edge to it. It's super sweet like baby chicks but I think the patchouli balances it out for me more so.

Edited by ivy_fiddlefox
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Wow, that is sweet. Holy moly, that is SWEET. Straight-up cotton candy sweet, in an actual little girl way. Yeah. It’s not that I don’t like it, I do, but I can’t see myself wearing this very much. Smelling like a can of pink frosting might just be too much for me.

I'd actually love that - have you tried Jaqua buttercream frosting - scent is great but lasts like 3 seconds (so not so great) and their shower gel sadly has the sulfates that strip the skin oils. It's less 'pinky' but def buttercream frosting. But I also think pink scents are more summery sometimes? Hmm.


Thanks Callii and Ivy - will check out artfire and the trade page - need to add to my list and then prioritize - pacing myself now given recent unphero order.

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I've so wanted to try but thought it was sold out. Got a sniffie but haven't been able to test. Do you know if it's sold out or just GGG?


Not that I can buy now anyway - having loaded up more than I should have at sale. Guess I'll be trolling swap pages for the next month or so. :say19:

There is some left over on Artfire

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  • 8 months later...

Welp, I've gone to the dark side. I now seem to like smelling like cake. And this smells like a delightful birthday cake to my nose. Very nice! If it was available still, I would probably have to test it again first, but I might consider a bottle. If I had the money, that is. Which I don't. Especially now that the Fairy Garden collection has come out right at the time I've accepted that I like smelling like cake. *sigh*

Edited by Lainey
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Especially now that the Fairy Garden collection has come out right at the time I've accepted that I like smelling like cake. *sigh*


LOL!!! I's nice smelling like a cake and make everyone just want to eat you ... ;)

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  • 1 year later...

It's the opposite for me - for at least a couple years the patchouli was so strong, and now the pink cake accord has finally emerged.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm trying this for the first time today, scored it from Heart's trade page. It was really sweet at first but now it's calming a bit. I'm usually a resin girl but trying to go outside my comfort zone. Still trying to embrace more summery scents. I think I'm going to like this, perhaps it will be good with the bam pink amber I never use.


I have a flight tomorrow and a date picking me up, shoot, I was going with SS4W and LP black, now I'm thinking:

Double O with H&S + OCCO pink

Or Double O with bam pink Amber


I would love a sweetheart girl but sexy as hell vibe


Crap, I'm already packed. I might like this enough to request a rebrew.

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  • 1 year later...

It's funny for me to read all the reviews that call this sweet and pink, it's rather smutty on me! Like maybe NSFW smutty! I came back here to read notes/reviews to see what was in here that I missed, but nope. No added smut, I'm just making this smell naughty all on my own.


Late night edit-


Before I went to work tonight, I put on enough Wicked that if I didn't like the scent, I wouldn't be able to stand near me. And honestly, if someone hates Wicked, I don't need them, but I did overdo it tonight. The point is, now that the Wicked has settled five hours later, I can still smell the Double O coming through. I get that they both have vanilla, patch and amber in common, but the Double O has something distinctive. I think maybe the particular amber in the Double O is what makes it smutty for me? I think the amber in DubO has a hint of honey, or maybe it's the amber/berry sweetness that makes honey/smut? I dunno. Good news it that I don't need to know anything more than that I like it and I'll bust it out for nighttime partytime and just "act natural."

Edited by Eastwood22
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  • 1 year later...

The kitty on the label is super cute! This reads like CAKE CAKE CAKE on me. I'm actually not getting much pink at all  - it feels like sweet white cake with sugary white frosting.  The patch is barely noticeable, just adding some depth and preventing it from getting too sweet.


I also like to wear this to help me sleep  - something about this makes me want to curl up in a blanket!  But the patch makes this grown-up and wearable for general wear as well, although I probably wouldn't wear this to the office. (People would be following me around asking where the cake was! 😋)

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  • 3 years later...
On 3/27/2018 at 9:24 PM, Eastwood22 said:

It's funny for me to read all the reviews that call this sweet and pink, it's rather smutty on me! Like maybe NSFW smutty! I came back here to read notes/reviews to see what was in here that I missed, but nope. No added smut, I'm just making this smell naughty all on my own.


It definitely was all your chemistry @Eastwood22 because I now have your bottle from trades and on me from the minute I put it on and until it wears off several hours later, it is strawberry shortcake! I don’t like to eat strawberry shortcake but I love smelling like it. I can’t detect the patchouli at all, it must just amp the other notes. This one only lists a couple of ingredients, so I doubted it would be cakey on me, I figured I would probably have a pink sugar result, which is fine. I just never know how Lps will smell on me or how others will perceive them. Thank you Mara for making this and Eastwood for giving me the opportunity to try it, this is the first time I think I’ve gotten to smell like yummy cake 🎂 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/24/2022 at 3:15 PM, Femmefatale said:

Thank you Mara for making this and Eastwood for giving me the opportunity to try it, this is the first time I think I’ve gotten to smell like yummy cake 🎂 

Yay! So cool!!!

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