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New Releases for AUGUST & SEPTEMBER 2013

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BTW Hearts totally guessed Spell Potions in the Stalk Talk thread and in the same breath said how she never guesses correctly. Not anymore Doll!

Hahaha that's so awesome!!!! :)

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The descripts and pictures and stories and EVRYTHING are so crazy wonderful! I think I'm in love with Luna and Tink (sorry, everyone is beautiful!- my mom is always scolding me for saying I have favorites...)


I just sent my email for an update on my invoice and I will pull that trigger as soon as that bad girl pops into my email on return! Drooling now...hovering over computer...thank goodness I have to go to work or I'd be perched here...forever....:D

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I'm plotting my order and I have a combination of good news, plus a question.

The good news is; I wore Road Opener yesterday, and while I was sitting around the bakery after work waiting for my ride,I decided to pop in at the Coney Island a few doors down and ask if they needed any extra help on the night shift. Well, I got hired ON THE SPOT and I start this Thursday night! :D

I've really been needing a second job, and I think Road Opener helped me take the initiative to get one. I'm a very happy camper! More LPs for me. :)

My question is, do any of the new spell oils have that unblocking intent? Opinions?

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It IS Amazing! Yeah, I'm thinking either Hex Breaker or Lucky Dog. :)

I'm gettin samples of all of them plus a few big ones. I think I need Lucky Dog, it seems like it would be great in many different situations.

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I'm plotting my order and I have a combination of good news, plus a question.

The good news is; I wore Road Opener yesterday, and while I was sitting around the bakery after work waiting for my ride,I decided to pop in at the Coney Island a few doors down and ask if they needed any extra help on the night shift. Well, I got hired ON THE SPOT and I start this Thursday night! :D

I've really been needing a second job, and I think Road Opener helped me take the initiative to get one. I'm a very happy camper! More LPs for me. :)

My question is, do any of the new spell oils have that unblocking intent? Opinions?

WOW! That is crazy cool. I would like the answer to your question too. I need to study the descriptions better to see. That kind of sounds what I use my Wheel of Fortune for. Opportunity, change and good luck.

I love the label with Spencer on it under the sheets. I think it is the courage one.

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Me too! That's on my.big bottle list too! So is BFF....the label with BB and her baby AND the scent make it a nessecity. Plus, who doesn't wanna make new friends? I figure it'll be helpful to me too,starting a job with 20 or more young female waitresses...service workers can be pretty territorial...

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I'm plotting my order and I have a combination of good news, plus a question.

The good news is; I wore Road Opener yesterday, and while I was sitting around the bakery after work waiting for my ride,I decided to pop in at the Coney Island a few doors down and ask if they needed any extra help on the night shift. Well, I got hired ON THE SPOT and I start this Thursday night! :D

I've really been needing a second job, and I think Road Opener helped me take the initiative to get one. I'm a very happy camper! More LPs for me. :)

My question is, do any of the new spell oils have that unblocking intent? Opinions?

Congrats, I'm so happy for you on the new second job Edited by dolphindolls2
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I only want the BFF one BECAUSE BB is on the label!! Pink scents have recently become too sweet on me. And I do not want to make new friends..they always become a pain in the ass. I suppose I could wear BFF and then cover quickly with the Spencer one to have the courage to tell all my new friends to Fuck off when they inevitably become a PAIN IN THE ASS.



And working with 20 female waitresses? oh my goodness...you need the whole 20 bottle set!!!!

I seriously cannot figure out what kind of spells I need. I need one that will take me to the beach once a month. Is that the wishing one?

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I'm plotting my order and I have a combination of good news, plus a question.

The good news is; I wore Road Opener yesterday, and while I was sitting around the bakery after work waiting for my ride,I decided to pop in at the Coney Island a few doors down and ask if they needed any extra help on the night shift. Well, I got hired ON THE SPOT and I start this Thursday night! :D

I've really been needing a second job, and I think Road Opener helped me take the initiative to get one. I'm a very happy camper! More LPs for me. :)

My question is, do any of the new spell oils have that unblocking intent? Opinions?


That is so awesome Cheesy! Congrats! :D And good luck to you!


I only want the BFF one BECAUSE BB is on the label!! Pink scents have recently become too sweet on me. And I do not want to make new friends..they always become a pain in the ass. I suppose I could wear BFF and then cover quickly with the Spencer one to have the courage to tell all my new friends to Fuck off when they inevitably become a PAIN IN THE ASS.



Ha! This sounds so much like what I was thinking, (except for the pinks), it's scary! :lol: Made me choke on my coffee...


ETFix weird quotations issue. I don't think it worked...

Edited by Eggers
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You can wear them like regular perfume, Christy, but understand that they have been crafted and empowered for magical/ritual/religious use.


If you want to use them to best effect, meditate upon your purpose when you apply them. Spend a few minutes imagining the positive outcome you desire before you apply them. Try to clear your mind of other concerns and reallllly concentrate hard and focus upon your goals...this will assist your message in getting out to the universe clearly and returning to you your result as you wish.


Perhaps our darling Beccah will chime in?



Mara - quick Q about the Get a Job potion - can we wear it even if we are not job hunting? I love the description of it being an office friendly green scent, plus it has SWS which is a phero I quite like.

Would it be a work appropriate potion - as in even if I don't need to get a job, will it help garner more work place cooperation and etc?


I would think that SWS would help with your question Maiea but from reading Mara's post, I'm thinking instead of meditating for a new job, maybe you could do so for what it is that you are seeking at work?


I am truly truly excited to get these. Can't wait!!!

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That's awesome cheese-- what a great example of how these potions seem to work from the inside out (our attitude shifting leads to inviting/obtaining different results from outside, as opposed to the more direct "effects on others" we see with some pheros in addition to their self effects) - ive definitely found that with goddess oil and especially love drawing.


Eta lol @mdc....why can't people just stay normal right?

Edited by tyvey
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I think I just attract controlling people because I seem so nice and easy going...which I am... until people expect me to do what they want...then the trouble begins..so, now I think the Defensive Potion might be for me to deflect these sorts. I am going to end up wearing them all at once because i can't decide and make a big magical mess of crap.

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I think I just attract controlling people because I seem so nice and easy going...which I am... until people expect me to do what they want...then the trouble begins..so, now I think the Defensive Potion might be for me to deflect these sorts.

This is me, too. I attract controlling/abrasive people because I seem so easy-going, (and I think people get the impression that I'm stupid/easily controlled, 'cause I smile a lot, and I play dumb quite a bit, too, because I just can't be bothered with stupid conversations/people). I like the idea of using the Defensive potion to deflect. Dammit! Why didn't I wait to make my order? I've got a sample coming though... Ooh... You've got me hoping Norm's potion sticks around for a while! *bites nails*

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LOL, yep everything you just said is so me. Well, at least I have decided on one of the potions I need. I wasn't too fond of the word "defensive" but if that is what I need who am I to argue...Mara knows what she is doing. I need to go read about it again...


eta: Norm is so flippin funny in that picture!!!!!! I hadn't inspected him that close. I am falling in love with everyones cats. And yes, this seems like a really good one to have on hand.

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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JOC - as long as there's no more than 2 bottles of any one, I am ok with that.


Maiea & Cheezy ~ Get a job is empowered for employment success, and is a very office friendly blend. It's fine to wear it to an existing job, and will also work as a Road Opener in this respect.

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You can wear them like regular perfume, Christy, but understand that they have been crafted and empowered for magical/ritual/religious use.


If you want to use them to best effect, meditate upon your purpose when you apply them. Spend a few minutes imagining the positive outcome you desire before you apply them. Try to clear your mind of other concerns and reallllly concentrate hard and focus upon your goals...this will assist your message in getting out to the universe clearly and returning to you your result as you wish.


Perhaps our darling Beccah will chime in?

Thank you, this and what others have chimed in with is going into word document, so I get this right. You are so awesome?

JOC - as long as there's no more than 2 bottles of any one, I am ok with that.


Maiea & Cheezy ~ Get a job is empowered for employment success, and is a very office friendly blend. It's fine to wear it to an existing job, and will also work as a Road Opener in this respect.

. I'm so excited for this one, not only for the kids dad but for me as we'll.


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You ladies are too sweet!!!


I anticipate using BFF not to gain any new ones, but I imagine it might help with bonding when you hit a rough patch with your current ones or even family members or coworkers. That's just my take on it. Please correct me and tell me to hush it up if I'm in the outfield somewhere, Mara! :lol:


I'm not too wise into the spell notions, but I have a number of the older set, and they are just so powerful! I definitely agree that pheros aren't needed for them at all!! (Even some the scents not marketed as spell oils are powerful in intent!!)

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Thanks Mara!

Yeah,BB coworkers is who I want to use BFF on...I'm really not even looking to make "besties" out of them, but when I went to apply for the new job,I couldn't help but notice that the majority of the servers were very young,very tan and had very "Jersey Shore~esque" stylings. Really they don't seem like the types of girls I'm likely to have much in common with at all,but, looks can be deceiving, and at the very least I'd like to get along with them because I'll be working with them.

And thanks for Congratulating me guys! I'm excited! I'll be tired working two jobs, but I need the money sooooo bad!

Edited by cheeseburger79
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I only want the BFF one BECAUSE BB is on the label!! Pink scents have recently become too sweet on me. And I do not want to make new friends..they always become a pain in the ass. I suppose I could wear BFF and then cover quickly with the Spencer one to have the courage to tell all my new friends to Fuck off when they inevitably become a PAIN IN THE ASS.



And working with 20 female waitresses? oh my goodness...you need the whole 20 bottle set!!!!

I seriously cannot figure out what kind of spells I need. I need one that will take me to the beach once a month. Is that the wishing one?





I want the one with Loki's whisker!

My absolute favorite is Glamour Puss! The description, the cat! WOW! My hear knew she was a purebred. You can tell by the way she sits and refuses to look at the camera.

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What no Whiskers of Luna ? <chortlememory> :lol:

Just spent a throughly enjoyable time reading through the new releases...kudos to all,this is so very special :abfx:

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umm...in Blk Cat Hwx Breaker, it's the Princesa Monkey Mc Butter Pants(aka: Da Monkey) that is a black cat, Carlos was kinda, but more blk/wht

just fyi :purr::question-mark:

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JOC - as long as there's no more than 2 bottles of any one, I am ok with that.


Maiea & Cheezy ~ Get a job is empowered for employment success, and is a very office friendly blend. It's fine to wear it to an existing job, and will also work as a Road Opener in this respect.


PERFECT, thank you. I'm actually at a place in my career where I'm quite happy, but a pay grade raise is ALWAYS welcome. lol.

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JOC - as long as there's no more than 2 bottles of any one, I am ok with that.


Maiea & Cheezy ~ Get a job is empowered for employment success, and is a very office friendly blend. It's fine to wear it to an existing job, and will also work as a Road Opener in this respect.

Thanks, Mara! Will work on my list tonight or tomorrow night.

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Thanks, Mara! Will work on my list tonight or tomorrow night.

Joc, thanks for asking this question and Mara thanks for letting us do this. I really needed two of one of these blends. These spell potions are very powerful and I'm thrilled that I get the opportunity to grab some of these. Thanks

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Spell potions generally overlap a little, with regard to their magical uses. And the part that YOU play in their success is crucial. Take a look at the properties i listed at the bottom of each page - the ingredients list. For this set I removed a lot of the superfluous meanings and honed in on the ones that showed the intent - why they were chosen - the magic is in the notes. When you look at these, choose the potion that will best suit your purpose, and then empower the bottle, or meditate while applying it, for your specific needs. When I empower potions for the public, I do it in a broad rather than specific way. I wish the user success. You may layer your specific issue atop that blessing.

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Oh thank you Mara! You just read my mind. I was just thinking....I really only want to get one MAYBE two spell potions. I don't have a specific issue at this time...just something that attracts positive energy in all aspects...opportunity, good people, great experiences (more beach in the coming year), etc. I realize they are all specific and important to different people but I was thinking....I could probably study each ingredient of each one and get this from one potion if I empowered it properly with each use...and you just answered my question! Brilliant...now to pick apart each potion and get the right one. Or two.


eta: Seems like Whisker Wishes is for me! But I am also drawn to the Love Immortal one for some reason. I think because of the story of Catalina.

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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Thank you, Mara! You answered also things I did not even ask, that is amazing. Since your intension with those oils was users' success in their wishes, I can hardly go wrong with any of them. Choosing by notes, Whisker Wishes seems to be most suitable for my situation as well.


And every single one looks amazing fragrance wise, so I'm trying them all anyway.

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This is awesome! Congratulations!



I'm plotting my order and I have a combination of good news, plus a question.
The good news is; I wore Road Opener yesterday, and while I was sitting around the bakery after work waiting for my ride,I decided to pop in at the Coney Island a few doors down and ask if they needed any extra help on the night shift. Well, I got hired ON THE SPOT and I start this Thursday night! :D
I've really been needing a second job, and I think Road Opener helped me take the initiative to get one. I'm a very happy camper! More LPs for me. :)
My question is, do any of the new spell oils have that unblocking intent? Opinions?

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