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New Releases for SPRING 2014 ~ April/May

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Kangaroo with MLH, I think someone called that. Ducky maybe?


I'm definitely going Bats and Kangaroo!

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Kangaroo with MLH, I think someone called that. Ducky maybe?


Nope! Greenergal called that one!

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See I didn't know she'd done that, but M and I both thought of MLH when considering the characteristics of kangaroo as a totem.

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I thought for sure that Beaver would be enhanced with EoW and Goat with Dirty Old Man! :lol: Dagnabbit!


Haha - I agree!

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As promised, more info on these potions....


This is how the sets are being packaged, and which pheros are included in each scent.



  1. BAT - Phero Enhanced w/ La Femme Noire
  2. BEAR
  3. BEAVER - Phero Enhanced w/ Swimming with Sharks
  4. BUNNY
  5. CHICK
  6. DEER
  8. DUCK
  9. EGG 2014
  11. GOAT - Enhanced w/ EoW Copulins



  1. HORSE
  2. KANGAROO - Phero Enhanced w/ Mother's Little Helper
  3. LAMB - Phero Enhanced w/ Popularity Potion
  4. LION (unisex scent)
  6. PANDA - Phero Enhanced w/ Open Windows
  8. SEAL
  9. TIGER
  10. WOLF (unisex scent)

We are trying to have these up and ready to order by Sunday night.


I brewed over 35 potions this month including the PE's, so we've had a lot to fill and label and design and program and scribe, so we all appreciate your kind patience. Thanks Loved Ones! xoxoxox


Busy much? How are you guys DOING that?!??!!! That's a metric shit ton of work.

THANK YOU ALL! :heart::morph::you-re-the-best::LuvU396::Emoticons0424:

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Oh, Mara and everyone else involved in bringing us these gorgeous goodies, WOW!!!! I can't believe how much work has gone into these, not to mention that amazing festival of PEs on the other thread! And now that we are getting a little more info -- oh, my goodness, I need to figure out how to work a little more cashola into the LP budget because I can tell these are going to be amazing!


Edited because in my excitement I could not remember basic grammar!

Edited by Blackcat
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The Kangaroo one is darling! If that one is phero'd, my guess would be Mother's Little Helper. She just has that look to me.


you were right on this one!


Oh yay! I was hoping the sweet faced kanga would be boosted with MLH. As soon as I looked at those eyes, I knew that was the phero I would want with it. That's awesome that Mara and Luna beat me to it. :emot177:

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Where's the bat totem?? Eh??? :lol:



Thought right of you invi on that one

I thought for sure that Beaver would be enhanced with EoW and Goat with Dirty Old Man! :lol: Dagnabbit!


Took the dirty thoughts right outta my head LOL

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Oh yay! I was hoping the sweet faced kanga would be boosted with MLH. As soon as I looked at those eyes, I knew that was the phero I would want with it. That's awesome that Mara and Luna beat me to it. :emot177:

Yes the Kangaroo makes sense (pocket & all) the Bear label made me think of MLH too - only bcuz she looks like a mom with her hands full!
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She really is a one of kind. I don't know anyone with the work ethic/creative abilities that she possesses.

This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...words simply cannot adequately express my admiration for her :abfx: :abfx: :abfx:

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^^Wow Cinn.. what a little bruiser. :lol:

Now don't let him become a soccer hooligan. :D


I can't wait to get trials of these. I 'almost' don't want to know the notes. I'd rather just try them and be surprised.

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He's Heavier now, i just am not sure by how much, but being over two feet tall, he's not as fat as his weight would suggest!


Im torn now on notes, i like to go straight in to buy a bottle of anything i think i might love but blind sampling would be fun too.i just always worry that tgetell be a mad rush and i miss stuff in fb!

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OH MY GOD! Where have I been that I just noticed these were up?


So excited, so excited, so excited...


I can't see the labels, but I love the animal theme!


Those goats are the most gorgeous creatures- I've always wanted some mini goats as pets.


I'm most intrigued by what the deer perfume will be like, as I feel very connected to deer.

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I can't see the labels, but I love the animal theme!



Could it be that you have an adblocker or a popup blocker?


I use Adblock Plus and that kept me from seeing the labels, until I gave this site permission. :)

Edited by ssupytalp
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Ok, I'm hitting the wall here. I'm sorry, I am not quite done programming the NRs but will have them finished in the morning. Thanks for being patient, this is such a huge set!!!


Don't kill yourself. I think the anticipation is half the fun for a lot of the ladies here.

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Don't kill yourself. I think the anticipation is half the fun for a lot of the ladies here.

Yes!! lol QG knows us to well. :lol:

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Mara you're killing me - so many I want to try! I think now I'm most interested in Bunny and Chick. And I suddenly realized that only April is up - so there's still more to come! How exciting, it's like Christmas all the time around here:) Thanks for all your hard work, it's amazing!!!

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Don't kill yourself. I think the anticipation is half the fun for a lot of the ladies here.

What he said! :-)


So question: can we order/pay for both samplers together now? Or just the April one?

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EVERYTHING is up and orderable now. It's separated into two months to make it easier for ordering and easier on us over here. The monthly sets are being packaged separately, so you have to write in which month you want, or order two to get all 21 scents together.


Thanks so much for your patience everyone. I have to run out for a few hours but will be back in the afternoon. Luna and Halo have a lot of info and can answer most questions while I am gone.

Enjoy! :)



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D'oh! Just refreshed the page and GOOD LORD THERE THEY ARE IN ALL THEIR WONDER.


Mara, you are beyond everything! I simply cannot believe what you have created here!


Edited because I get a little incoherent when I am overcome with joy and anticipation...

Edited by Blackcat
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Wow. Just... wow. What an incredible collection! I need to go back and re-read the descriptions when my mind isn't so preoccupied, but I just had a quick read-through, and everything looks and sounds amazing!


The labels alone are making me lament the fact that I can't afford to spring for the kabillion bottle set, (Surprise! Eggers goes nutty over the animal labels! :lol: ), but I'm pretty sure that I'll be trying to slowly collect each and every last one because they're just gorgeous.


And besides, who couldn't use all of those different kinds of protection? ;)


I can't wait to come back and pore over them some more when we get back from the vet!

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:burning-heart: OMG! They're allllll up at once!!! WOO-HOOOOOO!!! BRILLIANT!!! :burning-heart:


Wowsers that was a sisyphean task...but we LOVE the results!!! I just read through the scribing that appears right on the front page--haven't checked inside the listings yet--but I gotta share. I read so fast when I'm all exciterated that I pulled a huge silly with Totem: Bear.

"...you can take into yourself the potency and protection of Bear's habitat as well as one of the favorite delicacies which defines Bear's irrepressible sweet tooth!"

I overlooked the "sweet" and immediately thought, "Salmon?" We have a salmon perfume this month?" B)

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Wow. Just... wow. What an incredible collection! I need to go back and re-read the descriptions when my mind isn't so preoccupied, but I just had a quick read-through, and everything looks and sounds amazing!


The labels alone are making me lament the fact that I can't afford to spring for the kabillion bottle set, (Surprise! Eggers goes nutty over the animal labels! :lol: ), but I'm pretty sure that I'll be trying to slowly collect each and every last one because they're just gorgeous.


And besides, who couldn't use all of those different kinds of protection? ;)


I can't wait to come back and pore over them some more when we get back from the vet!

EGGERS! How appropriate that you're reading these at the vet's! But hey--is everything all right with your furries???

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Awesomeness!!!! So many! So many! Lots of new and unfamiliar scents to explore...There are a handful of curiosities for me like Tiger, Dolphin and Ducky. Thinking Goat will be AWESOME! Of course must have EGG 2014 - no brainer there! Yay! Now I can truly slather what's left of my 2011s :lol: Panda...hmmm...I just can't wait for all those samples to arrive! I'll be exercising my fingers to have them "order ready"! :D


edited for lack of spelling ability when typing excited....

Edited by NuTrix
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I overlooked the "sweet" and immediately thought, "Salmon?" We have a salmon perfume this month?" B)


I am so very bear-esque in that regard!

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Now that I've ordered I can relax and enjoy the writings of Luna. You know I completely forgot that I wasn't going to order the sampler this month. I was going to wait for reviews. I totally forgot about that...it was like I blacked out or something when I was ordering! I was mesmerized by the totems...

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