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There's possibly more a-nol in BI than there is in LAM. But also there is alpha-androstenone, which may be more congruent to your personality. It's the "blatant" part of the equation.

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There's possibly more a-nol in BI than there is in LAM. But also there is alpha-androstenone, which may be more congruent to your personality. It's the "blatant" part of the equation.


Exactly - if a-nol, EST and cops are the kitty, androstenone is the whip.

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Nice comparison Carrie! :( I totally forgot about the -none. I've worn -none before but it made me want to bite peoples heads off, maybe the EST balances that! Thanks Mademoiselle and Luna, so ratio's are pretty important... It must have been very interesting making and testing these mixes... I sort of assumed that there would be more a-nol in LAM because that only has a-nol and cops...


Anyhow, this just seems to suit me :wub:

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Hi Tears Of Joy..


If you can find the threads in the Pheromone Arena where people ask me about the pheromone blends I created for LP (Ail's Open Windows, Ail's Heart and Soul, UNscented Sexology and Ail's Cuddle Bunny) then you will soon come to realise that ratios are what make a HUGE difference when coming up with a successful formula.


My as yet unreleased new UNscented pheromone blend (which has the best name EVER! ^_^) took even longer than my last ones to perfect and to get the ratios right, and I can honestly say I was NOT happy with them until about the SIXTH test-run... Now I have it exactly the way I wanted it, and can't WAIT until we get the necessary ingredients in hand from Dr. Stone to be able to launch it..But as I said elsewhere, it looks as if that will be a 2010 launch now.


The isomers of the individual components and the molecules selected are obviously very important factors, but it's the RATIOS utilised of each molecule, that make the vast difference to just HOW the pheromone blend synergises and works for people.


Hope this helps you a bit..




Ail )O(

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Thanks Ail! That was very helpful! For some reason I thought that different people would react more or less on different phero's and that the result of those reactions combined is what we see (like peacocking, chatter, arousal etc.). I had no idea that it is one reaction to all the phero's combined. (I hope I understood you well).


Sometimes I wish I was better in chemistry! (And right now I wish there wasn't such a huge hole in my English vocabulary ^_^)


I'm going to dig some more in these forums!

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  • 1 month later...

Last night I tried my DS III-Lavender amped w/ BI 1x spray...

I went to the supermarket for a big shop for Thanks Giving and parent teacher confrences after. I have worn BI before in JLAN...Well I don't know if it was the DS III or there is more BI in this than in JLAN, but it was off the hook...Guys were talking to me for longer periods of time than casual chit-chat usually goes..Women were very interested in what I had to say...It was amazing, you are walking toward someone, and as soon as they get in the "smell zone," they kind of "light up"...like they are seeing a long lost friend. The funniest reaction was the old guy in his scooter, chasing me around the supermarket!!! He was so adorable. Luckily for me, young guys were also trying to talk & make eye contact....Upon introducing myself to the teachers, they all said, I remember you from open house in Sept. (no one on one, just part of the group that night)..One male teacher said, while shaking hands, Oh yes, I remember you, cute!!!!


But the biggest response was the DH, he came in the bedroom, started talking to me, and jumped in bed. Way earlier than usual...All I can say is, I give BI a big Thumbs UP !!!

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  • 5 months later...

Ok, so my skin is slowly but surely getting back to normal so I have slowly began wearing some LP's & Phero's just between my boobs & a little on my wrists. I still avoid the neck/chest and other areas that are still easily irritated, and I only wear my "non-spicy" scents as the spicy ones still make me red & itchy.


Anywho.... Today I had "the day off" which means spending the day in the hospital library so since I wasn't seeing patients & because one of the security guards happens to be quite cute I decided to wear some of my BI boosted OCCO White :)


After a while I thought I deserved a break so I popped down to the coffee shop to get myself a caffeeine fix. I'm standing in line behind a Registrar (must have been medical rather than surgical because I didn't recognize him) and after a few minutes I notice he keeps glancing back at me. I wasn't quite sure how to take it since I'm still a bit selfconscious about any remaining rash being noticable, so when I had placed my order I moved sideways just a bit so I was standing behind him rather than next to him. He had ordered before me so obviously he got his coffee before me... He grabs his cup & then he just stands there for a few seconds hesitating, like he was unsure whether or not to leave. He finally walks off...slowly, and I can see in the corner of my eye how he turns around & looks back several times :lol:


Sigh.... How I've missed my phero's! I love them & the fun effects I get when wearing them :love:

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My as yet unreleased new UNscented pheromone blend (which has the best name EVER! :) ) took even longer than my last ones to perfect and to get the ratios right, and I can honestly say I was NOT happy with them until about the SIXTH test-run... Now I have it exactly the way I wanted it, and can't WAIT until we get the necessary ingredients in hand from Dr. Stone to be able to launch it..But as I said elsewhere, it looks as if that will be a 2010 launch now.


Ail )O(


So, have we been treated to this yet, or are we still waiting?

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  • 1 month later...

Just got an email from LP letting me know my BI order has shipped! So excited! I got it with the CPS silicone base, so I'll make sure to shake it real good when it gets here. But I'm just so impatient, especially after reading all the wonderful experiences of everyone else... I want it now!

Also, I was wondering, as far as application goes, is it the same with unscented pheros as say, LAM or Eternal Chain?

I forgot where exactly, but I read somewhere on the forums that a good method is a stripe down each arm, along the neck, down the cleavage, around the navel and back up again. Would it be the same for both oil and CPS-based mixes?


(Of course, if it were up to me, I'd bathe in Eternal Chain, so that method just described is a kind of self-disciplinary limit for me...)

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My as yet unreleased new UNscented pheromone blend (which has the best name EVER! :shocked: ) took even longer than my last ones to perfect and to get the ratios right, and I can honestly say I was NOT happy with them until about the SIXTH test-run... Now I have it exactly the way I wanted it, and can't WAIT until we get the necessary ingredients in hand from Dr. Stone to be able to launch it..But as I said elsewhere, it looks as if that will be a 2010 launch now.


Did I miss something since I'm new here?

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I was wondering, as far as application goes, is it the same with unscented pheros as say, LAM or Eternal Chain?

I forgot where exactly, but I read somewhere on the forums that a good method is a stripe down each arm, along the neck, down the cleavage, around the navel and back up again. Would it be the same for both oil and CPS-based mixes?


Not quite. If you use a certain amount of Eternal Chain (or any other of the scented phero-blends) and you know how much to use to get the right type of response, then use less of the UN-phero's. The unscented ones are very concentrated so you need a lot less :shocked:

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Not quite. If you use a certain amount of Eternal Chain (or any other of the scented phero-blends) and you know how much to use to get the right type of response, then use less of the UN-phero's. The unscented ones are very concentrated so you need a lot less :)

Oh, okay. Thanks! Wouldn't want to go overboard... Haven't OD'd yet, but from the sound of it, I wouldn't want to.

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Sigh.... How I've missed my phero's! I love them & the fun effects I get when wearing them :)


I must start wearing mine out more often!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been ignoring my bottle of 60/40 UN BI for a while due to the numerous posts on how it stinks.


As I finished my dinner early (and the kids were still eating), I decided to give the UN BI a go. I couldn't decide whether to apply it in my bedroom or bathroom but in the end I did it in the bathroom.


The good news (or bad news) is that I can barely smell it on my arm. I look forward to trying this out the next time I go out for dinner.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok - so I had traded away my BI as for the longest time - I didn't have a reason to wear it.


But with the HSF in the picture - I decide - WTH. I ordered a bottle of 1X BI in alcohol spray and used it over the top of spray Synch II the last time I went to visit the HSF.


Results? HOLY SHITE. Cougar is a big fat nothing for him. Leather is da bomb with him but BI? Pull the car over and get mauled. Think it's not possible for a man his age to go one more time? Wrong. It's possible. Think it's not possible that you could ever be that satisfied? Wrong. Totally possible. Think really crazy behavior that was normal as a teenager is beyond your grasp? Maybe not so much. Remember the bed spring review? If I hadn't already killed that mattress it would have died another death...


It's been a long time since I've needed a 3 hour nap the next day to off-set the night before.


I've said it before and I will say it again - I get 1000% better self effects from Leather. (Which still is see Shelly, hear her Roar) But sometimes you want to blow their mind utterly and completely - so self effects be damned. Welcome to BI. Whose impact in mind blowing of the male species should NOT be underestimated. Or frankly - appreciated.

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Ah, that reminds me. Lovely Steph had given me a beta spray of 1x BI in NoCo Sandalwood & Resins and I brought it along for the Week of Cohabitation to see what kind of reaction I'd get versus using BI in perfume (which has been nicely successful in the past). So the day after the excursion to Thunderhill we were just taking it easy, being lazy, and after lunch I decided to be mischievous and put on some Sugared Amber, then layered the spray on top, then more Sugared Amber after a drydown period. We were reading to each other and so some time had passed and it was my turn and so I'm going along and I realize that Quince isn't listening to me any longer, he's staring at me. The lion looking at the zebra kind of stare. I put down the book and got up, going towards the bathroom and he called after me, "Where you are going?" I said, "I'll be right back." So I really didn't have to go but I pretended to, wondering what was going to happen when I came out and I opened the door and nearly screamed because he was right there. And then I was dragged off and molested thoroughly for a time. :)


The diffusion thing is really interesting because we were sitting about 2-3 feet away from each other on the sofa and it took about 15-20 minutes for it to affect him, so I'm thinking if I had snuggled it would have been more like five minutes. :lol:

Edited by luna65
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BI is some seriously great stuff...that's for sure!

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  • 1 year later...

Oh hell yeah...you go girl,what took you so long :):lol:


...wow that he likes this unscented :icecream: I get really great reactions,and self-effects too,rom MRF with BI...hmmm,forgot,the brown sugar would not work with you probably.

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  • 2 months later...

OMG. i got an un-trial size of this and.... omg. wore it out the first time when i was hanging out with a dude i have been lusting after for a couple months now, who has always seemed "into me" but never made a move. 3 sprays from the trial vial before i left my house (and one added near the end of the night), covered with an unlabeled sample i found in my drawer :lol:


..... i am bruised in places i didn't know i could bruise in :surprised::thumbup:

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OMG. i got an un-trial size of this and.... omg. wore it out the first time when i was hanging out with a dude i have been lusting after for a couple months now, who has always seemed "into me" but never made a move. 3 sprays from the trial vial before i left my house (and one added near the end of the night), covered with an unlabeled sample i found in my drawer :lol:


..... i am bruised in places i didn't know i could bruise in :surprised::thumbup:


Oh hell yeah :666::)

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  • 3 months later...

Old thread, but trying to keep the reviews all in line. :)


So I ordered a bunch of stuff and one of the little bottles of treasure that came was UN BI. Of course, I couldn't help myself, and I tore into the box as soon as it arrived at my office. Like a little kid, I tore into the plastic wrap around the spray bottles.... and the UN BI hit my nose! Good Lord! The cheese! The cheese! Sheepishly, I put it under my desk for later. Whoops!!


Later came. I had a bunch of errands to do after work, so I sprayed some of the UN BI on in the car and let it dry down. 3 sprays, 1x, 60/40 alcohol/DPG. The cheese smell vanished VERY quickly, leaving a very subtle musk scent. I covered with a sample sniffy I got (Kimberly's Honey Berry, which is FABULOUS), and spent the rest of the half hour drive huffing and inhaling the awesome pheros and the *awesome* honey-berry scent.


Self effects were pronounced. I was happy, upbeat, talkative, and cheerful. I also got a bit turned on. Great, now I have cops in two places!! ;)


First errand: Oil Change. I get to the oil change place and at first it's all business. Then the guy sees my tattoo on my arm - possibly the *nerdiest* tattoo ever, but extremely cool. He flips out, and suddenly I am a badass, his new best friend, and he's very close to me. I get a free car wash. He's super happy. later on, he ends up in teh waiting area (and not servicing my car...) and is loudly cajoling the women at the cash register, as I am paying, to give me a huge discount. Really egging her on. He wants me to have a huge discount. I'm awesome. I'm amazing. He'll "give [the cash register lady] half of his salary.... which is $50k." Said very luodly and right next to me. Lots of body language. Peacocking a bit? :)


I expected the lady to be a bit standoffish, but she was super nice and friendly, even with being harassed about my awesomeness. And I did get a discount.


I finaly leave, after my free car wash ends up being a super deluxe free car wash, and end up at Jamba Juice for a quick dinner. The guy behind the counter is doing something else across the store, then RUNS over to serve me and pushes the other girl behind the counter away. He lights up, he's upbeat, excited and happy. And then HE sees my tattoo, and he starts exclaiming and jumping and bouncing all around. Cue a 10 minute conversation about how awesome I am. He really liked me and told me to come back, but there was not an overt sexual vibe here. It was very, very social.


I had to run home for several hours and then hit the local walmart. Before heading out, I sprayed another 3 sprays. Let's test high doses!


I think I got high. It felt like I was on Woozy Floozy. I was a space cadet, blitzed on happy, couldn't think straight, and couldn't keep my shopping list in my head. And I didn't care at all about how much of a special little starfish I was.


I received LESS hits with more. People would look at me (older guys mainly, one DIHL from an older dude), but most would look away. Or would not look at me at all. I had dramatically decreased hits from MORE, other than the totally HIGH feeling.


This is a very upbeat and positive mix. For me and for the people I interacted with, it seemed to hit *more* on the social side. How much Anol is in here, anyway? :) Unfortunately, I didn't have a sexual partner to try out the *other* particulars on... but hopefully this weekend. ;)


Also, since I did end up spraying so much... how much -none is in here? Should I begin -none decontamination procedures?



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............... It's a super-nerdy tattoo. :) It's a tattoo of a very, very popular mixture of comicbook and movie heroes. The art is amazing - true art work - but the nerd factor pushes it over the top!


I'm stopped and complimented on it *at least* three times a week. Best. Tattoo. Ever.


.... and I'm off to a geek comic convention with pheros in hand! :D

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............... It's a super-nerdy tattoo. :) It's a tattoo of a very, very popular mixture of comicbook and movie heroes. The art is amazing - true art work - but the nerd factor pushes it over the top!

Yeah you MUST show it off now, we've got nerds here too!

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Oh lord. *embaressed* I'm truly the ONLY person on the planet that has this tattoo. I had to scout the nation for a person even willing to put it on me! It's.... very identifying. :)


....... lemme dig up a good pic! :D

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Self effects were pronounced. I was happy, upbeat, talkative, and cheerful. I also got a bit turned on. Great, now I have cops in two places!! ;)


:lol: ... Yowzer,what an interesting review to read!!! ... don't think I could pull of wearing that much BI in public or private even though the smaller amount in MRF2 is my go too for play time,currently... welcome to the forum BTW :)


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Thanks! :) Happy to be here! I've been using pheros for a while, had a looooooong break, and now am getting back into the fun again.


Yeah, I was surprised at first at how *social* the mix was. Then, after I posted and went back and read the responses, I saw how other people got a social or popularity vibe with it. Im definitely interested in how the upping of the does led to more of a "ghosting" effect though. No need for extra sprays on this one!


Anyone have any inisght to the -none in the mix?


I am young, no BC, and have a healthy copulin production naturally, so I project a pertty strong signal in many different areas. "Intimidating" is the word most often used to describe me - all 5'3, 115 lbs, high heel and sheath-dress wearing me! Socials that soften are great for me. In the ole' AD lingo, I am a natural TAL girl, but LOVED TAH.


I'm trying LFM today. So far, not much. Nothing in the way of self effects and only one reaction in all. A good one, but only one. I've never had good results from androstadienone though. Something about that =/= me. *shrug*


Thanks again!!

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Which convention are you off to? (envy abounds)


I recommend tattoos for everyone! I love them. I have ... nine right now. I think. Yeah, nine. All coverable. I'll find the good pic of this tattoo when I get back to my laptop.


If you can figure out my avatar, you'll know where I am going. :D


Thank you again for everything, Mara!! :)

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  • 1 month later...

I recently wore this around my crush. I love this stuff! We were talking and all of a sudden he is just staring at me with this huge smile and I swear his eyes were shining. Omg so awesome. I always need this stuff on hand:) it's like he totally forgot what he was saying and couldn't help but just grin stupidly at me!

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I have BI in oil and I really like it. Loved it in rocket fuel 2 but the scent was not good for me, so I bought UN. It's actually the only UN I have in oil. Takes awhile for it to dry down though. Question: Can you roll on BI and then put on a cover scent a few minutes later or do you have to wait 20 min THEN the cover scent?

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Ok, after reading these reviews I really want to give BI a try again! I wasn't too certain about the reactions I got from it the first few times I wore it out and have been saving it exclusively for home use, but now I am tempted to try it out publically :) Wish me luck!

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Is UN just as effective as MRF? The concentration in MRF works perfectly for me so I'm worried if I get UN, I'll OD.


I was worried too. But this one I bought in oil and it's great! I wear it with LP red and Beyond the Veil a lot. Seems to work for me with the spicier scents. I think the concentration is the same isn't it ? Doesn't Mara add the BI Un into MRF? or maybe you're right, in the scented blends the concentration is higher, GAH! I can never keep all of that straight.

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The UNscenteds are 1,000 mcg per bottle and the phero enhanced perfumes are 333 mcg per bottle.


If you buy a Phero Add to be combined with a perfume, you're getting 1,000 mcg.


Regarding layering...it's a personal preference. You can drydown then perfume on top, or do them both at the same time. I guess logically, you should drydown first, then perfume, because you can put your clothes on while the perfume is still moist on your skin and the cloth of your clothes will act as a fabulous diffuser with your body heat. (I always put my clothes on when my perfume is still damp, and they last forever that way.)

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