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New Releases for FEBRUARY 2016! Valentines!

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So, just for a change, CATS! :lol:

These gorgeous images are known as Ivory Cats, and are the work of legendary British painter Lesley Anne Ivory. Let me tell you, I cannot believe she said YES! when we asked to partner on this project. Her work has been featured by the likes of The Danbury Mint, Lenox, Royal Worcester, Royal Doulton and tons more. She's illustrated more than 40 books and has been wildly popular on merchandise for over three decades, from fine china, kitchenware and music boxes to wristwatches, greeting cards and wall calendars.


In addition to these labels, she's also granted us permission to print limited edition 4x6 postcards of each label which are available for .75 cents each or the set of 12 for $7.50. And we've grabbed up some of her collectible out of print books and Lenox fine china items for the shop too, I will post more on those later. For now, enjoy the eye candy. These will be up and orderable in a few days. Meow!





Love Potion - Valentine

Orange Blossom Variant!



Creamed Honey



Goddess of the Blue Moon w/ La Femme Noire



Veridian Muse w/ Open Windows




Cherry Divinity



Closer w/ EoW Copulins







Kara Kedi w/ Perfect Match




Musk du Mog



Passionbee w/ Heart & Soul



Silken Glow



Tantalize w/ Lace


ETA: I'm getting asked about full bottle sets. For this month, the full set goes for $329.40. I am doing the set price for $249.95. So the discount totals out at -$79.90 plus you get free domestic shipping and a card set. :)

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These are SO gorgeous! And another Closer? Another Cherry Divinity? Where is StacyK and does she know about another Goddess of the Blue Moon?


It has been a long time since I contemplated a full bottle set but I am contemplating, I tell you! I can't wait to see the special merch too!


What an amazing way to start the day!


ETA: OK, in total honesty I was contemplating a full bottle set just as recently as 2015 Pheromas. But still!

Edited by Blackcat
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I'm wondering if Musk du Mog is going to be anything like Eye of the Moggie? I love that one so hard! I just looked up Goddess of the Blue Moon (it was before my time LP-wise!) and that one sounds like a must-try too. (I had trouble finding the thread with the search feature, so here is a link if anyone else wants to peek and speculate ;) )

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Oh MY! Those labels are amazing! I SOOOO want to cuddle up with the kitten in Cherry Divinity! And another scent with PM? I can't wait to read the notes!!! (well, that's for all of them really... :lol: )


Dianthus looks and sounds noble and the fur baby in Valentine? *swoons*!!!


I can't wait to get my paws on these lovelies! :D

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:faint: *faints w/ excitement over Valentine 2016 collection


LP Valentine? :2190:

Creamed Honey also looks interesting. :dancycat: Here's a dancing cat, because it's freaking adorable!

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OMG!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for bringing back Goddess of the Blue Moon. Thanks so much. I can't explain in a short space how much this means to me.

It's not just that I love it. But, it's a quality of life thing. GOTBM, is literally something that changed my life. I know I sound nuts, but this is BIG for me. I'm actually tearing up here.

I love the lables, beautiful series.


THANK YOU !! :heart::)

Edited by StacyK
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oh wow!!!!


LP Valentine - I hope I love it, it's my bday!

Creamed Honey sounds amazing...

Why isn't Stacy here, freaking out over GOTBM?!?! and what a gorgeous label!

Cherry D!!!

I *love* the label for Dianthus :heart:

Musk du Mog - the kitty looks like our Sammy Bear

I'm super intrigued by Silken Glow, can't wait to see what's in that one!

Tantalize - OMG black kitty love!!!


So cool, Mara!


ETA oh, there she is, lol

Edited by Bella15
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I'm also super curious about Dianthus. It's labled unisex. A unisex carnation scent. Am I to gather it will be spicy, and maybe contain a soft tobacco?


I'm do excited about GOTBM that I'm now just taking in the rest. Musk du Mog? musky "Cats Eye"? They are all beautiful.

Edited by StacyK
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What exquisite labels! Now I'm simply dying to see the notes. ALL of them look amazing, and I can't wait to try GOTBM, especially since someone said Dragonfly was similar to the original GOTBM and I love Dragonfly. :cat690:

I did say it was somewhat similar. But, Dragonfly is much greener. Edited by StacyK
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I am excited about Creamed Honey, Passionbee, and Silken Glow. Maybe GOTBM although I haven't really gone down the floral/aquatic road yet. And of course, Closer and Tantalize. Actually, the whole set except for cherry since that never goes well for me.

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OMG!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for bringing back Goddess of the Blue Moon. Thanks so much. I can't explain in a short space how much this means to me.

It's not just that I love it. But, it's a quality of life thing. GOTBM, is literally something that changed my life. I know I sound nuts, but this is BIG for me. I'm actually tearing up here.

I love the lables, beautiful series.


THANK YOU !! :heart::)

Your happiness is making me so happy!


I am getting super-excited to see notes for Kara Kedi, Passionbee and Tantalize!

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I'm getting asked about full bottle sets. For this month, the full set goes for $329.40. I am doing the set price for $249.95. So the discount totals out at -$79.90 plus you get free domestic shipping and a card set. :)

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