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Love Potion: Red


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This is one of the bottles I ordered in my first order. I love the spicy conundrum of resins and vanilla and spices. For me it doesn't really have a foody type smell, but more alluring and mysterious. I feel incredibly sexy when I wear this scent like I could seduce any man in the room with my charms even though I'm way overweight. I can tell by just how my male coworkers treat me that they love this scent, even more because I pair it w/sexpionage. Its like this perfume makes me seem 50lbs lighter to the guys. One drawback with LP Red is that once I put it on, I can't stop smelling myself. All day long.

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Okay I have tested this and I ABSOLUTELY love this!!!! .I attended a seminar today and the number of hits I had from men i didn't know left me felling very confident. I also wore Heart & Soul so that helped .The biggest hit from me was from my Man... lots of attention,,mentions and focus.

Thank you Mara for creating such fantastic products that truly help others to achieve their outcomes.

LOL Joan

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  • 1 month later...

This is a very artisan and unique fragrance. Interestingly enough, the first time I tried it I wasn't sure it was for me---in the vial, and upon initially applying, all I got was pure cinnamon. I am not a foody or gourmand frangrance type so I initally thought it probably just wasnt the best match for me. However, I later tried it again and left it on for a longer period of time and after about 20 minutes it developed into a beautifully complex and original fragrance--the resins came out and balanced with the spice and it was a very beautiful fragrance. On me I don't get a lot of vanilla, more a complex spice and resin blend that is very multi-layered and beautiful. This has become one of my favorites, and made me remember that how someting smells in the bottle or even upon first application isnt the true test. I am glad I gave this another shot and this has become a favorite and something I have received multiple compliments on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

LP Red should come with a warning label. It's warm sexy and even when you think it's gone several hours later...not so. I've gotten so many comments on this in 3 days it's almost unbelievable.


It's as if it melds with your skin and becomes your own personal scent. One guy friend told me it doesn't smell like perfume, it smells like you. Best compliment I've had in a long time.

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LP Red should come with a warning label. It's warm sexy and even when you think it's gone several hours later...not so. I've gotten so many comments on this in 3 days it's almost unbelievable.


It's as if it melds with your skin and becomes your own personal scent. One guy friend told me it doesn't smell like perfume, it smells like you. Best compliment I've had in a long time.

Aha, but it does darlin';

I certainly understand the attraction to the idea of a perfume potion that drives men insensible with lust, but I do not exaggerate when I say that the wearer should absolutely wear this fragrance with caution. I would not, for example, wear this out for a night on the town with the girls. I wouldn't walk alone while wearing it, either. This is best reserved for a night with your own beloved, or the specific person you want to seduce.

Yup, its definitely a forum top 10 scent. Glad it worked for you :)

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Love Potion Red and Occo Red,let dry down and meld for a few hours...you are welcome :666:

That has DEFINITELY become your signature Calii !!

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I revisited this one today and it's so delicious this time around. Sometimes (probably depending on my hormones) this is buttery popcorn with cinnamon and I know that's not what it's meant to be so it's disappointing when my skin turns it all wacky. BUT today it's explosive!!!!!!!!! It has so much more depth today, it is so very sexy that I feel like seducing someone ; )

It's also still foody today without being a walking dessert (though that is GOOD too of course :P) or gourmet popcorn in my case (which is still nice if that's what you're lookin' for). It has awesome throw too which normally for me it does but I think it also has something to do with the nice weather we're having here actually. I know we get used to our own perfume after time but I keep getting whiffs every so often and I put this on almost 8 hours ago and its still going strong. So verdict is in, I cannot wait to try a sample of Red Lace!!! What an awesome combo!

Edited by Honeybee
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I have to say, at least for the colder months, that THIS is my go to fragrance.(sometimes it's tie between this and Vicars and Tarts) My bottle is totally empty but I huff the rollerbal in the mornings.. haha I have got to get some more.


It's one of the first I ever ordered and nothing has really matched it in terms of versatility, spiciness, and sweetness for me. I also like to use it to, believe it or not, temper some stronger scents. For example, Beyond the Veil, I love but have to be careful to wear just a dot. IF I happen to put on too much then I simply swipe some LP red on over the top. It mellows the musks right out for me.


I also love LP red layered with OCCO white. Now THATS an awesome combo. I liked comp. Positions for the same sweet, spicy, creamy notes, but it doesn't have the staying power that LP red does.


People, if you don't have this in your collection yet, and you are a lover of sweet, spicy, scents (it's not heavy or cloying at all) you MUST put a RED in your next cart...


I am excited to read about red lace too. I am stuck between ordering just a reg bottle of RED, or RED lace and the Garland and Lace 4. Which one?

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Today I was wearing LP red with Popularity Potion. I got many compliments on the scent and one colleague even told me that I look so pretty today. I have the impression that, when I wear a perfume oil together with a bit of a phero spray, the scent becomes even better than the perfume alone. Apart from the phero effect (which is always great when I wear PP), LP red(oil) + PP(spray) make an excellent combination.

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Today I was wearing LP red with Popularity Potion. I got many compliments on the scent and one colleague even told me that I look so pretty today. I have the impression that, when I wear a perfume oil together with a bit of a phero spray, the scent becomes even better than the perfume alone. Apart from the phero effect (which is always great when I wear PP), LP red(oil) + PP(spray) make an excellent combination.


My favorite things :) how didi you layer them? did you put the oil on and spray PP over the oil?

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My favorite things :) how didi you layer them? did you put the oil on and spray PP over the oil?


Yes, I dab on the perfume oil first (on my wrists). Then I spray PP (100% alkohol) on top, I smear the wrists a bit together and then touch my neck & cleavage with my wrists. I think, the diffusion is very good this way. And as LP red is quite strong, I don't need much. :)

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Yes, I dab on the perfume oil first (on my wrists). Then I spray PP (100% alkohol) on top, I smear the wrists a bit together and then touch my neck & cleavage with my wrists. I think, the diffusion is very good this way. And as LP red is quite strong, I don't need much. :)


Yep exactly :) ...you can also do a line of oil from throat to belly button,a spray of phero and smush teh boobies together...hee...don't mind me I am slathered in LP Red and OCCO Red and feel like I am wearing a phero :huh: ...having a very good day :)



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  • 3 months later...

I have a vial of this labelled LP Red: Summer Solstice Blend. I don't know if this is the normal LP Red or not. In any case, I get a whole lot of cinnamon, with some kind of fruity thing going on in the background. It's ok, certainly useful for layering, but I'm not sure if I'd wear it on its own - there is a slight sickliness associated with the sweetness of the cinnamon for me, but maybe that's just from huffing it in at close range. It smells better in the bottle than it does on my skin, much fruitier.


ETA: This one lasts and lasts, and has excellent projection!

Edited by Synergist
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This one has taken time to grow on me, and I am starting to appreciate how the dryness of the cinnamon melds with other aspects of the perfume oil, with just a light touch of rose. It's something I prefer layering with creamy vanilla and other spicy resinuous or even chocolatey types of blends instead of wearing alone, and I am tempted to buy a cop'd version of it sooner or later (just not Red Lace, I'm afraid).

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I have a vial of this labelled LP Red: Summer Solstice Blend. I don't know if this is the normal LP Red or not. In any case, I get a whole lot of cinnamon, with some kind of fruity thing going on in the background. It's ok, certainly useful for layering, but I'm not sure if I'd wear it on its own - there is a slight sickliness associated with the sweetness of the cinnamon for me, but maybe that's just from huffing it in at close range. It smells better in the bottle than it does on my skin, much fruitier.


ETA: This one lasts and lasts, and has excellent projection!


It is the regular LP Red. I asked the same question when i receive the sample 2 years back. Let it age and test it a few more times. I'm pretty sure you'll love it.

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It is the regular LP Red. I asked the same question when i receive the sample 2 years back. Let it age and test it a few more times. I'm pretty sure you'll love it.


Oh, thanks Joc! I already do like it, definitely one of those scents that grow on me the more I wear it!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Not that I wear this often and if I do, it is always with OCCO Red. The last time I wore it and had it mixed into my odourless body lotion was about a year ago. I think I had UN SS4W on and a little SF on my jacket and I met a guy at a party.


I wore LP Red, OCCO Red and UN PP to a reception hosted by the Turkey Consulate on their Proclamation Day. I chose this combo as I think the spices will be more acceptable by the Turks or most Westerns than the Asians. PP was more appropriate than SS4W even though the latter works like a social phero to and on me.


Anyway, I guess close to 500 people, mainly men, turned up at the reception and I was alone. I met two South African diplomats and was thinking of heading home after I hit the sweets. I was surveying the tables and just picked up one item, the man beside me (the sweets table was quite quiet by then) suggested that I took the other item instead. We chatted for a minute and he introduced his colleague to me. We brought our plates to a table and we chatted for 15 minutes or so and he introduced more friends to me. He mentioned that he could give me a lift home since he will pass by my place on his two-hour drive back. I politely declined. We hung out for another half and hour and we decided to leave. We said our goodbyes and I proceeded to the cab stand at the hotel. Throughout our conversations, I could see his eyes drifting and being "lost".


It was raining rather heavily. I waited for more than 10 minutes but the queue did not move an inch. Suddenly, he came to me and said that he saw me in the queue when his driver drove by and he drove back to come for me. Seeing that there was no way that I can get a cab any sooner, I told him that I would appreciate a lift out so I can catch a cab home.


He was very sweet. He sent me a short email the next day. I replied and he texted me saying that he got my email and that he will reply as soon as he can as he was very busy.


Btw, he knows that I am married with kids and he showed me photos of his family as well.


In short, it's another big hit with LP Red and yes, I enjoy the hit!

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Woo-hoo glad you posted this JOC,I enjoyed reading it !!! :) I had seen what your plans were in the daily thread but forgot to comment ...no secret that LP Red & OCCO Red is one of my all time favorite combos,especially after a few hours on,mmmmm,and it is a true man magnet :P


One small note of caution though to any new users inexperienced with that amount of cops,the only uncomfortable experience I ever had was with it,so always be aware,it can attract attention you may not be prepared for....just sayin.


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Woo-hoo glad you posted this JOC,I enjoyed reading it !!! :) I had seen what your plans were in the daily thread but forgot to comment ...no secret that LP Red & OCCO Red is one of my all time favorite combos,especially after a few hours on,mmmmm,and it is a true man magnet :P


One small note of caution though to any new users inexperienced with that amount of cops,the only uncomfortable experience I ever had was with it,so always be aware,it can attract attention you may not be prepared for....just sayin.


Yes, cops can do that!

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JOC, reading about such an important sounding function was just as much fun as reading about the hit you received! That read like a movie :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I have to say, at first the mention of pachouli sends me running in the opposite direction.




I could not resist the reviews on this, so I ordered a trial vial.




Have we all not been there, in the soup isle, grocery shopping, minding our own business , when you round the corner to the next aisle, and,




In the face with some really gnarly fumes, and you want to give the offender a REAL GOOD evil eye, the 'ole stink eye,




there's no one there.


No one in the isle to blame.


Yeah, I hate that shit.


Until Love Potion Red changed my mind.


A creamy cinnamon-French toast Fest with some very subtle, classy patchouli in the background, and when everything fades and all that's left is the patchouli, that's the one you wish would stay at the end of the party, spicy, but subtle, very nice!


I love how this one has changed my perception from hating patchouli, to saying, "this is SO gonna work! WOW!!" ?

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JOC, reading about such an important sounding function was just as much fun as reading about the hit you received! That read like a movie :)


Oops, just spotted this. Thanks, Beccah! The Turk guy texted me a couple of times when he was planning to be in town but I never made time to meet him.


It's been a while since I use LP Red. Will have to wear it to work one day this week.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone,


I know this scent has been reviewed a lot, but I thought I would add my mixture and experience to the board.



The Wonderful Magikal Mara indulged one of my numerous emails about LP scent purchases. While it may seem easy to some, I struggle with what to purchase because everything sounds and smells soo good. I often find myself planning my next purchase before my prior order arrives sometimes hours after my last. Is that a sign of addiction...probably :Emoticons04231:, but there are worse things in the world. In my opinion, I'm doing a service by helping people with smell and subconscious messages.


My focus last week, LP Red. Let me say, my BIGGEST hits came from LP Red perfume only.


WHAT HAPPEN: I walked into my office and within ONE minute an older male co-worker says, "What are you wearing? Did you take a bath or something because you smell really good." I'll ignore his "bath" comment because I'm sure it's a compliment verbalized poorly. So, I decided to mess with him a little by wearing BANG! in spray form with LP Red as cover. Following the dry-down ritual and cover method, I was ready for round 2! I hit the door and immediately got the DIH look, PRICELESS! I love how all the LP perfumes create a scented aura around the wearer with powerful projection. He was all over the place trying to help me do stuff and being super nice. Bar none, my best HIT!!!! I've tried other scents and his response is a bit muted. I'm wearing LP Red w/BANG! oil out Friday out with a group of friends and hoping for a few DIH looks.


Here's a secret, I love BANG! and LP RED, but hate the dry-down and cover process when running late :cry: . In comes the wonderful Mara who mixes and provides an oil and 50/50 spray. :LuvU396: Mara! Anything to save me time in the morning.




Oil Bottle: I love the fact that Mara included the white BANG label. I think I have a lot of oils...for a newbie and it's easy for identification and grab and go. In the morning, I'm moving at the speed of light and it helps me avoid mixing pheros and scents.

Spray Bottle: Nice pretty golden yellow color and you can tell it's powerful!


Scent in Oil Bottle: I might be a little slanted because I've been bathing in and drinking cinnamon for a week. That being the case, I smell nothing but cinnamon.

Scent in Spray Bottle: Just sniffing, I get the scent of alcohol and urine, which is weird and a bit funny. I'm guessing Cops from BANG!


Oil on Skin (wet): Applied to back of hand. I get strong cinnamon and slight vanilla. I might be among the few, but I love patchouli and it doesn't amp on my skin. Even wet, this scent is mellow and I FREAKING LOVE the cinnamon. I smell so dang luscious! Just darn :Sexy:!

Spray on skin (wet): This a hurry and sniff test. In the spray, I get much more of the scent, more of the vanilla, amber, and cinnamon. I smell other scents, but I'm struggling to place them.


Oil on Skin (dry): This is my idea of SEX! I understand why it makes men DIH and go all loopy. After an hour, the cinnamon mellows allowing the vanilla to bloom. This is a must keep in my stock always scent.

Spray on Skin (dry): This spray spreads nicely. Thanks to Mara, I have a very powerful bottle, which begs for "less is more" direction following.


Question: Does Resin have a scent?

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WHoot Whoot! Nice review! Teheheee! Sounds like you may be hooked now? Who'd have thunk it? :rolleyes::lol:

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Well hi there, Chrissy!


Yikes, what a read, thanks for leading me to it. I'm not sure why I couldn't find it on my own.


So, I've been wearing LP Red for the last several hours after almost giving up on it the first time. To me, it's Gramma's Sticky Buns (heh, I never noted the inference there before..) and maple syrup and French toast with extra cinnamon. It's not bad and is growing on me and I could see it especially during Christmastime and cold weather. That's when I like to do all my baking, too and it's invariably cinnamon-stuff.


But I can't understand the male appeal, especially to the point of dangerous. Even with the moose story :) Do these ingredients, the vanilla, cinnamon, patchouli and maybe maple and resins act like pheromones to men and only good smells to women? Or is it because of my age and I'm just not getting the phero hit off it like I would if I were younger? (I'm a good 10 years past menopause).


Or do I just need to put some of this on tomorrow and go to the grocery store and see what happens? I'm thinking of using this rather than PM which was what I was planning on for my Wednesday foray up to see 'the victim' who so far has been running me a merry slightly unrequited chase unless you include verbal devotion. Which I suppose in all fairness I shouldn't discount at all :) But like I said in my first post, I want to Haunt His Dreams. For one thing, he deserves it!! Bwhahahahahaha...


I *did* hunt around and found an old bottle of Love Scent EoW and also PCC; the EoW is as strong smelling as ever, the PCC very pleasant.


I'm thinking if I get my nerve up, LP Red (as a test, mind you, only a test; for educational purposes, you know. It's research), with a bit of vanilla and PCCs to make it interesting.


Wish me luck. I'm afraid of disaster for some reason. Almost like a student trying to seduce the teacher.

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this took a few wearings before I started liking it. I find that I can wear a dab of it in summer too. And for whatever reason, men just love it! (Women, too, actually.) But cinnamon and vanilla are two scents that are known aphrodisiacs to men. So wear it and trust that it will work! Good luck!!

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You all are killin' me! (forgive me Mara, and all really) But I had written this one off after trying RED Lace. It was just nice and there were SO many other things I wanted "back in the beginning". Maybe it's just time. I'm planning on another bottle of PINK so I'm thinking I'll just throw in a bottle of RED while I'm at it and give this one a fair shot. You are making it sound SO delicious....bet I wind up kicking myself for not getting this one sooner....

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