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Mara...is there no end to your wonderfulness

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  • 3 weeks later...

OMG, Mara and all the lovely LP people, HOW DO YOU DO IT? I can't believe you got that last minute panic order in with my sampler -- what was that, two day turnaround?! The new bags are beyond gorgeous, and I can't believe all the sparkly fun enclosures. It's been a tough day in a tough week in a tough month and this just turned it all around. Thank you so much!!!

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Mara, got my package and was beyond delighted with the magickal LP treasures and the BEAUTIFUL bag and sparkly Mardi Gras beads! I am always so excited to go down for the mail and find a pkg from LP. Thank you so much!!! :) I wanted to smell all of these scents at once!!!

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I had a dream last night that I got my package (no, I'm not obsessing)! It was beautiful! But the real thing will probably be even better.


Update: It is!!!

Edited by Gale
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  • 2 weeks later...

Totally forgot to stop by here and say thanks for my gorgeous goodies, due to all the excitement of opening them!


I am slightly afraid of the relationship I'm developing with my LPs. I've started thinking of them more as personalities than perfumes, speaking to them, and treating them like tiny little people. At least it is a pleasant form of insanity.

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Totally forgot to stop by here and say thanks for my gorgeous goodies, due to all the excitement of opening them!


I am slightly afraid of the relationship I'm developing with my LPs. I've started thinking of them more as personalities than perfumes, speaking to them, and treating them like tiny little people. At least it is a pleasant form of insanity.

Love this, Vladmyra!


Mara, I just need to say thank you for your extraordinary generosity! Couldn't believe it when I opened the box and found your incredible extra. There is no business on earth like LP. You are simply the best.


And I already raved over in the March PE thread, but you know what, I'm going to rave here too. Thank you so much for taking my muddled ideas and making them a beautiful reality! This is a hard time, and it's really extraordinary what a difference having LP in my life makes. I mean that.

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Mara, I am always amazed that you can keep track of our craziness. Not only did my box arrive in two days (Washington seems to have way better efficiency!) but everything was there including the PEs. The crayon box was adorable (don't know if I'll share with my kid) and the extras - its almost like you read minds on top of everything else you do! Thank you as always. Especially this month, I had the chance to take out everything and play and sniff and enjoy it. In two days, I won't be enjoying anything other than sleep!!

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I think it's a valid question: Mara... is there no end to your wonderfulness? Really. I want to give you an especially BIG thank you this month, but I'm not sure I can find the right words without resorting to semi-filthy compound superlatives! :lol:


This is the second-most special order I've ever received from LP, the most special being the first one I ever received. I had no idea what wonderfulness I'd found when I made that first order. But every single day since then, Mara and the ALL the LP peeps have added friendliness, fun, and a playful spice to my life that I never could have anticipated. Between the many, many beautiful perfumes that scent my days and nights, the pheros that have helped add a new level of richness to my personal relationships, (not to mention those that have helped at work, putting money in my pocket!), the forum where I've met so many fabulous people, made great friends and received incredible support, between the monthly excitement of new releases, the wonderfully scribed descriptions and stories, the personal customer interaction and support, the absolutely unbelievable generosity (I could go on and on here)... I really have to wonder if there is an end to your wonderfulness!


Thank you so much - all of you. :Hug_emoticon: You guys are amazing.

XOX Eggers :wub:

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Mara I got my HUGE package today. Thank you so very much. It was a box of treasures. I smell so amazing. Thank you for the free gifts and also your patience with me when I make multiple orders before you ship the first one!

I feel so lucky to have found LP!


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Ohhhh, Mara!!!!! YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!!!! The post lady practically had to use a fork lift to deliver that HUGE LP BOX! :cat690:


I unwrapped that "little gift" (did you hear all that screaming and squeeing??!), then panicked, thinking it must be a mistake and I'd landed up with someone else's order. But no!!! You put that sweet little smiling happy face on the invoice to say, "No mistake -- ENJOY!!" And yes, that gift will be enjoyed! And treasured and coddled.


You made me cry, Mara. Gross, slobbery, mascara-smearing crying. Your generosity, integrity, thoughtfulness - - you are simply amazing. Thank you thank you so so much.


You rock our world! Blessings upon you, forever. :burning-heart:

Edited by Just Ducky
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Thank you for all the extra sniffees! And the shipping from Washington is much faster - only two days clear across the country. I don't know what is going on in CA - maybe it was just the sheer volume. Maybe we need to send LV into the USPS there to straighten them out in her own special LV way.

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Lower population count, for sure! But I'll tell you, the post offices up here are really SWAMPED. Every single day, John has to wait at least 45 minutes to get to the counter.


We got very spoiled by our secret post office in Toluca Lake....it was an entertainment industry post office. Most of the PO Box holders were famous, and the wait to get a box was over a year, but when we moved up there, Danna went in there without my knowledge and spun this whole story for them about me being a (former) celeb and having stalkers (which is true) and somehow talked them into putting us at the top of the list. Every once in a while it was still a long wait, but compared to the other POs, there was no security or bullet-proof glass like the others in the area, and they let us walk behind the counter and scan things ourselves that were pre-stamped without waiting in line. And we spoiled them with gifts too for the privilege, and had fun seeing celebs there.


Not surprisingly, there are no secret celebrity post office locations up here. LOL!



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I would like to add a great big bucketful of thank yous for the beautifully packaged horde that I came home to find on my doorstep (is there any better way to end the day?). Your generosity is incredible, and the care that's put into the presentation of the preciouses gets to me each time. It is such a joy to receive such lovely things. I sometimes wonder where I would be right now if I hadn't discovered LP- then I realise I don't really want to imagine that!

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I wasn't expecting my artfire order until after I put in my next order from the main site - thanks so much for sending it! I'm completely enthralled by Halo's Cocoa Lily right now, idk what it is about that one but I LOVE it, so happy to have my full bottle! Plus extra crayons and goodies? Thank you!!!

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I just received my first order today and I am like a kid in a candy store!! :chickendance: Thank you so much Mara for all of the goodies included...I can not wait to give them and the fragrances/pheromones I ordered a try!! You are so generous and I am already looking forward to my second order! Also...my parcel arrived so quickly after speaking on the phone..it was a great surprise today!! Reviews are coming soon.. ;)

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Mara! I just got my order today! Thank you so very much for all of the generous goodies you included. There are some in there that are already my faves (thank you!!!!!) and others I have been wanting to try. So very thoughtful of you. I love the beautiful bag too! I used to have a vintage slip with this iridescent sheen to it. So pretty. My klepto kitty immediately laid claim to it, to which I said, "Mine!" Little devil, I don't blame him. I can not wait to tear into my awesome potions! Again Mara, warmest thanks. Please know that this time and always, I am touched by your kindness and in awe of your talents dear Potion Master :hearts09780::Emoticons0804:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you Mara and John for all the sniffees. Maybe all those wonderful choices will help my beautiful Bride see that there is more scents to be worn than just White Diamonds (yuck).

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OMG! I have been without cable, home phone and internet for a week and the world has gone mad! lol Three perfumes I have been stalking are now gone! Now I will have to regroup and replan my next order!


Mara...sorry for the delay in thanking you for my order which arrived Monday! What a wonderful surprise to get everything in this order...I thought I was going to have to wait for my most recent! My perfumes you boosted smell delicious..and so do my goodies! I loved the two extra special ones! Both are actually on my list of top ten sold outs to watch for in case they showed up again somewhere (yes, I frequent the sold outs like a true LPnatic! :love-you:;) )

bravo!! All of my little sacks/boxes were so beautiful with their perfumes that I hated to open them and mess them up...from the bottom of my heart I thank you!!!


My only complaint...now I am going to have to place another order to have something new to look forward to!! lolol You're a great businesswoman...you know us well!!!! I feel like Al Pacino in the Godfather 3 when he says..."just when I think I'm out...they pull me back in"....that is so me..just when I think I will be content...I get my order and begin wanting more...and more...and more!!!! I really missed the boards this past week...thank God it's all working again! :)

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I got my package earlier today. Getting an LP package makes me soooo happy and really makes my day. Mara, the cute packaging this month, the samplers and the PEs are absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for all that you do. Xoxoxo

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As I walked from the tram to my house I felt my LP sense tingling, but I dared not hope and dismissed my premonition as mere wishful thinking. Well, what awaited me upon opening the door but a parcel slip that instructed me to look in my greenhouse. And there it was, my unassuming little brown parcel of wonder.


Thank you so, so much. I love every LP delivery more than the last one and this time I liked every single thing I sniffed straight off, including the generous compliment of sniffies. If I had a rich and doting great aunt or something I'd order full bottles of Panda, Lamb, and Beaver this instant. I can't even imagine what all of these will be like once I try them on my skin.


Mara, you're ace!

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Got my package earlier this week -- many, many thanks, Mara, for your thoughtfulness and generosity! I feel a new sense of wonderment and a whole new world of olfactory joy with every shipment I received -- like a whole new dimension has been opened up to me! If only I had found this place a long time ago...

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Picked up my LPMP package today and was blown away by the evident time, care and generosity that was put into everything. Thank you everyone and thanks for combining my orders. I now know to make a list thruout the month of what I want/need and then place one order.


I must say that I was heart-touched by the bottle of Ishtar's Star that you sent. After reading about this fragrance in your sold out archives, I hardly feel worthy of wearing it, (see, I can actually be humble sometimes, lol). Thank you for thinking of me and including that surprise.


LPMP rocks and that's just what I plan to do tonight too, when I go see the Jimmy Vaughan concert at the Knickerbocker. Since I always have to try everythiing on at once when they first arrive, now I have to go re-shower and pick my potion for the night, lol.



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Dear Mara and all the amazing people at LP: thank you so much for my latest box of LP Amazing Goodness! I can't *believe* how quickly you processed my monster order (OK, 2 orders!), and as always, the generous extras are beyond generous! There isn't another company like this on the planet. Thank you so much for all these lovely treats to look forward to!

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Mara and company -- I cannot thank you enough for my package that arrived today! I am thrilled with everything and love them this much :arms: . I can't wait to start using the different potions, like tomorrow ^_^. The free gift is amazing, suits my personality to the tee! A great job was done in perfecting the shipment given the haphazard manner I submitted the orders :Blusher: will do better going forward for sure.

Thank you again and Many Blessings!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Woohoo! My package just arrived! Thank you so much for all the delicious goodness contained within! I love the free gift- 'tis a perfect scent for me! It always feels like my birthday when my latest LP box arrives in the mail. Hmm- think I'm in need of another birthday soon... Must order something else.

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Dear Mara & Company,


Great news! We traveled safely to our new home. We were dispatched to New York to be with ComingUpRoses. She seems to be nice enough. We were introduced to the other LPs who reside here and were shown our new living quarters. Overall I think we will fare quite well in the household.


Upon arrival we were carefully unpacked and lovingly placed in a group. ComingUpRoses did an interesting thing with the spray bottles and the jar of cream. She cut away plastic as needed to allow access, but left some plastic covering the labels of the bottles and jar intact. As she worked on Totem: Panda’s bottle, she explained to him that she wanted to keep the labels as pristine as possible. “Alrighty then” I thought. We can allow her that idiosyncratic behavior as she appears sane otherwise. We’ve been sniffed and some of us repeatedly huffed. She and Heart Strings were going at it at one point, you had to be there. Smh. Presently, we are set out to recover from travel shock.


Mara & Company, we cannot thank you enough for concocting us and allowing us to benefit the expanding LP community! LPMP is deserving of a jillion accolades. Many Thanks and Many Blessings to You! Please give our regards to all of our brothers and sisters in production. Oh, and, ComingUpRoses said to tell you “Heyyyyyy” :love:. She’s over the moon! We were trying to send you a photo but no-go on the cut and paste. She said to give you a very special shout out and to pass on smooches for the surprise gift-esses! Squeeeeeal!!! Thank you again, countless times over.


~Warm regards~


Order no. 8675309






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I totally screwed up my first order by making a second order over a week later and thereby getting booted to the back of the line. But when the stuff arrived it was so much fun. I sat there pulling stoppers off of this and that and sniffing everything in olfactory range. And I loved the little free samples. In fact, I loved one of them so much that I loved it way more than any of the things I had ordered on purpose and I just placed a second order for a full bottle of it. It just goes to show you that you never know. I had looked at A Treasure of Amethysts while making my first order and in the end decided that I shouldn't go for it because it had Lotus in it. I don't know what Lotus smells like. But I do know that I'm allergic to tons of flowers (although Lavender never bothers me) so I thought I would stay on the safe side. Ok, I'm willing to admit that I still don't know exactly what Lotus smells like, but I can't get enough of my little vial of ATOA.


That said, I just realized I screwed up my second order too. I think I need to convert my oil pheros to sprays to get the effect I'm looking for. So I need to make a second order of perfume supplies from the Art Fire site. Gack! Sorry to be an idiot. Well, at least this time there's only one day between orders!

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