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Jouir De

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Ya know...


I really think will have to get a sample of this,just because of the notority...heh :)


Oh yes, you should do that. For all you know the scent works out beautifully on your skin!

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-a- One night, multiple partners, and if that's not TMI enough the other qualifier definitely is. :yeahthat:

-b- Well, not just one night...usually at least a couple and either too tired to take a shower or could not (for whatever reason, like being in the middle of nowhere, for example).


Lynne: I SAW WHUT U DID THAR. *dies laughing*


My apologies for intruding - just a squib - but really, for those of us new here; this is NOT NEARLY ENOUGH INFORMATION!!!! :):jumpforjoy::lol:

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I engage in various TMI moments both factually and fictionally in my journal, so you can get your perv on over there. :)

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My apologies for intruding - just a squib - but really, for those of us new here; this is NOT NEARLY ENOUGH INFORMATION!!!! :666::jumpforjoy::waiting:


Welcome to the forum ! ...you are not intruding,everyone was a squib at one time :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

I am ordering a trial vial of this with trepidation so shall update once I receive it. I am curious to see whether on my skin this shall smell like blossoms or bottoms.

I own EOW and my partner tells me that prior to dry down or if I fail to cover the odour appropriately, I emit the stink of 3 week old camembert- the kind that is running off the plate in the pantry- mixed with the stench of a homeless man's pustule-ridden feet.

Edited by Indigo
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I am ordering a trial vial of this with trepidation so shall update once I receive it. I am curious to see whether on my skin this shall smell like blossoms or bottoms.

I own EOW and my partner tells me that prior to dry down or if I fail to cover the odour appropriately, I emit the stink of 3 week old camembert- the kind that is running off the plate in the pantry- mixed with the stench of a homeless man's pustule-ridden feet.


:Hug_emoticon: Wellll, that's what Jouir De smells like on me, give or take a few pustules. However, EOW doesn't strike me as quite that bad, so maybe we have opposite skin chemistry and you WILL get the orchids and such from Jouir De! Where there is life, there is hope. Heh.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yup. I got on a bus full of people a couple of months ago while wearing this and I read a woman say "OMG. What smells like pee?" Her husband replied "I don't smell pee at all." And then he gave me a lustful side-eye.


I moved seats.

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I got my EoW out the other day for a waltz and I have to say it has aged beautifully and smells delicious on my skin even naked with no phero-dress ontop. Sadly I have to say my comments cannot extend to the the little number this thread is dedicated to. I am going to be 100% honest as TMI seems to be l'ordre du jour when it comes to Jouir De.


I am glad I only got a trial vial of Jouir De, initially it smells like pherogirl but then slowly and surely a little note wafts in and out and then says 'I'm here too stay'. This note is too vile for me to wear out or in, it has the malodorous scent of anal sex gone wrong.

Edited by Indigo
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I got my EoW out the other day for a waltz and I have to say it has aged beautifully and smells delicious on my skin even naked with no phero-dress ontop. Sadly I have to say my comments cannot extend to the the little number this thread is dedicated to. I am going to be 100% honest as TMI seems to be l'ordre du jour when it comes to Jouir De.


I am glad I only got a trial vial of Jouir De, initially it smells like pherogirl but then slowly and surely a little note wafts in and out and then says 'I'm here too stay'. This note is too vile for me to wear out or in, it has the malodorous scent of anal sex gone wrong.

:thbf54f4bf: Well said, Indigo...well said. :10_small16:





And Tyvey... :):2226::Emoticons04239: YUP! ---> 10_small16.gif

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Interesting- this is all orchid and incense on me with a very faint touch of honey, no civet/musky scent to speak of. Very rich and floral, I feel like I'm in a sexy temple. Phew! I was afraid this was going to go bad on me, but thus far, it's lovely. This is def something I'd like to pair with a film noir/vintage look, killer heels, and maybe some SS4W.


ETA: Wow, I'm REALLY amping the Orchid in this. Weird, since I often can't stand floral notes, but this is turning very floral and nice on me. Skin chemistry is so weird, I can't imagine how this turned into santorum on some people!

Edited by kittenkat
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Hi everyone! I'm new here, and just received my first sample order :( Actually, most of it is for my mother, who requested pheremone perfumes for her birthday. Well, since I was ordering a pack of samples, I thought I'd get some Jouir De. Of course, after I ordered, I then read this thread and in between laughing fits, was anxiously awaiting the arrival of this scent, wondering if it would be wearable.


Luckily, this amps honey on me like none other. Someone mentioned BPAL's O, and how Jouir De is everything O wishes it was -- well, I concur! The first few minutes are a bit intense, but the drydown is beautiful on me. And also very, very dirty. It doesn't seem to be doing anything to my husband (I think he's one of the unfortunates who can't smell pheremones very well), but it is certainly doing things for me!


I'm planning on wearing some of this out tomorrow to see if I can manage to get some reactions :D

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I'm planning on wearing some of this out tomorrow to see if I can manage to get some reactions :)


Welcome to the forum, Chanteuse! Let us know if you manage to get some reactions outside the house tomorrow. I brought a sample after reading this thread.

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I finally tried Jouir De this afternoon. I've read this thread several times (hilarious,About by the way) so I was a little concerned about what might happen when i put this on. Plus, some of the more animalistic musks go wonky on me, and honeycomb is not my friend. I couldn't bear the smell of Sexology on me.



So I put just a dab on the crook of my arm. You could have knocked me over with a feather! All I got was orchid! It was gorgeous! No cops, ass, dirty diaper or anything!!! At about 30 minutes things took a turn for the :D . TMI ALERT! TMI ALERT!!! A couple years ago, I had an entanglement with this guy. He wore Acqua di Gio, which I loved on guys. I don't know, I guess he would spray it on his lower abdomen or something when he was getting ready, because by the time I was in the area, it would have died down to just one or two base notes. So it was the smell of not-exactly-sweaty-but-not-exactly-straight-from-the-shower balls and those base notes of Acqua di Gio. Well, 30 minutes in, Jouir De morphed into that scent exactly. Exactly!!! While that wasn't exactly a bad smell per se, that entagnlement ended kinda badly (interesting story I should tell some time), so when I got that smell, it took me right back to that place and I was like, "Ugh, i can't do this!!" I almost washed it off right away, but I'm glad I didn't. At about the 60 minute mark, the Acqua di Gio balls went away, and left a sweet orchid scent with just the hint of dirty underneath.


So yeah, I would definitely wear this during the day, to work even!! Smells gorgeous and makes me feel very very sexy! But I do want to test it out in a public setting before that. I don't want to be in a meeting and have someone say, "It smells like a gas station bathroom in here!" :lol:

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  • 3 months later...

I just received my samples today. Jouir de is one of the samples I picked. I put it on around 15 minutes ago. At first it smells like "WTH!" I was quite skeptical because it smelled like something not too good (not sure how to describe the scent), but it just smells not very decent on me. After 15 minutes, the unpleasant smell is still there. but becomes a bit weaker.


My hubby just came over 2 minutes ago and said, "what did you put? you smell like baby powder?"

I said, "Really? you think I smell like baby powder?"

Hubby, "yes, did you put baby powder perfume?"


So, I will wait another 30 minutes or an hour to see what will happen. I will report back soon. :)

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Oh I forgot to say, my 8 month old male puppy smelled it, but no response. He just went back to sleep after he smelled it.

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I just received my samples today. Jouir de is one of the samples I picked. I put it on around 15 minutes ago. At first it smells like "WTH!" I was quite skeptical because it smelled like something not too good (not sure how to describe the scent), but it just smells not very decent on me. After 15 minutes, the unpleasant smell is still there. but becomes a bit weaker.


My hubby just came over 2 minutes ago and said, "what did you put? you smell like baby powder?"

I said, "Really? you think I smell like baby powder?"

Hubby, "yes, did you put baby powder perfume?"


So, I will wait another 30 minutes or an hour to see what will happen. I will report back soon. :)


I'm really jealous. I got no baby powder. All I got was Snatch Chronicles of PooNan~ ia.

Weird. Maybe a retest is needed. No I can't. Maybe I should though.

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LadyVictoria and JOC, I think Jouir de just don't react well with my body. Even though my hubby said it smells like baby powder, I actually didn't like it at all and didn't find it smell like baby powder.


I put it on my pulse points. No special reactions from my hubby. He just said it smells good.


The other day I tried Love Blossom, which reacted much better with my body. The smell was better, but hubby didn't realize that I put perfume until I asked him, "Hey can you smell something?" Again no particular reaction from him.


The next one I am going to try is Extracurricular and Love Potion Pink.

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I really wish I could enjoy this, especially after reading all these amazing reviews! (I've been heavily on the prowl lately, so it seemed right up my alley) But I think honey scents just don't work on me as much as I want them to, they wind up too cloying :( I'm so down with the idea of finding a viciously dirty scent, but I guess Jouir De just isn't it.

Ah well.

Good thing experimenting is so much fun!

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  • 4 months later...

I just can't figure this one out. When I first tried it on I really didn't like it. All amber and yuck. I even put it straight on the trade thread, figuring it was probably never going to work for me. But I got curious and tested it out again today, and it wasn't so bad. I had a male friend smell it and he said he really liked it. He's been telling me I shouldn't wear spicy scents, but he smelled this and said it was "softly spicy", and worked on me. It is definitely strongly sexy and dirty and musky. Maybe I should hang onto it after all.

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All the reviews and different perception of this scent made me once again curious to take it out of my perfume box and try it one more time. I've tried it several times before and never liked it. All I got was some pee smell. Today, however, it's different. No pee at all, but mostly honey and amber. How come? May it aged nicely. It can be worn simply like this, but I'll layer it with Cougar Potion, that smells really good! I'll make it my potion of the day.

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Me too. This is one of the scents which I still figure out which direction our relationship is heading. In fact, I haven't used it for a while now and I'm worried about testing it.


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  • 1 month later...

Whew -- this is three-day-old dirty boxer briefs at first. The tester was only seconds away from partying with this morning's coffee grounds when the dirty smell morphed into a gorgeous powdery amber and honey scent, my favorite kind of amber/honey mix. Oh, the "dirty" side is still there, but it's a GOOD dirty!


It reminds me of SLF but with a tiny hint of floral. Joire de is sexy, while SLF is slutty. And both are grrrrrreat!!

Edited by Just Ducky
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  • 1 month later...

I am woefully afraid. I was expecting something fearful so when Jouir De arrived I opened it with care and held it at what I felt was a safe distance and took a tentative whiff...


The reason I am woefully afraid is that, in the face of countless reviews, I like it :Emoticons04231:


I found that it takes very little (no surprise I'm sure) and it is very strong and that little bit goes a long way. Once it dries down it's fantastically sweet and the musks, honey, amber and orchid are very distinct, I can even pick up the vanilla. I've found that it layers well with the Like A Magnet, (sugared vanilla & honey which, for me, I found hard to bear because it was so much like baby powder to me :001_07: ). The musk, amber, orchid, honey and vanilla cover that baby powdery "eck" and brings out the sugared honey and vanilla I believe was meant to be! That's VERY exciting for me because I was checking out the trading post here because I didn't believe I'd be able to keep the LAM 'cause the whole baby powder in the nose thing was KILLING me :faint:


So NOOOOW, I'm wondering...So, it smells good to me but that's just me. What about everyone else I'm around? By the consensus here, I will have to take the embarrassing chance of wearing it out to see just how awful the reactions of others may be...or not??? Hubby isn't jumping to get away from me tonight yet, lol. Will update if that changes.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and at least put forth that I like it, quite a bit even, and have possibilities planned for it already :666:

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It reminds me of SLF but with a tiny hint of floral. Joire de is sexy, while SLF is slutty. And both are grrrrrreat!!

It's funny because I'm betting that a lot of people here have the opposite opinion in regards to the two fragrances.


So NOOOOW, I'm wondering...So, it smells good to me but that's just me. What about everyone else I'm around? By the consensus here, I will have to take the embarrassing chance of wearing it out to see just how awful the reactions of others may be...or not??? Hubby isn't jumping to get away from me tonight yet, lol. Will update if that changes.

If you want to wear it out of the house, then yes you run the risk of varied reactions, given that it possesses such a blatant agenda. For me, this is something that I would only wear for playtime, and the reaction of my woobie is that he thinks it's incredibly obscene but that's the point. :666:

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If you want to wear it out of the house, then yes you run the risk of varied reactions, given that it possesses such a blatant agenda.


The couple times I accidentally wore SLF or Jouir De to the convenience store late in the evening for emergency items, I've greatly regretted it. Guys looked at me wayyyy too intently, and women gave me the ol' evil eye. These were NOT the kind of guys you'd want looking at you, and it was very uncomfortable. Of course, these guys would have creeped out any girl, but reeking of slutty pheromones was like walking around with a big neon light overhead flashing "SEXSEXSEX!!"


So, yeah -- wearing SLF or Jouir De out in public, especially if you're alone, can invite things best left alone.

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I was a little nervous to try my sample that I just got of this and OMG, I love this so so much... When I place my October order if any is left I'm going to purchase a bottle.... This smells so good and lasts so long, I can smell carmel, orchid and leather and then it lasts forever...love it

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this is a scent i would not wear outside the house. ever. it is so sexual that it is not good for mixed company. however, it is great for play time, when i have the patience for it to dry down completly. until then i get the bum smell

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