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Cataluna LPMP Has Sent You A Package


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Our idiotic post office is holding mine hostage! They arrived on Friday, I was not available to sign so they could not deliver. They again attempted to deliver on Saturday and there was no one to sign for it, so they could not leave it without a signature.. Do I know this because they left me a notice saying so??? NO!!! I know this because I checked the tracking status on my order online and found out! And NOW, I have to call the PO tomorrow to look into it and hope that they do NOT tell me that it is already in the truck for delivery. If it is, then that means that I will have my package riding around on another long, HOT day exposing what is a fortune in heat sensitive unscented pheromones to more excessive heat. In that event, I will not be able to get them until at least Tuesday, since I don't drive. I can only hope that the heat exposure has not destroyed their potency before they even get to me. Please don't misunderstand. I do NOT in any way blame Mara and John for this. This was the most expensive order I have ever placed with LP and they took extra precautions this time to assure that it would be delivered safely and accounted for. I place te blame squarely on my mail carrier who will NOT ring the door bell or leave a notification! WTF???! I do not even know how we are supposed to claim this pkg. without a delivery notice of some sort. The thought of those pheros possibly being ruined by these indelicate morons driving around with them in a non air conditioned truck is literally making me sick. I can not afford to replace them! Does anyone know if I can recoup the value of these items from the PO if they are ruined due to this? I am sick over this. Just an additional piece of info. Three of the scented items I ordered are now also discontinued and can NOT be replaced!!! :(

Edited by Rose Blackthorn
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Well.. I honestly don't think the heat from shipping, even with the extra day, will hurt it. If it was that sensitive, wouldn't Mara ship in a special cooler or something?

Edited by Molls
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It takes much longer for serious heat damage, Rose. For example, I recently got an email from someone who had left a bottle in their car for 5 months before the product was deemed inert by the owner. They should be just fine. Relax! :)

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So glad for you Rose, gotta admit there were a couple of brutally hot days this summer were I thought uh oh hope this lp doesn't smell sour on me today, but it never happened. Just a lil paranoia over the younguns I guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is just amazing how much faster the shipping is from Washington state than it was from California. Shipping notice on Friday, package on Monday. Wow.

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I can't believe it! My (first) sale order has shipped.... are you guys cloning yourselves as well as working around the clock?!


This was a really hard day, and this little stamps noticed has turned it all around.

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Still awaiting my shipping notice. I'm so ready for my goodies!

I am too, I can't wait! I find myself checking at least twice a day, I'm so excited!

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I just got my shipment notification!! Woo-hoo!! I'm super excited!! :bday1029: :bday1029: :bday1029:

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I got mine yesterday and it's perfect timing. I'm running out of my must-haves! Happiness ensues.... :hearts0425:

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Did you order custom stuff or Pheros? If you email me I can check on it for you. If you're in the US, yours should have shipped by now.

Thanks, Heather. OK I will email you. No, I didnt order any custom stuff. It's been 4 weeks since I placed the order now, and still no shipping notice. Yes, I'm in the US.

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I am starting to lose hope...:(...it has now been a month for me....:( Mara is making NOCO Pink for me (OCCO w/o the cops) and I guess that is why it has been delayed so long....heading to bed....

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I am starting to lose hope... :(...it has now been a month for me.... :( Mara is making NOCO Pink for me (OCCO w/o the cops) and I guess that is why it has been delayed so long....heading to bed....


I got my notice today for an August 6th order; I think they've just been dealing with about ten million sales orders over there. But you can reach out to LP customer service if you're really concerned! I heard back within 24 hours (and I e-mailed on Labor Day): lpfragrancescustomersrvc@ymail.com

Edited by bellumed
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I need to apologize for the delay on some of these orders. Today, John found a stack of finished ready to mail orders that were ready to go 2 weeks ago, but somehow just got placed aside and then forgotten about. We've had hundreds of orders during the sale, with thousands of bottles going out. We are trying to keep track of everything as best we can. The sheer volume in square footage is stunning. In this case, apparently the stack was set aside to make room on a counter and whoever placed it there, forgot. I noticed Invi's order right on top. SORRY INVI! And Birkeys, I'm guessing your order may have been in there too because I made that NoCo Pink for you weeks ago. So sorry everyone. Huge apologies. We have been working as fast as we can all month. We've got about two truckloads going out tomorrow. Thanks for your patience and understanding, hoping to catch up asap.

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I need to apologize for the delay on some of these orders. Today, John found a stack of finished ready to mail orders that were ready to go 2 weeks ago, but somehow just got placed aside and then forgotten about. We've had hundreds of orders during the sale, with thousands of bottles going out. We are trying to keep track of everything as best we can. The sheer volume in square footage is stunning. In this case, apparently the stack was set aside to make room on a counter and whoever placed it there, forgot. I noticed Invi's order right on top. SORRY INVI! And Birkeys, I'm guessing your order may have been in there too because I made that NoCo Pink for you weeks ago. So sorry everyone. Huge apologies. We have been working as fast as we can all month. We've got about two truckloads going out tomorrow. Thanks for your patience and understanding, hoping to catch up asap.


No worries Mara! Thank you for letting us know..:) I have said before that I don't know how you do it all and my words were sincere...if your potions weren't so fab, then we wouldn't be so excited about getting our parcels! lol ;) I have numerous potions and phero blends I have never tried before coming in this one, so I am especially anxious to get mine! Thank you for all you do and for making my NOCO Pink! Can't wait to get it!!!! :D

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I need to apologize for the delay on some of these orders. Today, John found a stack of finished ready to mail orders that were ready to go 2 weeks ago, but somehow just got placed aside and then forgotten about. We've had hundreds of orders during the sale, with thousands of bottles going out. We are trying to keep track of everything as best we can. The sheer volume in square footage is stunning. In this case, apparently the stack was set aside to make room on a counter and whoever placed it there, forgot. I noticed Invi's order right on top. SORRY INVI! And Birkeys, I'm guessing your order may have been in there too because I made that NoCo Pink for you weeks ago. So sorry everyone. Huge apologies. We have been working as fast as we can all month. We've got about two truckloads going out tomorrow. Thanks for your patience and understanding, hoping to catch up asap.

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