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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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I have two bottles. I think that will do me. I'm about to redo my sales post in the hope someone buys something everything something in time for sale time. I got up today in my temperature haze and went woooooo could be sale day! So I had to go through all my perfumes to distract myself..

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I ordered Purple Puff yesterday too. :/ I just couldn't take the chance of it selling out.

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ohh YOU GUYS! lol

I know 3 things I neeed but It usually takes me like a whole day to place an official order because I keep adding things to my cart and then take a break,go have a cig r something.When I check my cart again its empty..lol..So I do this all day until I get frustrated and put the order through...lol


Im going to write it down this time so It wont take so long to do.



should I get lace2x or LFM 2X spray? I still cant decide! wish I can make a poll to decide which one is more favorable.

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Get a 1x spray of BOTH!


ETA on the wrong day Lace can make me a bit weepy-wet, and LFM can make me all yeah, I'm hot and kind of a bitch, so go with what works for you. And that's at scented strength which is like 1/3 of 1x. I'd be hesitant to get 2x anything, the only 2x I have was kind of an od for the guy in question at the time.

Edited by cinnamonmel
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I went out yesterday and spent over $100 of my lp money on groceries and bought my daughter some stuff so now I cant spend that much.Oh well saved me from feeling guilty if I placed an order yesterday.

I want them both but will have to probably wait till next week or so.

I cant beleive sneaky clean is gone..went so quick!..Oh well I have a bottle coming in the mail and might not even like it.

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I went out yesterday and spent over $100 of my lp money on groceries and bought my daughter some stuff so now I cant spend that much.Oh well saved me from feeling guilty if I placed an order yesterday.

I want them both but will have to probably wait till next week or so.

I cant beleive sneaky clean is gone..went so quick!..Oh well I have a bottle coming in the mail and might not even like it.


If you don't like it, I'll buy it from you! But I think you're going to love it. It's awesome! ;)

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Apparently the fb Sneaky Clean isn't available, but there's still 7 sample vials up for grabs as of one minute ago.

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sneaky clean is gone? Phew! My panic buy was justified! I'm wanting torrid and need to read everything else again. Stupid phone can't cope with the lp site properly so i will need to look online.


Mara didn't want to oversell so she zero-ed the cart. She said there might be a bottle or two when she's done making sprays for sneaky clean people ordered. She was talking about possibly brewing a v2 of sneaky clean.


hearts - I read something on the boards about it possibly going up on Monday.

Edited by MeriendaTime
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Torrid Sorcery fb, Mistress of Fate fb, samples of Unseelie and Celebutante. (and some samples of Sneaky Clean for emergency purposes only)


Torrid Sorcey, Mistress of Fate, and Unseelie -- a perfect trifecta! I smell a serious hoardin' a comin' on.

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Celebutante, Seelie, Mistress of Fate. I think I must have the Tropical Musk, too. Just waiting for the descriptions of the Musks and the PEs.

I panicked when I saw that Sneaky Clean is already out of stock, so fast. :( But I read that Mara will make a rebrew for us, soon. :abfx:

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This really ought to be renamed The Confessional. My sin? Gluttony. :lol: Forealz. After my birthday last month I was on a no-buy that lasted till yesterday, but I finally got to break it and did I ever with bottles of *deep breath* both the new musks, Tyvey's Wonderland, Lindee's Chocolate Chip, LP Humidity, Baskery, Torrid Sorcery, Plum Dandy and Unseelie plus samples of the rest of the NRs. Hoooooly crap. I'm already salivating!

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The Confessional! How true!!!! Your order is delicious. The only "gluttony" is all the wonderful foodie scents!


BodaciouS Musk looked way too good to ignore, HAD to make another order. Sorry, Mara -- I promise it's the last one for a whi . . . oh bloody hell. You haven't put the sale items up yet, have you.


:001_07: DOOMED

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I placed my order already - instead of waiting for the sale - because I panicked when I saw the Sneaky Clean out of stock and even the trials running out. So, beside Sneaky Clean I ordered Seelie, Jubilee (trial) as well as Vintage Musk and monthly freebies Celebutante and Mistress of Fate. Now I think I should have ordered the 2 new Musks, too. Hopefully, they'll be still there until next month so that I could get them together with next month's releases and some items from the sale.

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I is most definately waiting for the grand SALE! But I can tell you Heart's Ease will most definitely be in my immediate order future. Gave my bottle to my mum to help her cope with all of my brother's hospital visits but I can't do without any for much longer.

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Monthly sampler along with bottles of Unseelie and Demimondaine and a small bottle of BodaciouS Musk. Still on the fence with Exotic Musk...also checking the budget for another bottle of California Messiah.

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Considerations for next month:


Phero blends-Depending on availability-and possibly budget, Dominance. Depending on my budget the month after, probably the unscented version of sws (but what to wear with it? I don't really like most office-friendly unisex blends.).

Fragrance-Gitana, whatever fluffy vanilla type of fragrance they might have left by then, a bottle of Red w/cops (it feels too inevitable at this rate), and if it's better than santa's little helper, Baskery. Or UNE, it's hard to decide.


(Lack of capitalization for s's right now are due to the current slow breakdown of my machine, which would explain the unevenness of my current typing style, sorry)

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Managed to put in an order during the sale. Had wanted to keep it small but greed took over fingers and brains. Order consists of some backup UN pheors, Pink Musks, Bodacious Musks, TMI, BBM, Purple Puff sample and OCCO Ambrosia.


More than half of the freebies will go to my hub, kids and sis and Orchidacious for me. Would have hoarded the last bottle of Odxhidacious but I guess it's time to share my loot with my love ones.


Wanted to get a bottle of Sneaky Clean and (on the fence) Purple Puff but they were gone before I got back from my vacation.

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OCCO black (I'm putting it away and letting it age. My first bottle has mellowed so nicely!!)

Coconut Breeze

Sexpionage UN

and a few samples to round it to $100


sale freebies: Vicars and Tarts ( an absolute have)

Tyvey's Mango-ish

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oh Eggs, you'll love it! Don't you like foody or fruit? I thought I remembered you mentioning that. V&C is like a deep sexy berry jam. with brown sugars. Can't wait for you to try it! I wear it all the time in the fall and winter. It's one of my top 5 faves here. So glad I got another bottle. make sure you add your thoughts to the review thread.

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Still planning out my order... But I think I'm getting:


Heart's Ease

Compromising Positions

Bosom Bows

Happy Water (or maybe Tyvey's Smoked HAM)

Velvet Kisses (or maybe Lauren's Sweet Pink Fairy)

Monthly sampler



LP Winter Variant 2011

Pillow Stuffing

To Soothe A Broken Heart

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Another OCCO Ambrosia :lol: bottle of Baskery,of course,bottle of Dirty Old Man,Purple Puff,Jubilee,Guavas In The Mist,Torrid Sorcery & Celebutante samples,plus freebies of the sale bottle of Wall of Protection,samples of Ambrosial Summer,Any Color You Like,Girly Twirly,& 2 Pillow Stuffings :D

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Grrrr I hate the emart cart. It's just not letting me put through my order, I think it is overwhelmed by how much stuff I am putting into it! Maybe it is my computer's way of saying, ok I think you've had enough now, put the bottles away... ;)

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missdc- such restraint. I bow down to your self control.


OMG! It is painful believe me!!!!!

But I already have a list of new things I need to get to make my new esty room work better for me so I have to be a grown up about it all.

Also...I have such high hopes for my new salon I know my business will get much better so I'll make up for it soon!!!!! :banana058:

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OMG! It is painful believe me!!!!!

But I already have a list of new things I need to get to make my new esty room work better for me so I have to be a grown up about it all.



Ok so this makes me laugh now.

I got panicked about the Torrid Sorcery so I put in another order and of course had to make it worth everyones while so added a Vintage Musk and Unwrapped (with cops boost) for the sale...guess I forgot all about that "being a grown up" thing.

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