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Stalk Talk!


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Mdc, in case you missed it, the unicorns teach Esperanto.


Whoops! I made a mistake...if you buy the whole set, you get a free unicorn that teaches Esperanto. It's true cause Luna and Tyvey told me :666:


Something is in the air, first Mel is joking about spreadin' the lovin' to pay for the upcoming releases in the next several months, and now LV and MRC are jumping on board. Where were all these wild women when I was single .... :lol: ?


And there you have it, ladies and gentleman, the Stalk Talk Express has now officially derailed. News at 11:00.


Hey, a woman's gotta do whatever it takes to get more LP's!!


And yeah, I'm pretty good at driving trains, huh?

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But maybe not *that* "unicorn"!


I don't blame you. That one spits if you work him too hard. :gasp:


And yeah, I'm pretty good at driving trains, huh?


Haha - yeah - it might be a while before they clear this one up.

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QG, is that you in your new avi?


Honey - I know I was gone for a while but really ...


No - it is Telly Savalas. But that is my look if I shave my head.


god, this thread is moving so fast, what is this about desperado?


Stalking unicorns who speak Esperanto I think ...


Qg...lv and i are the same age bar a few days..


OMGosh - I am hanging out with a group of young'uns!

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I want me a Telly Savalas” kind of guy. I am attracted to the 5”9, Italian, powerful and drop dead gorgeous type of man…. If anyone finds one of those lying around, please do send him my way….


Telly was Greek but I will keep my eyes open for ya ... might cost you a couple LPs though haha.

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Unicorns, definitely unicorns. :ph34r:


Now you tease us....


Can we have real life forum members on label month? I would die if i was a label!


That would be cute but probably impossible. Copyright issues?


Hurry up and make it, I wanna be a whore too ;)



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That would be cute but probably impossible. Copyright issues?

Well, not if forum members agreed to be on a label. As I noted a while back there is a label with a former member on it. Personally, I have no desire to do that, but I think it's a cute idea for PEs.

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I don't ever wantto be on a label because apparently I have "teh angry eyez" and no wants to wear perfume that has someone glaring at them on the label.


On a side note, aren't unicorns just horses with bayonets? (That was what I took away from the US election. 47% of it anyways. B) )

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I don't blame you. That one spits if you work him too hard. :gasp:


Hmm... My guess is you wouldn't have to work him *that* hard. :lol:


...and now I'm stuck at work thinking about Telly Savalas with a big, raging... Unicorn horn.


He was quite the hottie.


Hee... Katz.

And yes he was! :)


Are we stalking January scents? Or do we get the free Unicorn with the December set?

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...and now I'm stuck at work thinking about Telly Savalas with a big, raging... Unicorn horn.


He was quite the hottie.

Hee... Katz.

And yes he was!


Who loves ya, baby?


And I have a couple lollipops for you two lovely ladies ...

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I think NJ convinced Mara to go with a Playboy theme. I bet you will like Miss March. She likes to read and loves puppies. Oh, and she wants to be a movie star.

Can we have real life forum members on label month? I would die if i was a label!

I'll model, I just won't show my face, ha. Maybe we can wear masks?


Two more months covered ...

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I don't ever wantto be on a label because apparently I have "teh angry eyez" and no wants to wear perfume that has someone glaring at them on the label.


On a side note, aren't unicorns just horses with bayonets? (That was what I took away from the US election. 47% of it anyways. B) )


I'd wear ya.

Unicorns are white ponies with boners on their heads.

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All this talk of stalking and unicorns, I thought this highly appropriate (and stolen from the Etsy link)il_570xN.379916389_gilr.jpg


Is it wrong that I'm bothered my her poorly applied lip gloss? I know its' supposed to be a thing but just no.

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WTH? :lol:


ETA, now I can't get that song out of my head: "Sit on my face, and tell me that you love me!" :lol: Was that a Monty Python thing?


It was. "Life would be fine if we'd both 69 ..."


Dammit. Now it's in my head too. I'd hate you a little right now except it's so catchy.

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Lol, one would hope... Can't you see Lady V flitting about the office in this, after Bosshole make her absolutely stark-raving? NOT THAT I WISH THIS TO HAPPEN! ...just sayin'...


Trust me I'm sure he's had a horn or two up his ass, he would probably ask if

He could sit on my face

Edited by LadyVictoria
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WTH? :lol:


ETA, now I can't get that song out of my head: "Sit on my face, and tell me that you love me!" :lol: Was that a Monty Python thing?


There is also one by lords of acid.

I use to work in a music store and I was introduced to this song and I peed.



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And is the horn ribbed for her pleasure??!

It was. "Life would be fine if we'd both 69 ..."


Dammit. Now it's in my head too. I'd hate you a little right now except it's so catchy.


"Nothing could be finer than to be in her vagina in the morning, nothing could be sweeter than to have her suck your peter in the morning ..."

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"I love to hear you oralize when I'm between your thighs. You blow me away ..."


See? It's catchy.


(Now where did Shadow wander off to? BBL.)

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I'm impressed you guys remember all the words. That song was only a glimmer in the back of my mind - I actually wondered if I'd made it up myself! :lol: - until BF said he was pretty sure it was Monty Python, and to get over myself 'cause I'm not that clever. (Kidding. He didn't say that. He *did* tell me where it came from though. Boy has a memory like a steel trap).


Having spent my formative years in Catholic school, and with a devout set of Roman Catholic grandparents, I've always been partial to "Every Sperm is Sacred". And I *do* know all the words to that. In fact, I imagine it's what I'll be humming to myself at work tonight. ;)

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Ev'ry sperm is sacred

Ev'rey sperm is great

If a sprem is wasted

God gets quite irate



:) Oh and hearing my Mom quote the Sit on my Face song is one of the highlights of my entire life.

Of course, this *is* the woman who taught me how to properly flip people off. Heh. Old School Journalists: They're priceless and there are far too few of them left.

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