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Hello! I'm Solaralchemy but you can call me Chemy for short. :hi:


I've been lurking in the shadows of this forum for months while I've gathered valuable information, read reviews, etc. I feel that today is a good day to introduce myself (excluding the fact that it's the busiest time of the year in the US) and ask for some expert advice regarding my next purchase from you wise, wise women. First, however, I'd like to offer an introduction about my short experience with pheromones.


I'm a 20-something year old woman (INFJ) who is in the early stages of romance with a "friend of a friend" (INTP). On our first date, I nervously slathered LFM on my neck and cleavage along with a few spritzes of SS4W in my hair and hoped for the best. The date went well...but he didn't seem physically interested. I chalked it up to him being polite but not interested. Two days later, my friend forwards me a text from my date saying that his heart raced the whole date and that he had never felt that way before. We've been dating for two months now. LFM + SS4W = My First Date Lucky Charm


The other day, I plopped on his couch upon entering his apartment and he grabs my feet and starts massaging them. He looks at me and says, "I don't know why, but I want to be so affectionate towards you." I knew why; my combo of Heart & Soul, OCCO Red, and a smidgen of Red Lace could not be ignored. Ehehehe.


Those are just a couple of the positive reactions that I've had since wearing pheromones. LPMP is my new obsession. I'm in the market to expand my miniscule LPMP pheromone/fragrance collection. Here's what I have:



  • Heart & Soul
  • Topper
  • Blatant Invitation
  • LFM
  • Popularity Potion

Phero Enhanced:

  • Kitten Nip
  • OCCO Red
  • Red Lace
  • SS4W
  • Jubilee

I need more! I'm currently only interested in purchasing items that are either UN or Phero Enhanced fragranes. This is where I come to you, the experts, for advice. What are your two favorite social blends and two favorite sexual blends? What is obviously missing from my collection?


Oh, and thanks for reading my ultra long post! :love:

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Welcome Chemy!


You've already got a great start with your LP collection. My favorite sexual blend is Sexpionage, with Cuddle Bunny coming in second place.


I'm still working with Social pheros, so I can't really say yet. They're lots of helpful, wonderful people here, and I'm sure someone else will help you in this area.


Good Luck, and please come back to tell us what you ordered, and how it went with your new guy :)

Edited by Mrschrissyrez
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You have some great ones already! But I adore Cougar. I'm not of "Cougar" age (20's) but this is a total popularity potion for me. Also SS4W and Heart and Soul are my faves. Oh, and I'm loving the new Gotcha!

I'm looking forward to reading ore of your reviews!!!

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Welcome out of lurkdom :) ...my favs depend on the circumstances,ie,who will I be around,what they have reacted to in the past,what mood I am in,or even what mood and/or persona I choose to project :001_302:


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Hi Chemy!


According to ME, the only thing you're missing in that collection is Cuddle Bunny! (either the UN or Scented 2009 or Velvet Kisses) other than that you have all my faves which are LFM, H&S and Topper. Oh! and BI.


HOWEVER....I have yet to try GOTCHA! Which seems to be causing waves all over the forum...I will be giving that a spin this week sometime.


I liked your story, and am glad you came out of lurkdom... :wink2:

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Welcome, Chemy!! Wow, you are off to a fine start! And if that's actually you in your avi -- what a beautiful vanity set up and room!


ETA: You've already experienced first-hand the power of LFM. For Stage Two, I like to test their reactions to Dominance, Leather, then Cuddle Bunny. One of those three usually hits the right mark, depending on the guy. I save the the heavy hitter sex pheros for Stage Three, assuming the guy is worth it!


But the real fun is in experimenting with all of the available pheros and finding what works best for you and for your guy(s). Sounds like you have a true sweetheart with your present guy.

Edited by Just Ducky
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Hi Chemy!

Welcome to the forum and to your newest and likely on going addiction :lol2: I have Heart and Soul on my wish list...and more than a dozen others :Emoticons04277:


Another mixer! Muhahaaaa! Great combos!


Social blends: Unscented Stone Cougar or Cougar Potion (I have not yet met one person who was not drawn to the fragrance of Cougar Potion) & Open Windows (I have had so much fun with LFM & SS4W but you've already got those!) Popularity Potion and even B2 have been great...OH and Audacious...it all depends on mood and situation. There are just so many great choices! I wish you best of luck deciding lol!


Sexual blends: I had a rollicking good time with this mad blend;

My Sugared Honeycomb w/Le Femme Mystere w/cops mix - 3/4 inch strip @ wrists, backs if hands & collarbone PLUS Like A Magnet Sugared Vanilla & Honey (dabs on hands and wrists only) and smooshed around...PLUS 2 sprays Perfect Match to chest and neck, PLUS 3 sprays DHEAS to hair & 1 to chest AND (from a travel 5ml spray bottle) 3 sprays my Love Potion PINK spiked with cops mix- 1 to neck, and 1 to each wrist.

That's decidedly my max mix to date *snickers*

You have Topper which is kinda like Like A Magnet & DHEAS minus the cops, but I didn't see Prefect Match on your list and I would recommend that one for cuddling.

The BAM! Pink Amber, Un TMI & Cuddle Bunny were a hit in our home for a sweet soft sexy vibe.


You've got plenty to play with right now and you're already making good use of them! Can't wait to read about your future fun :D

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Eek! Thanks for all of the lovely suggestions. I really appreciate it. I think my order is going to look like this:



  • Cougar Potion
  • Cuddle Bunny
  • Compromising Positions
  • Stealing Heaven


"Pick your Potion":

  • Gotcha!
  • La Femme Noire
  • Leather

I think I'm going to sit on this until tomorrow...just in case I think of a quick switch up. I just want eeeeverything!!

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OOOh I'm just getting to this late. First, Welcome. Second, love your avi, (is that you??) and third, Gotta get you some Mara's Rocket fuel. It's sometimes called Rocket fuel. It is phero enhanced with SS4W and one of my faves. Comp positions is up there too among my faves, but MRF just stays with me...

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HI CHEMY!!! Welcome to the addiction! OOPS I mean Family!


No, no. Let's be honest here...we are family...but it's definitely an addiction!LOL

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Hi Chemy, and welcome to the forum. :thbf54f4bf:

You made a good choice ordering Cougar Potion, Cuddle Bunny, Compromising Positions Stealing Heaven, Gotcha!, La Femme Noire and Leather. Looking forward to your reviews. I've also ordered the new Gotcha! and my package is on the way.

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Welcome to the fun!! I am newer here also and completely love it. Everyone here is so helpful, nice, and as funny as can be.


Oh, I'm also an INFJ. I've taken that test multiple times over the years. Even the long 200+ mail-in version in college and it's always the same conclusion. INFJ. Interesting stuff. Anyway, welcome and enjoy!!

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So, scratch my previous post; I'm including everything I mentioned earlier (that isn't on this list) in my next order.


This month's order includes:

  • November trial collection
  • Love Potion Scented Cream w/ Copulins
  • Cougar Potion
  • Compromising Positions
  • Beccah's Boy Bait (I know I said I was only interested in pheromones...but I think this would be a good BI cover. Impulse Buy #1)
  • UN Gotcha (Impulse buy #2!)

Also, no, it is not me in my avatar. I wish! It's the lovely Marisa Tomei.


Thanks again for all of the recommendations! I'm looking forward to testing and reviewing. I got the "order process" e-mail today... so I'm hoping my package will get here before December 19th. That's my sweetie's birthday and I've got plans for him. :Emoticons0424:

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Nice choices :D

Birthday present to him for you...hehehe...I love that kind of thinking...and you know what..it's good...and works too :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will be very excited to see your review of Compromising Positions.


It's very near the top of my "to get" list. Some of the women who get their men a phero-fragrance, then wear CP have reported some very fun sessions after that :D

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  • 1 year later...

I hope it's okay that I bump my 2-year old thread! I know that I don't have a presence on the forum but I wanted to share some great news. I became engaged to the man in my first post two weeks ago and I truly believe that these products were a catalyst for igniting our intense connection. Thank you, thank you, thank you for these products and the forum advice on how to wear them.


I just wanted to share a success story! Our wedding is set in April and I will certainly wear a fragrance from here as I walk down the aisle. :cheers04251:

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