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Tickle Tickle

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Really? Because I tried upstairs downstairs+ coconut breeze and it was a big fat failure. But I'm glad you managed a winner :)


Edited after reading the sweet pussycat thread:


If A+B=C

And B+D=C


Then does A+D=C?


C= win


A=tickle tickle

B=Sweet Pussycat

D= Occo Ambrosia

Edited by MissHazel
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well if vanilla isn't giving the medicinal smell the beat down do you have something lavender or amber heavy that you could layer with it? Perhaps Upstairs Downstairs or Amber Amour?


how do you think this one would layer with pumpkin since some of the pumpkin ones I know off-hand have both vanilla and lavender, e.g. Carolyn's man nip?

I love Upstairs/Downstairs but for me that might be to much going on scent wise.


I was so flipping sure Tickle would work on me I bought 2 FBs right off.

So.. I guess it's the Lav that's giving off the medicinal smell .. I've had some pretty camphor heavy lavs but this does not even smell like Lav on my skin!

I've had some berries do a similar thing to me but this is pretty radically different.

I will say in the short time Ive had this it has changed slightly but for my taste it has a way to go.

I was thinking of wearing it with a soft sweet scent to mellow Tickle the hell out, something like Marsha Mellow but I only have one precious bottle of that, I'm loathe to waste it. Also, I'm not sure the vetiver would help though. Sigh


Something Lavender may do.. I have an all Lav PE that is so great, I can smell the different Lavs in it but again one bottle only... I may try in a couple of days.. Amber? ok maybe a dab of Amber Amour?

ok.. just thought of Pure Sugar, would that soften it? of course I don't have that but if someone does give it a try. :)


Well if anyone comes up with a good partner please post your results...


Part of my brain is in denial and insisting this will improve with age.

I love gotcha and the concept is great I want to wear it now.


I'm still a little suspicious of those berries though.

Edited by StacyK
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What about Sugared Amber? Sweet and sugary and layerable? I can't help as my chemistry - or the sample - has acclimated to me/my environment and is behaving well now. Once I get past that initial 10 minute first blast, it's all sugared berries and lavender confection. :huh:

Edited by NuTrix
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NuTrix a great idea. I don't have that but it's been on my short list for some time.

A great suggestion .. I'll have to wait but someone with either of those should give it a try. :)

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Now I'm wondering how coconut and lavender would work together.....hmmmm. Must try this.

I'm still waiting for my sample to arrive and I'm anxious.


I often use coconut and Lavendar oil on my body and it's heavenly. Perhaps Coconut Breeze is too cocoa heavy. What about something pink, just a small dab?

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I have Firefox for a browser if that makes any difference. I pick the add to cart option, then at the cart you change the quantity to a large number and then hit check out.Just increasing the quantity won't tell you....... It will tell you how many remain after you hit check out then cancel the check out. Not sure if there are issues with other browsers.



I use Firefox too. :)


But that is what I tried, and it just said that the product I want was 'out of stock'; it did not tell me anything about any remaining bottles.

And even when I tried to lower the amount to 1 bottle, it kept saying 'out of stock'.

(I've had the checkout get confused on me earlier, when I tried to order something that was actually out of stock; only the things it told me were out of stock were things that could not be, like Bam or a sampler set)


Oh well, the point is moot until January anyway! ;)

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The checkout goes wonky on me most of the time, too. This site works almost perfectly for me... until I want to place an order. Then the cart won't work the way it's supposed to, (it lies to me, and wants to make decisions for me), and things disappear from the screen... sometimes the whole screen goes white, and all that's left is a floating box. :huh: I don't get it.


Between Tickle Tickle & Fuzzy Wuzzy, I think I'm just going to stick with my Fuzzy Wuzzy. I know they're not the same, but FW and I have become really good friends, and I don't want to stress our relationship by allowing an interloper come between us. :)

Maybe someday TT and I will get together, but not ATM.

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I'm trying out Acts of Violets with TT this morning before shower. This combo made the medicinal smell really disappear, I actually cannot smell it at all now but now its really floral - smells nice and there's an undercurrent of berry popping through but more floral really.


I'm thinking I may like Cauldron Cake with this a little better once it dries down because I'm still hoping to bring out the foodie background.


Ricotta Sonata actually smells pretty good with this too. The medicinal smell isn't detectable.

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I am dying, this is one I thought would be a sure thing. As soon as I started seeing posts about sharp and medicinal notes I got very scared. I was hoping it would work with my chemistry and was sadly disappointed. It went cough-syrup menthol on me. After it dries, it gets a little better but that note never totally goes away. I so wanted to love this, my chemistry must just not work with this. To the chosen few... I envy you. I now have a full, unopened bottle (since I just used my sample) and am wondering what I'm going to do with it. Hopefully there are more people that get good results with this so I can trade for something that works better on me.

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Now I'm wondering how coconut and lavender would work together.....

Any Colour You Like has coconut and lavender, although the fruit notes are the strongest in it.

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No medicinal notes on me ,liked the lavender notes. Well ladies I wore this day and boy the world was right for me. Went XMAS Shopping in London and received all sorts of goodies free and lots of attention . I know Gotcha is meant to erode his fears but my SO showed the green eyed monster WOW!

Not sure if that is meant to happen ! Has anyone experienced this before ,I have used UN Gotcha and not got that response....

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No medicinal notes on me ,liked the lavender notes. Well ladies I wore this day and boy the world was right for me. Went XMAS Shopping in London and received all sorts of goodies free and lots of attention . I know Gotcha is meant to erode his fears but my SO showed the green eyed monster WOW!

Not sure if that is meant to happen ! Has anyone experienced this before ,I have used UN Gotcha and not got that response....

Yes.. well not that exactly. I don't think it made him jealous. But I find Gotcha can bring emotions out in people. They may tell you, very emotionally, what's on their mind. The emotion was already there the pheros just let his guard down. Look out! lol Edited by StacyK
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I decided to give this another try and see if it worked any better--still the total Vicks first out of the bottle, and even when it settles down, it prickles the inside of my nose and the sweetness is artificial, somehow, which is a very rare thing for me with an LP. It's so weird--when I read the descriptions initially, this was one I thought most likely to work for me! I'm so glad we have the sample option.


It's interesting--I just reread my review for Sweet Dreams and Comfort Potion Spell Oil, and in that one, I praised the slightly medicinal quality of the lavender... but I think it's the combination of medicinal and sweet that is doing me in with Tickle Tickle. I am going to put SD&C over it now and see how that works. But I think no bottle on this one for me.

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I feel so lucky in that I seem to be the only one that does not get the medicinal or Vicks smell from this one...

Isn't body chemistry interesting? I'm so wishing this will come around and work on me.
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It smells like tart Smarties like in an act of violets but the tart turns really fizzy like a soda pop, it doesn't seem like a direction I would personally go, but damn its pretty good! The fizzy is more of an aura and the berries(?) Are right under the fizzy cloud. I can't pick the notes apart..anyways this is like the better looking sister of an act of violets, really delicious. If I wasn't so occupied with my other samples I would probably give this a spin more often than not-gotcha is my favourite When I don't feel like being mysterious :)

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I really get no medicinal vibe from this. Hurray.


I hate Vicks, not the smell, the greasiness. My mum used to heavily slather me in it regularly and the feeling of it used to make me feel sick. That was the torturous part. The smell is ok. I used to get horrific chest infections a lot so it was a regular thing. I use it only littlest now but she doesn't have the same aversion to it. I used to wish my mum would buy Karvol, those pillow drops instead. I love Karvol, we use that too sometimes.


Back to the scent, it's not like purple puff or fuzzy wuzzy exactly but closer to fuzwuz than pp. fuzwuz got berries. Bf wasn't keen but he hated fuzwuz too. Ishtar's star was one he surprisingly liked to good effect even though I'd have imagined these would be more up his alley

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wet: menthol, and berries with intense Christmas association for me for some reason.


Drying: menthol backs off quickly. Berries amp, pinky purply.


Drydown: by about 3 hours in, the berries have gotten sweeter and a bit floral, when I put my nose right up to it, but this is one of the interesting ones that smells different from a distance- when my arm wasn't right up to my face, I kept getting fat creamy dense white cake faintly scented with lavender that reminded me of purple puff :o yeah I said it.

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Hi Stacy K,

Thanks for this ,it makes a lot of sense now as other emotions came out as well.

As a result we have split up.

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Wet: menthol, and berries


Drydown: by about 3 hours in, the berries have gotten sweeter and a bit floral, when I put my nose right up to it, but this is one of the interesting ones that smells different from a distance- when my arm wasn't right up to my face, I kept getting fat creamy dense white cake faintly scented with lavender

YES! THIS! Wet it's not my cup of tea but after the dry down it's dreamy...but if I go in to huff I get that faint medicinalness.....it keeps me from snoffling my arms every moment... but a dash wafting up from the girls throughout the day is just dreamy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just ordered this from SpriteLeigh's trading post thread hoping it is very close to 'Fuzzy Wuzzy'. FW was gone in no time flat, before I could get a bottle. I don't even mind if it's a little bit medicinal; just hoping it's not too much. It sounds like from the last couple of comments that when it's wafting about it might be closer to FW than when you've got your snoot stuck all up in it, so I am keeping my fingers crossed!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was so excited about this & truly curious based on all the different reviews. I was wary on how it would go on me, I generally have good luck with lavender scents & even love the sharper more camphorus strains. Received my latest yesterday & went straight for Tickle Tickle immediate love, very strong clear, loud lavender on first application & in about ten minutes it went to a sharp berry. On my skin it was a amping a lot like Dangerous Games in regards to the berry component, that calmed down for me in about twenty minutes, berry was all I could smell, then it turned to the creamiest, buttery cloud of light lavender enveloping me. So soft, everything just melded. I put this on last night, & can still smell it sweetly on my wrists, just want to huff them. Definitely would love to stow a bottle or two away while the opportunity is still here, because, Gotcha! Is grand as well.

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Yikes! On me this is hours of very loud and clear cough drops (thought pretty and posh ones that I'm not sure actually exist) then a touch of cat wee (elderberries) finally settling into much nicer scent of creamy berries and amber. Lavender itself did not seem evident but I'll try again and see what happens next time.

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As I expected aging has been wonderful for this blend. It is not menthol AT ALL, not even from first instant. Just a translucent purple flavored white cake. As it dries the berries are coming out.


The phero got me an unsolicited discount on a normally rather expensive service at a place that has not once in 10 years offered me a discount - and the place is mobbed so it's not like they are buttering me up for business.

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As I expected aging has been wonderful for this blend. It is not menthol AT ALL, not even from first instant. Just a translucent purple flavored white cake. As it dries the berries are coming out.


The phero got me an unsolicited discount on a normally rather expensive service at a place that has not once in 10 years offered me a discount - and the place is mobbed so it's not like they are buttering me up for business.

Tyvey, how long did you let this age before it settled into its current form?

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Ah, okay. I don't know whether PM mixes up from master stock for bottling or mixes it and then bottles as needed, and thus whether the perfume in the trial vial I have is the same age as yours although I bought it in January and not November. Just to be sure I might let it hang about a bit before I try it again. I have never before encountered a lavender I didn't like and I'd love to find a way to get the one in this to work for me.

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It's all bottled at the same time as far as I know. Yours should be exactly the same as Tyvey's. I was pretty put off by the camphorous lavender at first but it totally grew on me and now I love it!

Thank you for explaining. I will say that even between the first and second time I wore it I got more used to the camphorous edge. I'm not sure I'll get to loving it as well but I think it's worth persisting in case!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Came back to this one for a retest! The butter/cream is very pronounced and rich and im just melting cuz its so foody and sweet :)


The fizzy stuff mellowed out to where i can notice the lavender and berry--i had to look at the notes because something came off as a light anise before it settled completely into a rich tart berry overlay w.anise peeking out a tad.


Its quite alluring to me and its hard to stop sniffing all my application spots :lol: im a little disappointed i let this one slip through my fingers, it really aged nicely

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  • 3 months later...

If you have a bottle of this one and find it's a bit strong or sickly or cough-syrupy, then I might have found the perfect solution: Tonka Musk.


I put some of this on my wrists last night- a good dollop. And it went menthol-like after a few minutes. It's a very strong scent, and I wanted to calm and soften it a bit, so intuitively I put some Tonka Musk on top of it. Stroke of brilliance! The creamy pale grey lavender (colour, not scent) of the Tonka Musk scent beautifully transformed the bright candy purple/pink of Tickle Tickle. No more menthol or excess syrupy sweetness. It felt softer, lighter, more subtle and balanced. Give it a go...

Edited by vladmyra
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I just use a little Pure Sugar or add another Lavender scent from LP. But I'm just not a fan of the menthol Lav in this. It's mellowed over the year I've had it tho.

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