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Private Editions for January 2015

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How much time do we have for reserving a PE, meaning if I reserved one today, how much time would I have to purchase it?


Hi Tink, we ask that they are completed within 2 weeks. After 3 weeks we assume the item is no longer wanted. Thanks for asking! :)

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Ok, I know this is going to sound selfish but put me down for four right now. Depending on who may want one, I really do want more but I don't want to take too many yet until others chime in. :)

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Ok, I know this is going to sound selfish

I can say this because I already have one on the way, lol, but seriously - it's your PE, you have a right to as much of it as you want. I can also say this because I've done just that!

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I would like to reserve one as well because I am now curious about it due to the extreme interest.


I guess I've also caved to the pressure! :P


The extreme interest is well justified. It's olfactory crack. You'll fall asleep clutching the bottle and wake up jonesing for your next slather.

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I can say this because I already have one on the way, lol, but seriously - it's your PE, you have a right to as much of it as you want. I can also say this because I've done just that!


LOL. You're right. :) And I know that I would be very sad to run out. I'll check tomorrow. ;)


Wow, you've created such a HIT Storemy! Congrats!


Ok, Ladies, I have them to here! Thank you! :)


Aw Mara, you are too kind to give me any props. lol All I did was decide which notes I was looking for. You are the one who created what I can only call delectable and lick worthy. THANK YOU SO MUCH for the rebrew. I'm so excited that I can stock up enough to last me until maybe the holidays. Maybe!!

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I was going to wait until next week but apparently these are going faster than the first batch. Can I have one as well? (I can tell the one I already have will get used up very quickly)

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Hooray for the rebrew! I no longer have to feel like a selfish pig for jumping on 2 bottles of the original! :-)

Just wanted to come over here and take a moment to squee loudly over Wendy's Liquid Mystery and Tyvey's Chewy Patch, since review threads are not yet up..... Extraordinary creations! Hats off to you ladies and Mara for more treasures!

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Mara I'd like to add a Lusty Cherry rebrew bottle to my basket (already have one reserved of the original brewski) Reading all these makes me feel the need for a backup. Haven't even smelled it yet but the way I blew through Mamelons and my Sugared Cherries tells me that I'm a cherry Ho.

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OMG, you guys are so funny! You have me rolling over here with the frenzy! :lol:


And just to alleviate maybe a little bit of the panic and stress, I do have enough of the ingredients to make one more round if there is desire for it.




Ok, got em to here.



^^This is gonna be my new "got em to here" symbol to mark how far I've gotten. :)

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Mara, I'll take the last two Lusty Cherry if they haven't been spoken for. :)

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