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Spell Collection 2015 - Sigils!

Potion Master

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Ohhhh...how awesome these are! It has been many years since I have worked with sigils, but they are an incredibly powerful magick indeed. ElizabethOSP, these are simply stunning! Mara, what a wonderful concept! I will be getting out my Dragon's Blood Ink and quill. I might need some parchment, but not sure. I have many uses for sigils, and the oils open up some great uses, such as annointing yourself, your doors and above them, letters, your chakras, gifts given, candles, and I love to trace sigils on the palm of each hand with intent, focus, then rub them together vigorously and "throw" the magic into my energy field/space three times. I could go on and on. How the wheels in my mind are turning! Spectacular!!! Brilliantly done Mara and Elizabeth OSP! Thank you for making these available! Can't wait to order! XO


Woah what you say?? Woman you got some serious skills! But I'm taking note.. with my lil blue bic pen :/

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Oh wow!! I love the sigils. I agree that Peaceful Home would be great as a print and displayed in our homes. :)


I am stocked up on Peaceful Home and Whisker Wishes from the previous runs but I LOVE Blessing Oil. Now comes the hard part: trying to decide what to get. (Still unemployed so I'll have to choose carefully so I stay in budget.)

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I'm sorry to go off topic for a sec but this just made me laugh & tear up simultaneously. I want to be in the middle of this armload, seriously. Mara you find THE best pics for shock, awe and general warm fuzziness.


I was thinking tonight as I used my Sweet Dreams and Comfort Potion how much I love the labels on past Spell stuff - especially those causing me to pause (and miss terribly) my feline familiars who graduated before me... But, have to be honest I am thrilled with this new "brand".... Each of the designs is so intricate & unique on it's own, yet the congruent nature of the overall artistic 'theme' take the Spell Potion mystique to a whole different level, IMO. Women just ROCK. I'm proud to be even In the same gender arena as you chicas.

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I fall asleep and when I wake up... Spell potions!


Oh my goodness, these are lovely. Here, I had predicted I was only going to maybe get one FB from the set and now I'm looking at multiple and waving bye bye to my money. But it's well worth it since Mara's magic is so potent. The sigils look lovely ElizabethOSP. Mara was right, you went above and beyond. The sigil that's speaking to me the most is One True Love. That looks divine!

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So beautiful! I would love to have prints of several of these... (hint hint, I already have your Etsy shop favorited)


I am definitely getting a sampler, and probably bottles of

Love Thyself

Money Multiplier

Peaceful Home

Protection Potion

Road Opener

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Oh, these look STUNNING!!!!! Bats, you are so talented -- I would totally love prints, please consider for your shop!


I can't really add anything to the wonder and amazement that has already been expressed in this thread. I am lucky enough to have several potions still on hand from previous collections, so I was thinking I would hold back on these, but they sound so intriguing. It will be great fun to stalk for notes, and contemplate the possibilities!

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OMG this is an instant whole collection buy for me! I want to anoint my birds' homes with Protection Potion, the Peaceful Home label is the ideal cozy witch's cottage, I certainly could use One True Love, and I could go on about the others! Cue up the credit card...

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Mara, if you have a spare moment (HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!), please hop over to my fb page. I'm going to post my heritage tattoo as my profile photo. The bundle of stems is intentionally entwined by rose canes (representing both the House of York and Lancaster, from the War of the Roses) in a double helix fashion. The instant I saw the sigil for One True Love it brought to mind the image beind the tattoo I drew to represent the love I have for family, both ancient and current. Certainly that is not the intention behind the sigil, but it speaks to me on a level that stirs my heart. These labels are filled with such powerful beauty. I am eager to experience the potions as a whole. Thank you to absolutely everyone who brought this collection to life. =--♡-->

Edited by Wanderlust
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What a neat idea and great artwork too! I agree - many of these would make great prints. I think Mara hit the nail on the head - EOSP really could offer these as prints.

Edited by quietguy
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What a collection! It's HUGE! I LOVE the aged parchment look of the labels :heart: What an undertaking a DOUBLE collection must be/have been! So much for holding on to some cash this month :D I'll need to sample at least....all of them :lol: ESOP - They are truly lovely - beautiful work! Can't wait for the notes to guess what they may be like ^_^

Edited by NuTrix
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Question: if we wanted to only buy one sampler set, would we be able to pick and choose the ten that are included or would it just be either alphabetical set 1 or alphabetical set 2?


Mara mentioned in the OP: This is a double set of 20, so we are separating them into two portions...Set A and Set B...you'll have to buy both sets to get them all, but you do not need to do so at the same time. We are just dividing the sets alphabetically.

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Question: if we wanted to only buy one sampler set, would we be able to pick and choose the ten that are included or would it just be either alphabetical set 1 or alphabetical set 2?

The latter - it would be far too much work to offer it otherwise.

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Mara mentioned in the OP: This is a double set of 20, so we are separating them into two portions...Set A and Set B...you'll have to buy both sets to get them all, but you do not need to do so at the same time. We are just dividing the sets alphabetically.


Thanks! It was the latter part of Mara's original post of not needing to do so at the same time that threw me off. I overthought what she meant.


The latter - it would be far too much work to offer it otherwise.


Thanks for the clarification, Luna! Last time spell potions were offered, we were able to pick and choose so I was hoping the same would still apply but thought I'd ask just to be sure. But you're right, it would be a ton of work!

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Thanks! It was the latter part of Mara's original post of not needing to do so at the same time that threw me off. I overthought what she meant.



Thanks for the clarification, Luna! Last time spell potions were offered, we were able to pick and choose so I was hoping the same would still apply but thought I'd ask just to be sure. But you're right, it would be a ton of work!

I wish we could at least pick for the full bottle sets, especially if buying a second set! On the other hand, they all are pretty awesome to get doubles abyway.
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I haven't even looked at all of the labels yet because I had to come and squee: OMFG SIGILS!!!


I think a FB set of lot A and lot B might have to be my birthday present. If I think of it in GBP instead of USD is seems like a lot less money! :001_302:

Edited by donsie
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They are all amazing. And I echo all, would be great to have a print available.


I may need many many parchment papers for regular use purposes. Will prob have to get the money multiplier first though!! :D


ETA: because if I could, I totally would go FB doubles, but alas.


That said, and not in any particular order, love the ideas/ intent behind Blessing , Fascination, Hex Breaker, Glamour, Love Thyself, Peaceful Home... heck yes - pretty much all of them.


Hence wanting to get MM and a couple of others first.


Also want to echo LoveStruck on all the kittens! Truly depicts the warm fuzzies and happiness with this awesome release!

Edited by Beach Goddess
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It might be different for the bottle sets, I was speaking specifically to the Trial Vial sets.


That would be cool if Mara is able to do that but understandable if not. I was looking at what would be a bottle set but it would be about half of each.

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Sample Sets - just choose A or B


If you choose a set of 10 bottles, you can pick what you want but no more than 2 of each potion.


Bottle sets are discounted $50 off the price of them individually, more if they are phero enhanced.

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Somewhat, in terms of being a success potion, but in terms of intent it's a new version of the previous Road Opener.


OH EMM GEEEE!!! I did not realize that...but was hoping for it!!! The old Road Opener is one of my top five magickal oils. It smells soooooo good on my skin, but I only use it with careful, solid intent because it works like a fucking bulldozer, with dynamite added, and a goodly dose of Glinda the Good Witch, to boot!!! :cat690::cheers04251::cat690::cheers04251::cat690:




These sigils would look really cool painted on wood...IMO

:burning-heart: Oh YAY-YUH!!! Gods, John--you brought all sorts of versions bursting into my head!!! I will definitely do some on wood. Over the summer, I did a series of encaustic/mixed media paintings on weathered old wood from our oldest woodpile at the edge of the forest, and I LOVE working that way!

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Sample Sets - just choose A or B


If you choose a set of 10 bottles, you can pick what you want but no more than 2 or each potion.


Bottle sets are discounted $50 off the price of them individually, more if they are phero enhanced.


Seriously? Awesome! Thank You!

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:burning-heart: 'Kayso...Hi everyone! I need to tell you how I made these sigils! :) ~I *didn't* design the labels--Mara made them and they are BEEEYOOOOOTEEEEFULLLLL, yes?!!! I am so honored to be a part of this wonderful set!!!!!!!!!!!!


When Mara and I started talking about them, I took pics of some sigils I'd made and we just kinda flew from there. When I make sigils, I usually put them on parchment-style paper and I burn the edges when I'm done to make them look wizardly. ;) I didn't burn the edges of these sigils, but Mara did it for us on the labels!


~~Which reminds me! XEV!!! Are you around? Xev, I'm thinking it was you who put up a link to Gordon White's blog a year or two ago, and I've been reading him ever since. One of his posts got me using sigils as standard practice. I'd always used them once in a great while, but my method was convoluted and frankly from a different time in my life. Gordon's method resonated with me and I've used it ever since.


Part of his method is to do what he calls "shoaling." You make sigils in groups. Some of them will be way more important than others in any given group, but you let them work together and the fact that they *are* a group allows you forget which one is which...thus nicely sidestepping the lust for success that can derail our magickal work. A while back, I stumbled on a list of stuff I'd done sigils on--this was like a year after I made them--and they'd *all* come to fruition. I LIKE sigils. :)


So anyway...! I used an OLD dip pen with a vintage nib. I think the pen is from the 1940s or maybe the 30s. The nib could be 80 to 100 years old. I collect weird shit like that 'cause I wub them! :wub: And old nibs are made way better than new ones. The ink was Walnut Drawing Ink (which is a substitute for the actual ink made from burnt walnut shells which is so acidic that it eventually eats your paper. Heh). And as an added life-energy-boost, there's a nice glob of mold growing in the bottom of the ink bottle. It's been there for years and I'd just thought it was sediment until recently. I promised I'd put it outside when I was done and thanked it for being part of the project (I also carry spiders outside *gigglesnort* but really, I do).


I don't pencil sigils before inking. Sometimes I sketch them first in ink...and sometimes I SCRIBBLE THE LITTLE FUCKERS OUT and start over again! *ahem!* Wiping the fresh ink sideways with my hand is always really satisfying, too, when they argue. I did a bit of both with these. Most of them, though, just sort of flowed out onto the paper and said "HI! Let's play!"


I created sacred space every time I worked--burned sage, then sweetgrass...played various musics, burned candles, burned incense, sang while drawing...even bellydanced a bit while some dried. I made an oil lamp jar using a floating mechita wick, herbs, olive oil, and three of Mara's previous spell oils: the old Road Opener and Blessing Oil, and the newer ProCreate. Wowsers, but those three smell GREAT together!!! I do use ProCreate a LOT when doing arts. It's excellent!


Sometimes...hell, MOST of the time the sigil drawings call out to be turned in circles or upside down while I'm drawing. These critters truly have their own personalities and preferences. And some insist on being pictures, like the little house. :)


Well, I'm talked out for now. If anyone's interested in seeing the originals, which are scattered aaaallll over the papers with tons of scritches, crap, and notes (!), I can post them. Questions? I'm around. :heart:


Thanks for Listening, and

Love You Guys,



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I would! I really enjoy your process, like when you did the illustrations for me and showed me the drafts. :)

It's interesting to me how much sentience a creative process can have; I can definitely relate, though your sigils are a thousand times more articulated than I've ever done!

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O M Deity,these and the entire process are so intrinsically beautiful ...Bats you are blessed with many gifts,and deservedly so . I am proud to know you :):abfx: ...Mara the concepts for the collection and final renderings are stunning

...ps B,your unique garden blessings candle still graces my home, and still has scent !!!!!!!!

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I'd love to see the originals Elizabeth! A question about your walnut ink - do you make it yourself? I recently came across a post with instructions for making it, and wondered if people actually take the time to do that. (I'm guessing they do!).

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