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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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i would like the sample set and the scrub. will see after that.


borrowed Darlings money. so i got my sample set coming and the scrub!!! he he

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Ordered bottles of Sexology 2 and Liz's Ebil Ginger Cookies...trial sizes of Tea-less Strumpet,Pot Of Gold and Drunken Cake,to see if they will be bottle buys :thumbup:

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"Whos That Lady" the phero blend....mmmm....cant wait, "Lucky In Love Potion No. 7", and "Lovers In The Clovers" and iam not done ordering yet either, that was just cause I had my mans c.c. hehehehe! I get my first pay check on the 11th of this month from my new job and then the real ordering begins!!! eeeee hehehehehhe!!!!! :thumbup: and a lil from the pay check after that one and so on....EEEEE HEHEHEHEH!!!! I'am back ladies!!!!!!!!!!! :):D:D


Seriously though I need to catch up bad, my stash is so low now, almost as low when I first started ordering like 2 years ago. But thats cause Ive been through some real financial problems in the past 8 months so that'll do it, but Iam very proud of myself for finally finding a good lagitimate job and I know my man is too...lols. I gave him back his c.c. lols!

Edited by AncientGoddess
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"Whos That Lady" the phero blend....mmmm....cant wait, "Lucky In Love Potion No. 7", and "Lovers In The Clovers" and iam not done ordering yet either, that was just cause I had my mans c.c. hehehehe! I get my first pay check on the 11th of this month from my new job and then the real ordering begins!!! eeeee hehehehehhe!!!!! :thumbup: and a lil from the pay check after that one and so on....EEEEE HEHEHEHEH!!!! I'am back ladies!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:)


Seriously though I need to catch up bad, my stash is so low now, almost as low when I first started ordering like 2 years ago. But thats cause Ive been through some real financial problems in the past 8 months so that'll do it, but Iam very proud of myself for finally finding a good lagitimate job and I know my man is too...lols. I gave him back his c.c. lols!


I think you'll like WTL. Ack, I need to win the lottery, like yesterday :)

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I just ordered the sampler set.


Can't wait.

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Oh me too Beccah! Then I could buy all the LPMP goodies I want - or just all of them! :Blusher:


Hmm with my first check, I'll be flying to the LP workshop to make a super custom w/ Mara ;)

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Hmm with my first check, I'll be flying to the LP workshop to make a super custom w/ Mara ;)



lols I wish, Iam just glad i finally got a job, now I can start restashing with brand new goodies!!!


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Just ordered Treasured Hearts, Sparkle Fuschia (nom!), Teddy Man 2 and samples of Flying Potion and Cougar Potion.


I'll try not to stalk the mailman for the next few weeks.

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5 bottles, no samples.



Thanks Mara, HOLD ONE Bottle of "Sweet Revenge" for me, getting paid this Friday and deff. need one of those bottles!!!


I remember this was my favorite one to wear to work back in the old office, it not only helped me to feel calmer but it also use to help ease the tention of the office too a bit so this is my next order to help me out within my new job.

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Thanks Mara, HOLD ONE Bottle of "Sweet Revenge" for me, getting paid this Friday and deff. need one of those bottles!!!


I remember this was my favorite one to wear to work back in the old office, it not only helped me to feel calmer but it also use to help ease the tention of the office too a bit so this is my next order to help me out within my new job.



Yes,! tomorrows the big day! My pay, and my "Sweet Revenge" order! eee hehehe

:banana063: ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes,! tomorrows the big day! My pay, and my "Sweet Revenge" order! eee hehehe

:banana063: :)


'Sweet Revenge' is one of my very favorites! I have more backup bottles of it than anything else!


I'm going to order at least one bottle of 'Lucky in Love Potion #7', but waiting to see what else is up for March releases.

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'Sweet Revenge' is one of my very favorites! I have more backup bottles of it than anything else!


I'm going to order at least one bottle of 'Lucky in Love Potion #7', but waiting to see what else is up for March releases.


I'm right there with you! Mama LadyRose put an LP GC in my pocket for my b-day ( :thumbup: ), which is now burning a hole there, lolz. I must be patient & wait!!!

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HEHEHEHEHEEH... I will join you guys! STALK STALK STALK!!! :great::D:D

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Waiting for the New Releases for March-April. :great:

This is usually my favorite months too because spring brings the florals, watery, leafy scents out. Not sure what Mara has in store this month but iam gonna hold off and wait bc those are my favorite scents...mmmmmmm

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EGG 2011 (depending on the description), MRF boosted with SS4W (just debating oil or spray), a bottle of something for Shadow, some samples.



But I have to wait until the first so I'll be plotting until then.

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Ooh I think I'm going to have to add some co-ordinating moisturizer to my order. Maybe a vanilla to layer with all my vanilla based perfumes.

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I did a "mini" hoard on Egg 2011. Got two bottles sight unsniffed....

Also sample of LP Spring Equinox 2011.. It was hard choosing on a restricted budget..But I just LOVE EGG Original, so I had to get the newest version b4 it's GGG

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going with A Bun Dance (def !!), Egg 2011 and my free samples of Open Sesame and Naked Twilight

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Let's see:

1.Monthly sampler

2.Girly Twirly


4.Pot of Gold

5.Love Potion#7

6.Love Potion spring Equinox 2011


8.LP O.G.

9. Egg scrub

10. sample Orchidacious

11. sample Shangri-La

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