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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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Probably sometime in the near future I want to get the whole LP line. After getting the sampler I basically loved how all of them smell. Red was first and favorite but Original is next followed by Pink and Black.


I need bigger storage. :money1668:

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Me too on the storage, I'm really going to have to rethink and reorganize when my order arrives.


Heather that's great I hope you like it..sounds like what you've been looking for. Can't wait to hear your review.

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I need bigger storage. :money1668:

Me too on the storage

Me 3! I just got box #2 and I can see if I don't change my "wicked ways" :lol2: I'm going to need box # three far too soon! :lol:

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I just paid for the PE's I wanted from June. I think I'll be getting Sea Lily for sure, and possibly Summer Dance. I'll probably order those with my July sampler


July!! oh wow.. I have not even received the June scents, of course I keep adding to my order.

It's all about waiting now.

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I had forgotten about my open invoice out there until I saw people saying their PEs were arriving. Then I paid in a hurry!!! :lol: I've got Lady V's Sweet Little Pussycat, Halo's Cocoa Lily, and Sweet Chic coming to me!

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I'm planning to order my PE with July NRs - I can't possibly want all of them AGAIN LOL! I want to get LP Persuasion Potion 2010 and another one that I've repeatedly liked in sniffie form - Marigold & Amaranth, YUM. And 2 items from Artfire - Finally getting the copulin Apricot and Olive cream and Message In A Bottle, if it's still available....

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I have a couple of sniffies of Spontaneous Combustion, I'm thinking I need to get that one. It smells SO good, not as heavy a scent as LP Red but it reminds me of it a lot. Very sexy and spicy on me. And I'll probably get Luna's Miss Autumn too. I love the idea of burning leaves and mapley pancakes. *sigh* and we don't even know yet what July will bring...

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Finally had time to place my order (and included my PE invoice): it's a nice sized order too :) Sweet Pussy, Ann's Brown Sugar, Sweet Chic, Sea Lily; I was even able to score some OCCO Ambrosia trial vials (missed out on a FB because of my "Woah! Crazy time" schedule recently).

And, because I want to minimize PayPal fees for Mara and LP, I included payment for the July sampler. I did say in the comments section that, if best for Mara and the LP headquarters, to hold the FB shipment until July samplers are ready to ship. Just seems it might be helpful in reducing shipping and packaging costs. On the other hand, holding the package until mid-July might be inconvenient for Mara. I don't know : /. It might be in the way/under-foot and under-hand... I really just want her to know that whichever is best for her, financially and convenience-wise, is absolutely best for me... Because I value and respect her time and money and happiness :) and, because, even though it might not always seem like it, I really do have patience when it comes to gratifying my LP addiction!

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The "waiting for the July NRs" is a great idea. I was going to add some June back-up bottles to my PE invoice, but I'll just wait for the July NRs and add the June bottles.


June was SUCH an awesome month! First time I've actually ordered back-ups of back-ups!

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I have a couple of sniffies of Spontaneous Combustion, I'm thinking I need to get that one. It smells SO good, not as heavy a scent as LP Red but it reminds me of it a lot. Very sexy and spicy on me. And I'll probably get Luna's Miss Autumn too. I love the idea of burning leaves and mapley pancakes. *sigh* and we don't even know yet what July will bring...


I just got that sniffle and one of Pomander Royale and both were yummy

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How did Pomander Royale wear? Have you tried it out on a test run? I got that one too but I haven't tried it yet. I sniffed from the vial and I got mega dose of clove.


Oh, and I've added FB of LP Black and OCCO Black to my list here. :moneyfairy13:

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I have a couple of sniffies of Spontaneous Combustion, I'm thinking I need to get that one. It smells SO good, not as heavy a scent as LP Red but it reminds me of it a lot. Very sexy and spicy on me. And I'll probably get Luna's Miss Autumn too. I love the idea of burning leaves and mapley pancakes. *sigh* and we don't even know yet what July will bring...

I have those sniffies too. SC sort of reminds me of .. I think it's called Staurday Night Special or something like that. Need to try it out again. But the SC works better on me too. Need to look that one up. Shouldn't tho. LOL

Ok i did look them both up. It's the cardamom and vanilla they both have in common otherwise they are different. SNS has rum in it.. nach


The more I look at SC I say I'd like this with a full boost of cops. Vanilla, sandalwood, amber & espresso.. it would be like adding sugar to coffee! :-)

Edited by StacyK
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How did Pomander Royale wear? Have you tried it out on a test run? I got that one too but I haven't tried it yet. I sniffed from the vial and I got mega dose of clove.


Oh, and I've added FB of LP Black and OCCO Black to my list here. :moneyfairy13:


It smelled like Oranges and Cloves to me... I want to try it again when I don't have 3 other samples on my arm... I liked it but I didn't love it

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I have those sniffies too. SC sort of reminds me of .. I think it's called Staurday Night Special or something like that. Need to try it out again. But the SC works better on me too. Need to look that one up. Shouldn't tho. LOL

Ok i did look them both up. It's the cardamom and vanilla they both have in common otherwise they are different. SNS has rum in it.. nach


The more I look at SC I say I'd like this with a full boost of cops. Vanilla, sandalwood, amber & espresso.. it would be like adding sugar to coffee! :-)

I am always so happy to get the samples. Some that I might not otherwise consider or even know about have turned out to be ones I've really liked, If I could only snag a little sniffie of Time of Your Life, THAT"S the one that I waffle back and forth about getting. But I agree about SC, cops would probably go perfect in that one.

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I've got Lap of Luxury, Knot and Year of the Snake coming my way. And Mara's right, Stacy, I tend to think that Gotcha is perfect for that. I got one of my LP Reds enhanced with Gotcha and it just strikes me as a combo that wants to wrap around someone and give them a great big hug.

Oooh, I got a sniffee of knot and that one is just delicious!! I keep forgetting to get a bottle. Plum is becoming one of my favorite notes!




I have a ton of pheroed scent samples, along with FBs of Ilori and Snow Musk (unsniffed) coming!



And then today I just ordered Blossom of Love (spiced cherry blossoms!?) and Empress of Persica (more buttercream peach!!!) from GGG, unsniffed. Taking chances, but I'm pretty sure they're love.

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Ordered a bunch of samples to include Ilori - getting ready for another big order. I may still give Brad's Days of Summer a try.

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I am always so happy to get the samples. Some that I might not otherwise consider or even know about have turned out to be ones I've really liked, If I could only snag a little sniffie of Time of Your Life, THAT"S the one that I waffle back and forth about getting. But I agree about SC, cops would probably go perfect in that one.

I think I have either a sniffie or a sample... want me to send it to you? Request an email exchange from Mara, I'll send it out...

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I think I have either a sniffie or a sample... want me to send it to you? Request an email exchange from Mara, I'll send it out...

Molls, thank you sooooo much!!! That would be awesome. I'll send a request to Mara!! :angelhug:

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I am always so happy to get the samples. Some that I might not otherwise consider or even know about have turned out to be ones I've really liked, If I could only snag a little sniffie of Time of Your Life, THAT"S the one that I waffle back and forth about getting. But I agree about SC, cops would probably go perfect in that

Oh my.. I just checked out Time Of Your Life on the site. That story made me homesick. All those streets and locations that were home. I was born and raised there. I roller skated then later drove those same streets. And..SM Pier don't get me started. I want that bottle :-) Wow. Felt a little weepy there.

Now I want to know.. lol Tevey..I don't know where you went home to but I'm sure LA misses you!!


Sooo off to the sniffie box I went there it is. Still in the little cellophane bag which is unopened. Must have been in a recent order. Ok so these look familiar, LOP ect..oh, I bet I have another in my box that I have not gotten to yet. Its on deck for tomorrow..I can smell the Chyper, Vanilla and coconut by sniffing the unopened sniffie.

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Finally placed my order and now I can't wait! FB of Veloute Lavende and Frambuesca Y Coco. Samples of OCCO Blue, Mermaids of Atlantis and Babe in the Woods. I seriously contemplated getting FB of Sea Lilly, but I want to see if Mermaids is more floral. I do love Sea Lilly, but I would like to have the floral win out a bit more. Still love it though. Yay for new orders!

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Still waiting on an order...LVs and Mel's PEs and a Frambuesa y Coco spray.

But I'm really wanting something boosted with BI or BANG. Also thinking another Merry and a hydrating water. I need to decide which one.. Honey Bunny or Buttercream Rose- or both? Lol! Plus whatever NRs that tempt me.

Ahhh I love plotting orders. It's a fun addiction!

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Still waiting on an order...LVs and Mel's PEs and a Frambuesa y Coco spray.

But I'm really wanting something boosted with BI or BANG. Also thinking another Merry and a hydrating water. I need to decide which one.. Honey Bunny or Buttercream Rose- or both? Lol! Plus whatever NRs that tempt me.

Ahhh I love plotting orders. It's a fun addiction!



BUTTERCREAM ROSE! I really want that one too.

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July is already shaping up to be a repeat of June: "Two of everything, please!"

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Ordered fb's of Agent XXX, Bonded, Double O (squee!) and Marsha Mellow.


Now to relax, start over, and read Luna's masterpiece!

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I just HAD to get a fb of Double O because honestly, who can resist the most scrumptious pink cake.....in the world?! :lol: Samples of Marsha Mellow, Goldie Fingers, and Coco Honey, too. Oh, and a bottle of UN Heart & Soul, because I have found this to be pretty much indispensable at work.

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I placed my order! I got FBs of Cuchi Head, Merry, UN Cuddle Bunny and UN Bang. Samples of Double O, Goldie Fingers, Marsha Mellow, Sugared Roses, Buttercream Rose HW, Ectoplasm, Sveet Tooth and Summer Belle.

There are just too many I want full bottles of at the moment!!!!

Now off to finish reading Lunas stories. Squee!!!

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And, in a fit of SQUEE!!, I GOT THEM ALL!



...sits back, smokes imaginary cig...


Do I hear self-satisfied purring between cigar puffs? :purr:


Well done, katz! Well done!

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