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Stalk Talk!


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Very excited about the upcoming sale. Currently planning budgets and familiarising myself with the latest releases as I have been out of the game for so long. Not that I've gone a single day without wearing LP perfumes though - that would be unthinkable!

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I am DYING OVER HERE! HOPEFULLY TONITE BUT NOT YET because I am not ready lol I have to get my running shoes on..


*lacing them up* let's go! I'll be in Vegas this weekend.. There better be good wifi if it starts while I'm out there!
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*lacing them up* let's go! I'll be in Vegas this weekend.. There better be good wifi if it starts while I'm out there!

Vegas huh :) ... bring it home :funnyanimation17:

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Update on the Fair Warning thread!




And hey.....if there's anyone who still wants to be a label model for the Sugared Collection, send me pix! I am going to start posting the images tonight, but there's still time!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hehe, I just backscrolled and saw where we were all hanging at the computer a month ago, waiting for the Sale to start. Happy Labor Day everyone ! I'm looking forward to what you guys seem to be calling Pheromas, wondering what that will be like. And what Halowe'en may bring !

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Oh I know!!!! Oct Halloween collection if cannot wait for!!! Pheromas are so exciting too. Coming right off the heels of the Sugareds this year is all just too much. I live for LP's.

what are Pheromas?

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November is Pheromas, the all-pheromone month. The November collection consists of all pheromone-enhanced scents, plus the unscented pheromone mixes are offered in trial sizes for that month only.

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I am really hoping to finally try Empathy Potion, I mean really this has to be a good thing for everyone, so I can't see how you can lose. And La Femme Noir. I love LFM so much that this is a MUST try!

Me too Rose! I read that whole thread on the "experiment" that ultimately became Empathy Potion and it was fascinating! And LFN has got to be one of, if not THE fav of my stash. I tried it on Halo's recommendation after she said it helped her clean (a constant battle around here) and it is awesome. For me it's like my "Bitches Get Shit Done" trademark phero.

Edited by LoveStruck
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I swear I feel like I'm stalking everything while I have order on the way. Just added LACE to recent order - had decant from a swap page (thanks Saffron), now I'm afraid I'll run out - really like it. So, DOM will have to wait - I have Leather so that's kinda close, but want DOM next. And LFN, DHEAS,Topper, OW, Bang, Blatant Invitation, etc. etc.


Thank goodness Pheromas are coming around as there are so many I want to try - though I'm enjoying what I have.


I haven't ordered any sugars yet - prior order was a few Unpheros and then samples of my favs and/or samples of scents with pheros bc I want to try them all so much. For the sugars - there's so many I'm drooling over - hopefully can order in next 2 weeks. Heeee - I can just picture myself after that order, I'll probably try to test all at same time - delirum over sugars.

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Haha - don't you ladies have enough scents in the last couple months to keep you busy without stalking! :lol: I guess the obvious answer is no!



November is Pheromas, the all-pheromone month. The November collection consists of all pheromone-enhanced scents, plus the unscented pheromone mixes are offered in trial sizes for that month only.




aka The Most Wonderful Time of the Year :) coined by adorable lesreveurs who has vanished...where the heck? and where is the duck?



I know!!!!! Where's the duck is right!!!!!!!!!


Indeed - I love the pheromas! And I hope all is well with The Duck!

Edited by quietguy
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Me too Rose! I read that whole thread on the "experiment" that ultimately became Empathy Potion and it was fascinating! And LFN has got to be one of, if not THE fav of my stash. I tried it on Halo's recommendation after she said it helped her clean (a constant battle around here) and it is awesome. For me it's like my "Bitches Get Shit Done" trademark phero.

Oh Damn straight Lovestruck! I NEED "Bitches Get Shit Done" BIG time!!! ;) Edited by Rose Blackthorn
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Me too Rose! I read that whole thread on the "experiment" that ultimately became Empathy Potion and it was fascinating! And LFN has got to be one of, if not THE fav of my stash. I tried it on Halo's recommendation after she said it helped her clean (a constant battle around here) and it is awesome. For me it's like my "Bitches Get Shit Done" trademark phero.

WOW! You have sold me on the LFN!! I do have LFM..does it work as well? I need anything I can get to help me get in the cleaning mode..lol ;)


November is Pheromas, the all-pheromone month. The November collection consists of all pheromone-enhanced scents, plus the unscented pheromone mixes are offered in trial sizes for that month only.

Ahhh, can't wait for that!!!! Thanks Luna!! :)

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WOW! You have sold me on the LFN!! I do have LFM..does it work as well? I need anything I can get to help me get in the cleaning mode..lol ;)

I love LFM too but there's something about LFN that makes me feel a little more 'in charge' of my bad self... I'm sure Halo can explain better the technical reasons why it just feels a little more edgy. I have a hard time committing all the ingredients to memory - LFN may just have added cops? I can't imagine that one little difference would make the EFX that unique - but we all react differently and for me anyway, LFN is a frontrunner.

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I love LFM too but there's something about LFN that makes me feel a little more 'in charge' of my bad self... I'm sure Halo can explain better the technical reasons why it just feels a little more edgy. I have a hard time committing all the ingredients to memory - LFN may just have added cops? I can't imagine that one little difference would make the EFX that unique - but we all react differently and for me anyway, LFN is a frontrunner.

I want LFN! It's at the top of my hu-mango list. I have LFM, still testing so I don't have a lot of feedback. I feel like LFN may also be ultra sexy sultry too - like amped LFM? Of course idk - but ordered totem bat samples so I could start trying LFN. I want to be more mysterious sometimes, dammit! :D


I will say Leather helped me get into 'bitches get shit done' mode - cleaning and helped during workouts. I heard DOM takes it up like 3 notches - want to try but also a wee bit scared , gonna go for it one day soon anyway. Cause that's what LP bitches do - we try it out, work it out and get it done! :)


ETA: Wearing LFM now - so post may be reflective of my feeling 'bad ass' cool and feminine under its influence. Kinda like - yea I'm sexy, what the eff of it? haha.

I really should be writing down how much I'm using/ when and associated emotions. But I do feel pretty awesome right now. :Emoticons0804:

Edited by Beach Goddess
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Where's Pure Sugar???!!! She needs to chime in here... Halo has never steered me wrong on anything phero, and I probably never would have purchased LFN on my own on a whim. Case in point - I purchased Lumina on a "whim" of mine - but it does nada for me. I know many of the forum members love it though so I'm not dissing here!!! I like Leather too. Dom makes me kinda mouthy and irritable - but Dolly and others will tell you how awesome it is. We all share in the wonderful, unpredictable, uniquely personal adventure that IS LP and it helps to hear how everyone's experiences (and experiments) go. THAT much I do know.


LFN has added cops, but I think it has 'none' too (?) so just adding Sheer Essence or OCCO to LFM probably wouldn't be quite the same. Again - I have to toss this to the forum vets who know this stuff SO well. It's fun though, right Beach Goddess?!?! AND we get the added bonus of SCENT NIRVANA on the ride! :witch555:

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I love LFM too but there's something about LFN that makes me feel a little more 'in charge' of my bad self... I'm sure Halo can explain better the technical reasons why it just feels a little more edgy. I have a hard time committing all the ingredients to memory - LFN may just have added cops? I can't imagine that one little difference would make the EFX that unique - but we all react differently and for me anyway, LFN is a frontrunner.

LFN is LFM with Androstenone** (also referred to as 'none) & cops added. It's the 'none that adds the kick in the ass. Androstenone** is the super sexually aggressive phero. Also found in Sexpionage & BI.


Luminia didn't do much for me either. You can't really compare it to LFN. I have a couple of scents with LFN and I like the phero blend. I figured I would as I have always enjoyed LFM. I got LFN UN so I could experiment more. Like Halo has said it's great cleaning the house, you can take all that aggression and focus it. but I find Dom & Leather good for getting stuff done too.

Dom is my workout pal!


IMO adding cops to LFN is a waste, it's cop overkill.


** corrected for Kindle spelling mistakes**

Edited by StacyK
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No no no! Androstadienone is also known as A1. It is the calming phero (for women). It is what is the main component of mixes like B2, TeddyBB and Balm Bomb. The sexually aggressive phero is none or enone . It's real name is ANDROSTENONE. It is what makes blends super sexually aggressive or alpha. It is in Dom, Leather, Sexpionage, BI etc. It is the one that can as I say flip the bitch switch. It is what makes LFN a bit more alpha and in charge. It can also drive up motivation so some people use it for working out. I use it for cleaning. A1 is in both LFM and LFN.

Androstadienone is the ingredient listed in LFN. Sorry it's not the one in Sexpionage tho.

I was meaning "Androstenone" was the added ingredient with cops in LFN. I wasn't implying it was in Dom. Just mentioned the other as an alternative focus blend.

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My kindle only appears to know one pheromone name and it is the one with the " I".


My Kindle being more familiar with Androstadienone because of my recent B2 and Teddy BB obsession.

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Halo, you possess such a wealth of phero info. Thank you for sharing this! May I ask, do you know if out of LFM and LFN, which one contains higher levels of A1? ETA: you may very have answered my question already, but I have major brain fog today and am not grasping. Sorry if I am being a pain in the ass!

Edited by Rose Blackthorn
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Maybe you should double check your Kindle before posting then because spreading misinformation like that can be dangerous.

I usually do, when I use it for the MB. Which is seldom because of all the corrections I often have to cover.

I don't use it often enough for this forum or email, which is probably why its vocabulary is so small.

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Guest cutie.pie

I have just discovered how much I like Dominance, so I really, really hope Halloween will bring us somenthing wonderful enhanced w/Dom ;)

*fingers crossed*

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