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OCCO: Ambrosia w/ EOW cops

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I haven't even put my order in yet so everybody calm down!! Mara has GOT to have known to make A LOT of this.


I almost wish I could get some dirt on Mara or Le WIz or SOMEONE in order to ensure this stays permanent. I would feel bad of course, I love Mara and team but I think this is worthy of permanent Occo status. A sexy fruit Occo is a MUST in my world.


Couldn't agree more!

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@Mademoiselle...I can't imagine this turning "old lady perfume"! It is girly fruity on me!


Thanks MissDarlyn! It does sound tempting. Fruity scents are just the type of scents that can turn ugly on my skin, so I'm weary. But yeah, from all those reports this OCCO sounds amazing!

And there is such a thing with cops loaded mixes, I end up liking them at some point. It's weird.

I've got OCCO green, no my type of scent per se, but I really enjoy wearing it.

It's gotta be the cops that make me happy. :)

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This is not exactly a Calii scent,but dang I sure can understand the raves!! Zero cops smell at all,just total juicy fruity sweet YUMZ :)

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Something in this smells plasticky to me, maybe the apricot? In any case I am very satisfied with my fave scented cops, Closer (leather, pear) & Cops and Robbers (raspberry dessert), plenty of fruit there for me.

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Last night I added some LP Original,ok it had BI,but hey I just wasn't ready to be done for the day :001_302: ...wow talk about made for each other,I should get one if just to wear with LP Original :P

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Well I caved. Normally I'm not the best of friends with mango, and I had little hope for this after PMS turned it to Sweet 'n Low on my skin, but I tried it again today and it is amazeballs enough that I slathered myself in it from my sample and snagged a bottle pronto. The cherry and apricot are strong enough to hold their own and keep the mango tempered so it doesn't turn into that cloying aspartame candy which my that-time-of-the-month chemistry originally made it into. On the drydown that lovely black vanilla emerges and something musky and sensual I can only take to be the cocoa absolute and patchouli--I think these will come out more with age. And of course cops have the strange effect of calming me down. Double win.

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Yes I know but it's been said before that the almond (?) in V and T can smell like jam. And it does on me.

Almond does have a cherry impression, so now I get what you mean by that.

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Ok, I'm testing this mango beauty for the first time and it is already going GGG! I must say it is THAT good...


It opens with a fleshy ripe and juicy mango note, it is a pretty spot on mango scent, it smells exactly like when you slice a mango...so juicy and bright!


Then I get the cherry, but it only hangs around for a while on my skin. While it does, it adds a hint of tanginess to the composition, but it fades away really fast on me.


Then it is M-a-n-g-o reloaded!...and it is as good as it gets...I get no dark vanilla or cocoa in this one. To my nose, it feels like a sugared mango fest, with some cherry showing up but it is mostly sultry and tropical MANGO...


I get more mango from OCCO Ambrosia than from Tyvey's Mangoish, which I love too, but I got more of a sunny citric caramelly goodness with it...


This is too good to be gone forever...I hope Mara makes it permanent! I bet it would be awesome as a pheroed body lotion...


It has amazing projection/sillage, but I still have to test longevity...so far, so GOOD...

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This is VERY tangy on me, not so sweet, but I think that's a good quality in that it offsets the fruity cheese. The drydown is interesting because those other notes are like a sort of sheer shadow on my skin once the fruit notes back off a bit. But yeah, there's no way I would know there are cops in this!

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Breaking news: even my mom liked this. My mother, who thinks everything smells like tobacco, remarked I "smelled like food" and proceeded to huff me. Awkward moment, but if this is coming from the strictly White Linen woman you know it's got to be good.

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I have to confess that I ordered two bottles unsniffed as I hope the mango will be played up on my skin. I'm a little weary about cherry though. Can't wait till I lay my hands on these babies!

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Just received my OCCO Ambrosia today. First impression: light almond or bitter almond (must be the cherries). A few minutes later: mango, very sweet and juicy. About 20 min later: the vanilla comes out just to round up the whole impression as a juicy ripe mango with powdered vanilla sugar topping. Absolutely fabulous! :love: And BTW: no cops smell at all!

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I agree - no cops smell, even when wet! Fruity, tangy mango/cherry yumminess! I'm not a fruity girl, so I'll save the bottles for you guys, but I'm going to enjoy my sample!

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I have to confess that I ordered two bottles unsniffed as I hope the mango will be played up on my skin. I'm a little weary about cherry though. Can't wait till I lay my hands on these babies!


My lady, you will LOVE this!! But, if for some reason it doesn't please you, I will be ready to take them off your hands!! xoxo

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My god, I just got my sampler pack, and this was the first thing I tried. I love it! The fruit melds down in to a beautiful sweet skin scent, and there is no trace of cops smell, even wet! I hope there is a bottle left on payday.

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I love the morph of this one. Up front, cherry mango icee. Very late, creeeeaaaaammmy goodness. I missed out on bottle but am staving off panic by assuming Mara will take pity on us and make more.

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I missed out on bottle but am staving off panic by assuming Mara will take pity on us and make more.


Heehee! Me too! I'm still waiting to receive my sample pack! This one went SO fast! I'm almost hoping it turns out I don't like Ambrosia when it arrives - then I won't feel bad missing out on a full bottle of yum.

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By golly, it's a cocoa note I can wear!! I was worried about both it and the cherry. First on, I get lots of deep candy-like cherry, but after five minutes, that fades to the background. and the mango takes the stage with just a hint of something in the background. I really can't figure out if it's the patchouli or cocoa absolute. Maybe it's both. Whatever it is, it grounds the mango. As it wears on, I get more and more vanilla. Absolutely no cops! This is so summery, and so sexy. I'm in love!!

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I just got into cops, first one that did it for me was BBM where I was like.. yum okay.

I know I have blends with cops, but I never went straight for some cops. This OCCO has made me a OCCO CONVERTER

OCCOVERT IM AN OCCOVERT , now I can add Occo Pink to my collection and this amazing occo licious

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Love the OCCOs sooooo much! Need more black soon!


Love several of them (love love love ambrosia), but black is my fave!

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MANGO ~ Increases male libido, spiritually elevating.

MARASCHINO CHERRY ~ Stimulates and attracts love, attracts mate. Cheerfulness, good humor, mood elevator, divination.

GINGER ~ Fiery and fortifying, induces passion. Intensifies love spells and success spells. Love, money, success, power. Ginger increases sensitivity in the erogenous zones.

COCOA ABSOLUTE ~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love.

BLACK VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.

PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts; sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. Meditative and transforming.



Got my package yesterday and this was the first thing to try:

At first application I smelled the mango. It was very juicy. Not cloying at all and not artificial smelling. Maybe some cherry coming through? None of the others yet

After one hour: I thought I smelled coconut, but there is none in here. maybe it was the cocoa/vanilla combo. No patchouli

After 3 hours. Something wonky here. like and after smell that's really sweet. I will say that it lasts a long time. I only dotted it on with the stopper.

will try again after cycle is over

Edited by Raq On
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By golly, it's a cocoa note I can wear!! I was worried about both it and the cherry. First on, I get lots of deep candy-like cherry, but after five minutes, that fades to the background. and the mango takes the stage with just a hint of something in the background. I really can't figure out if it's the patchouli or cocoa absolute. Maybe it's both. Whatever it is, it grounds the mango. As it wears on, I get more and more vanilla. Absolutely no cops! This is so summery, and so sexy. I'm in love!!


I know! Me too! The reason I didn't just buy it unsniffed was that cocoa note. I Was askeered of it but it is either nowhere to be found or it is that strange smell in the background that smells a little peppery to me but does not take away from this delicious fruity thing.

GEEERRRRRD! I love this so much. Everything is balanced perfectly.


Because I know that both HG and Michael claim to dislike Mango I told them both it was juicy peach before they smelled it and they both said "EEE! Peachy! Love it!"


HA! Tricked 'em both again!!!

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...Because I know that both HG and Michael claim to dislike Mango I told them both it was juicy peach before they smelled it and they both said "EEE! Peachy! Love it!"


HA! Tricked 'em both again!!!


Guess undiscerning boy noses are good for something! Easy trickery... :666:

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Yes! I'll admit to have been busted by HG though trying to trick him into liking something...can't remember it now but yeah he cold busted me once!


I think he can smell cops though and thinks it's chocolate. He said he smelled chocolate when I wore Occo Purple and again with Shelly's Bodacious Bomb (that I have boosted with CB) and that makes no sense obviously so...I think somehow he gets chocolate from cops? Who the Hell knows.

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Yes! I'll admit to have been busted by HG though trying to trick him into liking something...can't remember it now but yeah he cold busted me once!


I think he can smell cops though and thinks it's chocolate. He said he smelled chocolate when I wore Occo Purple and again with Shelly's Bodacious Bomb (that I have boosted with CB) and that makes no sense obviously so...I think somehow he gets chocolate from cops? Who the Hell knows.


At least he thinks it smells like a chocolatey, yummy goodie, and not vinegar or stinky cheese!


I'm not sure what BF thinks... he just knows something smells 'funny'.


I can't wait to try this. Should be here mid-week next week. This just sounds so much like my kind of scent that I can just see myself buying a couple more samples, just so I can enjoy it a bit longer! So excited!

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