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The fling with the Highlander :lol2:


so clearly the bottom half then, eh?



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You find me one like the photo on the bottle and I'll have ALL of him, - please and thank you! :lol::P

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I can never tell. Is this one heavy enough to cover Cuddle Bunny, if I were to boost it? It's such a great, snuggly kind of scent on me, I keep thinking I want to boost it with a snuggly phero, and CB works the best on BF.

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See? I can never tell. Some of the perfumes that wear kind of heavy on me wear light on everyone else. Maybe my sense of light/heavy is off?

I think I read a few posts back that Mara said it would cover Gotcha!, no problem. I just think I'd prefer CB. If I decide to go for it, I guess I'll just ask her directly.

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maybe this is a situation where one should have the perfume in oil and spray? So you could put down an oil without cuddle bunny and then spray some CB-amped highland fling over it?

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Holy buttercream cakey goodness! makes my mouth kinda water and crave cake for real..lol I dont get any overpowering floral at all It seems really well blended together and it actually keeps it from being too foody,which I like..

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Maybe my sense of light/heavy is off?


I kinda think it would cover because the time that would be needed for drydown is when this perfume is at it's loudest.


No, don't think that! I think how light and heavy fragrances wear is dependent on skin chemistry so it varies. Halo has a good point though so maybe it will work.



Now here's an interesting question...I wonder if it would cover the CB on you because it wears heavy but maybe not on me since it's so light...? Does that make sense?

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Ooo! This is nice! In the bottle, I got a blend of everything. Wet, it was this sort of boozy, cakey vanilla, and reminded me a lot of a better version of philosophy's Vanilla Birthday Cake (I have the lipgloss). Now in the drydown, I get the daffodil on top of it - and I can handle the floral! Me likey!

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maybe this is a situation where one should have the perfume in oil and spray? So you could put down an oil without cuddle bunny and then spray some CB-amped highland fling over it?


I LIKE the way you think MissH :D


I can never tell. Is this one heavy enough to cover Cuddle Bunny, if I were to boost it? It's such a great, snuggly kind of scent on me, I keep thinking I want to boost it with a snuggly phero, and CB works the best on BF.


I don't know if this helps buuuuuuut....I took the Highland Fling and filled a 5ml spray bottle a little LESS than half and added 10 drops EoW, then topped it off with perfumer's alcohol. If that diluted HF covers 10 drops EoW then it should cover your CB fine ^_^ At least that's my thinking...so go for it!

Edited by NuTrix
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Nutrix: not my thinking. Pretty sure that's a shellyB trick I've seen mentioned a few times. Just giving credit where it's due :)

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I've been doing her oil/alcohol combo ever since I read and tried it myself, lol, really does work superbly!

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Retry on Highland Fling:


wore it today, got the same wet vanilla, then the daffodil in the drydown as I was getting dressed. Got very busy running errands, and totally forgot - except periodically I'd vaguely get this whiff of a lovely incensy something. Not quite incense, because it isn't smoky enough, you know? Got home, got things put away and generally done, and as I'm settling I get the incense again and realize - IT'S ME! It must be the amber. I like it muchly so no problems.

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testeD this again today, i v briefly get the smoked meat smell, then it morphed and that went away. Now, i have a beautiful vanilla that reminds me happily of something else i like that was discontinued. The floral is better on me now. I may wear this with super sexy tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

OMG...I'm in Sample Heaven with this one!! I love the smoky vanilla. I have this vibe of camping in Loch Lomand in Scotland (never been there..HAHA) on a nice warm Spring day, when the flowers are just starting to bloom. Then, the sun goes down and it starts to get a wee nippy so we start a campfire and sit around it and tell stories of our Highland Flings. I just took a nice little vacation in my head thanks to this scent!!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hopefully this will come out okay, I truly don't mean to sound rude, but j#s do you think when you are going to come back to a thread one minute later and post again, could you please edit your first post and add to it instead of making a new post? The amount of replies in the review threads especially is getting a little overwhelming. Thanks

Sure! No problem.

Thanks for merging them here.

Couldn't find it in the beginning. =)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh yes. As a lover of Whoopsie Daisycake I couldn't help but get this one. The amber reads almost like honey to my nose, which some of the sweeter ambers can do (and I love that about them). The vanilla here is cakier than Daisycake though every bit as delicious in its own way, and I love that hint of springy floral that mixes right into it like flower petals on a cupcake. The daffodil note isn't a green floral at all so it doesn't clash. They grow by the clusters at my place so I've smelled them many times, and the scent here is as delicate and subtle as one in real life. And of course, that label.....it definitely doesn't hurt. ;)

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Wet, in the bottle this smelled like straight buttercream. Not a huge fan of buttercream but since I am a fan of Whoopsie Daisy Cake, I did slather (thus my mistake) and I'm paying for it now. On, it is straight Daffodil. I honestly feel like I'm in church at easter, and I'm surrounded by Easter Lillies (I know, different flower but I think there's some similarities or I'm just getting sense memory), surrounded by standing room only people and little old ladies wearing SUPER insane amounts of strong flowerly perfume, the air conditioner has failed, and I'm stuck here, in the middle, trying to breath through a sleeve while the priest decides to super-size-me the homily.


I'm dying. I'm trying to hang out to give it some die down time, but this is easily the worst experience putting something on, that I've had and it serves me right that I slathered without testing a tiny spot. If it can't relax in a couple more minutes, this will be a wash off (and I didn't even do that to jouir de!) and try it again in a week in case this is shipping shock.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

This was always just kind of "meh" for me. The daffodil was shrill, and the buttercream just didn't meld with my skin very well. I kept my sample mainly for the pic of Jimmy in a kilt. But I've got it on today, and it is so pretty!

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Molls, I thought it was "Meh" too the first few times I tried it- kind of sickly even (I have it in spray form). But have used it again a few times lately and I've noticed that it takes a little while to settle and bloom, but then it becomes this lovely, subtle, sweet and creamy thing that has me sniffing myself all day thinking, "God I smell good". It's such a soft scent after a while, but it stays noticeable for a good long time on me. I've also noticed it's a great one to mix with other scents, particularly if you want to sweeten something up, or combine 2 soft scents together.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Today I received my FB of this one and I am so happy I decided to splash out on a FB.


It's like two completely different scents. In the bottle and for the first hour on the skin it's all cupcake and vanilla, so much so I want to eat my own wrist. Then all of a sudden and it really was sudden, in flounces daffodil and what was a cupcake becomes a meadow of beautiful yellow spring daffodils. However they are not playing light and airy on my skin as just hovering in the background is amber keeping them grounded.

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I can't believe I never reviewed this one! I got a FB during the big sale last Aug. and I just love it! I'm not usually too big on cupcakey gourmand scents but the daffodil really saves this one for me. It's both nommable and pretty and it lasts a long time for me. I know there's a dirty joke in there somewhere, particularly given the label :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

This is one that I'm not sure about. I kind of like it in the vial, although it is a bit foodie. It smells buttery. But on my skin, it turns very perfumey right away. Almost overwhelmingly so. I will need to give it another trial sometime, though, just for the daffodil if nothing else. Because I love daffodils!

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  • 5 months later...

This is all vanilla buttercream in the bottle. My husband loves it! And I get that when I first put it on, then a smoky presence comes out almost with that smoked meat smell that some others are referring to. I totally get that, too! Then just a tiny presence of daffodil. Overall, just a nice vanilla scent –the tiny daffodil just broadens the scent. I am not overwhelmed by the daffodil. I do reapply to get more buttercream and my manager commented one day that I smelled like vanilla extract! She asked if it was one of the fragrances I made myself and I replied sort of…… because I sort of found Mara and her wonderful world of scents and have left my design my own oils just sitting there ever since! :rolleyes:

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It's interesting to read how much this one varies on different skins.

On mine, it opens up very 'concentrated' ..sort of medicinal,like all the notes are there but intensified into a tight ball, bursting at the seams. It IS smoky, not like meat for me thank goodness, but like a light vanilla incense smoke. When it unfolds, which takes hours and hours, it goes through two distinct phases, but the incense smoke stays throughout the whole experience. First, a buttery rich vanilla, absolutely yellow with extract and butter, morphing into a sugared,creamy yellow floral. Not green on me, yellow all the way. Wafting around all day is that delicious smoke, which I know this doesn't 'have', so I'm not sure what's responsible. Amber maybe? I dunno. All I know is that I really like this one. It's a sugar bomb, through and through. I love how it unfolds bit by bit like unfolding a warm creamy golden sheet of fondant or something (not literally, visually). I love how lasting it is and how I can smell it on MYSELF all day (I love that about a great scent, the whole 'getting used to your own scent' thing is for the birds.) I want to smell it, and here I do, allllll day long. Yummy! :)

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  • 1 year later...

I got this as a blind buy at the beginning of the sale. I had it converted to spray, and figured, what the heck, if I don't like it, I've always got the label to look at ha ha.


When it first arrived, I had so many other scents to try, and it didn't really speak to me, but it also was probably in travel shock. I broke it out a again a few days ago, and I really truly love it!


Generally speaking I don't wear florals, I love flowers, and am an avid flower gardener, but, commercial florals tend to turn into nasty scrubbers on my skin.


Highland Fling starts out with a blast of the buttercream vanilla, I catch a hint of the smokiness, and as time goes by the daffodil becomes more prominent. The funny thing, is I have some cut oriental lilies from the yard in a vase in my room right now. They're not stargazers, those things smell way too strong to stay in the house, these have more of an Easter Lily kind of scent, that very sweet, almost a bit of decay, yet still spicy scent to them, and Highland Fling almost echoes the scent. It smells very much like a lily on me. The dry down is sweet, and like others have said, it lasts and lasts! I could smell it on the crooks of my arms after I showered last night. It also is strong enough for me to enjoy smelling while I wear it.


So, I'm congratulating myself for taking the plunge and getting it, and if any of you are on the fence about it, I thought this review might help you decide. :)

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