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I didn't know where else to put this so I just want to say, I've tried a dozen or so of these and NOT ONE OF THEM has been the demeter-esque thin linear simple gimmicky thing one would expect from the concept of such a huge # of "sugared fill-in-the-blank-with-a-single-word/idea" set. EVERY one of them - even the most straightforward one i've tried, apple - is a multidimensional full blown beauty in and of itself. Layering is for fun, not necessity. No idea how in the &^#@% you did this many in such a short time... it's like months and months worth of NRs.

Edited by tyvey
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Thank you, Tyvey! :)


Well, the Sugars take about a half hour to brew. Regular perfumes take 4 hours to several days each, with breaks in between to rest the sniffer. And with these I did not have to plan what would be in them - which can take weeks per perfume. I knew....gather all my apples, pick my faves, balance how I want, sweeten and smooth to suit. It's a much faster process!


Also the labels! Rather than spending my usual 2 weeks per month going through thousands of photos, you guys did the work for me! You sent me the pix! That saved me literally weeks of time, and it's been a total blast working with all these beautiful faces. If it were possible, I'd be happy to feature customers on the labels every month. So much more fun than scouring stock photo libraries!

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Ha! That's my late brother's golden doodle Charlie, having a wee kip on the hubbs, who was also asleep and didn't know I'd taken the picture!


I showed him yesterday and he just said "Oh no. Look at my huge belly!" Silly sausage.

Edited by Elliebellikins
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EllieBk that is awesome... (although I hate the fact you lost your brother - I'm so sorry- but I'm glad Charlie is still with family!) Thank you for solving (one of) the Sugared Mysteries.

And OMG does he sound like a woman, critiquing his photo??? That is so funny. My husband does the same thing. I just look at him and tell him to get over himself. :huh: Tell him we're all drooling over the cute dog anyways so he need not worry (even though we all know this to be a falsehood)... that'll teach him to complain, lol.

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He's from *across the pond* too?! That makes him WAY too adorable! Hang on tight Ellie! ;-) You too are *far* too cute together, I feel sure! And how lucky that Charlie is with you guys... :Emoticons10311:

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File this under, WHAT IN THE FLAMING HELL WAS I THINKING!, :lol: but I did it! All hundred and twenty-something Sugars are now complete.



This made me spit my ice water.......


That is my theme song......"What was I thinking?!?!?!"

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Has there been any discussion of a sugared SMOKE? The smoke in (swoon) allumette? I know we have the devastating Bonfire but without the marshmallow I'm thinking, like less gooey and more unisex?

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Well, Blushing Embers was a "sweet pink smoke" scent, after all.


I love the girl on Sugared Maple. I love her hat and her rack. I love her hair and outfit. She's like saying FUCK YEAH IM GREAT!

I do believe that is one of the members of Precious Metal.
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The same smokes are in Allumette and Bonfire. It's the combo with the other ingredients in Allumette that you are reacting to...the vanilla and the musk with it I think. So you really want Sug Smoke without the marshmallow sugar?

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He he he. Thank you for all the comments. He's a good'un and I love him to bits. Although I have told him I'd trade him in for the right number of LP bottles!


Charlie is a massive ray of sunshine in all our lives. He is such a funny pooch. He has really helped everyone cope with losing my brother. The hubbs and I are finally moving back home in a weeks time after 7 years away. We'll get to see CharlieChoo everyday!


Everyone on the labels are gorgeous, unfortunately I no longer look as Daisy fresh with a good few years (and pounds) on that picture. But the hubbs picture is from a couple of weeks ago.

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The same smokes are in Allumette and Bonfire. It's the combo with the other ingredients in Allumette that you are reacting to...the vanilla and the musk with it I think. So you really want Sug Smoke without the marshmallow sugar?


I would but you know me haha! :D

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Yeah I think so - I think I for one would wear it with EVERYTHING including nonfoodie things... :)


Oh yeah - I can see combining it with Sugared Woods, Grasses, Pine Needles, Oud, Oak Moss, and a couple of the musks for me. I can also see probably Pumpkin, Nutmeg and Pie Spices if you are so inclined.

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Kush Resin - darling & gorgeous photo! I always want to say "Tush Resin..." :Emoticons04263:


Not sure I would want to spray myself with something that smells like Tush Resin, even if it is sugared haha! :lol:

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Not sure I would want to spray myself with something that smells like Tush Resin, even if it is sugared haha! :lol:

LOL good point QG. I've always just thought of the play on words (and to me a 'tush' is a cute butt!) I never thought of it literally though, until now. DUDE. You are such a GUY. :biker:

Come to think of it, this is exactly how any of my three would react as well. :mooning:(*rolls eyes, shakes head and shamefully puts head in hands) :embarrassed:


OK well I'll happily take KUSH Resin and the gorgeous photo (I keep waiting for Mara to chime in here and say it's a "stock" photo because it's SO perfect.)

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The same smokes are in Allumette and Bonfire. It's the combo with the other ingredients in Allumette that you are reacting to...the vanilla and the musk with it I think. So you really want Sug Smoke without the marshmallow sugar?

I did order Bonfire unsniffed, and I love Allumette, so now I'm quite sure I'll be happy with it. So with regards to this discussion, are you talking about a different kind of smoke altogether or just different/less sugar in an new Sugared Smoke variant? Sorry if I'm missing the obvious, Mara. How you manage to keep them all straight is beyond me!

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Am Awestruck Mara!


Out the world creation, i hope i have a windfall and i take it all. Wondering can i still send you a pic. it was my b'day and clicked some fresh new picks. in different colors and dress. my daughter did a photoshoot for me :)




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Oh yeah - I can see combining it with Sugared Woods, Grasses, Pine Needles, Oud, Oak Moss, and a couple of the musks for me. I can also see probably Pumpkin, Nutmeg and Pie Spices if you are so inclined.

I wasn't sure about it until you mentioned the Woods and Pine Needles. Smoke would be wonderful with that!

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I wasn't sure about it until you mentioned the Woods and Pine Needles. Smoke would be wonderful with that!


Throw in some sugared greenery and maybe some kind of floral that is my backyard right now with the fire pit going on a late summer's evening. :)

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