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Sogni Incantati


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This is one in which the benzoin doesn't give the whole works an edge that I dislike. I never wear this for sleep :) Maybe it's the age of the bottle but I get almost no licorice, just the marshmallow fluff.

Edited by tyvey
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This is one in which the benzoin doesn't give the whole works an edge that I dislike. I never wear this for sleep :) Maybe it's the age of the bottle but I get almost no licorice, just the marshmallow fluff.

really? all I get is licorice....no marshmallow fluff :( (w/newer version)

I tried wearing it to bed, but licorice was a bit overwhelming, gonna let it age

perhaps we should trade bottles ! hee

Edited by liz
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Wearing this today, since I'm lucky to have an entire day with BF at home, and it's one of his favourite LP scents. It's fun to hear him exclaim out of the blue every now and again, "Oh my God, you smell good!". I can say one, (well definitely TONS of) good thing(s) about LP fragrances: they have turned my never-give-a-compliment guy into one who often dishes up the compliments for how great I smell... And he's even started to compliment my appearance, (awkwardly and tentatively, since this is unfamiliar territory for him), every once in

a blue moon. So I would like to say, thank you very much for that! :D


This is one of my favourites too. I get very little anise, and a whole lotta marshmallow. And the best thing is that it lasts. so. long. I can put it on at bedtime, and still smell it - almost as well as when I first applied - when I wake up. Even so, I cannot stop myself from slathering. I want the marshmallow to ooze out of my pores. *le sigh*


And Purple Puff aside, (in which the lavender *hated* me), I'm convinced that Mara could put marshmallow in just about anything, and I would fall in love with it instantly. Never in a million years did I imagine that MARSHMALLOW would become one of my favourite perfume notes. But there it is. ;)

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  • 4 months later...

Finally got around to trying out my sample. This is another marshmallow that I am absolutely loving! It is definitely creamy, but not thick or cloying. I don't pick out a distinct licorice scent at all. I love Purple Puff, Tease and now this one too. I would never have pegged me for a marshmallow lover.


Prior to LP, marshmallow scents from other artisan perfumers were so thick and overly sweet to me that they made me nauseated. There is something cozy and light at the same time with LP's marshmallow scents. My daughter says they are "fuzzy". I agree.

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I'd been on the fence with this one, thinking maybe it might be a little too heavy or sharp, but you guys have convinced me otherwise. I adore Essential Bliss HW, so I'm going to give this one a fb try!

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Oh if you like EB,you will love this,actually it is much less licorice on me,which is perfect,EB is too strong ...I have one Sogni boosted with Teddy BB ... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :)

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I'd been on the fence with this one, thinking maybe it might be a little too heavy or sharp, but you guys have convinced me otherwise. I adore Essential Bliss HW, so I'm going to give this one a fb try!


I don't find it heavy or sharp at all. It's more like your favorite blanket wrapped around you, and your blanket smells of black licorice and fluffy marshmallow :)

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Thank you, Calii and MCR! Exactly what I needed to hear! :wub:

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Oh if you like EB,you will love this,actually it is much less licorice on me,which is perfect,EB is too strong ...I have one Sogni boosted with Teddy BB ... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :)


That's exactly what I'd like to do: buy a big vat of Sogni Incantati boost it with large amounts of Teddy BB.

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  • 3 months later...

After a few months to settle, this is amazingly smooth and fluffy. It reminds me a lot of Sugared Pure, but its not as sweet and is much more subtle. I've always found that Sugared Pure is almost too sweet and rich, but Sogni Incanti is tempered by the liquorice without being overly liquoricey. The liquorice floats at the edges of the scent, and grounds it just enough to stop it from becoming overly foody and sickly sweet.


It wears pretty close to the skin, but isn't a faint scent. It's the sort of scent that you could wear in an office, because people would only catch it in little wisps if you walk past them. It's very much a skin scent rather than an all-out strong perfume.


I have to admit that I was disappointed when I first sniffed the bottle, but now it's incredibly nice.

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*^ umm I love this. I find it just as the description says.. all the ingredients resting on a big marshmallow pillow. A soft, sweet, relaxing scent. Very nice and mellow. Also, who can resist that amazing label?

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really? all I get is licorice....no marshmallow fluff :( (w/newer version)

I tried wearing it to bed, but licorice was a bit overwhelming, gonna let it age

perhaps we should trade bottles ! hee



did you ever try Mara's Domino? Definite Marshmallow plus licorice.

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This is one of my favorite sleep scents,I swear it brings pleasing dreams :) !! Never tried the original but to me this is more marshymallow than licorice,say 2/3 to 1/3 lol,if that makes sense.

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This scent reminds me of red bean ice cream! I know there is no red bean scent to it but I couldn't help but sniff myself and remembering my trip to China eating a cup of red bean ice cream on a hot day. Delicious, calming and incredibly nostalgic!

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Got this in a sniffie and - OHMYWOW! This is really heady and rich and sweet and smooth and...


What a surprise. In the vial I was all "meh" but this one is FABULOUS! I could totally be happy with a FB of this :it-s-a-beautiful-thing:

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Hi LazyCat! And welcome! I completely agree! This one is a total surprise of YUM! :girlHeart-5:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I received this as a free sample, and I'm so glad. It's one of those I wouldn't have thought to sample on my own because I was convinced that marshmallow would not work for me--it's neither a scent nor a flavor I'm drawn to (I thought!).


I spotted this thread, and read the reviews, and and decided to break out the sample last night. Wow! In the vial it's very heavy on the marshmallow, and smelled almost too sugary sweet for me to want to put it on, but I remembered the reviews. As soon as it hit my skin, it mellowed (sorry! could not resist) and sharpened--I think that must be the anise? I didn't smell licorice, but instead of over-the-top s'mores marshmallow, I got quiet, almost resin-y marshmallow. The overall effect was both delicious and somehow less foodie.


This felt like it had true aromatherapy benefits--I kept smelling my arm all evening while reading in bed, and it lightened my mood (after a fairly stormy week) and made me feel both sparkly and calm. I'll definitely be ordering a full bottle of this one!


Oh, and I've been having a bit of an issue the last few weeks with my skin drinking scents--there are things I loved but after a few minutes they would just disappear. Not this one! It stayed strong and present all evening and there were still remnants in the morning.

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Hi Blackcat! It doesn't always work, but sometimes applying lotion before applying the perfume keeps the skin from sucking it up. Trying it over or in a silicon base can slow the process of scent swallowing too :D OR - with all he choices at LP - certainly just "finding" that great scent that does it all on it's own is at least half the fun! :Emoticons0424:

This was a surprise for me too...just reading the notes is like..."meh, I don't think this one's for me"...and then you get "the sniffie" (terrible little culprits for many of my orders lol) and then WHAMMO! OH WOW I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THIS IT'S SO SCRUMMILICIOUS!

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Hi Blackcat! It doesn't always work, but sometimes applying lotion before applying the perfume keeps the skin from sucking it up. Trying it over or in a silicon base can slow the process of scent swallowing too :D OR - with all he choices at LP - certainly just "finding" that great scent that does it all on it's own is at least half the fun! :Emoticons0424:

This was a surprise for me too...just reading the notes is like..."meh, I don't think this one's for me"...and then you get "the sniffie" (terrible little culprits for many of my orders lol) and then WHAMMO! OH WOW I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THIS IT'S SO SCRUMMILICIOUS!


Thanks for the tip, NuTrix! I have a couple I'm setting aside to try again to see if this might be, um, a cyclical problem.... stupid hormones! Nice to have an interim solution...


Thank goodness there's SO MUCH scrummilicious-ness to choose from!

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I wore this to bed last night.

The soft fragrance of the marshmallow combined with the warm vanilla presents a soft bed for the rest of the scent notes to float on. I think the benzoin and anisette give off a soft hint of licorice ( it's not a hard note on me thank god).

There is definitely a tranquil quality to this fragrance. A great scent for going out or going to bed.

Sweet, soft and slightly perfume'ish.

I love this Boho Cats collection both the fragrances and the bottle labels are a delight to own.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 4 weeks later...

Out of the bottle this smell like YUM and my first thought is FULL BOTTLE YES!


It comes out all sweet and delicious but then quickly settles down on me and I get the anise and what I can only figure is the benzoin?


It's not as sweet as I first thought it was going to be out of the bottle and for someone who is not (or did not think I was) fond of licorice, I have found anise to be quite pleasant in several fragrances from LP - Thank you Mara for expanding my knowledge, appreciation - and - addiction LOL! It's very interesting how this is distinctly marshmallow and yet the licorice does not ruin it (sorry, still working past old perceptions...)


I shall have to slather this to really see how I feel about the addition of licorice to marshmallow but after a half hour or so the anise backs off - but doesn't disappear - and leaves the marshmallow goodness I adore in the forefront LURV! :Emoticons04235:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

MY DOG LOVES THIS!! Before I go to sleep, I spray this on my bed and pillows. Well, my dog gets very excited when I pick up the bottle and she rushes to get on the bed so she can get under the spray. When it lands on her, she can't stop sniffing herself. It's so funny how much my dog loves this! The other day, I had to take her to the vet for her shots. The Vet kept saying, "OMG...you dog smells so good. What is she wearing?" I've never had anybody ask what my dog is wearing. LMAO!! When I told them what she does at night to get under the perfume, they laughed. The Vet was like, "Hmm....I may have to get some of this!" So, I gave him the LPMP card, which I always carry one in my purse.

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MY DOG LOVES THIS!! Before I go to sleep, I spray this on my bed and pillows. Well, my dog gets very excited when I pick up the bottle and she rushes to get on the bed so she can get under the spray. When it lands on her, she can't stop sniffing herself. It's so funny how much my dog loves this! The other day, I had to take her to the vet for her shots. The Vet kept saying, "OMG...you dog smells so good. What is she wearing?" I've never had anybody ask what my dog is wearing. LMAO!! When I told them what she does at night to get under the perfume, they laughed. The Vet was like, "Hmm....I may have to get some of this!" So, I gave him the LPMP card, which I always carry one in my purse.

That is the cutest thing ever...

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  • 3 months later...

That dog story sure makes me wish I had a pet to test it out on…I can only speak for myself, this scent is so sweet, delicious & creamy. After application it turns soft on me. This one of my favorites in spray that I layer with other scents for variety. It's also a calming scent. I've heard others use it before bed, something I have to try.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I received a sample of this and love it. I am normally not a fan of licorice smell but this is softer like Flying Potion. ( Not smelling the same, it just doesn't have a sharp edge either) I think I will need a full bottle of this stuff.

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Ditto! All my memories of licorice and harsh black, cloyingly sweet licorice. Now, RED licorice I can warm up to....But LP has liberated me from any licorice fears and now I'm more ready to try them at the very least. I did get a fb of this one though - VERY happy! A vanilla marshmallow yum with a twinge of licorice...mostly straight up yum though....

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  • 2 months later...

I bought this in the spray form. My daughter and I spritz it on our pillows when we feel drawn to do so (stressed, PMS, can't sleep, etc). Also becoming the fast favorite of a neighborhood teenage boy. His eyes just lit up the moment he smelled it. For me, it just gives me that impression of "everything is ok". It has a childlike, positive energy to it.

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  • 5 months later...

Been wearing this for about an hour. After the initial vanilla marshmallow dry down, I get a faint whiff of anise, with sweet cream over the top. Lovely stuff all by itself for day or night. Relaxing scent for nighttime..all soft and nurturing.

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  • 9 months later...

Unfortunately, I cannot smell any marshmallow in this scent. Weirdly, I smell canned apricots. And vanilla. It is nice, but I am not crazy about it. I tried this one and Egg 2014 on the other arm and to me there are in the same scent family. Both very light, I cannot smell them much, which is a pity. I like Egg 2014 more.

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