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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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It's occurred to me I need to get more Goddess of the Blue Moon, despite purchasing a full spray bottle less than a year ago. Damn that stuff is good.


Plus more Snow Musk. Again despite buying a full bottle only a month ago. Sigh... I need to learn to exercise some self-control...

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Just ordered another bottle of UN LFM , this time with cops added . I am considering Un Cougar . I'm sure a number of you ladies have both , what is the difference ?

PS : I get my pheros unscented if I can , first because I like them strong and use a lot , second because I can reapply unbeknownst to my BF . Sometimes I add a sample size perfume to a bottle of UN which is potent enough for me

Edited by fluffygirl12
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Just ordered another bottle of UN LFM , this time with cops added . I am considering Un Cougar . I'm sure a number of you ladies have both , what is the difference ?

PS : I get my pheros unscented if I can , first because I like them strong and use a lot , second because I can reapply unbeknownst to my BF . Sometimes I add a sample size perfume to a bottle of UN which is potent enough for me


I think there was actually a discussion about this recently, as in this week some time, of the differences over in the Stone Cougar thread, and possibly also the LFM.

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Just ordered fb of Playdate (typed "Playmate" first time!), Buttercream Roses HW, Essential Bliss HW, and Coconut Breeze. Can't wait!

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Panic order... Calli made me do it: Honeyed LP/Steamy Daydreams. Two I *know* I love love love!


I know, I *suck*! But if you had seen the reaction HLP got... well... :Emoticons0424:


Heh...my back up bottle shipped yesterday,is it wrong to think of a third yet :001_302:

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Heh...my back up bottle shipped yesterday,is it wrong to think of a third yet :001_302:


Nooo!!! I already have one bottle -- is there going to be a run made on this one??? *panic panic panic*

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Ugh. I want to order so much but losing my tenants has sent my finances into a bit of a tailspin. I'll have to see if I can scrounge up a few bucks. I'm guessing the Honey LP is all gone though?

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I'm guessing the Honey LP is all gone though?


The Shoppe cart let me do a fake order for 10 just now, so I'm guessing you're good to go.

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Skye -- before you try to place your order, you may want to read the posts by Mara regarding the new cart system. I think the temporary rule still stands that we should order through the "Shoppe" link and not directly from the "Perfumerie" link. If that's changed over the past day, hopefully someone will chime in and set us straight!

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I'm getting antsy to place my order, but I have been deciding between a few things. I know I am getting Passionate Whispers, Ricotta Sonata, Topper, & Essential Bliss. May also Orange Almond spray. But then I am debating between Enchanted Wonderland, Xuehua Xing, and Hanagumori. Wish I could get them all. Will also get samples of LP Black, A Treasure of Pearls, and Vampire Bait.

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Skye! I had been wondering where you were. Here's hoping you can find some tenants!


No more tenants. I've decided to sell but I'm going to have to carry the mortgage etc until it does.

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No more tenants. I've decided to sell but I'm going to have to carry the mortgage etc until it does.


Interesting. What's the cost of selling a property where you are?


Back home, everything is handed by the lawyers. The property agent (secondary market) will charge the seller 2% of the contract price and the buyer pays 1% of the contract price. There's GST to be paid on top of the lawyers' fees, stamp duty, etc. Therefore the seller only pockets about 90% of the contract price.


Over here, depending on the district where the property is located, buyer might have to bear all costs. The property agent gets 1% commission from both parties, there is a 3% tax for the buyer, capital gains tax which the seller has to pay. The seller, depending on K gains and when the property was purchased, might have to pay about 3-5%.

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OK, so after a couple of weird cart deletions...


Alright...since my PEs will have to wait...teheheee...I will have to order something else in the mean time :D:P AND there ARE so very many delectable things to get....


But I decided on FBs of:


Fuzzy Wuzzy w/Gotcha!- Just had to get it...last 1, promise...the only thing I got more than 2 bottles of so for is Odalesque...this one just smell SO yummy, and the Gotcha! Couldn't help myself!

BAM! and LAM, both in the Spicy Brown Sugar scent

Midnight Masquerade


Lick of Cream

Carolyn's Man Nip


And samples of:

Highland Fling (for a friend)

Pouncing Potion

Cheeky (still on the fence about a full bottle of this one...I know, I know...why wait, lol..maybe next month with the new releases...)

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I've got one order coming soon. After that, I'm going to stick to the NR samplers for awhile. Spring is coming, and I need to get my yard fixed up. And honestly, I've got almost everything on my wishlist lately, so I'm set for awhile... *sits on hands*

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The Honeyed LP thread put me in a panic so I ordered another one in spray that I've been teasing myself with. Had to do it...( I don't think I can live with the Sunfire regret again)


...but the real damage was when I checked Wheel of Fortune and saw only one available...had to get that. Then I checked Aloha P and saw only 5 available...had to get that for my tropical summer collection... Was planning on getting UN Gotcha when March NR's came out but I thought...that will go good with my new Aloha P...threw that in too.

Pirate and the Maiden and Dollys will have to wait for next month. I had to get the ones at higher risk.

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you did good, MDC ;)


I almost just broke down, because I saw on Cindy's FB page that Scent Addict is closing, and she listed all her LPs. Cougar is $20! But then I saw price after shipping costs, and it makes it almost what I'd pay through Mara, and my bottle is still 3/4 full. There are a few other scents that look good, so y'all may want to check them out. If you order more than one bottle, it would be worth it...

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The Honeyed LP thread put me in a panic so I ordered another one in spray that I've been teasing myself with. Had to do it...( I don't think I can live with the Sunfire regret again)


...but the real damage was when I checked Wheel of Fortune and saw only one available...had to get that. Then I checked Aloha P and saw only 5 available...had to get that for my tropical summer collection... Was planning on getting UN Gotcha when March NR's came out but I thought...that will go good with my new Aloha P...threw that in too.

Pirate and the Maiden and Dollys will have to wait for next month. I had to get the ones at higher risk.

:lol: I have to get some Pure Sugar.

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you did good, MDC ;)


I almost just broke down, because I saw on Cindy's FB page that Scent Addict is closing, and she listed all her LPs. Cougar is $20! But then I saw price after shipping costs, and it makes it almost what I'd pay through Mara, and my bottle is still 3/4 full. There are a few other scents that look good, so y'all may want to check them out. If you order more than one bottle, it would be worth it...


You got me, Molls. I just went over and picked up some scents i've been eyeballing.

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I think that's why I've been hesitant to try them because I really only wear LPs. But I saved a couple bucks on each bottle so it's worth a shot.. i got Possets' Sex in Heaven, and Blooddrops Nude Stockings and Lace Paper Heart.


P.S. I feel like someone has mentioned looking for Fallen Angel. Is it GGG over here? It looks like she's got some over there.

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Wasn't me, but that one caught my eye too. I just don't buy bottles unsniffed... I was also thinking about Love Blossom, but I've never tried that one either.


omg so tempted to stock up on Fallen Angel, but now I am panicking about Honey Love potion - do I need more than 2 bottles and ordering one more bottle seems like a waste of an order .. I do want playdate though..

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I went ahead and ordered the Love Blossom (unsniffed) since it's no longer available here. Is Fallen Angel one worth grabbing while it's there?? I couldn't decide based on the few reviews posted here. Decisions decisions!

Edited by Just Ducky
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ask Calii about Fallen Angel ;) It was not for me, but the people who love it, REALLY love it.

CAAALIIIIII!!!!! Calling wonderful lovely Fallen Angel expert Caaallliii!!! :heart106:

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I couldn't decide based on the few reviews posted here.

You're telling me my awesome vignette was not enough to convince you to buy it? I must be slippin!'

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CAAALIIIIII!!!!! Calling wonderful lovely Fallen Angel expert Caaallliii!!! :heart106:


:rofl222: ...ohhhh yeah you must read Luna's drool worthy story <pant> Well,I have four bottles if that tells you anything :P and I really really [i/really[/i]must wear this more often! I had two bottles boosted with half doses of Intellectual Woman and two bottles boosted with half dose of Intellectual Man ...I did kinda ruin one with too many cops,which taught me a valuable lesson! ... on me, it is a sweet desert syrupy cakey vanilla strawberry-ish delight :) ...oh and sorry you have da crud Luna Chick :( get better soonest!

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