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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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My order came in a beautiful beaded bag again - will this be the new norm? It's gorgeous! :) I'm still eying my mail though...I have everything except the Nov sampler but I DO like the scented Sexology sample, though I don't know if I like it enough for FB....still waiting to snuffle X Appeal but I'm fearful it may be too "clean" for me, lol.


LP Black is much sweeter than I remember :huh: which is NOT a bad thing at all - but the OCCO Black? I am SO surprised at how much I'm loving the patch in this! I would never have thought I'd be using love and patch in the same sentence but this was a good choice for FB!


I DID get the Aja and other wonderful sniffies - including a Wooing and Wapture! That one is DEFINATELY sugar coated :lol: Aja is so strange. It's not as in the face as EoW for sure but it's "odd". I may save it for the weekend...I will keep stalking the Aja thread for "how to"s and "with what"s...


I may have to convert my thinking to becoming a sample orderer (with the exception of scrumptious foodie scents that I know I will not be able to resist!). Sneaky Clean is not for me I think. I've seen the comparisons to X Appeal and now I'm a tad concerned, but there's always unscented Sexology! And some of the others, though nice, I would not do justice to a FB. I AM thinking I'm going to need to get that FB of LP Black though ^_^


The FB of G&L was a TOTALLY good idea...glad I didn't warfal on THAT one! Now I see what some of you all have been gushing about! Still holding out on Tickle Tickle til I smell it.


So depending on the Nov NRs, I'm at least gong to get a FB of LP Black, and probably Un Sexology. Since Sneaky Clean isn't for me I'll probably get a back up of Rocket Fuel - LURV that one! And I've been wanting a mad scientist of Lumina scented with Pure Sugar b/c it layers with EVERYTHING! (at least for this foodie-a-holic girl!)

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I'm thinking of putting in a second November order as well, mostly because after the 25th the unscented phero samples will be gone. I don't know why I didn't think of it before, but I think I want a sample of straight Est. All the Est blends work well for me (as long as they're not heavy on a-nol, strangely enough), so I think I'd like to try straight Est. I think any full bottles I decide to buy of the November releases can wait until January. As long as they're not selling out, I don't mind waiting! And I have a fb of Glitter Kissed on the way, I'm thinking that will very likely be my go-to holiday scent for December:)

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For as long as she has the stock, yes.

:cat690:Hehe...I've been saving them - they're perfect for storing jewelry and other little trinkets that might easily be lost ^_^



Alright. I couldn't wait for the Nov NR samples to arrive...too eager to get in an order of FBs before the 25th deadline:

Had to get Allumette plus a back up - SURE I will love after all the reviews! AND I LOVE PM for work and home and, well, anywhere really! Only realized today that this is a V2...

LP Black!

Sex & Violins w/a boost of cops - just seemed natural

Back ups of:

Wink at the Moon


Rocket Fuel - love it with the SS4W!

Compromising Positions

Edited by NuTrix
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OK. Final addict's - eh...er...- Love Potion enthusiast's order prior to January...I got my monthly sampler and X Appeal isn't quite FB for me, but neither was the scented Sexology version. Unexpectedly LOVED Absinthe of Malice and La Silphide - really REALLY happy about La Sylphide because I ADORE LFM :heart: I needed - yeah, I know - some UNs so my stock pile should be perfect now - or at least for now... :rolleyes:

So final stock pile is as follows -


Absinthe of Malice

La Sylphide

Un Sexology

UN Levitation

Un Perfect Match

Un Lumina (spray/mad scientist)


Almost went for Tickle Tickle but I still have Fuzzy Wuzzy and prefer that one. I get a strong vick's type vapor rub thing going on first thing and that brings up horrid memories - by no fault of the perfume though... The way Aja lasts...I think my samples will be good for quite a few miles so I held off on that one. It still needs some experimentation miles anyway! OH - and the Sex & Violins with the cops add in? AWESOME! My hubby isn't terribly fond of the scent but this is one I got for me so I'll just have to wear it when we aren't together :heart708: Would've thrown in more Allumette but that sucker must've BLOWN off the shelves! I blinked and it was GONE! :omgwtf: I got some delicious PE sniffies that I couldn't find - which is good because it saved me some $$$ :lol: Darn sniffies!

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So my last-minute order is in...so much for waiting until January! La Sylphide had to be full bottle, after reading so many great reviews I was afraid it would sell out! Plus now I have straight Est coming, and a sample of LP Red because I've been wanting to try it forever, and just didn't think I could wait until January. I think I'm just going to have to avoid the new releases for the first few months of the year, so that I can catch up on the older scents I want full bottles of!

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So my last-minute order is in...so much for waiting until January! La Sylphide had to be full bottle, after reading so many great reviews I was afraid it would sell out!

Hehe - me too - glad I'm not alone :lol:

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Would've thrown in more Allumette but that sucker must've BLOWN off the shelves! I blinked and it was GONE!

It is an incredibly popular scent; like Flying Potion and OCCO: Ambrosia, I think it will always sell out quickly

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cougar and la femme mystere pheromas samples, and forum freebie samples of Allumette and Love Potion Original

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OHMYGOSH. Funny little tidbit I forgot to share...


When I got my order on Saturday, the mail currier was a different one than my usual fella - hehe - who's used to all my crazy orders. She needed me to sign for the package and commented that it must be a pretty important little package if I have to sign for it - to which I answered a bit dubiously that it was "Loooove Potion" - and I admit, I may have been drooling a bit and a little crazy eyed when I saw the package.... Well! By the look on her face I knew she went strait to the gutter and I laughed and quickly added that it was perfume! But before she left she raised and eye brow and smiling, said, "Well - you have fun with that now!" and giggled as she left. You know I DO believe she thought we were up to no good here :smiley-laughing024:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a laundry list of samples that I'm just not sure about in that they look like they would like me but I'm just still too new to know for sure. I decided I am going to get that back up of cop'd Sex & Violins too ^_~


I'm going to go out on a limb, based on reviews, and get a bottle of Raven Moon. One that caught my eye was the reference to RM being like S&V's little sister... Does anyone have any thoughts to share on that one???


And of course there will be the other January goodies...:D

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Interesting...and thank you! I'm piqued about the idea of it reminding you f LPB Molls. I've never sniffled Autumn Equinox 2010 or the original RM though :( I looks foodie and/or resin-y and maybe it will be neither... :D

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It looks like I'll be needing Apparition, Cauldron Cake and Pumpkin Souffle, just for starters!


I'm also crossing my fingers that Mara opens up the Private Editions ordering page along with the rest of it on Jan. 1 -- I haz been making PLANS...

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I definitely want more G2, B2 and/or Teddy BB. I have not tried my Focus potion yet.

I'll definitely get some Buxom Bows and Snow Musk. If the trials continue I will want a trial of Empathy & Harmony..


what Phero trials did everyone else love??

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I need a new bottle of LFM Spray. It's really sad when I ask what the date is and then calculate how many more days til LP opens again. .Fuck the New Years Countdown HOW MANY MORE HOURS TIL WE GET MARA AND CO BACK???

How soon do you need it LV. Are you in dire straights?
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Glitter Kissed. And probably most of the NRs.

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Halo has me hoarding my gold for... whatever!...Total and complete anticipation here!.


Can you see my eyes bugging from my head through my writing? Seriously - can you? Cuz it feels like it.... :hubbahubba::w00t::lol2:

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