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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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Well, I ordered a sampler AND got full bottles anyway. I love the labels and sure hope these will work for me! I got FBs of Curiosity's, Animal Cracker, Ebil-ish, Warm and Toasty and A Wake. Yes, I went crazy. But.... It's Halloween! Just about my favorite month! (Besides Christmas)

I wanted LP Red, but it's going to have to wait now:(

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I showed tremendous restraint!

I was compelled to get a FB of Animal Crackers unsniffed and trials of A Wake and Curiosities.

I'm still carving out my list of next sugared - trying to decide on the next 10/12...it's SO hard when there are so many to choose from that I have to have :D

And I still want my Lace (x2 or x3? decisions, decisions)

I would order so much more if it were not for my, seemingly, chronic indecision :Emoticons04287:

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I wanna get back into getting sampler sets, the last set I got was the Crayon collection in March?? Idk, and I still haven't sampled all of those yet. Things have slowed up a lil for me these days so might get Oct sampler set, last Oct was a surprise homerun where I discovered FP and other goodies.

Not gonna go crazy on the Sugareds yet, maybe 5 raved about ones (strawberry??) I dunno, been avoiding temptation and skipping Sugared threads. I still have an the entire phero list to experiment with, hopefully this year I can get the ball rolling on that collection.



Well that was a no brainer, just took a second good look and ordered the Oct sampler, this is a 11/11 must have set.

Edited by Cherise
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Well, I went nuts and ordered FOUR FREAKING SETS of the new Sugared Layerables


I envision scattering the bottles across my bed and then rolling on top of them like a crazed cat with catnip :DMuhahaaaaaaaa


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I envision scattering the bottles across my bed and then rolling on top of them like a crazed cat with catnip :DMuhahaaaaaaaa


Isn't it normal for us to do that with all LPs? :Emoticons04263: Or I hope so, bc I feel like that when I'm going thru my small stash - as in, "my lovely LPs, which perfect one should I pick to start my soon to be perfect day?" And then of course refreshing or layering later. :)

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I just wanted to come in here and say I miss you fucking bitches!

I have my order pending still.. all this drama with my mama and then my Jude gets impetigo whatever the fuck that is. IAMDONEFORTHESEASON.



We miss you too!!! How is Jude's back?
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It's the ringworm thing, poor kiddo! It's so hard to keep them from touching ALL THE THINGS at that age.




We miss you too!!! How is Jude's back?



Ugh It will get better I hope!

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I was wondering where you had gone off to Lady V!


Well I finally placed my order...went with what I knew I couldn't live without...Feed the Flowers, Red Fyre, Punky and samp of Black. I used my forum credits and I am hoping I did it right. It has been awhile since I did that and it seemed weird for some reason. We wrote in what we are redeeming for? I don't remember that for some reason. Oh well I THINK the elf is retired until next sale right? So that's one thing I don't have to worry about but still...

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I have shown enormous restraint so far and have not ordered! I adore the labels but I read ebilish is different so I'm telling myself I can live without. I'm really hanging on by my nails waiting to order melts when they appear. I can't wait!! But yeah, I should maybe get a sampler huh...lol

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I have shown enormous restraint so far and have not ordered! I adore the labels but I read ebilish is different so I'm telling myself I can live without. I'm really hanging on by my nails waiting to order melts when they appear. I can't wait!! But yeah, I should maybe get a sampler huh...lol

Oh I would....it is so soap good this month!! But haven't ordered in a few months so it was extra über exciting for me. Sometimes it's good to skip it then it is so exciting!! That said .....this is NOT the month to skip!!!!!


Eta: "so good" not "soap good" I just woke up and barely had a sip if coffee.

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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As soon as I make up my mind on my next set of sugareds, I'm going to order 1 set of those and - hopefully - a FB of Curiosities and a back up of Animal Crackers :)

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I'm so happy that September is over because I was rapidly approaching my 4th order for the month. Now I can start fresh in October and not feel a twinge of guilt!


I'm waiting for my last order to come in (12 items I think) to see if I want any refills to go on my new list. But I dunno if I can wait... my ordering finger is getting mighty itchy.


Currently on my list:

Sweet Surrender (Again! This is soooooo perfect on my skin.)

Love Potion #9 (Not my usual scent, but there's something very awesome about it)

Lina's White Velvet Rose (Fell in love with the sample... it's on my Artfire hit list)

Beth's Blushing Milkmaid

Sugared Plumeria

Ebil-ish 2014 (waiting for my sample set to see what else I want from this group)

UN Levitation



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I'm so happy that September is over because I was rapidly approaching my 4th order for the month. Now I can start fresh in October and not feel a twinge of guilt!

:Emoticons04263: I feel the same way, I am determined to be SUPER DUPER CAREFUL from here on out. I went a little nuts during the sale and then the snowball just kept rolling!

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LP Addiction status = full blown. I have 2 combined orders on way (described in a post above), must. wait. before another order. Just rec'd 2 swap/ sales and have one going out / another one coming in. :Emoticons04263:


And yet the past 3 nights I keep loading up my cart -luckily not checking out yet. Sorry, guess this isn't an LP addict confessional post - so will ensure to add on topic.


On topic - stalking next - BANG, BBM, LP Black samples, backup FB LP Pink, Sugared Cherries and/or Strawberries (plus list above), Flying Potion samples, and a couple of the Oct NRs if I can swing it. Still catching up on June and July items. :Love09751:

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Order placed! I ended up with bottles of Animal Crackers, Curiosities (total surprise!), Horny, and Warm and Toasty. Looking over the selection, I see a butter theme! I can't wait to get these -- nights are getting colder and longer, work is getting more and more intense, and I need all this foodie goodness to keep me warm and sane.

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OK. After a LOT of picking and re-picking...

I ordered a FB of Curiosities and FINALLY made my next picks for the sugareds.



Bonfire - been drooling over this FOREVER






Oak Moss

Pink Musk


and the 2 freebies

French Vanilla - SO hard for me to choose WHICH vanilla between the Vanilla, French and Bean...




Edited by NuTrix
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I wanted to order me, and more OW though I just got a new FB, plus a good handful of the resin type sugards but the hurricane is preventing me from shopping on things that didn't get destroyed. This only means my next order will be bigger because my wish list will grow daily LOL

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Ordered UN Swimming With Sharks and UN Sexpionage and a sample of Flying Potion 2014.

Can't wait to try out the Sexpionage on the BF next time he's in town! I'm thinking of pairing it with his fave scent, Sunflowers (a commercial scent), so he won't see it coming -- I think he's definitely starting to associate the LP scent with pheros, (he even used the word "pherobomb" once!) so I want to use a scent that he does not associate in any way with cops and pheros.




(edited for spelling)

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Many great scents this month, my samples are good as gone but the one I need the most is A Wake, I might need to do more research on the 60/40 split I've read about in the past but I've heard Dolly and one or two others recommend it. If I didn't have so many bottles of FP 2013, '14 would be on my list and I wear it so often I gotta pace myself so I don't go scent blind. Ahh but I get my second bottle of The Garage today, my crack of lp's, so happy.


Hmm can't find the info of the 60/40 combo I'm interested in for Awake, (I think it's 60 parts scillicon 40 parts alcohol) also not sure how to go about ordering it? Never ordered a 60/40 before so do I make that request in the notes section when making a purchase??

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Tues is payday. Whoop! I'm finally gettin my mug on a bottle of Sugared Blueberries( :D ) prooobably in a spray cause how often does a person get they're FACE on an LP?? Word!!

Also a roll on of Sugared White Musk, and one of my forum sample requests will be Feed the Flowers. Dunno what the other one will be yet. I'm curious about more sugars....can those be requested as samples or no?

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Well, there's been at least two people who've appeared on a LP label twice, that I can think of.


The Sugareds only come in bottles (5ml - 10ml - 30ml spray).

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EEEEP! My precious LPs have been in my post box since FRIDAY and I only checked mail today - shame on me! I cant believe I allowed such a thing to happen!!! So of course now I'm going mad snuffling all my new sugareds! :D Mmmmmmmmm.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm really hoping Mara makes un pheros available again because I really want to try out a sample of teddy BB on its own! Then I have some sugareds on my list to buy.. then actually probably only a few samples of the pheros. When I first discovered LPMP I went crazy trying out all the pheros... now I think I've got an idea of what pheros works best with me and tend to stick to those. (I sound like the most boring person ever- teddy bb, sws, treasured hearts, lumina)

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Guest cutie.pie

She said she will. I think she said they will be available in dropper bottles in oil, except the new energy phero we will get with the monthly sampler pack, that one will be in spray ;)

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maiea, I don't think you sound boring, you are telling your truth the way you currently experience it. This may well be your body chemistry at work. I'm a nurse, Mom...people have always come to me with their problems, people have always trusted me. I don't need a blend that encourages emotional sharing. I'm guessing that my body makes the pheromones for that in droves. What I do need, however, are dominance and grounding pheromones, and so I am concentrating on those. However, when my hubby wore TMI recently as an experiment, I felt super close to him and we had an amazing time.


Sure, it's fun and enriching to try them all eventually, but it's also ok to decide that a certain mix didn't enrich you and those around you.

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Without sniffing I'd guess FBs of Dom Noire, Living Doll and Unisexy for starters :D But I ordered the sampler so the list may grow...

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Out of this months I'm into trying Lightning in a Bottle, Secret Sweetness,Living Doll and Beautiful Dreamer.

,,I'm wondering if Living Doll is in any way akin to Babe in the Woods?

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