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Stalk Talk!


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I say Monday because then I officially become the answer to life, the universe and everything. So it's all about me and I love Halloween the mostest.

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Ooh. Mara, what are the chances of the phero testers from last year making a comeback?


I was wondering this too. It was great to try all those last year. I think I ordered like 10.


LOL I was going to post here asking if it was too early to be stalking the NOV. releases. Looks like not.

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We can stalk already??? I don't know if I can handle 3 weeks of stalking. That's an awful lot of stalking... Oh, what the hay... :ph34r: I've already spent a ridiculous amount of time daydreaming about what awesomeness might be in store for us.

By phero testers, are you ladies talking about the Pick Your Potion thing?

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That's right, forget the insane undertaking of Pheromas, let's talk about the insane undertaking of MAJOR THEME JANUARY! :lol:

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DD...last year,they were 5 and 6 ml sample sprayers of unscented pheros :D perfect to decide what you like/want


@_@ SO THERE. I've been wanting to try out some pheros on their own because there's a few in perfumes where the scent doesn't agree with me!

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Oh yeah! I did get 10 last year but still regretted skipping a few...most notably UN Cougar! Been dying to try that with something other than Sparkle Fuschia.

Hmmm...what else? Empathy...

I need to get some of those pippette things so I can refill last years little sample thingies too.


Oh! Still hoping for a Sexology scent.

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Squee! This year I'm going to try Leather, MLH (for our WDW trip) and PP and Cougar (because I want to try the social pheros in a spray). Maybe a couple for Shadow if he stops being an ass.

Edited by skye
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Mara will the Dec for Jan 2013 scents be ready before the end of the world on Dec 21?

haha made me laugh..but Im wondering the same..I cant get that date out of my mind since I watched something on tv

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