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Leather--Unscented in Alcohol

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Okay. That would be useful for my boyfriend. He knows better than to challenge me but he challenges my boyfriend something fierce.

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Funny you mention that because when I wore this the other day our Lab was stuck to me like velcro all flipping day and I could not figure out why, but now I know....weird how the dogs like this one


Not only was the Lab stuck like glue to me, I had hourly workers following me around all day while wearing this at work....I liked it

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  • 4 months later...

Tried my sample spray of this today around the house, and man, did I get some work done that I've been putting off for ages! I remember some people saying they like Dominance for workouts and such, so I thought, "Hmm, maybe some Leather will give me some pep in my step." Tackled that mess of a closet I've been putting off FOREVER, cooked up a storm, including a dessert and re-organized my linen closet! And, so weird, just like others mentioned above, the dog is glued to my side, cat could care less, tho.


But I think I gotta be careful with this one around others, especially that T.O.M. I happened to glance out the window, just in time to see someone park practically on the next car's back bumper, and then dump out their coffee mug out on the street. Wanted to go outside and tell 'em what an ignorant slob they were, sheesh. :Blusher:


I'm gonna try this one next for a workout, I think it will kick ass, as long as it doesn't make me want to kick someone else's ass, lol!

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Tried my sample spray of this today around the house, and man, did I get some work done that I've been putting off for ages! I remember some people saying they like Dominance for workouts and such, so I thought, "Hmm, maybe some Leather will give me some pep in my step." Tackled that mess of a closet I've been putting off FOREVER, cooked up a storm, including a dessert and re-organized my linen closet! And, so weird, just like others mentioned above, the dog is glued to my side, cat could care less, tho.


But I think I gotta be careful with this one around others, especially that T.O.M. I happened to glance out the window, just in time to see someone park practically on the next car's back bumper, and then dump out their coffee mug out on the street. Wanted to go outside and tell 'em what an ignorant slob they were, sheesh. :Blusher:


I'm gonna try this one next for a workout, I think it will kick ass, as long as it doesn't make me want to kick someone else's ass, lol!


I'm with you on this one.., wrong time of month, and Leather turns me into a teetotaling bitch! :lol:

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Interesting... I thought maybe I was "over-reacting" to the phero-effect because I experienced a similar "Hey, Dude, your ignorance is showing" response. Maybe we need to titrate down our dose? BTW, I do not typically experience that reaction with Dominance.

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Interesting... I thought maybe I was "over-reacting" to the phero-effect because I experienced a similar "Hey, Dude, your ignorance is showing" response. Maybe we need to titrate down our dose? BTW, I do not typically experience that reaction with Dominance.

Hmm, I only tried one spray to my chest, haven't tried Dominance yet. Do you like Dominance for workouts?
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Sprite, I do use Dominance for workouts as it does seem to give an added edge to the workout :) And, that is about all I currently utilize it for. My Beloved really does not react well to Dom; if I wear it around him, we invariably have a row and since I do not feel like encouraging such nasty reactions from him, my Dom is reserved for my workouts only.


On the other hand, when I worked with groups of challenging young men, I used it quite frequently; almost daily, in fact. And it was absolutely perfect for those groups!


And I did use slightly more than you... Two spritzes from the trial spray. One day I'll try it again :). Just need a couple of hours when it won't matter if I develop less than my usual tolerance for mishagos :)

Edited by Chaionlife
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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

There is hug potential of phero and related blends for healing,


I agree! I am very interested in the self-effects of these phero blends and in some cases, I am interested in them as healing aids. Pheros that can affect my mood are also affecting my thoughts -- when i feel happy, I have happy thoughts. Which means that I am helping myself to break out of some 'thought ruts' -- thought ruts can be very difficult to change. And with my use of Heart and Soul, I was able to feel connected to people instead of distancing myself with my usual self-conscious, me-thinking BS. I believe that pheros can help with breaking old and forming new "habits of thought". Just getting some relief from harmful thought-habits would be extremely beneficial especially to someone like my son, who deals with an extremely well-established pain-body. Pheros that could calm him and allow him to feel normal (and possibly even happy) without pharmas or recreationals (drugs) could help him to develop a different baseline of "normal" -- by giving him some relief from negative and anxious thoughts/feelings and allowing him some space to think and feel calm, relaxed, and accepting.


The more you feel something, the more accustomed you become to feeling that way and the more real it feels to feel it.

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I agree! I am very interested in the self-effects of these phero blends and in some cases, I am interested in them as healing aids. Pheros that can affect my mood are also affecting my thoughts -- when i feel happy, I have happy thoughts. Which means that I am helping myself to break out of some 'thought ruts' -- thought ruts can be very difficult to change. And with my use of Heart and Soul, I was able to feel connected to people instead of distancing myself with my usual self-conscious, me-thinking BS. I believe that pheros can help with breaking old and forming new "habits of thought". Just getting some relief from harmful thought-habits would be extremely beneficial especially to someone like my son, who deals with an extremely well-established pain-body. Pheros that could calm him and allow him to feel normal (and possibly even happy) without pharmas or recreationals (drugs) could help him to develop a different baseline of "normal" -- by giving him some relief from negative and anxious thoughts/feelings and allowing him some space to think and feel calm, relaxed, and accepting.


The more you feel something, the more accustomed you become to feeling that way and the more real it feels to feel it.

If you do want to try to give him something that might help, remember young men generally have plenty of hormones. Give him something light and simple. Like split a dose of Ow or single DHEAS shot between 2 bottles. you could give one to each of your boys as a gift. Or I think Vahalla is still around.

He may also benefit from a counselor, they often just need a neutral, outside person as a sounding board.

Edited by StacyK
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I am loving this phero blend. I had my Nola spiked with it and a few minutes after putting it on I got that vibe of Peggy Lee's " I'm a Woman". Capable and in charge but in a feminine way.



This has been my phero of choice this week. Really enjoying the happy feeling without the vulnerable. Nice!


Thanks for the good news regarding Leather. I hope to have it in my hot little hands tomorrow once the post arrives - can't wait to test it!




The more you feel something, the more accustomed you become to feeling that way and the more real it feels to feel it.


Well stated! Pheros are a good vehicle to that end.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I have UnLeather in roller -- my last order was a few pheros all in roller just b/c of price. As I get more adept (and can save money) will be making and buying sprays to test all in that way.


Ok unto review - and have a mini-review for this in this other thread re: Leather or Cougar at: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8247&page=1&&do=findComment&comment=278137


I may repeat a bit here for those who don't want to go to link but want the skinny. Have tested twice - no targets in mind so no info there - will repost once have worn out. So far, really loving this for the selfies. I feel strong, confidant and super sexy. I slathered myself (I'm not out so felt ok to skip my usual of just dabbing) with a nice lollipop and inside elbow pulse points.


Bought this bc was afraid DOM would be too 'strong' and thought 1st go would be UnLeather. (FYI wanting to get DOM too - just had to pick & choose at order time). Anyhooo - helps me focus and get things done. I typically am not a great housekeeper just bc I can't prioritize - well - now I can! Also have to re-start my working out almost every day for variety of reasons and though haven't had opp to wear for that just yet - will be doing that tonight as well bc I am 'feeing' it vs. my usual 'thinking @ doing it'.


I love the self-confidence I feel - sometimes I can be a bit 'apologetic-y' (not a real word) about certain things or whatever, but I totally feel like - "I'll get this done when I get it done and others can just wait for me until I am ready." type of vibe that I'm not used to but have envied. And I don't mean in a bitchy way, just probably in a more 'take care of self' way vs. my usual of putting own needs last (not sure where/ how / why I do that as I consider myself a strong woman & others do too).


I tend to have long-ass posts, but like to give as much info as I can to help others. I would not have ordered Leather on my own, it was other's 'intel' on their experiences that drew me to it - and soooo very happy I ordered! Leather and I get along VERY well so far - this is going to be a very regular one for me. And yes, plan on going for DOM in my very next order - along with backup Leather. :D

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  • 2 months later...

I have this in a spray and it is FANTASTIC! It gives me drive to get things done! It gives me confidence and strength but with a feminine edge. The phrase that comes to mind is an iron fist in a velvet glove. I guess it would depend on your interpretation of that phrase but I think it works. All I know is that I feel like this pushes me, in a positive way, to do things that I need to get done, even the crappy things. It removes the hesitation I normally have, which always stops me in my tracks and causes me to over analyze EVERYTHING. This is a just do it pheromone. I usually spritz my hair 2-3 times and it probably gets on my shirt as well.

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I have both! If you like Dom you'll probably like Leather. I love having the options! It all depends on your mood but Yes! IMO Leather rocks, so does Dom just in a slightly different way.

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I've only tested DOM once so not much to report - sorry, but I ADORE Leather. I haven't worked out in (not telling been waaay too long), and workouts are my therapy.


So I put on Leather a few hrs ago, going to reapply about an hr before workout. Leather has other uses but it is my 'go to' for getting my butt to yoga class.


When I tested DOM (only once so have to test more), I did NOT want to go to Yoga (even though I do Bikram which some consider 'hard core'), I wanted to go lift weights at a gym. Or boxing. Something kick-ass.


Only I don't have gym membership right now and w/ not working out in awhile the kind of workout I wanted to do (kickboxing or something aggressive) I prob couldn't get thru much of it. That stuff is hard, punching and kicking a boxing bag for 30 seconds straight takes a lot more cardio than you'd think!


Anyhow, I'd say both are good - they are different for me. DOM has inspired me to take kickboxing (used to take classes ages ago) and add that into routine so I don't get bored w/ workouts. :D


I know they have other uses, but I need motivation - so I have it in a bottle now. Thanks again to my LPs.

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Thanks, both of you. This is very interesting indeed. I'm still not sure I want to go for a UN sample bottle or keep my fingers crossed for a perfume enhanced with Leather to appear as an NR. Ah, well, I still have a few weeks to think about this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been using Leather off and on for about 6 months now. When I first got it I wasn't sure if it would fit my personality or be a blend that I could use. Essentially, it is Dominance with some girlie thrown in. I'm all about the girlie thing and I love the self effects I get from Leather! It helps me to be more assertive and get things done without feeling like a domineering bi-atch. I have worn it around other people, but haven't tested it with them to see how it affects those around me. In my opinion it is a blend that is very useful to have in ones arsenal! The four ingredients in Leather are the same first four ingredients as in Audacious. I think that's why I love my Audacious so much...;)

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On me Aud is a sexier (cop load), giddy version of Leather. Occasionally I just spray on some DHEAS with my Leather to get a similar effect without all the cops.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

I don't know why I haven't tried this yet but leather+workout=awesome sauce, now to conquer the rest of my day.

With a torn calf I discovered the only cardio I can do is stationary bike, which is my very least favorite form of excercise, I was hauling some serious ass today on the bike. Of course now my arse is a bit sore but at least after 4 months of little exercise I got a good burn on.

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I'm curious to try this after reading all the comments. Mainly because I think it could be useful with a very difficult family member who is aggressive and likes to browbeat people. I plan to eventually order a trial of phero-enchanced Dominance, but that phero might be a bit too much for my personality (we'll see). So I'm interested in the somewhat softened quality of Leather, which could still give me a stronger and more authoritative presence with her. (Not that I'm a shrinking violet around her, but I'd love to give off more of a "respect me and watch yourself" vibe.)

Edited by Witty Kitty
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  • 4 months later...

Finally broke open my Trial sized pheroma bottle of UN Leather. I've been a bit daunted by it because I have a very quiet, easygoing, meek personality. I was afraid even Leather would be too incongruent to work for me, or that it might flip my b*tch switch (I do have one of those. I know because LFM flips it for me almost every time lol)


However, it has been an awesome day. No b*tchy mood, no aggravation. I am calm and in control of my sh*t and not putting up with anybody else's. Leather also turned the dick I married into a proper Richard.


10/10, going full bottle first chance I get.

Edited by Memorare
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Finally broke open my Trial sized pheroma bottle of UN Leather. I've been a bit daunted by it because I have a very quiet, easygoing, meek personality. I was afraid even Leather would be too incongruent to work for me, or that it might flip my b*tch switch (I do have one of those. I know because LFM flips it for me almost every time lol)


However, it has been an awesome day. No b*tchy mood, no aggravation. I am calm and in control of my sh*t and not putting up with anybody else's. Leather also turned the dick I married into a proper Richard.


10/10, going full bottle first chance I get.

Some men REALLY respond to Leather & Dom. It's crazy. All men act (advertise) like they will piss their pants if we are not "little Mary sunshine", But, I guess 'some' really do want us in the drivers seat. It just takes experience to find out who's who. Of course the most important thing is what you want? I don't believe in 100% conversion to pleases ANYONE. Because, in the end, that will fall apart. But, if you enjoy it, work it. A smidgen of cops with those blends is fun too.


They also make excellent social & work mixes. I generally do better with Dom or Leather than SWS.

SWS is ok and, on me, I put it in the category with MLH. Though, I get more selfies with MLH. In the end it's going to be down to a YMMV thing.

I do find it best to evaluate the blends w/o a lot of preconceived notions.

Funnily enough, for me, I've found im pretty sensitive to ENONE. That can "flip my switch" or at least give me a vague throb, in my head. So I'm more cautious with the sexy alfas. They can make my jaw tight. I can't even wear Mega Watt at all. It gives me "coke jaw". lol.


Again, try out what feels good. If your SO becomes :relaxing: and you like it, Enjoy!

Edited by StacyK
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I have a bottle coming my way and am excited to test run it at the office. I am looking for something that helps me get a vibe that says "please spare me the bullshit and just get your work done like a grown-up". People know that they can get away with a lot if they are charming about it, and lately it's been a bit much and I feel taken advantage of, and that makes me grumpy.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've been hoarding my UN Leather from myself - LOL - but that's only bc my bottle is low and will have to re order a FB soon.


I don't think Leather has flipped by bitch-switch ever, but I'm very conservative since I only wear it to work out and know that heat/ sweat could amplify things. Love this, do not personally like DOM though.

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  • 3 months later...

I don't wear Leather often as it feels too powerful for comfort, and can tip me into being super short tempered, especially if I haven't slept enough. Yesterday that was the case but I felt it was work the risk. Some may recall the insufferable condescending, patronizing, know-it-all, authority-by-disagreement SO of my good friend. Knew I'd be seeing him yesterday, so I Leathered him (a tiny thin grudging blob from the only Leather I have, a vial of the heavenly Absinthe of Malice). Though it still did not make me a huge fan of his, thanks clearly to the Leather he acted almost completely like a normal person, with only the tiniest, occasional shadings of condescension - nothing compared to his usual way - and thus he did not enrage me into wanting to strangle him the way he usually does. LPMP: Saving Lives Since 19**

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  • 7 months later...

I looked to see if I could find this in Oil ...


I am not wearing UN ... I am wearing Leather in oil in a scented blend but it's my first time ever trying this phero. I should be in a bad mood today. I really should. But I am just in a really good-ish mood and can only pin point it on Leather. Can't wait to see how the rest of my day goes though I am in an office alone for the most part and have no real contact with people to test run ... if this is supposed to make ME happier than normal ... it's working.

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It's been ages, like 4-5 years, since I last wore my bottle of 60/40 UN Leather. Dug it out recently and wore it for my runs. I don't know if it's because of that (and the combination of yoga recently), I'm running faster, breaking my personal 10km record.


I wore 3 sprays on my chest and my shoulder so, hopefully, I'm exposed to the effects. I don't feel like some big time bad ass or spunky self effects and will try to bring it out for a spin in a non office environment sometime.

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  • 7 months later...

This has quickly become my go-to phero. Just knowing I have it on makes me feel like Queen Bee and gives me some serious swagger, makes me feel more like me. I am definitely alpha but I struggle with depression and anxiety that makes me feel like an empty shadow, compounded especially by hormones. This has truly been a lifesaver since I've started playing with the UN. Helps me get a handle on the false nature of depressive thoughts and remember that I'm the shit!! The hits I get with this are awesome too - I have been wearing it when I know I'm going to see people who are holier-than-thou and it turns them super friendly if not downright deferential. A spritz of Pop Potion on top and I am a total celebrity.


Was wearing an extra drop of this with Bad Girl Leather and OCCO Black (my first outdoor trial of that one) & that spritz of Pop yesterday and I swear the masses parted for me as I walked down the street. Got more DIHL than I could count, mostly from super pretty way younger dudes. Not my type at all, but I'll take the confirmation that this shit is the bomb! And it drives the Mr. BANANAS. He cannot stop staring all googly-eyed and telling me how gorgeous and powerful and fierce I am (why yes, thank you!). He's also alpha and already super mega handsy and cuddly but this drives him into peacocking protective mode, like he wants to show the world we are together and fierce and everybody better get out the way! Teamwork makes the dream work! I will never be without Leather, never ever ever ever.

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Was wearing an extra drop of this with Bad Girl Leather and OCCO Black (my first outdoor trial of that one) & that spritz of Pop yesterday and I swear the masses parted for me as I walked down the street. Got more DIHL than I could count, mostly from super pretty way younger dudes. Not my type at all, but I'll take the confirmation that this shit is the bomb! And it drives the Mr. BANANAS. He cannot stop staring all googly-eyed and telling me how gorgeous and powerful and fierce I am (why yes, thank you!). He's also alpha and already super mega handsy and cuddly but this drives him into peacocking protective mode, like he wants to show the world we are together and fierce and everybody better get out the way! Teamwork makes the dream work! I will never be without Leather, never ever ever ever.


This is so sweet! He sounds like an awesome dude, too.

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  • 4 months later...

I am very Leather cautious, despite Halo and Stacy repeatedly telling me not to worry. If I were to wear some UN Leather from the pherotine bottle, woould we say 3 drops? 5? I know it's wildly subjective but I feel experimental today.

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