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Stalk Talk!


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Some people are guessing better than others. ;)


Was it me Luna, huh, huh, huh?? Okay, I know you'll never tell...but have we told you lately how much we love you? How great we think you are? How smart you are? And that without you, we would all be lost? :D



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You know, I'm a woman...which means that, yes, I appreciate a good asskissing just like anyone else. :D

However, I don't expect anyone to make a habit of it. :P

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I would love to see something like Dolce far Niente or La vie de Bohemme Femme (scentwise, different phero) come back. I love phero enhanced fragrances that lend well to pairing. Glistening Buttons also sounds like something i would have liked.

ETA-Oh, and Super for Women sounds like it was great too. I missed out on too many fabulous things!

Edited by mcreepers
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I would love to see something like Dolce far Niente or La vie de Bohemme Femme (scentwise, different phero) come back.

Oh, definitely these two scents, pheros or not! I can always add my own choice of pheromones if I have to, but the scents are to die for!!

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lol email me your number and I will...I don't want them released until next week either actually, I just got sucked into Vicki Secret sweater sale...


LOL! I could wait a week too. Someone twisted my arm into a purchase this weekend. (And by "someone," I mean me. And by "arm twisted," I mean happened onto a website. :lol: )

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lol email me your number and I will...I don't want them released until next week either actually, I just got sucked into Vicki Secret sweater sale...


Thanks MDC! I emailed you!


Glad to see others that are fine with waiting till next week for NR's!!

Edited by Mrschrissyrez
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I surely do hope everyone is safe on the east coast, but I really would like to see the NRs this week. (Plz no tomato throwing :-)).


It's my 1st Nov release and I have already spent oodles of time plotting out my order of the known wants and plenty of guessing what I could want. Dang this is FUN!


ETA: I just saw some more hurricane updates and now feel like a greedy schmiegel. Of course I hope everyone is ok first. Hugs to you MrsC!

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I've been away for a while LP ladies, missing you lots, but here I am stalking again ....


I was just thinking about you this week, wondering how you were and if you were married yet : )

I was wondering about you too!!!! (between stalkings of course)

HEY, GABY!!! :heart:

hi to all of you!....we had to postpone the wedding, but hopefully if the world doesn't end this year we'll be married by early 2013, yeiiiii! I've been missing you lots, all my LP ladies...


Sigo stalkeando...stalkeando..stalkeando...


Good to see you again! I was wondering if you had abandoned us for the married life.


Stalk dirty to me!!


If you insist ... I want to stalk you all over ... and over again ...


Soooo....who wants to guess what I've been scribing about today, hmm? What do you think our fragrant genius magicked this month for our slathering pleasure?

*giggles and runs away*


Don't bite, it will only encourage her ....


OMG!!! You evil evil scribe you!!!!

You are so very lucky to know what's going on!!!!!

I shall not attempt to guess!!!!


Too late ...

Edited by quietguy
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Actually I think the 3rd or 4th of November will be better...cause I may not have power! How am I supposed to order my LP's if I have no power! Sound good Mara? ;)

LOL, I'm on the fence about when I want to see the NR's... On one hand, I want them RIGHT NOW, but on the other, the longer I have, the more $$ I can save, so I can buy MOAR! It's a horrible dilemma lol.


And I hope you're safe misschrissyrez!

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Ok..." the stalkings" has caused QG to lose his his damn mind...he's all quoting people from April.

Yeah apparently so. :P

I'm hard at work for Da Mara, your patience is appreciated as always. :)

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I'm praying for all the East Coasters and for the safety of QGs mind.

I predict labels today because I know Mara will not want to throw the NRs out when we are all trick or treating, because I really love LP, but I really love Halloween.. She would never make us choose.. LP or Chocolate and Costumes????


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