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De Luscious


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De Luscious

Ever longed for a fragrance which is absolutely delectable, delicate and delicious? We've combined all those desires into our breezy juicy scent for Spring. Embody a cool fruity aura with white nectarine and the tang of fresh rhubarb topped with just a splash of pomegranate and an undercurrent of sheer silken amber and pale musk. Deeeelightful!




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:

WHITE NECTARINE ~ Love. Promotes fertility, happiness, and abundance. A symbol of marriage. Longevity, wishes granted.

POMEGRANATE ~ Divination, luck, wishes granted, wealth, fertility.
RHUBARB ~ Protection, fidelity, willpower.
Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.




I tested a tiny bit of this on my hand yesterday. At my parent's house we sat and ate outside, there was a little breeze blowing and I kept smelling something so juicy and delicious. It was ME! Finally a peach that works on me! This was a perfect scent for yesterday, I kept getting this sweet smelling breeze and it lasted the whole entire day! The main note for me was the sweet juicy one, don't know if it is the nectarine or pom, I don't get any musk in this. I love that it's so long lasting and a little goes a long way. Another win from this month's AMAYzing collection!

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This is perfect!! I was worried that this would be too tart (I sometimes amp peachy things) but the nectarine is perfectly balanced with the musk and amber. I wasn't sure what rhubarb would smell like (never had the stuff) but I think I smell it in here. It gives it a little sweetness. The overall effect is a light but lush scent, perfect for the summertime. I love it!

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For me this is sexy fruit; the musk and amber really give a full-bodied aura to this, more sophisticated and sensual. The initial juicy/tangy quality is well-balanced with the base, which also helps to make it stick (since fruit notes tend to fade rather quickly on me).

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(since fruit notes tend to fade rather quickly on me).


Oh me too! Do you run hot usually? I always wonder if this is why volatile top notes disappear so fast on me but it's only a guess. I rarely get citrus for more than a few minutes in my most extreme cases. I'm really looking forward to getting a sample of this anyway.

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Citrus is one of those which will fade quickly no matter what; but because I'm dark-haired/oily-skinned the lighter-toned notes tend to disappear after a bit unless the base grounds them.

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I'd be interested to hear what part hair colour plays in it? I have never heard of that before.


ETA most people I know can hold citrus a fair while longer than I can which bums me out since I love it, but oh well, gotta love other stuff for its longevity instead :D

Edited by cinnamonmel
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Slathered on my sample this am. Well, I see that no amount of experience is going to improve my nose, as I shouted "PINEAPPLE!" and danced about, clapping my hands (not exaggerating...I love pineapple). It's very bright and cheerful on me, none of the resins (yet). Win.

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haha, I can see that, Tyvey...


I just love this one. Sweet, fruity, ambery goodness. I can see myself wearing this a lot...


ETA: this one LASTS, too! It was still there this morning!

Edited by Molls
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I have never smelled real rhubarb in my life and the outstanding tangy note I get with it is unlike anything I've smelled before. I don’t like heavy incense notes, so it worried me that I got some of it in the opening. It opens with an instant tangy and refreshing splash of nectarine and pomegranate, with an incensey note I get underneath, but it settles down pretty quickly and becomes fruity and bittersweet. If you are not into churchy incense, just let the incense stage pass and wait for the high pitched tang take over. The nectarine is fleshy and juicy, as well as pomegranate. It starts out slightly musky and it becomes a dominant note towards the end. I also get whiffs of translucent, sheer amber.


Overall, it is tangy and summery but it doesn’t lack depth, on the contrary it feels sophisticated and chic. I think this potion is perfect for night wear. Longevity is average, but it projects really well.

Edited by Gabylicious
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm wearing this for the first time today, and wow! is it awesome. When I first applied it was summery and fruity and juicy. I smelled awesome, so I told BF, "I smell awesome," and he took a sniff and said, "Why yes you DO!". :) Someone said above that a little goes a long way, and I find that to be true, too. I think I over-applied just a tad, but I wasn't really sorry. I'm even less sorry now that it's been about five hours and I can still smell fruity awesomeness mingling so closely and perfectly with the amber and musk.


I only have one or two perfumes left from this set to "day test", and I'm almost afraid to try them out, because so far, I've fallen in love with nearly every one. Actually, of the ones I've sampled for a full day, there is only one so far that I wasn't keen on, and it wasn't because of the scent, but because I got a headache from it.


I find fruity scents like this one to be highly addictive. They make *me* feel juicy and summery. :D

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This is lovely! What a perfect, juicy combintation. I didn't know I liked pomegranate and rhubarb, but now I know I do. This is another fruity winner for me. It really melds with my skin too, starts out as "cool fruits" and then becomes "warm fruits" if that makes sense... the fruits start to feel juicier, like my skin is dripping in freshly squeezed, thick, pulpy juice...

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  • 6 months later...

Love this! :)


I feel happy when i wear this one !

great for a general DAYtime! especially if you are having a fun outdoor day!

A clean/fruity/happy smell perfect for picnics or sitting in a field =)




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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Oooh this fruity musk is to die for!!!! The smell is soft, gentle, and very sexy. Just like warm skin. This is something I see myself grabbing over and over again during the warm months, so glad I got this in time for when spring comes around!

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  • 4 weeks later...



WHITE NECTARINE ~ Love. Promotes fertility, happiness, and abundance. A symbol of marriage. Longevity, wishes granted.

POMEGRANATE ~ Divination, luck, wishes granted, wealth, fertility.

RHUBARB ~ Protection, fidelity, willpower.

MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.

AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches


Ever longed for a fragrance which is absolutely delectable, delicate and delicious? We've combined all those desires into our breezy juicy scent for Spring. Embody a cool fruity aura with white nectarine and the tang of fresh rhubarb topped with just a splash of pomegranate and an undercurrent of sheer silken amber and pale musk. Deeeelightful!



I'm not great with fruits so I'll do my best with this one. Wet, this actually smells a lot like strawberries to me, which is interesting because there's none in there. It has a very jammy quality, like if you are making jam to can at home and you pour in the massive amounts of sugar and it's a very sweet strawberry scent. I can kind of smell the nectarine coming through in a juicy way.


I was actually looking to leave a review for this because I haven't used this as a perfume, but as a deodorant two nights in a row. It held up quite well to sweating, and even after five hours of intense work, it didn't quit. The second night it did result in an interesting plant-like smell at the end of the night. Not "green," but more like an essential oil scent rather than something very perfumey. Maybe it was the rhubarb that came out at that point? I did also notice that even though I'd taken a bath after work, the next day I went sans deodorant and I was good for most of the day, so I think there's something about perfumes and essential oils that helps inhibit bacterial growth with regular use. Maybe some of it sticks around unless it's vigorously scrubbed off?(which would make sense because it's in oil form.)


I do like this one, and I could see it being good by itself as a nice spring or summer scent.

I do recall someone saying Cops& Robbers is like a jelly donut, so I just pulled out my sniffy-- C&R is very cakey or donut-y on me, with very little jam. I think I would use these two together to add a little bit more oomph and juicy fruity filling to it.


I'm planning on continuing to test this because I have a sniffy and a sample of this. I also think I would, personally, keep an eye out for white nectarine, pomegranate, and rhubarb as notes.


This one is still available as of 4/22/2013 so that's always nice since a lot of the samples that have come my way are already sold out :) I'm not sure if I will full-bottle since I'm currently exploring resins and spices, but if a full bottle came my way either in trade or directly from LPMP it would likely be an easy fall-back bottle for me for those days when I want something good and light-ish, but don't want to put a lot of thought into which of the favorites I want to wear.


I think I might test this as a bed scent-- either slathering after bath before bed, or putting on my pillow or sheets by my head. I think it's something that would make me breath more deeply naturally, without distracting me from sleep. Like falling asleep underneath a beautiful garden bower.

Edited by MissHazel
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MissHazel, I don't know what the climate is like where you live, but De Luscious blooms really beautifully in warm weather, and even better when it's downright hot. If you have OCCO Ambrosia, it smells particularly good with De Luscious. ;)


And yes, some EOs do inhibit bacterial growth. I bathe with them regularly, (right now my two favourites are geranium and lavender, about 6 drops of G or 10 drops of Lav, straight in the bath water, and then stirred around to agitate), and rarely have to wear deodorant, and usually don't. As a plus, some EOs, (used in low dosages), are excellent for your skin. Geranium gives your skin a nice glow. Lavender is great for cell regeneration.

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Eggers, I've been meaning to get some more lavender. I used mine up last year in my humidifier when boyfriend had a very bad flu (we seem to get the flu once a year and it's ALWAYS because he gets it and then I tend to him because he's miserable then I get it.) I do like it a lot for my skin and I've been meaning to get more as a deodorant.

I've used Orange oil, which I like. I've used clary sage, but mostly I keep that around because it's good for topical pain relief (stinks but it gives you a few hours of dulled pain.) I have some basil oil that I keep around to clear the air by boiling water on the stovetop and adding some drops--good for when I think my love has some sickness that might go respiratory since he easily gets bronchitis. I need to get more. He actually has a still that I could make essential oil in, but it sounds like a LOT of work. The short-way might be tinctures which I've also been meaning to get into. Luckily, it gets hellaciously hot here in the summertime, so it might be a good summer thing to do to put my jars out to aid diffusion.

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They're amazingly powerful little things, aren't they?

A long time ago I wrote a funny/gross bit about something stupid that I did with Basil oil. If you're interested, it's in the pheromone section - General questions & comments, thread name, "Stinky". It's post #16, I think.

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link for those curious.


I know I've used basil oil in the bathtub and never had an issue. But then I use it if I'm congested since it's pretty badass when it comes to viruses, and I think bacteria.


I wish garlic smelled better because that stuff is also very strong in it's natural state-- I'd be worried about an EO of that. But I do also like Oregano Oil, especially on any deep zits or cystic acne.


I'm lucky that I'm not a fan of sandalwood. I'm happy because now that I've started using these as deodorants, I find that I'm happy to keep my sniffies and samples (non-phero'd obviously) that didn't work for me personally as a perfume because they still smell better to me than many deodorants-- and the smells of conventional deodorants that I love more have aluminum in them, which I try to avoid, though I suppose nowadays, I would just avoid them to limit chemicals.

Though, really, who can avoid chemicals these days anyway? :)

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I got a sniffie of this in an order and had looked for it, but OVER looked it and thought it was GGG, so I dismissed it....THEN weeks later searching for something else - THERE IT WAS! :love: This is the dreamiest, sweetest, juiciest, drippiest fruit on me! It STAYS sugary sweet and never spikes or gets sharp so when I spied it I immediately ordered a fb before it vanished! It lasts and lasts on me too BONUS! I can't believe I wasn't over here reviewing it sooner, as I'd fallen in love with the sniffie right away. This one is just De Luscious! :D






Had this on again today for work....so light, so sweet and juicy. Perfect for this time of year...drippy De Luscious fruit - YUM!

Edited by NuTrix
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  • 1 month later...

Unfortunately this was another fruit one that didn't work on me. In the bottle I smelled something very delectable, fruity, and juicy. Upon application while still wet - it smelled exactly as it did in the bottle. It reminded me of Tangy Tart except it was more muted, kind of perfumey, and more sophisticated. DeLucious to me is not as sophisticated as Guavas in the Mist, but it in my opinion it falls somewhere in between the two. Sadly, it morphed into something sickening. I got a sour fruit smell with a very sweet powdery undertone to it.

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This is a lost favorite of mine. I have two little sniffles and have worn this maybe 4 times. It's just lush, mature fruit. It may be the rhubarb but there's a fruit here that has almost a musk to it. So soft and well blended. Not a bright girly fruit but a sultry, sophisticated, thick, fruity musk. A scent that just dwells on my skin, it becomes part of you and lasts. Very smooth, sexy and musky fruity.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 1 month later...

De Loucious is beautiful. Smelling it makes my mouth water, it's all fruity-fresh, almost makes you feel smooth nectarine skin on your lips. I want to dress all in white cotton to take it out for a spin, innocent but juicy, a little number that a summer wind can lift of your skin. Can't wait to try it with one of the sexbomb pheros.

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This one is juicy and delicious for these sweltering months....you'll always smell like you would be sweet, light and delectable when wearing tis in the heat! :love:

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This has been in my FB list for a long time.. Oh nooo.

I'm getting that feeling! I'm going to be pissed if I turn around and its gone.



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I just discovered my sniffie of this and fell in love. Peeeeach!!! Well...nectarine, actually. My mind is being conditioned to go straight to dirty thoughts when I am thinking of peach. Probably because they look so naughty, keke.


I mean, seriously??







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  • 2 months later...

This one i was unsure of


Super rich and long lasting, the pomegranate and rhubarb was the one running the show making it very very tart (make a sour face kind of tart) Although its super delicious and very lickable in the vial, it just didnt play nice with my skin chemistry at this point in time because aunt flo is visiting. I really hope its just aunt flo making it smell weird because i seriously internally screamed full bottle at first glance (my wallet didnt listen ofcourse)


The pomegranate became louder than the rhubarb and that was enough to make me want to wash my hands of it for now, let it age or something. Ill re-review this at a later date. I thought fo sho i was gonna love this one



ETA: Wow! WOW Im so glad i waited, the nectarine is so shiny and bright! the rhubarb and pomegranate are mingling beautifully in the background and its just a full blown summer in the shade scent! angels are singing and all that glory bs going on. I have a MIGHTY NEED to get a bottle of this(or make a spray) The amber is practically nonexistant in this--not powdering it for me and its just straight up lovely with the musk which i can hardly tell is there either, like a lovely fruit salad on my arm--its just delicious heaven <3

Edited by Anonymous2F
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  • 2 weeks later...

I got this one as a sniffy in a trade...I know it's not really "in-season" but the cap was cracked and it's leaky, so I'm trying to use it up. I love this! I personally get an amber/perfumey scent more than fruity, and I'm not usually a perfumey kinda girl, but this one's lovely! I really wish I could get this fb, although I have SO many fb's on my wishlist now that my bank account will never be able to catch up!

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^^ It blends well on me too. It can be fruity or more tightly blended on me. The fruitiness level depends on were I am in the month.


I think is very workable in the fall.. It does have a sort of Autumn fruits vibe, probably the Pom and Rhubarb combo does that for me. It's a very grown up fruit. :)

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  • 1 year later...

This one is really interesting, IMO, because it's totally different on me than in the vial. And yet somehow, I like both versions.


In the vial, I get tart fruitiness. Something like Cupidity, but more tangy. On my skin, however, it becomes a soft, gentle whisper of fruit, combined with a sweet musk. It seems to turn sort of creamy. It's really pretty; I like it. I'm not sure I'd go for a full bottle, but if I was looking for a fruity scent, it would probably be a top contender.

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  • 11 months later...

Boy the name of this scent is so spot on! It is a hint of peach, but with a soft fruit vibe. It makes my mouth water! Out of all the LPMP scents I have, I do believe that this is now my favorite! Some scents are too sweet and some are too fruity. This scent is the perfect balance with a creaminess that I just want.to.lick.myself! I am going to get a FB but I am unsure if I want it by itself or boosted with Cougar. Either way, I will have a FB of this scent.

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