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Unreasonable Pumpkin


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So I wore this to work yesterday:

Coworker: "it smells like cinnamon cookies... Do u smell that? Mmmm... Wait.. Its you. You smell like a cookie!"


LOL! Im happy to smell like a cookie :D

Personally, it smells more pumpkin pie to me.

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I do get a touch of sweet and fresh pumpkin initially when first applying the perfume but it doesn't last long. Instead there is a lovely note of bake apple sprinkled with cinnamon & sugar that reminds me of my childhood. My dad used to make this super easy but drool-worthy dessert all the time

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I do get a touch of sweet and fresh pumpkin initially when first applying the perfume but it doesn't last long. Instead there is a lovely note of bake apple sprinkled with cinnamon & sugar that reminds me of my childhood. My dad used to make this super easy but drool-worthy dessert all the time

Ooooooooohhhh! NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM!!!



And...I wanted to jump back in and say that yeppers, Unreasonable Pumpkin covers cops nicely! I have UN Audacious, in which I can spell plenty cops, plus I can smell the pheros, which is not a problem. Well! The Unreasonable covered it all. Smelled FABULOUS! More on this one in the phero reviews. B)

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I've tried this on the back of my hand tonight, while wet the pumpkin is very prominent, and now it has dried it has softened to a light pumpkin, orange, spice and biscuit-ish scent. It is very nice, but I don't think my skin works with it as well as it could.

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See this is sooooo candle/crafts store on me. :lol:

I think pumpkin + orange + spice is that equation for my brain always. It smells very nice and all, but totally not me, Q will probably like it on me, though.

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This pumpkin isn't unreasonable for the season at all.The pink sugars gives it a more brighter sweeter sugary, berryish smell,perfect for anytime of the year for me!

It reminds me of an lp pink pumpkin.Pretty amazing!


Im regretting not getting this one in a fullsize because my sample isn't going to last long.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I adore pumpkin blends and this may be the nicest I've ever tried! Sometimes, they can be heavy and overly buttery. This is a seasonless pumpkin that smells spicy and light and dries down to a mouthwatering sweet bakery smell. Why does everything Mara makes have to be so good? I need a bottle.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i finally gave this one a go. at first it smelled almost exactly like Drac's Pink Pumpkin Witch. As it dries down more i get a fresh fleshy pumpkin with a hint of pink berry and clove. It is really nice. It has an awesome amount of throw so a little goes a long way with this. beautifully done Mara!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got this with my very first order in June, and wasn't really into it due to the summer. But now as it's gotten a bit chilly in the morning, I decided to give it another go. This is SO perfect for now, getting ready for the colder months, pumpkin pie, HALLOWEEN and scary movies. This scent makes me happy to see summer go and say HELLO AUTUMN!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not really a review, but I ended up ordering this instead of Baskery, partly due to the almond note I don't care for in Baskery, but despite the lack of ginger (or perhaps only a bare hint), it works far better as a fragrance that smells like a baked good than anything else I've previously tried, and it's something that isn't bad layered with LP: Red (IMHO) and resiny and spicy scents. YMMV.


I'd love to see a perfume oil that's in between this and Heart Strings, with ginger but without the sugary berries, hmm I might post something in the Potion Ideas forum.

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I haven't tried Unreasonable Pumpkin but I believe this and one or two others were made in the line of Sparkle Fuschia which is boosted with Cougar. So I think you are in the right track.


Due to cultural differences, I'm not certain if pumpkin will pull the heart strings of men here although I must confess I hoarded Sparkle Fuchsia for my own pleasure. Pumpkin is made into boring dishes such as stir-fried, steamed and served plain, perhaps added into soup or congee. I really can't relate the great exciting pumpkin scent in Sparkle Fuchsia to those dishes served here (minus pumpkin pies of course!).

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I haven't tried Unreasonable Pumpkin but I believe this and one or two others were made in the line of Sparkle Fuschia which is boosted with Cougar. So I think you are in the right track.


Due to cultural differences, I'm not certain if pumpkin will pull the heart strings of men here although I must confess I hoarded Sparkle Fuchsia for my own pleasure. Pumpkin is made into boring dishes such as stir-fried, steamed and served plain, perhaps added into soup or congee. I really can't relate the great exciting pumpkin scent in Sparkle Fuchsia to those dishes served here (minus pumpkin pies of course!).


I had no idea SF was boosted with Couger!! Thanks for helping me JOC :)


Maybe I can graduate from LP 101, and move on to LP 102???!!!

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I get more Pink from SP than pumpkin,just an awesome spiced Pink :hearts09793: LOL,maybe cause I always wear it with OCCO Pink :lol:


Sparkle Fuchsia Zircon Glace Glitzy Clashy Wildy Trashy ...http://lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/SparkleFuchsia/

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..., but despite the lack of ginger (or perhaps only a bare hint),... I'd love to see a perfume oil that's in between this and Heart Strings, with ginger but without the sugary berries, hmm I might post something in the Potion Ideas forum.


"Hexen" was the perfect ginger scent and I've been begging since it went extinct for another version. I too had thought about posting a potion idea of a "ginger cat" scent that might could take the place of "Hexen" in my heart. Can't you just see a ginger cat in a witch hat on the label? ;)

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  • 2 months later...

I mentioned this in the OIL V SPRAY thread but it bears mentioning here too for U.P. fans and considerers. Reposting & expanded:


IN OIL: It's much more pumpkiny, like pumpkin FLESH, not "pumpkin pie" etc. Relatively subtle, not as sweet.


IN SPRAY: When I first had only the sample I hastily turned it into a spray one am when I didn't have time to shower -- just dumped it in a lil spray bottle with distilled water and shook like mad! -- and soaked my head with the spray yesterday am -- and I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove it even more that way.... it's cake, cookie, butter, and spice with a light waft of pumpkin-ness. Much more bakery-y in spray than oil.

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just dumped it in a lil spray bottle with distilled water and shook like mad!


In fact, that's how I turn my oil to sprays - with distill water as i cant find perfumer alcohol here. I don't the separation of oil and water being a major issue.

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  • 3 months later...

I got this one as a sample. I love Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Lattes, Pumpkin candies and almost anything pumpkin so I'm not sure what happened with this scent on me. I got really sick and headachey with it and had to wash it off of me ASAP. Very strange reaction to it.

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Awww, that's a shame. I love how pink and pumpkiny this is! You might try the Pumpkin Musk. It's over on the Artfire site. I think it smells like a Pumpkin latte without the coffee!!!


(Hmmmm...perhaps I will try it with Titillating Temptress!!!)

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  • 1 month later...

Don't know why I'm thinking of Pumpkin lately... I have worn this several times and I have to say I love it..A slightly refined dominant pumpkin mixed with some pink sugar, berries and spices( this is not a spicy scent tho ). I don't get any hard citrus in this but there is a brightness that the light handed addition of orange brings to the overall blend. The sugars and vanilla soften but this is not a very sweet scent, thank you.

I think there are two types of pumpkin scent people..The harder candle-like pumpkin scent.. ( I love some Yankee Candle in the fall :-) like the kind in Carolyn's Man-nip . The other is the type of pumpkin found here, a little cleaner and refined, but still pumpkin.


Yes BB a small swipe of TT would be an excellent combo. :-)

Edited by StacyK
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I think there are two types of pumpkin scent people..The harder candle-like pumpkin scent.. ( I love some Yankee Candle in the fall :-) like the kind in Carolyn's Man-nip . The other is the type of pumpkin found here, a little cleaner and refined, but still pumpkin.

For me, there's three categories:

-craft store

-pumpkin pie

-pumpkin flesh.

An actual fleshy accord can fall into either the first or third category. it all depends on how it's done. The second category is achieved with the use of spices. But pumpkin is one of those scents which, I believe, on its own is actually neutral; it has to be framed by other elements in order for us to perceive it as itself.

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For me, there's three categories:

-craft store

-pumpkin pie

-pumpkin flesh.

An actual fleshy accord can fall into either the first or third category. it all depends on how it's done. The second category is achieved with the use of spices. But pumpkin is one of those scents which, I believe, on its own is actually neutral; it has to be framed by other elements in order for us to perceive it as itself.


Agreed. I think that's the case with the Pumpkin Musk. To me, the musk brings out the pure pumpkin scent without a lot of competing notes. It's good for when you want that. I also like to use that one for layering.


I, personally, love the pink bakery deliciousness of Unreasonable Pumpkin on its own!! :wub:

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  • 1 month later...

Luna's pumpkin descriptions above are great !


This is a great link for pumpkin notes overall..

So bump.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried this again last night and I can understand people liking it but it is still not for me. Something in it still reminds me too much of Raison Bran. Not sure where that is coming from. I read my review from last year and I got no apple this time. I would probably like it more if there weren't so many other pumpkins that work better on me.

My favorite pumpkins are Phantoms Breath, LP Autumn '10 and '11 and Sveet Tooth!! Not sure where they all fit on the pumpkin scale and what makes UP turn to Raison Bran and not the rest of them but...it is what it is!

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Not sure where they all fit on the pumpkin scale and what makes UP turn to Raison Bran and not the rest of them but...it is what it is!

You know, I always thought there should be a cereal called Raison d'Etre Bran and its purpose is that you would always know what you wanted to do with your life when you ate it. :D

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You know, I always thought there should be a cereal called Raison d'Etre Bran and its purpose is that you would always know what you wanted to do with your life when you ate it. :D

I love this! Wondering how many would 'get it' if I worked it into a hypnotically-imbedded metaphor....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mmm, yum!

I've been looking for the perfect Pumpkin pie scent forever and a day. Dracs bakery was one of the very best, and I've been clutching tightly to my last little but of it for a,lonnnng time!

So many I try are dominated by something else; too much apple,too much butter,too much spice,ect. It is annoying to keep getting excited over what you THINK will be PUMPKIN PIE,and its some over CO2"d apple thing(looking at you, BPALs "Jack").

The reviews on this guy,The Unreasonable Pumpkin, are very diverse! But on me, much like Mayberry is THEE perfect blueberry bakery scent, Unreasonable is the most reasonable pumkin of all! The Pumpkin Pie of my dreams! :wub:

The pink sugars and orange are mere supporting characters on me, and for that Im glad! There's your dense creamy pie filling,perfectly spiced, framed by a perfect golden buttery(but not too..) crust.

It's so warm feeling and cozy. It might sound over the top to say this, but it sortof makes me feel secure...safe even. It hits some kind of deep memory in me that I can't place,and gives me much comfort. I've been looking for this Unreasonable guy for a long time! I'm happy to finally have found him.

Another home run, out of the park! :D

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It was very cool this morning and I went right to my sample of this. I haven't worn it in a while and now the "pink"really blossoms after a while and the pumpkin is more in the background. I love autumn scents but most of mine are in hibernations in the hot months, can't wait to wear more!

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See, it does the opposite on me. All pumpkin pie,with just a suggestion of pink and a tiny tick of orange. I'm glad too, cause like I said, too many pumpkin scents have trouble on me.

And yes, I LOVE it BB! Thanks again darling! :D

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^^ Me too CB. This is one of my fav pumpkins. I get pumpkin in this and it works every time. If I had to pick one pumpkin out of the 'kins I've tried it would be this. I get more true pumpkin in this than pumpkin musk... chemistry :w00t:

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