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Get Happy w/Treasured Hearts

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I love this in the vial. The pear is incredible! But sadly, on my skin, it turned to--wait for it--a buttery nipple shot. What the heck?!?!?! I had a run in with a number of tequila spiked buttery nipple shots in college and I can't be around Bailey's anymore. So I have to pass this one by.

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I'm scared of the Pear. All other ingredients sound perfect for me, but if Pear is the dom. scent, do you all think it will be like LP Silver? (was that the pear one?) from awhile back?


In the vial this smells wonderful. I can really smell the spices but the pear amps so badly on my skin I had to wash it off. I love the label though!

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I'm so happy this one behaves on my skin! I usually amp pear, too, but it's staying low key for me. If anything, I'm getting more of the allspice than the fruitiness. There was almost an anise or fennel note upon initial application, but it quickly settled into the allspice. Not my usual style, but if it stays like this, it will require a fb detour.


Not to mention the relaxing, contented self effects from the TH phero. . . Nice!


ETA: Good thing the forum has no ears! I've been huffing this stuff for a few minutes now and am having a fit of The Giggles. As LV said -- all the fun of booze without the hangover!

Edited by Just Ducky
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I wore this last night, and it's very pear-y on me initially. Pear-y and maple-y. After a while, the pear comes across like apples! I was watching movies with BF, and at one point I sat up and said, "What the heck? Something smells like *apples* all of a sudden!". Turned out it was me! Not that I minded. At all. Maple syrup is like the bacon of the sweets world: it makes everything better. :)

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I wore this last night, and it's very pear-y on me initially. Pear-y and maple-y. After a while, the pear comes across like apples! I was watching movies with BF, and at one point I sat up and said, "What the heck? Something smells like *apples* all of a sudden!". Turned out it was me! Not that I minded. At all. Maple syrup is like the bacon of the sweets world: it makes everything better. :)


You're a maple ho too? lol

I loooove this and have to order a bottle. Not only does it smell fruity and perfect on me, the phero is amazing for family functions.

I wore this to Bf's mom's house in the desert and usually I get annoyed because it's so far.. but I felt sooo happy. I mean really really happy.

I was treated like a Queen. His mom always dotes on me, but this time was super extra doting. His sister told me to sit in the recliner and put my feet up, which I did, then she brought me coffee and cookies.. I felt so cozy, I took out a book and read for an hour! Her place is out in the desert and it gets so cold, but the ambiance with the decor and fireplace.. omg I was soooo happy. I didn't even mind all her animals that much either. I even went to go say hi to the turkeys she has in the back. I even felt confident enough to stand up to her annoying slew of tiny dogs. They growled at me and I went into full Ceasar Milan mode and said.. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO, but it sounded more like I was growling back. They ran away from me so fast. Little fuckers.

So yes def need more of this in my life!

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I LOVE maple! Maple & honey. They make everything better.

I wish I'd had this over Christmas - it would have been great for family get-togethers. Doesn't work on dogs, though, I guess, huh?! :lol:

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I love this scent! It smells like pear tarts my mother makes for holidays. This seems to have a pear/brown sugar/butterscotch theme going on. Plus the treasured hearts involved, it' s great for work because I have bickering women there and it would be nice if the fighting would go down some. I' 'll let you fine people know how it goes.

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I love this in the vial. The pear is incredible! But sadly, on my skin, it turned to--wait for it--a buttery nipple shot. What the heck?!?!?! I had a run in with a number of tequila spiked buttery nipple shots in college and I can't be around Bailey's anymore. So I have to pass this one by.

I'll trade ya!! I love buttery nipples :Emoticons0424:

In the vial this smells wonderful. I can really smell the spices but the pear amps so badly on my skin I had to wash it off. I love the label though!

Me too... not the biggest pear fan here...

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  • 2 weeks later...

A pear that doesn't hate me!!!!!

This is SO CREAMY on me... it's like a custard lightly flavored with pear and spices. Absolutely delightful.

The TH is making people so smiley and helpful and cooperative.


ETA checked the notes- shocked that there's no cream in here- it's as creamy as, like, Lick of Cream on me. Must be the pumpkin...

Edited by tyvey
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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay I took this finally for a road test today (ie out where I would encounter people). Strangely, I amped pear today....


Anyway first stop: my martial arts class. It was... enjoyable. It's my martial arts class and it's as normal, but I *think* the pheros wafted over to one (if not more) of the guys in class, and when something odd happened, we'd look at each other and chuckle. I seemed more.. confident also? Not entirely sure. Since I'm most senior in class tonight, I ended up doing the call outs. At the end of class, this guy said to me this was the best call out day I've ever done and I sounded really good and confident. Later on when we were finished gathering up our stuff, he commented on my nailpolish (!!!!!!) and now my nails looked nice. Um. What? This is a phero hit. It HAS to be. I've had my nails all nice and polished before, but this is the first time he'd EVER commented.


Second stop: potluck dinner with friends (which extended to late hanging out, then late gaming session). It was again as usual, so getting together with friends is always nice and fun, very non-intimidating. Part way through the evening (as we had ALL eaten about 4x the amount we should have), me and this other guy collapsed on the floor a few feet apart, but still chatting to each other and the others in the room. Somehow, we ended up chatting to each other more, and other friends in the room commented how they should take a picture of the 2 of us and call it "pillow talk" (LOL. um..... okay?). That's about it for strange reactions at this get together, other than we all ended up having a really fun time... because we're geeks and ended up playing computer games.


Edit: Why is this blend making the guys chatty/friendly to me? Is it the so called "Treasured Hearts nesting vibe"? Because when I wear stuff like LACE, or SS4W, or Cougar.... I don't get this sort of phero reaction from guys.... but here I did. With the phero that I thought would be the least likely to get attention from guys.

Edited by maiea
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See, I love love to read posts like this Maiea :) :)

IMO,who knows exactly what molecule,or part thereof could have been enhancing your personal pheromone signature that day...another reason that the only way to find out what works on you is to experiment, everyone is different,every situation is different,every mood is different ... it can be such great fun finding all the parts that bring you joy :D

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Great report!

I think with this phero people really can see and feel what you want and need from them. It doesn't make them feel all alpha perhaps.

My BF told me once when I phero bombed him with this..

' I just want to tell you that I love you so much today. Intensely so. That is all. '

I totally did the spread eagle for him after that remark.

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Yeah, the phero hits with Treasured Hearts seems a bit more overt to me. I seem to find phero matches with the most unlikely pheros. SS4W doesn't do much for me... LACE makes me drunk/goofy and not much else, Cougar... I've tested the most extensively and I keep trying and I have yet to see anything happen, etc. The only other pheros I think work for me are SWS and Lumina, and both are more subtle (people listen to me/respectful for SWS, socially, I seem to get along smoothly with everyone when I wear Lumina).


I swear, Treasured Hearts is the first time EVER I've gotten something where I went "I KNOW that has to be the phero hit." But it doesn't seem like Treasured Hearts is designed for that! lol. So confusing!


*sigh* Now I REALLY wish I picked up a 6mL spray of Treasured Hearts back in Nov because I'm curious to further road test this out, not necessarily with get happy....


Edit: oops and forgot Teddy BB makes me all mellow.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is the one to wear when you will be crammed in a bus with forty 10-13 year olds plus other harried chaperones, a priest and a lost bus driver!!! :)

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Hmm... sweet, yummy tasting, and somewhere between foody and fruity on the spectrum. The spice gives it a surprisingly fresh, crisp edge for me. It smells like spiced pear, but a bit deeper and richer. As it drys down on me it starts to smell like warm, mulled cider. It's great to have another scent to wear Treasured Hearts in, and I figure this one can only get better over winter. This is a winner!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Was reminded to wear this after reading Eggs post on the TH thread yesterday :D ...I had forgotten just how much I like this :lolipop: gosh it's even better then the last time, nommy nommy caramel drizzled spiced pears, and the self-effects are teh Happeeez,granted I was having a good day already,this is just more :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

I had an amazing hit this morning while I was at Starbucks getting my coffee... I was waiting for my coffee to finish being made and a gentleman wlaked passed me, stopped and snapped his head around and smiled at me... It was so amazing....Love this blend on me and I'm so happy I snagged a FB during the sale....

Edited by dolphindolls2
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Copied from my journal on another site:

I tried on Get Happy for my own self effects. And yeeeaah, I love it. So much so, that I was like, "I'm going to go drive around town and get some coffee." It put me in a great mood and I loooove the smell. When I first opened it up, it smelled fruity and like some kind of spices (faintly). Then when I put it on I got a lot of cinnamon and spices, then a little bit of berries, and lastly sugar or faint sweetness. It's not such a yummy scent, but it had a really familiar comforting smell that I couldn't put my finger on until I remembered it from my childhood. So yes, it is meant to make you happy with the scent and mones, but the extra oomph (that was never known or intended by the creators) was a scent that came from my early teens. My mother (the most amazing woman/person in my life, who also passed away about 5 years ago) used to simmer potpourri mixtures in our kitchen which were comprised of cinnamon sticks, dried berries, and dried flowers. This mixture brought me back to the happiest times in my life when I was young, carefree, and still had my awesome family/security. I even got a little misty as I was smiling while driving down the road, drinking my peppermint mocha coffee, and listening to music.
It was very nice. I knew I would be in for some amazing experiences... but I got really lucky (even blessed) with finding this specific scent. I think the phero's just kicked it up a notch. It even reminds me of fall because of the cinnamon and spices (my favorite time of the year).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still being made? No. It's a limited edition. Most of the fragrances are. Check in the Perfumerie, you can search by the Name or use the drop down for scented containing pheros and scroll through.

If it doesn't show up it might have sold out during the sale. If so you can check the trade page threads. Good luck.

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Darn that's what I was afraid of :/ poor me

You can check the pages on the trade thread or do a new ISO Treasured Hearts on that thread.


Also, there will be New Releases coming in Oct.

and.. ALL the Nov New Releases will contain pheros. I'm sure you will find some great Fall stuff!


Yes DD. The only time TH ever really worked for me was with this. I love it when a scent comes Phero'd it makes the dosage easier to gage.

Edited by StacyK
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Ha!! Welcome to the club.


Be sure to check the New Release thread and check out the Stalking page there. You can join in on the gossip and wild guess about the NRs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Picked this bottle today with my eyes closed and once again this method worked just right. I'm not sure if it's pheros or the scent, but I am in super good mood and things just go well for me today.



This opened like a bright fruity soda on me. Very sparkly sweet pear&pomegranate. It stayed fruity for a while, and then the spices started to show up. Now few hours later it's close to skin sweet sugar&spice scent with just a little pumpkin and pear. Makes me think of a very delicious fruit cake. Yum!

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  • 2 months later...

Oh my this has aged so well. It got me through Christmas, I made it through a few hours of being able to tolerate my SO's crazy AND have a good time! So Idk what it is, but I get REALLY strong selfies from TH. In this weaker strength I get a little bit of headrush when I apply & then I have a great time. Things don't get to me, I can laugh them off & other people a good time too. I have a full strength boosted bottle & I crash when I wear TH that strong. Not too nasty, I just end up going to bed a couple hours earlier than usual.

This is also a beautiful pear scent, warm & it has a baked pie quality to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a scent I never thought I'd get my hands on a full bottle of...and then, miraculously, it happened...


I love this perfume. It smells like a very thick, dense, and rich pear and maple desert.


I had sort of rough holidays this year, and I found this scent and phero to be very comforting. I wouldn't say happy, but definitely comforting, which is something I desperately needed for a couple of weeks. I don't get alot of selfies from pheros, but when I wore this I could definitely tell a difference in my mood when I first put it on and it was fresh, and when I'd had it on several hours and it had mostly worn off. I've never really felt a drastic mood change with pheros (except that one od, and that wasn't a GOOD mood change, lol!), it's always more subtle, but during the time I was wearing this the most, every little bit helped. And I did find myself pulling this one out every day, like it was an anti-depressant drug!

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  • 1 year later...

I put this on today and was like "oh i love the banana in this one!" Checked ingredients, no banana! LOL


Now i can see it was the pear i was smelling all along but for some reason i thought bananas!


This one is lovely, fruity and just yummie! Sweet but not too sweet and it definitely makes me happy! Wish i had discovered it sooner.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is one that is kept in my emergency little pocket in my purse... you know the one pocket you keep emergency items...when you rush out or realize you need a bit of something something. I love pomegranate and when you round it out with the pear = fruity jubilation occurs! It is a happy scent and for me it does exactly what it needs to do - It makes me smile!

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