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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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Gads...I have a November list already....AND I forgot to order Super for Men! Not that hubby cares :rolleyes: I LOVE him in Un for Men and wonder how similar they will smell? I think I need to complete my OCCO collection and get that fb of OCCO Black...and then there's LP Black that I want to try again...and the Nov NRs.... :blink::lol:

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Well, I just placed my order for a FB of LP Black, FB of Cauldron Cake, and samps of T. Tart, and P. soufflé. Can't wait.... I boosted my Cauldron Cake w/ La Femme Noir. Hope that's a decent pairing.


Lol, Raq! Awesome avi!

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UN is a bit more brisk than SUPER, IMO.

OHMYGOODNESS that just makes it sound all that much scrummier!

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I ordered a sample and fb of flying potion which I was planning on Maras recommendation alone, now with it's rave reviews I'm near over the moon about it's arrival. I'm considering samples of Pumpkin Souffle, stoked this rummy butterscotch scented treat is all the rave since a hot buttered rum ingredient was my one wish on the list, Fang just cause it's Fang :P gotta love the name, lable, a classic dedicated to the little boy in every man.. and Eye of the Moggie which reviews on this brew are almost null but I don't see as a bad thing more reverse psychology. Could Moggie be the runaway hit fall fragrance that's hushed about so hoarders can take this secret to their grave?? I might have to find out first hand and consider adding these to my next purchase which hopefully is Lady Victorias Black Panther if and when Mara gives me the heads up on that purchase.

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LOL no; Eye of the Moggie will sell out quick because it's a variant of Cat's Eye, but that may be the same reason it hasn't been so quickly reviewed. I plan to get to it this weekend.

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Ugh... I feel so guilty and greedy! I just made a second order this month, (while I'm waiting for my first to arrive *winces with shame*). :blush: But I just cannot let Eye of the Moggie slip through my greedy little fingers! Or Flying Potion, for that matter. I'm so ashamed of myself! I'd very purposefully made a small order after the October releases came out, because I know I'll be going whole hog next month, which I've saved for, specifically. So I've ordered full bottles of Flying Potion, ('cause I just plain want it), Lina's Pumpkin Cake Batter, (I blame that cute label), the last bottle of Lady V's Black Panther, (unless someone had reserved it before I did, and I just didn't see it), and Eye of the Moggie.


A long time ago someone graciously sent me an almost full sniffie of Cat's Eye, which I tried once, and then guarded with my life, because it's freaking gorgeous. I'm wearing a bit of it today, whilst trying not to let my eyes roll back in my head. And I realized that I simply cannot do without Eye of the Moggie. Period. Besides, Eggers is a moggie, and he would be very disappointed indeed, if I didn't splurge on *his* special bottle.

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Ugh... I feel so guilty and greedy! I just made a second order this month, (while I'm waiting for my first to arrive *winces with shame*). :blush: But I just cannot let Eye of the Moggie slip through my greedy little fingers! Or Flying Potion, for that matter. I'm so ashamed of myself! I'd very purposefully made a small order after the October releases came out, because I know I'll be going whole hog next month, which I've saved for, specifically. So I've ordered full bottles of Flying Potion, ('cause I just plain want it), Lina's Pumpkin Cake Batter, (I blame that cute label), the last bottle of Lady V's Black Panther, (unless someone had reserved it before I did, and I just didn't see it), and Eye of the Moggie.



If it's any comfort, I am contemplating doing exactly the same thing with Flying Potion and Eye of the Moggie! I ordered the NR sampler a week ago, but with a PE, so it will be a couple more weeks before it comes, and reviews on both of these have me worried they will sell out....


ETA: And Flying Potion is indeed sold out! Eye of the Moggie, here I come...

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It is a comfort, Blackcat! LOL! Thank you. ;)

Eye of the Moggie keeps jumping out at me on the main forum page, and I'm not sure if it's because I really, really want it, or because it has two "g's" in it, like Eggers, (making me think it's my forum name popping up). Probably a little of both. Either way, I'm glad I've got a bottle on the way. I'd have been so sad to miss it!

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It is a comfort, Blackcat! LOL! Thank you. ;)

Eye of the Moggie keeps jumping out at me on the main forum page, and I'm not sure if it's because I really, really want it, or because it has two "g's" in it, like Eggers, (making me think it's my forum name popping up). Probably a little of both. Either way, I'm glad I've got a bottle on the way. I'd have been so sad to miss it!

Like you, all things Cat call to me! I think it's probably just as well I missed Flying Potion... it's not one where the notes instantly called to me, but the buzz was just so great I was itching to try! But my wallet will be much happier with just the Moggie coming. :purr:


ETA: I keep meaning to say: LOVE the new avi!

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Eggers we have almost the exact same order Flying Potion, Moggie, and Black Panther except you got Lina's Pumpkin Cake Batter and I did the Oct sampler. I think we picked the trifecta this round.


Blackcat maybe there will be a rebrew of flying potion, I haven't even received my fb yet I have no idea what it even smells like but I'm already requesting a rebrew :) so it ain't over til it's over. I literally hear the clocking ticking on Moggie, I think a good percentage of people that got FP nabbed Moggie as well, hope u get yours and I'll be looking out for both your of your reviews.


Oh yeah had to edit Eggers yours is the best Halloween avi evah.

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@ Cherise - yep. I think we chose well! ;) I've got a sampler in the mail already. :blush: I was a bad girl and ordered twice this month!

Glad you like my avi! I've been waiting a whole year to use it! :lol: I'm a bit of a geek...


@ Blackcat - I think Mara said she's rebrewing Flying Potion tomorrow. :)

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Blackcat maybe there will be a rebrew of flying potion, I haven't even received my fb yet I have no idea what it even smells like but I'm already requesting a rebrew :) so it ain't over til it's over. I literally hear the clocking ticking on Moggie, I think a good percentage of people that got FP nabbed Moggie as well, hope u get yours and I'll be looking out for both your of your reviews.


Oh, I got my Moggie. Boosted with cops, in case it wasn't slutty enough on its own! Can't wait to hear from all of us on that one!

@ Blackcat - I think Mara said she's rebrewing Flying Potion tomorrow. :)



And Eggers, on the one hand that is good news, but if I end up placing THREE orders this month, do flying monkeys come to carry me away?!

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if I end up placing THREE orders this month, do flying monkeys come to carry me away?!

:smiley-laughing024: I don't know - but if you do - I'll be watching to see....but I don't think so...


I'm doing my VERY best to refrain until November...my addic...I mean ENTHUSIASM is stronger than I think I thought... :Emoticons04280: But so far I'm hanging in there!

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"Oh, I got my Moggie. Boosted with cops, in case it wasn't slutty enough on its own! Can't wait to hear from all of us on that one!"



LOL Blackcat orders her Mog with cream on top like a good kitty should.

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"Oh, I got my Moggie. Boosted with cops, in case it wasn't slutty enough on its own! Can't wait to hear from all of us on that one!"



LOL Blackcat orders her Mog with cream on top like a good kitty should.

ROFLMAO, Cherise!

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Oh, I got my Moggie. Boosted with cops, in case it wasn't slutty enough on its own! Can't wait to hear from all of us on that one!"



LOL Blackcat orders her Mog with cream on top like a good kitty should.

LMAO @ you Cherise! I reserved a Moggie and am hoping it is slutty enough as it is. If not, well I can always layer it over my old stand by, Phero Girl! Woohoo!

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I'll be looking out for your review on that esp Blackcats, I got a lot hits using Mog but I gotta know how that works w cops. A Blackcat slathered in Mog w/cops on a Halloween night, we might not hear from her for awhile :P

Oh, Cherise, you always CRACK ME UP. I confess, I was holding off until I decided if I would need a second bottle in my Nov order--just gave in and got it! Review to come soon, I promise. Here's hint though--you might want to grab another with cops while supplies last!

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I want to purchase all the yummy florals, pheros, and vanilla's. I love oils and the oils on this site are delicious, can't get enough. Mint and vanilla are so gourges layered on me in the winter time. I also love nag champa, its a bit more enpensive and harder to find in a buy but it smells sexy and alluring. :kiss43:

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I want to purchase all the yummy florals, pheros, and vanilla's. I love oils and the oils on this site are delicious, can't get enough. Mint and vanilla are so gourges layered on me in the winter time. I also love nag champa, its a bit more enpensive and harder to find in a buy but it smells sexy and alluring. :kiss43:


Ooooh, I am a big fan of Nag Champa as well!

Do you know which ones of the scents have that as a note?


I am completely in love with the LP vanilla note too, it is gorgeous. :Emoticons10311:

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After October, I don't think I'll be getting a full set (famous last words) but then again...

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