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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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So I've adjusted to fit my current needs... Of the Fairies; Figgy, Orchid, Lilac, Magnolia, Honeysuckle, Honey and UnCougar the fairies have decreed it so.

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Of the fairy cakes (when I can order) - plumeria, apple, honeysuckle, lemon, grapefruit (to layer with cougar and/or wear with UnCougar), orchid, peach, tuberose and more.... ok so yea I want all of them. I have to pair this done to about 3 or 5.


I have sooo wanted to try soaked with audacious, but both are sold out. But if it's true we can still order un audacious via mad scientist, I may have to go for it!


There's a couple of LEs from past months, but haven't been able to narrow the list down.


I'd definitely but the promo LAM (great sale), but luckily I started hoarding all things LAM when I joined last July.


Oh and a couple of spell potions.... sigh, my list keeps growing.

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Hey guys,


iam back, haven't been on here in a bit, iam excited, the cost for May 2015 oils are awsome. Everything looks delicious. :Love09751:


Edited by AncientGoddess
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I wanted the Pumpkin Fairy cake and didn't order the FB right off and thought I should have because the sample smells SOOOO good. I've worn it a few times now and I amp the cinnamon too much :( so not getting the FB was actually a good - albeit sad - decision.

Maple and Figgy are definites - At least 1 FB of each...

I'm undecided about Gingerbread because I love it, but it's so light and my skin seems to gobble it up - but it's SOOOO YUMMY!!!

I also believe I am in need of another FB of Fairy Floss as well...back up, you know? Hehe...

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Luckily lots of time for final decisions, it being a permanent collection, since I love working w magical intent and I read fairies work well w flowers I would do a 10 fb w all the floral scents included, and I don't know what the handful of others would be yet. I've been a total lazy ass since the warm weather hit and I'm barely taking note of how I'm wearing these scents I just randomly throw on 4 or 5 on at a time and smell like a beautiful bouquet everytime. I like this line for energetic purposes first and scent second so the florals I have decided will be at the top of the list and I have a few ideas on how I might charge these scents, I like the idea of turbo charged fairy scents lol, well at least one in particular, the sweet pea, I read it's forte is to grant wishes.

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  • 1 month later...

I just placed an order today. I'm hoping this can tide me over for a month. I'm still trying out various sample sizes trying to decide what to get in full bottle. This order I got:


1. Money Multiplier

2. Beautiful Dreamer

3. Totem Panda

4.Totem Bat

5. Star Power

6. Dom Noire (not expecting it to suit me, but I thought it might be fun to workout with)

7. Punxetawney Immortality elixir

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Fairy scents I'm considering, tried to narrow it to 12 for the buy 10 get 2 free deal but have three alternates added:

Apple, Berry, Daffodil, Figgy, Gardenia, Gingerbread, Honeysuckle, Lemon, Maple, Peach, Sweet Pea, Violet and maybe Pinepple, Lilac and Honey

Edited by Cherise
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Guest cutie.pie

I just placed an order today. I'm hoping this can tide me over for a month. I'm still trying out various sample sizes trying to decide what to get in full bottle. This order I got:


1. Money Multiplier

2. Beautiful Dreamer

3. Totem Panda

4.Totem Bat

5. Star Power

6. Dom Noire (not expecting it to suit me, but I thought it might be fun to workout with)

7. Punxetawney Immortality elixir


Great choice! You're gonna have fun experimenting! :)

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Great choice! You're gonna have fun experimenting! :)


Haha! Thanks! I kind of feel like a mad scientist. I'm glad I read a lot of the forums before I ordered. I was more inclined to some evil thoughts about wearing BI in public before I read some of the posts Dolly wrote. Now I am mostly focusing on social pheros.

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I couldn't decide! They all look so great and new and interesting! I went with the sampler and - of course like many others - a FB of OCCO Ambrosia ^_^


VERY curious about this hedione note. It's suppose to have a great quality for both diffusion and lasting. I wonder what it smells like or if it has a distinct smell at all? Another fascination! Is like Aja is a way, not by smell so much as by behavior, ie - there's just something about it that turns heads...???


A lesson, Potion Master, on this curious ingredient? Halo? Luna? John? Someone? :)

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Ordered a full sample set. How could I be asked to choose full bottles without allowing each scent to make a proper acquaintance? That would be rude and I'll advised. You see, I am a bit leery of patchouli. No matter how sweetly I ask to be friends, patchouli does not play nicely. Oh, she always promises, but only very rarely does she show any courtesy. She quite often shoves her way to the fore without regard for anyone else. She's crushed many a dream a day broken more hearts than can be counted. We'll have to wait and see whether she is friend or foe.


So hopeful Dragonfly comes to stay. Parasol..oh, save me. A garden after a gentle rain. This is almost too much. The seaside! The refreshing fruit! The decadent black currant! Vanilla! Jasmine! Watetmelon! I'm feeling faint! Now comes the anticipation of waiting for glass vials to arrive in little bags. How many will lure me with their temptations? Beautiful artwork on shining glass, full to the brim with liquid magick. "All for you, love. All for you." That's what they whisper to me, those wicked, wondrous potions..and I succumb.


The PEs come available this coming week as well. I'll be purchasing my own, certainly. The question is, truly, what sort of concoctions have the rest of you imagined for our Potion Master to create..and what is it going to do to my bank account? I'll not fret; I have Serenity Potion.

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Gotta try thye H2O O O. I think they made that special for me. Because, well, I am me. :lol:

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I couldn't decide! They all look so great and new and interesting! I went with the sampler and - of course like many others - a FB of OCCO Ambrosia ^_^


VERY curious about this hedione note. It's suppose to have a great quality for both diffusion and lasting. I wonder what it smells like or if it has a distinct smell at all? Another fascination! Is like Aja is a way, not by smell so much as by behavior, ie - there's just something about it that turns heads...???


A lesson, Potion Master, on this curious ingredient? Halo? Luna? John? Someone? :)

NuTrix, since it seems to compare to Jasmine in scent, my impression is that it is like indoles? I could be wrong. It is usually the indolic scent that puts many people off with jasmine. My response to Jasmine seems to be mood related. I sometimes love it, other times, not so much. I did request a trial vial of this one out of curiosity. :)
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NuTrix, since it seems to compare to Jasmine in scent, my impression is that it is like indoles? I could be wrong. It is usually the indolic scent that puts many people off with jasmine. My response to Jasmine seems to be mood related. I sometimes love it, other times, not so much. I did request a trial vial of this one out of curiosity. :)

That was my problem with "to soothe a broken heart". it smelled very indolic on me. it was the only just scent that ever did that though.
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Phergineer, I totally get that. Maybe you should consider getting a trial vial. You might find that like me, it is mood related. It's odd because I LOVE Jasmine tea! But the scent of the tea is not as concentrated as perfume oils.

Definitely a trial vial! I was so sad about "To soothe a broken heart", I couldn't understand why the jasmine smelled that way on me. All other LPs with jasmine smell beautiful on my skin.

I read some people enjoy the indolic scent. I'm not one of them, I'm more of a clean, sweet jasmine person.

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And the squeaky wheel gets the LP! :001_302:


I am Quietguy. Hear me squeak haha! :D

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VERY curious about this hedione note. It's suppose to have a great quality for both diffusion and lasting. I wonder what it smells like or if it has a distinct smell at all? Another fascination! Is like Aja is a way, not by smell so much as by behavior, ie - there's just something about it that turns heads...???


A lesson, Potion Master, on this curious ingredient? Halo? Luna? John? Someone? :)

Mara told me it's not that strong of a smell, IIRC some people can't detect it at all. But the article which has been linked in the other thread discusses its' attractant properties.

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NuTrix, there was a thread about this a little while back. It might tell you what you want to know about hedione. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=10416&hl=

Thanks Donsie! Good read!


NuTrix, since it seems to compare to Jasmine in scent, my impression is that it is like indoles? I could be wrong. It is usually the indolic scent that puts many people off with jasmine. My response to Jasmine seems to be mood related. I sometimes love it, other times, not so much. I did request a trial vial of this one out of curiosity. :)

I love Jasmine - but from what I read, it sounds like just one component of the fragrance that IS jasmine. The convo in the link donsie shared shed some light on it in that it apparently does have a distinctive jasmine scent, er, with a hint of warm scalp :lol:


Mara told me it's not that strong of a smell, IIRC some people can't detect it at all. But the article which has been linked in the other thread discusses its' attractant properties.

I'll have to go back through the links - thanks for the pointers! :)

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Just placed my order after long awaited tax return. I was such a good girl these past months, I ran out of all my favourites, but stuck to what I had left in my perfume drawer so as not to overspend. But now all the goodie-goodies will come my way. Bang, Topper, DHEAS, OCCOs, and some of the Fairy Cake Scents. So excited. Sadly, shipping to Europe takes its time...

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I don't even want to tell you guys how many PEs I ordered.... I have no business getting anything else this month but sampler! And other people's PEs?! What can I say. I'll cut back on utilities or groceries or something less important!


ETA: Oh, I also locked down my hoard of Sweet Surrender!

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I was going to get a sampler, now I'm not sure (for $ reasons, too much that I want lol) Waiting and seeing what the PEs look like before I order so I can stick to 1 order. Definitely getting a bottle of OCCO Ambrosia, I missed it last time around. :) I'm so excited to see your PE(s), Blackcat!

Edited by Memorare
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Heh.....for someone who's "not a summer person" I sure did well. Cotton Candy Clouds, Kissed by the Sun, Moist (no matter how much that word makes me cringeI love night-blooming jasmine), Seaside Sizzle, Steamy Bikini and Summer Crush.

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I had three PEs in mind, a summer, a spring/summer, and a winter/festive scent. I opted to do just one for this summer, saving the other for next February or early spring. The third scent will have to wait until Mara can get her hands on one of the items she'll need do a winter PE. This is a slippery slope, dreaming up PEs.

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Cotton Candy Clouds sounds like a "must have" for me :lol:

I adore the labels for Dragonfly and LP Summer Solstice, but having had LP SS Humidity 2012, I see these 2 will be nothing alike....

I'm very curious to try Kissed by the Sun as I'm not familiar with what to expect from black currant as a fragrance??? I'm not sure what I believe it smells like, but I guess I thought it would be herbal - like tea. I didn't realize there were berries too and when I saw the description of "juicy" I was thrown off. How did I not know this? :D I looked it up online and saw a picture and vaguely recall something but had apparently forgotten all about it!

Garden in the Rain - I want to love that one! All those delicious woodnotes! But I wonder with the rose and honeysuckle, stems, leaves and clover - will it be green and floral? To things I really appreciate but don't normally wear...?

I'm swooning over the scent idea for Moist as one of my favorite floral fragrances is jasmine, though the only jasmine fragrance I wear regularly is my PE. Hmm, a possible contender....

Steamy Bikini and Seaside Sizzle both have me curious - what does "smoked sugar" smell like? And cocoa butter and honey with Aja? WOW. Just Wow!

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NuTrix, if you have ever had Lindzer cookies or jam/jelly thumbprint cookies, red and black currant jam/jelly almost always makes an appearance as a filling. You usually also find crabapple, raspberry and strawberry fillings. As the cookies come out of the oven, the individual scents are very evident. If you can't wait, visit your local grocery and grab a small jar of currant jelly/jam. That should help, and besides, you can eat it all gone! ;)

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what does "smoked sugar" smell like?

Mara described to me as like "a piece of sugarcane that's been smoked on the BBQ."

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