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Private Editions for OCTOBER 2013

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Inna's Gadda da Vita

9 bottles available - Master Version

(Anon2F, Invidiana

8 bottles available - Lemon Variant


Here's Inna's original notes to me:

I want it to be a sexy and seductive black tea/vanilla/smoke scent. Kinda bold dominatrix type of seduction, both feminine and strong/dangerous.

BLACK TEA (Strong and bold one, could be even bitter)

SMOKE (I adore the smoke note in Voracious, so I was thinking of something like that.)

VANILLA (Again, similar to Voracious, but more of it. I love vanilla.)

BURNT BROWN SUGAR as a fourth note to make it extra sexy and not overly sweet at the same time.
I love this idea - it really does have a "dominatrix" kind of vibe and would team fabulously with the Leather phero blend. It starts out with the tea and smoke forward, bold and a little bitter, and then as it wears on the skin it gets softer and softer with the vanilla and burnt sugar notes coming out...in the end it's like the calm after a storm. It's an interesting blend....you must try it on the skin to get the effect.
I prepared my first brew of it using a beautiful, exotic dark tea oil - or that's what it seemed in the bottle. Once I had diluted it and added it to the other ingredients, it exploded with lemon/bergamot on top. This smelled nice, but it was not what Inna asked for, so I started over again using a different tea note. Thus, the two variations.
So, Inna, I sent you the "Master Version" bottles as requested, but also sent you an additional bottle of the lemony one too. They both have the same label, but I added a sticker to the cap of the other marked LEMON. That's what I shall do with the others as well, folks.


Victoria's Flamango

5 bottles available

(Hearts, Luna, LadyV


Victoria's Floridian Flamingos, represented by a blend of hibiscus and mango, a dash of maraschino cherry, smooth Egyptian musk in the base and one little dot of grapefruit on top, just to bring out the brightness of the mango.



Victoria's Buttercream Rose

(Hearts gets to reserve what she wants first, per agreement with Victoria)

6 bottles available

(Hearts x2, LadyV, Molly, LazyCat, Fleur - alternates: Chitown, ElizOSP,


I know everyone wants Le Fleur Cremuese, but I must remind again, that I did not brew that one (former employee Danna did), I have no sample, and no recipe to go on. I only had the original listing as a guide, and I have no doubt that this will be different. Saying that, it's gorgeous in it's own right. I used an assortment of 5 different light and fresh rose oils, then layered on the buttercreams and vanilla. From what little I can remember of the old LFC, I think this one might come off as a little fresher and brighter. It's a youthful and lovely blend.



Tantalizing TJ

1/3 bottles available

(ElizOSP, Chitown


I think TJ is a forum member, but has rarely posted. Her blend consists of dry, warm vanillas, not foody, with white patchouli and white amber in the base, and a few drops of Bergamot EO on top. The bergamot is very light and fleeting, the blend as a whole is on the sexy sophisticated side. This is a recipe that is reminiscent of commercial perfumes...dry, wispy and elegant.



Melodie's Spicy Floral

3 bottles available

(Chitown x1, Chotown x 2)


Melodie wanted a spicy floral as we have been discussing on the forum, based around Carnation, Cassia and Pepper. She asked me to use my judgement about an additional flower, but what I did instead is use three different varieties of Carnation. One, that peppery scent we know and love, a second softer romantic variety, and then a more intense woody Carnation essential oil. The three combined give it a rounded, warm feel, and no other flowers were needed. The cassia essential oil is prominent, but not candy-like, more natural. And it's finished with black pepper essential oil. The result is feminine in a strong and confident way, and spicy sexy.



Melodie's Romantic Nights

No bottles available, sorry.


The reason there are no bottles of the above available, is because it is SOOOOO FREAKIN' GOOD that I decided to use Melodie's recipe for a monthly release next month for Pheromas. So, Melodie, you will receive an additional bottle of your creation next month, phero enhanced, and with a different label, but all shall know of your genius - the listing will credit you as the scent's creator. Thank you for sharing your most excellent recipe!



Melodie's Lightness of Being

8 bottles available

(Dolphin Dolls, Fleur, Lazy Cat, BlueBear, Chitown x 2, cchristys, JustDucky - alternates: LadyV


Beautiful, light and elevating...gorgeously feminine, featuring a blend of orchids and pink grapefruits as the main focus, with warm vanilla bean in the base.

(Just wanted to note that while Melodie asked for the Levitation phero blend in one of her bottles, I did not add it to the master bottle.)



Lisa's Lady Lavender

4 bottles available

(Chitown, Anon2F, Halo, StacyK - alternates: LadyV, ElizOSP


Lisa loves wearing her lavender essential oil, but she's sad about how fast it burns off her skin. She called me about this issue and I told her that i could make a lavender scent for her that lasts, by adding a whole bunch of different lavenders with differing qualities together, and adding some sticky amber to the base. So that's what I did - a bouquet of lavenders from all of the globe - French, Tasmanian, Indian, American, etc. Some are light and clear, some are thicker and more resinous/attar-like. She also wanted to keep the camphor quality to a minimum, so I brewed with that in mind as well. It came out gorgeous. Jessica's eyes rolled back into her head when she smelled it. If you are a lavender fan, I tell ya, this blend is hard to beat.



Lindee's My Little Cupcake

4 bottles available

(MrsChrissyRez, Hearts, Invidiana, BruiseViolet)



Lindee's Retro Cupcake

5 bottles available

(MrsChrissyRez, LadyV, Hearts, Invidiana, Gale - alternates: Celrynnya,


Lindee's two cupcake blends: The first one is her idea of recreating the aroma of those scented plastic dolls from years ago, so for the first, I included a couple of drops of plasticy novelty notes to make it smell authentic, with lots of French Vanilla which can also come off a little plasticy to some people. After Lindee received this, she asked for a second blend, one that would seem like the cupcake the doll was based upon. So, for the second blend, no novelty notes, but still the French Vanilla, and some additional pink frosting. What it ended up smelling like to me was those Sara Lee frozen cupcakes that they used to sell in the supermarket in the 1970's. They tasted delicious, but I'm sure there was nary a natural ingredient in them. They had that space-aged, pre-fab quality to them....thus the name, Retro Cupcake.



Lina's Pumpkin Cake Batter

3/10 bottles available

(Invidiana, LadyV, Liz, Gale, Celrynnya, Eggers, Halo, ElizOSP


Little to say on this one, other than it smells exactly as the name implies, and YUMMY!



Kaveri's Mother Lakshmi

1 bottles available

(Beccah - alternates: LadyVictoria, Dolphin Dolls, ElizOSP,


Isn't this image just stunning? What a beautiful woman, and such a wonderful tribute. A base of smooth white musk, over which are layered a combination of 4 lavender and 2 lotus varieties. A drop of amber in the base, and drops of cardamom and chai to spice it up just a tad.



Kaity's Pinapple Paradise

No bottles available, sorry.




The following are also available:


* 1 bottle of Stacy's Lilac Puff PhoenixOnFyre,

* 1 bottle of Melissa's Butterfly Bait

* 1 bottle of Lina's Summer Slurp

* 4 bottles of Rebecca's Dominance in Pink (1 for Anon2F, )

* 2 bottle of Rebecca's Moon Sugar (1 for Tyvey, 1 for Chitown)

* 2 bottles of Rebecca's Hot Milk & Honey

* 2 bottles of Lina's Autumn Leaves (1 for Katz, )

* 15 bottles of Lina's Candied Violet Fluff

* 2 bottles of Charlene's Blackberry Jasmine

* 1 bottle of Melissa's Creamy Iris with Copulins (LadyV)

* 1 bottle of Ann's Brown Sugar Black Amber



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Oooo...loving the Lady Lavender label! Intrigued to see the notes :w00t:

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So LV finally had that one made! Remember now, missy, you've got what you want so you let us get on with all the scents which are not buttercream rose, okay? :lol:

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Loool!!! It was a hearts and lady v prayer is magic and wishing on a star

Omg I want them all!


Dammit why do I have to go to this stupid birthday luncheon right now!!'



I think im going to want them all! I love the labels!!'

Omg the cake batter label is soo adorable and I love the vintage flamingos label

Lady lavender!!! I'm dying I love the label for Lakshmi !!!


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Really want to know what's in the Spicy Floral?

If it's not Rose I want one.

Edited by StacyK
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Time to go put on my hooker heels & convince my husband that I need that bottle of Lakshmi ;)

Lol... Do u know what's it that?


I'm thinking jasmine, curry and maybe Saffron or cardamom

Edited by StacyK
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I think I like the Mother Lakshmi label the best. I love old photographs like that. I just want to stare at them often wondering about the person and their life.

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Lol... Do u know what's it that?


I'm thinking jasmine, curry and maybe Saffron or cardamom

Yo no se, but with where I'm at in my life right now, Lakshmi, Ganesha, & Saraswati are the patron deities on my altar. ETA: Lightness of Being also looks intriguing.

Edited by Beccah
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HILARIOUS. Lots of fruits and flowers.



Pink mango creamy something.



La fleur cremeuse, obvs.



This must be chitown's cassia carnation and pepper.



Sounds faboo



Dd's pineapple & honey for her daughter?

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Incredibly exciting! They all look beautiful!


For those ladies that are curious, here are the notes I requested for my 3 PE's. Very much appreciate everyone that gave me input on them!


Mel's Lightness of Being

I requested:

Takeoff Version of levitation -Pink grapefruit Blossum, sugar, orchid + Floral vanilla.

Vibe-A balanced fruity floral. Sugary pink. Warm. Includes Levitation phero.


Mel's Romantic Nights

I requested:

sandalwood, vanilla, ylang, nutmeg

Intent- sexy scent with a warm vibe. I am envisioning something that could be worn for evenings in or romantic date nights. Pretty balanced components.


Mel's Spicy Floral:

I asked for:

Cassia, Floral note (carnation? Left it to PM), pepper.

Intent- PM's old post re spicy florals as skinny potions gave me this idea http://lovepotion.in...?showtopic=1584 I really enjoy spicy scents like LP red. The idea of combining spice with a floral sounds mucho intriguing. Then the skinny effect on top of it is a extra bonus! I am thinking sexy powerful potion that I could wear to office for power meetings or wear for a glamorous night on the town. Something that also appeals to men would be great!"

Edited by Chitown
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Spicy florals are always nice for fall, that tends to be the entire basis for the "floriental" family of fragrance. Rose and carnation are the best floral notes to use, IMO, but violet works well too if you like it. And also chrysanthemum and marigold, which like carnation have a naturally spicy characteristic.

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Dang, I want a lightness of being, that sounds great Chitown...



For My daughters, here are the notes:



Kaity's Pineapple Paradise ~Birthday


Pink Grapefruit

Mohito Lime

White / Pink Sugar (she just wants a smidge of the pink to show thru, she wants mostly the sweet aspect of the white sugar)

Edited by dolphindolls2
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I think I like the Mother Lakshmi label the best. I love old photographs like that. I just want to stare at them often wondering about the person and their life.

Well, I can fill you in on that person's life since the Lakshmi in the picture is my grandmother. :)


I made this PE for my mom for her birthday to celebrate her relationship with her mom and Mara did an amazing job. I cannot say thank you enough for helping to make my mom's day so special. My grandmother was a truly exceptional woman who loved so unconditionally and had such a gentle caring spirit that I am hardpressed to think that I'll ever meet someone else who cared the way she did.


Anyway, the label image is her sitting in front of her California home. She was the first woman in her town in India to go to college and be formally educated at the time, and she even went from India to Cali to do that. And then she came back to India and was the first female principal in her state. I have a million and one neat stories about her, but I won't bore everyone with the details just now.


Meanwhile, the scent notes I'd asked for were lotus, lavendar, cardamom, and white musk. I know Mara added in some drops of amber and chai to round out the scent. And one little dab lasts forevvvveerrrr, which is also great because that means I'll have my mom's/grandmother's PE for a long, long time. :)

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VexedGlory, that is such a beautiful story! It's so sweet to do a PE dedicated to your mom and grandma. I eventually want to do one in memory of my dad but I'm not sure exactly what notes would be right.


I'm so curious about that Retro Cupcake one. I know they used to use pineapple in a lot of desserts back in the 50s, and pineapple doesn't really like my skin much, but maybe it's something else.

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Well, I can fill you in on that person's life since the Lakshmi in the picture is my grandmother. :)


I made this PE for my mom for her birthday to celebrate her relationship with her mom and Mara did an amazing job. I cannot say thank you enough for helping to make my mom's day so special. My grandmother was a truly exceptional woman who loved so unconditionally and had such a gentle caring spirit that I am hardpressed to think that I'll ever meet someone else who cared the way she did.


Anyway, the label image is her sitting in front of her California home. She was the first woman in her town in India to go to college and be formally educated at the time, and she even went from India to Cali to do that. And then she came back to India and was the first female principal in her state. I have a million and one neat stories about her, but I won't bore everyone with the details just now.


Meanwhile, the scent notes I'd asked for were lotus, lavendar, cardamom, and white musk. I know Mara added in some drops of amber and chai to round out the scent. And one little dab lasts forevvvveerrrr, which is also great because that means I'll have my mom's/grandmother's PE for a long, long time. :)

:heart: Gods, that's WONDERFUL! I was wondering who she was. VexedGlory, when was that pic taken? When did your grandmother come to California to go to college, and which one? I'd love to hear more about her! :)

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VexedGlory, that is such a beautiful story! It's so sweet to do a PE dedicated to your mom and grandma. I eventually want to do one in memory of my dad but I'm not sure exactly what notes would be right.


I'm so curious about that Retro Cupcake one. I know they used to use pineapple in a lot of desserts back in the 50s, and pineapple doesn't really like my skin much, but maybe it's something else.

It's something else. Not exactly sure of the notes but I wanted it to smell like the opening of My Little Cupcake, pink and birthday cakey.

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Vexed Glory what an amazing story! That's a great picture!!!

I hope there's extras of that one! I loooove the notes, story, concept and label.


My PE for flamango was mango and cherry and I forget what other notes I'm ultra lazy to comb

Through emails lol. But I wanted a PE based ony latest trip to Miami. When we were leaving I noticed we didn't see any actual flamingos anywhere but they are on keychains and postcards and tee shirts and buildings. I was like- where the fuck are all the flamingos ???!!! I guess they are at the zoo. I did a PE based in the flamingos colors kinda.


Buttercream Rose is La Fleur. Yeah. :)

I want all the PEs except for pineapple ones because those sometimes smell like sour patch snatch ony skin

I hope there's tons of that pumpkin cake batter one because I know it's going to be yummy I want all the cupcakes

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